Navigating life: Choices

JANU: We are encouraging at this time the focus upon navigating life, a fundamental and important subject of exploration. The models employed have everything to do with outcomes, achievement. Study your goals in life. What is important? What do you wish to carry with you from one journey to the next? Challenges and opportunities can be two masks of the same thing. Learn from each model you employ.

Using boxing as an analogy, when life throws you a punch, do you accept it? Do you fight back? Or do you choose to let it pass by? Explore the outcomes of these three and what they produce. Humans as a civilization deal with these: wars of conflict, negotiation, diplomacy, and redirection.

Incarnate life is but a portion of the larger life. What does mastering it look like? For some, it is as a moment. For some, it is an eternity of suffering and struggle. For some, a moment of freedom and peace and personal achievement. And for many more, other venues of life are chosen. We of the Brotherhood of Light choose freedom in the midst of challenges and opportunity. Incarnate life is not the only venue for this.

So weigh the merits of every challenge or opportunity. Choose wisdom, sanity, integrity, and insight to guide you. There is no right or wrong in your choice, only outcome. Always free to choose with the strength to do so. Find peace in your choice and journey on. Namaste.

Jan. 14, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Sanity in the midst of confusing changes

JANU: The at-one experience is begun in small ways, for the revelations of understanding and experience can overwhelm the human consciousness, but it does change perspective on the Order of Life as a system. For some, the embrace of a larger identity that includes the human experience is feared as a loss of certainty as to who they are, for they cherish what they know and are uncertain about anything else. For the awakening person, the identity is already shifting and they are more comfortable with the change, but also impatient and a bit unwise in their zeal.

The larger life is always there. Time does not diminish this reality. There are thresholds of awakening and when each is neared there can be an underlying anticipation of this and the human can feel a growing sense of urgency to fully realize the threshold. The guidance of your True Nature is particularly useful at this stage. Evolution in consciousness can be a bumpy road with confusions and challenges to what you’re used to in ways of thinking and perceiving. Old capabilities being changed by new ones.

So what do you center on, hang on to, our brother? Confidence that the Truth is, and is at the heart of it all and the flow of life. Desiring the best for others and a willingness to serve and uplift brings sanity to confusion, remembering that they have their path as well. Inspiring without interference is an interesting balance. Namaste.

Nov. 20, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Choosing a better day

JANU: Observing the questions, the desires, and the interests of humanity, a large portion concerned with health, relying on others to provide the answers. When in pain or overwhelmed with symptoms, it is more difficult to reach within so we say “Practice this in advance of illness and it will be more natural and effective during it.” And in many cases the insight gained will forewarn you of lifestyle that predisposes one for imbalance.

Another common interest is finances, financial wealth, including shelter and basic needs. In many cases, overindulgence, ineffective money management, and a lack of a savings plan create these conditions. It is possible to enjoy life that brings balance to perspective without requiring financial resources. A growing ability to find peace within, explore life and consciousness, revisit many pleasant experiences and memories, and enjoying nature is a good beginning.

Many are consumed with trepidation as to their future, including their families, their children, the nation, the government, so many elements of life. Living more in the Now brings you vision and a release from limiting concerns and an openness to adaptability to meet change and understand the nature of all of these. Living in the present is far more peaceful and rewarding than anticipating the change of the future and allows you to perceive what lives in the moment and be in harmony with it.

All of this takes practice, including letting go of limiting emotions and thoughts. The burden of these can be a source of depression. In some ways, the source of the future is your choices today. Programming your day and your tomorrow with the media perpetuates limitation and fear and distrust, which feeds the very situations that are undesirable. People choose wars, power over others, and whether realized or not, they choose poverty and illness.

Look at your choices every day. Determine if they support your true desires. Clear thinking, and opening a listening heart and mind, and a love of self translate into a better day. Namaste.

Nov. 12, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Allowing your identity to expand

JANU: Concerns have arisen as to the nature of prolonged and progressed whole body communication, meaning all of the levels of our existence. It is, indeed, a reality, our brother, to be conscious as one, but it’s not the same as only conscious as human. Identity expansion is a major component of the experience, and an identity no longer seemingly separate from others.

To be conscious on more than one level simultaneously is a balancing of the finest order. The pace of this awakening is in part based upon the ability to maintain a healthy balance, an equilibrium, and a deepening sanity. Humans hang on to their human identity as if it were a matter of life or death, being or not being, control or no control, the loss of integrity. It is none of these, our brother. The larger, more universal consciousness is part of the natural flow of life.

At present, being conscious as only part of who you are, yet there is much more. The human experience is only part of who you are. Slowly allow the elements of your being to merge into one, but with many capabilities, faculties, and the wisdom that comes with them. Many have, and are walking this path, our brother. As we have said before, it may not be common, but it is natural. The love that you are is more easily expressed and understood as this progresses. And peace is fundamental. Namaste.
Nov. 6, 2015 B                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding dichotomies as spectrums of life

JANU: One point to be made in the discussion of sanity, at the delineation between insanity and sanity, must acknowledge a parent that allows them both, the spectrum of life that includes what appears to be a dichotomy as one source, the sanity of being at one with all of life. Can anyone say there is no insanity anywhere in their life?

Manifestations of life have a spectrum of being in order to explore all possibilities. The range of unmanifest to manifest is a spectrum with unlimited possibilities. The dichotomy of sanity and insanity, as it seems to be, is a spectrum of life. So to favor one end of the spectrum from the other limits the options of understanding and experience. These are limited terms that limit understanding of this particular spectrum of life. It is possible to explore, in an intimate way, the entire spectrum and gain understanding and wisdom more profoundly.

You asked earlier, “Is the choice to incarnate a sane one?” One incarnates, our brother, to explore that particular spectrum of life and through the experience comes understanding and appreciation of the choice. Many shades of gray, so to speak, to be absorbed, dealt with. So explore seeming dichotomies in life as spectrums with a range of experience, understanding, and wisdom. Be at peace and namaste.

Oct. 7, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding sanity

JANU: We are firming up the diagnosis of the human condition as it pertains to its intimacy with the larger life, the life that is its future and its present. The human condition at this time reflects a growing uncertainty as to its future. The consensus of our opinion is that humanity will choose to see insanity for what it is and where it is.

You ask, “What is sanity, then, in this venue of exploration?” It is that which belongs to the Orders of Life that continue to exist and demonstrate the evolution of potential and the realization of destiny. Sanity chooses to gain, from experience, an advancement and understanding that reveals more of the truth of life inherent within any reality. Sanity is living life, of your choice, bringing about change with a sense of deepening purpose, then fulfillment. Sanity observes the Truth of Life without bias. Sanity appreciates the merit in the flow of life that its collective movement, even in the moment by moment of an individual and their experiences, imprints their consciousness.

A growing sanity embodies the eternal sanity of life and the commitment to oneness called ‘love.’ Choosing sanity is a wise path to choose. Always deepen your understanding of the Truth of Life some call ‘the Light.’ Namaste.

Nov. 6, 2014 B                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross