Everyone has issues and are changing

JANU:    The so-called egregious behavior of politicians in the recent news speaks to the reality that no matter the position of power, the reputation, office, estate, everyone has issues and eventually are motivated to reclaim their integrity as conscious beings. From the perspective of the Larger Life, they are children on the move, made with major reversals in self-perception and relationships that will eventually restructure their perceptions, their sense of being. Remember, they are still spiritual beings on the human journey of discovery.

The veil is thinning, here and there. The changes have already begun. The minds are asking “Why?” More and more pushing hard for answers. Represent to them the reality of their larger life with its insights, wisdom, and love of life.

Learn to support this movement of life and change. It is real and it is happening. Dignify the life of truth. Kindness is a good beginning. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2019 B                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


More on the nature of existence

JANU:    Let us examine the nature of existence, to include the physical existence. For most, the nature of life is a physical reality, due in part to the veil which each one employed with their own choice. And, yes, it is a protocol for incarnation in this particular Earth venue. The nature of existence is life expression, realization of potential of all of collective life. Now, expression of life exists more than just physically, some have said the densest of realities although this is a limited point of view.

Eventually, the question arises: “What is life itself? What are all of these expressions an expression of?” As we reach for an understandable answer to the question, we realize that the human consciousness has not evolved to the point of comprehending the simple reality of this. The nature of all of life expression is beyond the ken, for it requires an opening to reality that contains all realities, or should we say, initiates them. For one’s human perception of physicality is vastness, unlimited diversity, complexity and simplicity combined to create a reality, when the nature is life is not described in space/time. The Source of Life is unrecognizable to those oriented to space/time reality, or even subtle dimensions beyond them. Yes, in the larger understanding, the deeper understanding, life has beginning, but the beginning is beyond life, more primal, more causal. The verification of its reality is all the expression you see and are.

So the nature of existence is not contained within the ken of most. There have been those who’ve had glimpses of this, but even those glimpses are superficial. Knowing there is a nature to reality, to existence, serves the purpose of confidence in the ongoingness of life, purpose, destiny, realization, which extends to your own existence, you see, as the nature of life continues its journey of expression, evolution, realization, beingness.

A worthy subject to consider with an opening mind, deepening perception, and conscious union with life itself. A calming, stabilizing, and unifying consciousness development. Find peace in this, and namaste.
July 1, 2019                                                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Energy, then, being the theme for this morning’s discussion, is a fundamental principle of life in all creations, every level of reality. For most reality has structure, which are the properties of energy, but there are many forms of structure and energy realities. Yes, we agree. There is life, there is that which lies beyond energy, as we have said, that which creates energy but does not use it. And that which lies beyond that.

But to understand life expression through the energy creations, it is essential to open the consciousness to fundamental reality of the nature of everything. The physical body, which so many identify with, and the physical existence of their environment have a nature of energy.

“What then is energy?” you ask. It is life force with, as we say, parameters of existence, of expression, that creates structure as opportunity for relationships, patterns, cycles of expression. The body and its components one of many.

But, as we have said, life is in motion. Everything changes, whether the physical faculties of perception can detect these rates of change or not. Experiments with visual perception demonstrate that color exists beyond the physical capability of the eyes, which you have seen, so to speak. All of the physical senses have their limits in the presence of life expression that is well beyond their capabilities. Your own identity is part of this.

The consciousness is not limited to physical reality. Exists in it and beyond it. The veil makes this difficult to perceive but it is a temporary limitation. It is a protocol of incarnate life, created by the incarnating entity. It can be uncreated through discipline and the evolution of maturity.

The entire physical body is composed of atoms, particles of energy with their own parameters of existence, science having demonstrated that they come and go, seemingly out of nowhere. Which means that your human identity is not who you are; it is what you are doing. But begs the question “who’s the ‘you’ doing this?” How conscious are you of who you are, in the larger sense?

This is why it is possible to roam the physical universe, move through time and space, yes, even into the potential of the future, gaining insights and understanding and experience. Energy is the vehicle for all of these structures of life. So, in this sense, everything is connected to everything, on one level or another.

Explore energy and its reality, even the energies you’ve yet to understand or observe. Remember, whatever your attention is on, you are connected to. Become more aware of these possibilities. Explore the life that you are and its connection with everything. Namaste.
July 29, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Is life larger than you know real?

JANU:    Is the Larger Life real? What would be convincing that it is? Is your individual reality larger than human experience, human existence? Is there a larger life reality to the Earth and its creatures? If this were so, how would this change or enhance your perception of life and the life you are currently aware of?

Valid questions, you see, when confronted with what lies beyond current perception. Enormous are the possibilities. What does life include? Is there reality beyond life? Are you open to the possibility that life is larger than your current understanding? What is reality? What is life? Who or what are you? What is your relationship to a larger existence? And why do you exist at all?

The more you know, the more you are conscious of, the more you are connected to, the wiser your choices, the more fully your potential can manifest, your powers of creativity expand. You enrich life in new ways. Health and well-being can be realized.

Food for thought, thoughts that open windows of understanding and experience. Own your potential. Allow it to flourish. Find peace, beauty, joy, and profound love of life. Namaste.
July 15, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Observing with no frame of reference

JANU:    This evening’s journey represents the best tradition of service as it pertains to the scale of life. When examining or considering this scale, from the smallest particle to the largest venue, from the human perspective, there exist elements of life not limited to this point of view. These elements of life coexist with your dimensional reality and they are life elements that perceive life in a completely different manner, but they are life nonetheless, and we serve them as well. For there is a common thread to all of life, but life possesses aspects of itself that do not know of each other’s existence.

What we serve this evening is an awareness in this area of understanding. There is wisdom in these isolations of life, and there is wisdom in bridging this isolation at times. This evening’s encounter becomes the bridge. And in this case, service includes mutual enlightenment, expansion of consciousness, and life touching life, even as we speak.   (Extended pause)

These elements of life do not think as you do or have any of the senses of perception that you do. The awareness of their existence is more in the direction of a sense of each other as part of a greater more inclusive being aligned with a peace that knows no fear. These elements of life are not consumed with power, possessions, construction, technology, craft for exploration. Their existence is better understood as pure being without form.

This evening’s journey is an exercise in opening to life that outwardly seems to have no familiarity, but can be known. So what frame of reference does one use to explore a reality that seems to have none, yet is reality in its own being, and part of life? Much to consider here, and namaste.
Sept. 25, 2012 B                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. 


Understanding coexistence

JANU: We are surveying with you the reality of peace among human society. The manifestation of discord and its correspondence to nature is seemingly endless, the need to consume or be consumed, one of the basic instincts in human consciousness that perpetuate this amongst themselves and with the natural kingdom. It comes from survival, survival with a limited view, ignorance of life ongoing beyond the physical. Survival seems threatened by each other, by nature, by infestation.

How can this change and society change with it? By not only realizing but owning and experiencing the larger reality of your own being, the eternal nature of existence, a consciousness free of limitation and a growing oneness with all of life, realizing that we survive together or perish separately.

Variations on this understanding exist throughout the universe. Peace is coming to terms with this, owning the understanding and reality of coexistence, exploring the reality of coexistence and all that it means. What does the “co” part of coexistence mean? Observing another individual and experiencing the reality of coexisting. This is the Larger Life, no longer just individual existence but coexistence, partnerships in life, a higher form of co-dependency, Essential Nature.

This is the theme for this journey: Humanity learning and growing into peaceful coexistence, where everyone benefits from everything and each other. Namaste.
May 6, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Reality beyond the five senses

JANU: One probes the questions: “Is what is imagined real? Is the unseen, from the human perspective, real?”

How does one explore reality beyond the physical senses? You attune to it with an open mind and heart, centered in integrity and peace, with a desire to know. Yes, we are real, our brother, ‘we’ meaning the larger you. Testimony to this is your experience within a human form by a consciousness growing in its awareness of more.

Inner sight, direct knowing of that beyond the five senses, the experiences and abilities of so many awakening, the evidence is growing. Whatever you manage to observe changes with each visit as more is revealed. Not contradicting each other, these visits, but adding to each other. Memories of past existences; spontaneous awarenesses; insights into the well-being of the body and its needs; the healing of the pain or suffering of others, including their choice and concerns; reaching out to the creatures of the Earth and understanding them and their response to your contact. And the list goes on, our brother.

Dwell on your own reality and experience its evolution. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The journey of journeys

JANU:    We are celebrating, if you will, a common term echoing the larger meaning, rejoicing, if you will: ‘Peace on Earth.’ Goodwill, the so-called Second Coming, the awakening of Christ Consciousness, commitment to each other, an opening of the consciousness to the larger reality of Life, including human existence, in the life of the planet. These things occur and spawn a journey into the Larger Life of which the Earth is a part, not only a physical reality, you see, but with consciousness, energy, and its own brand, if you will, of creativity. Everything you are aware of has a larger reality.

We have spoken of integrity. Now we speak of fraternity. A brotherhood of humanity is not the only brotherhood in the universe, our brother. Andromeda has one as well, in fact many. There even exist fraternities of worlds of longstanding. And there are those who are conscious of worlds beginning to emerge consciously into the Larger Life, of which the Earth is one.

How does one describe realities beyond the words of one reality? It is by employing the larger reality of one’s own being to discover and connect with what coexists. Not limited to journeys of so-called machines of space or physical limitations of the body, you see, but using the faculties one was born with and will have after passing, so to speak.

Discovering and connecting with the rest of your Nature, whether incarnate or not, is the journey of journeys. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Grace speaks to many levels of consciousness having to do with style, character, compatibility, peace, forgiveness, balance, and tolerance, allowing for understanding that transcends any judgement. It is through grace that you are created. It is through grace that you continue. It is through grace that love exists.

What we are suggesting here is to allow for the reality of grace to modify your thoughts, emotions, desires, decisions. Get to know and sense the presence of this reality of life. There is nothing that can’t be accomplished through grace. Dwell on this. Love it into your life. It is the true power of peace.

Let there be an understanding that the law of grace is the reality of kindness that life has for all of its creation. Not to be seen as a layer of something added to experience, but more as part of the True Nature of life. Now, kindness is a limited term. It is a product of pure love. Namaste.
Aug. 27, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Merging of inner & outer life explored

JANU:       We are speaking of your new awareness of the reality of co-existence. Let us begin by saying that there needs be a point of reference to establish concurrence with the norms of life. Let that be, then, that which urges you to complete more fully the union of consciousness diametrically opposed to ignorance. To be conscious and aware of this reality, let there be then a negotiation between the inner and outer life allowing the truth of each to find common ground and experience. The co-existence reality previously unaware of is a transition in consciousness that waits for validation while remaining open to the possibility. Examples of this occur when ideas form, insights that pick up on the flow of life occurring in the daily routine, unbeckoned.

Allow new understandings of life to settle in, so to speak, find their footing, establish themselves in such a way that the understanding and the experience blossoms. They can be rejected by choice in the manner of previous ignorance, but their wisdom, their reasonableness holds sway. Negotiating life successfully is enhanced by these new awarenesses. Namaste.
June 27, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s Note: Co-existence for our purposes goes beyond the idea of ‘existing side by side’ and the vague notion that we are all ‘one.’ We have explored the concept that the individuality identity, the human ego, is a small part of a much larger reality and hopefully come to experience and explore parts of this larger reality. Co-existence involves a conscious integration of all the elements of your consciousness. This expands your identity and connection consciously to fuller understanding of the concept of oneness.

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.