Serving and being life

JANU:    Service is an opportunity for those who progress along those lines which we have demonstrated. Service is an alignment of, an attunement to, the conditions of reality. Reality for many in this environment of Earth, their confidence or faith in the future—and the future can mean today or tomorrow.

So let us focus on this. Becoming conscious of and experiencing the beauty of the moment of life—its eternal nature, its strength, its depth, its presence, its destiny—brings peace and confidence to those who discover it includes them. So let us inspire a sense of being part of Life itself and all it is and can be. It puts challenges in perspective, realizing they are not all-powerful. They are subject to the power of Life. Cast the Light, the Truth of Life, on all you see. Without judgement, condemnation, or ridicule, but with love.

What is more powerful and omnipresent than Life? There is peace in this. Honor, contribute to, and love Life. It is who and what you are. It is who and what everyone is. Be the Family of Life, with each step. Namaste.
Aug. 28, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Solutions to desires

JANU:    Looking for answers to inquiries begins with a concern for solutions, paths to victory, procedures, formulas. Far too rigid for the flow of opportunity to speak simply. Let us forgo these and proceed with what is truly in the heart to be part of: a loving and caring exchange that inspires both. Each concerned with each other, as well as themselves. Look for basic desires, emotions, wonderings, solutions that lead to more. Step by step approaches, allowing for time for them to evolve.

The magic of service is the first step taken without requiring an observable conclusion or outcome. Potential has many faces or possibilities. What is important is what is in front of you. Be at peace in the quest, allowing the elements of life to combine in a natural way. Solutions have a harmonious nature. Pay attention and allow. Namaste.
Aug. 11, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Surveyance or observation can have different tones to it, and styles. One can be observation without engagement. Another can be engagement, with more experience, intimacy. We have known for some time that the form of observation can change appropriate to the moment of that being observed. The consciousness of the moment, of the observer and that observed, have a potential for a disciplined approach that includes mutual benefit and even service to Life. This is true when observing others, whether human or not, any living creature, even worlds. Patience is the key here, as well as motivation, desires.

Researching Life can be dominantly intellectual. Intimacy in observation allows for empathy. A structure to service ensues with natural qualities. Team effort with a multiple of servers. The objects of observation bring unity and harmony that progresses with the flow of life. Becoming integrated consciously with the composite of Life brings depth to the experience. But change is Life in motion, evolving. So what does one hang on to then, if the illusion of stability is entertained?

Being comfortable with change and those patterns in motion gives confidence in outcomes, opportunities, and potential. Exploring Life in motion reveals much. Consider this when opening to a growing understanding and intimacy with Life, including your own. Namaste.
June 23, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Choosing leaders

JANU: The struggle for power has two faces. One is greed. The other is service. The physical faces are clear around the world. The ones of service look for opportunity that has the potential for success. The ones of greed see success in confusion, manipulation of truth, the weakness of others. Observing each pattern for its truth is the discernment needed.

Greed or service—two sides of the same coin of human consciousness. The choice is clear when looking for leadership and the choice has always been with the individual. They both require commitment. The results are opposite. The leaders of the world are not the only ones facing the choice. The challenge is universal. The details can be complicated and have many faces, many representations, and sometimes the motivations are mixed.

An increasing sensitivity in consciousness of the difference in every situation is useful. The inner wisdom of the True Nature, of experience, is a resource to draw upon. Do not underestimate insight and your True Nature. Anger and frustration cloud the mind, the judgement, block wisdom. Be at peace always and the clarity will come. Namaste.
Mar. 4, 2024                                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Assembled once more an entourage of committed delegates of the Truth of Life we refer to as the Light. These delegates of Light have a collective experience and wisdom of many sojourns, and, yes, from other worlds as well. They have fundamental themes of existence, common in their love of life. They sing a song, so to speak, of the forgiveness of frailty among the steppingstones and stumbling stones on the path of the evolution of consciousness.

Evolution is the theme here. What does it mean to be evolving? Which is the path of reality that always continues. Evolution is the path of life that continues to explore and manifest potential, which is evolving as well. “What is Life’s potential?” you ask. Words cannot contain this, but sense can taste it. It is the freedom to be in motion, discovering, revealing, absorbing complex relationships in the diversity of life.

This delegation is evolving as well and has a relationship by being present, by observing, and by being compatible. Service is a mutual relationship of which they are an example. Service is an exchange, giving and receiving simultaneously in both directions. So, as you touch life, accept life’s touching as well. You speak of conscious union. Its nature is, in part, this form of relationship. Touch and be touched. Love and allow love. Breathe in and breathe out, simultaneously.

The details of existence, of expression, are part of life but not all of it. Allow the sensation of ‘being.’ Life is. Love is. We are. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2023                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



Being all you have gained

JANU: Incurring responsibility takes many forms. Many forms are needed for the needs are diverse and many. Service to life takes many forms as well and many are needed. One not greater than another, but different enough to fulfill the most needs. Your confusion in this area is due to awakening to the different forms of service and ability to respond.

What we see in this is the power and effectiveness of being. Not just words and ideas but presence, qualities, potential. Consciousness and vitality, the presence of Life, go hand in hand. Holding the need of another into the Light, the Truth of Life, is a subtle doorway of Light to be shined upon the need of another. Their consciousness, their desire to know, to be and understand, is their key to unlock opportunity, insight, and potential.

Do not underestimate the universal continuous presence of Life and its vitality. Being this is significant, reinforcing, bringing into clearer consciousness what has been gained. Build the stronger foundation for that yet to be gained in beingness. Embrace this with clarity that grows. Not just an idea, you see, or philosophy, but an actual presence, a part of life and its universality, its oneness, its connectedness with everything. Reinforce this foundation with this in mind, of becoming more fulfilled and fulfilling. Namaste.
Oct. 26, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The Larger Life

JANU:    There are conditions in life that call for a perspective on a scale that seems absurd to most. These conditions prevail and become rewarding challenges, not only for those who accept them but for the expressions of life, all life. Serving the Earth for many would seem to be presumptuous, but the Earth is part of the larger opportunity for supporting the evolution of Life, not only for other worlds but much larger realities as well. Physical existence of the universe is one of many universes, and there are realities of life that are more subtle and diverse. Being conscious and more in touch with the Larger Life brings about changes in one’s perspective and relationship with everything.

This seemingly minute existence has potential beyond the imagination of most. Reflections of time, space, size, distance, and expansion have their reality but also limited. Identity becomes a challenge as well. The appreciation and embracing of an evolving identity, from the personal to the impersonal, is in the same order of the Larger Life which includes everything. So what makes one reality more important than another? It depends upon where you stand in your perception of life. Judging realities by importance is a limitation in perspective.

So, as we explore Life, and are inspired to serve it, we do so not as a separate observer but as one with Life itself and all of its realities. Once again, this would seem presumptuous to most but their perspectives and realities of consciousness have value and importance for all of these are part of Life. Understanding oneness, experiencing it, collective realities, relationships, their origins, their potential and their manifestation is an identity in consciousness and experience. The phrase “Larger Life” is ever present, as is what it represents. Namaste.
July 2, 2023                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A spark of light in a dark tunnel

JANU:     To a glimpse a light while traveling through a dark tunnel, one must open their consciousness to the Light within them, for it has always been there, no matter how dark the journey seems to be. Many worlds are going through and have gone through this, you see.

Today’s journey brings us to such a one, whose light in the population has diminished for some time, in their perception. Encouragement is the key, whether in group or individually, and evidence of this is convincing. Be open to a dream, a vision, a moment of insight, to that which would give you peace, happiness, joy, whether in your own life or that of another. These are seeds from the Larger Life, which is your Nature. Serving yourself and others is serving Life, for they are one. Your resource for this journey is endless. It takes only one moment of light to open the door to understanding, solutions, successes, victories, strength, and a love that won’t be denied.

The Earth is such a world. Traveling the Larger Life serves humanity as well, for these sparks of light exist everywhere, only to be touched. So, touch a light by desiring it, placing great value in hope for it. Allow yourself the experience and remember those you’ve already had. The Larger Life is full of these. Take the journey to other worlds, including your own, and feel the power of true peace. Namaste.
May 22, 2023                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Bring harmony to the vehicles

JANU: Harmonizing of the vehicles, from the personality-ego point of view, is one of support and enrichment. In the presence of the opportunities of challenge, employ this. It opens the door to assisting others in the same direction as an opportunity, not imposing upon what they choose. Through this activity, one will become more conscious of their Nature, what they are as a being, and the presence of the power and beauty of life. We encourage this and will remind as requested.

Let this be so. Be at peace. We are one. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Reach and grasp

JANU:   Enumerating the disciplines involved in the pursuit of evolution and service, we must insist upon the recognition that willing commitment, not as drudgery, must be present for the doors to open, the doors of opportunity, courage, quality, understanding, insight, and evolution. Now, personal revelation and achievement fuels commitment and enthusiasm. When reach seems beyond your grasp, let not reach blind you from what is grasped. Reach is the pull; achievement is the fuel. Enjoy what you have achieved, anticipating more. Give each their due. And the thread of Life elongates, becomes richer. Remember this. Namaste.
Apr. 20, 2023                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross