The principles of life

JANU: We are employing at this time that which belongs to a deep understanding of the principles of life. What is this application we speak of, then, but one to unite humanity with the theme of its existence, which is the path of mastership and beyond. A degree of mastership can be achieved in any of life’s paths to wisdom.

These principles of life have to do with becoming one with opportunities to understand.

Another principle is to see clearly and, with unending depth, the truth of anything, any part of life, including its evolutionary changes.

Another principle is adaptation, to move with changes.

Another is the freedom to choose identification.

Another is the freedom to be.

Another is the reality of service to any part of life.

There are many more, our brother. Become conscious, then, of these principles of life as you serve life with depth of understanding. Namaste.

June 26, 2015 B                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mastering challenges

JANU:    What is a life challenge, then? What are its merits? What success at wisdom comes from these challenges? Challenges can be found in every part of life. And what is the measure of success for any of these? The success is the wisdom gained, our brother, and the freedom to move on. You envision, at times, existence without challenges. A challenge can be both troublesome or a delight. The result is the same, the opportunity is the same: the ongoingness of life, mastership, and the movement through life of that needed to overcome a challenge.

How many see a difficult challenge, physical or otherwise, as an opportunity to gain understanding and a beneficial experience? Most of the energy and thought is against the challenge, attempting to push it away, ignore it, resolving it without enduring it. Some challenges can appear to be life threatening in the incarnate life. It is still an opportunity to experience its manifestation, and your ability to overcome, or repeat the life pattern at another time. Some challenges are opportunities to excel, to embrace, to find solutions, to serve life in some way.

Move from a perception that any challenge has any power over you, only what you allow it. Engage your challenges through the power of your True Nature, the Eternal You. Not to obliterate the challenge, but to master it, growing stronger with each success. Challenges are not your enemy in life, no matter the form they take. Patience with the course of each challenge yields the richness it has for you.

June 27, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mastership through service

JANU: We are fostering then delving into the dance of life a few are engaged in. This being ‘mastership and service.’ They both go hand in hand, for they enhance each other and they are one in more ways than some realize. These quoted words, “let the greatest among you be the servant of all,” are wise. When this is your theme, your model for awakening, the cart never gets before the horse. Perspective is maintained, priorities honored, protocols enhanced, and the Light expands.

The goal isn’t mastership alone. The goal is serving life, which is the source of the blessings and the mastership. For none of these exist without life itself. And what is the value of mastership without service? It becomes self-serving only and must be called something else.

So, the journey begins, you see, with the love of life, the love of service, and all that that includes. We know it is difficult to love in a balanced and masterful way the expressions of life that seem the opposite of your desires. But that will come in time, our brother, as the human consciousness evolves.

Consider carefully what threshold in your life you observe life from. The more evolved you are, the clearer the vision, the more you see and understand, and this changes how you relate to what you see and understand. Being ‘above it all,’ or removed, is not the perspective here. The larger perspective is to be in service, one with it all.

How can you truly love one part of life and not another? Loving and agreeing with are not the same. Being on the path of life, in the midst of so many dichotomies and changes, is a privilege. So much to learn and understand and grow in service to. This is rich indeed.

Patience beyond description. Compassion without limit. Understanding without rancor or condemnation. These are some of the hallmarks of mastership through a life of service. And mastership, our brother, is only the beginning. Namaste.

May 29, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Responsible observation of yourself and others

JANU: We are sandwiching in between episodes the more transparent part of the physical journey. ‘Transparent’ meaning that which is easier to see through. Some would say it’s easier to see through the ego and mind of another than of oneself. But it only seems so. How can you appraise another’s path you haven’t walked? What, then, do you base it upon? Seeing what’s in yourself can be completely yours.

What determines, then, the ease of rendering a reality in your life transparent? How much you own who you are. Your True Nature has this ability to see through the masks that are worn. The question remains: Do you really want to see behind your masks? Can you find peace with these revelations?

When you attempt to see behind the masks of others, it opens the door for judgement, condemnation, and the desire to convey these revelations to others, to the person whom you observe. But they can’t own these things, hearing from you. They must confront and own these on their own. You cannot grow for another. But you can inspire by example.

When observing any part of life, what are you capable of observing and understanding? Profound knowledge bears responsibility. Great care must be taken to inspire the sovereignty of another. Observe and understand what you may, but be kind and loving to others, and harmless. Namaste.

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Mastering your many interests

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us not be confused by the many scenarios of life but cast our attention upon those that make sense for our current endeavors. There can be a tendency to consider so many alternatives to the path to be taken that decisions are hard to make or commit to. Attempting to explore all possibilities on any subject is a dance of futility, for you will never be aware of all the possibilities in any direction in life. Pick one that rings true, makes sense, and is encouraged by your sensitivity to it, always open to the flow that changes.

Avoid the temptation to cast doubt and gloom on a desire by way of anticipation of not having the time to complete it. If that is your focus, that will be your experience. You are the co-creator of your life, so create it as if it were already yours. Even the most committed being, to a particular endeavor to master and complete, does so by way of many talents and interests and experiences that can be drawn upon. There is a synergism to all of life and all of its possibilities. Keep your heart, and your mind, your imagination, and your confidence open to a full life. The number of days matters not. The moment matters.

Enjoy life and many interests. There is no requirement or tradition that you must have only one interest in life to master it. Dip your toe, so to speak, many times into the flow of life. How else will you know the wisdom of any choice? You are incarnate to experience and to serve. What we do with that remains to be seen. Namaste.

May 28, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

What is awakening?

JANU: Elements of this morning’s journey will be considered as temporary perspectives on the facets of the jewel that is humanity. The journey of awakening is not a simple one, but there is a fundamental truth to it, that being: it is a journey of profound changes and revealed so-called ‘mysteries’ and the realization of unforeseen potentials. Temporary in the sense of ever changing and evolving.

From the incarnate perspective, the question always arises: When? How fast, and what can be done to accelerate this? The answer to the ‘when?’ is when you are ready. The matter of accelerating awakening must consider the aspects of awakening that are not physical, beyond time/space. The maturity to deal successfully with what awakening affords is a process. Self-mastery arises in these considerations to include patience, sensitivity to conditions of the moment, insightful awareness of the trends in your life, and a growing realization and sense of the nature of your relationships with everything, a growing sense of the flow of life and your relationship with it. Is any part of your life swimming against this dream, or are you flowing with it? Can you see these changes in others, and understand them?

Awakening is not measured in time or speed. How can it be, when it is an eternal, growing reality? So you see, the goal here is not the awakening but the realization of it, what your consciousness and being evolve into in so many ways. Where do you begin to measure that? What terms?

Being at True Peace and growing into this more and more is part of a journey that embraces an unlimited journey. Awakening is not a thing, but a growing embrace of life with profound changes. Namaste.

Feb. 18, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Humanity is on its path of self-mastery and discovery. The struggles observed at this time are the ’shaking-out’ periods, so to speak, of misconceptions and perceptions, ignorance, and fear. What we encourage at this time is to prevail upon your own path of self-mastery to achieve your goals and, in so doing, become a light of self-mastery for others. Not imposing, not making declarations, and not attracting attention, but enriching life in the ways that contribute to supporting those who make a choice for a better life.

For the mastery to evolve, hard choices must be made, commitments developed, and the letting go of individual obstacles to the path of choice. In this way, individuals own what they achieve and the doubts melt away. Impatience has no role in this, for evolvement is a timeless reality, not to be measured in that way.

Many of the insights, pearls of understanding, will come from the next generations in their youth and in their upbringing, for the veil is lifting, you see, even for them. There is a need to be sensitive to the insights of the youth. They bring the light with them, for they have walked your journey before and retained more and more of the wisdom and the experience.

Self-mastery is a path worthy of much consideration, introspection, and evolution in consciousness. As this evolves, more and more people will observe this and consider their own place in life. The ‘shaking-out’ time makes a lot of noise, if you will, attempting to convince themselves of their power, but without understanding. Violence is not powerful, not in the truest sense. It is just noisy, the alternative to True Power that cannot move forward, stuck in repeating cycles of the same thing. But True Power is always refreshing, renewing, and enriching life.

Be patient. Be diligent. Be open. Be conscious. And embrace the opportunities that await you. Namaste.

Feb. 2, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross
Previous journey in Self-mastery



JANU: We are hammering away again, if you will, at this concept of self-mastery. And “What is meant by this?” you ask. It is to be in conscious control, at one with, all of your faculties, motivations, purposes, relationships, and well-being. And what is in control is not the ‘personality-ego’ or mundane interests but the whole you that is your true Nature.

A central theme of awakening is not only “what are you awakening to?” but “what is awakening–what is the being?” A profound question, answered as you mature and contribute to life. We do not mean the power to manipulate at the expense of life around you, but to serve life in its countless destinies. And, in so doing, come to realize and understand in the most profound ways you are that life. Moving from individual consciousness only to universal consciousness, some call ‘Cosmic Consciousness.’

Structured life, form, boundaries, limitations are created by life that is not limited. Both are necessary. Both co-exist. And both serve each other. This beginning of understanding of the function of life.   We of the Brotherhood of Light are still growing in this direction, understanding there is much more beyond this principle. The principle being a doorway or window.

We speak of service, but what is doing the service, our brother? What is its authority, its True Power, its nature? The wisdom that comes from loving life selflessly, simply, enduringly, with the patience of eternity, with the strength of True Peace. Self-mastery, our brother, is a grand journey indeed. Let us begin. Namaste.

Jan. 14, 2015 B                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross