Mastership through service

JANU: We are fostering then delving into the dance of life a few are engaged in. This being ‘mastership and service.’ They both go hand in hand, for they enhance each other and they are one in more ways than some realize. These quoted words, “let the greatest among you be the servant of all,” are wise. When this is your theme, your model for awakening, the cart never gets before the horse. Perspective is maintained, priorities honored, protocols enhanced, and the Light expands.

The goal isn’t mastership alone. The goal is serving life, which is the source of the blessings and the mastership. For none of these exist without life itself. And what is the value of mastership without service? It becomes self-serving only and must be called something else.

So, the journey begins, you see, with the love of life, the love of service, and all that that includes. We know it is difficult to love in a balanced and masterful way the expressions of life that seem the opposite of your desires. But that will come in time, our brother, as the human consciousness evolves.

Consider carefully what threshold in your life you observe life from. The more evolved you are, the clearer the vision, the more you see and understand, and this changes how you relate to what you see and understand. Being ‘above it all,’ or removed, is not the perspective here. The larger perspective is to be in service, one with it all.

How can you truly love one part of life and not another? Loving and agreeing with are not the same. Being on the path of life, in the midst of so many dichotomies and changes, is a privilege. So much to learn and understand and grow in service to. This is rich indeed.

Patience beyond description. Compassion without limit. Understanding without rancor or condemnation. These are some of the hallmarks of mastership through a life of service. And mastership, our brother, is only the beginning. Namaste.

May 29, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Prayer and blessings

JANU: We are exploring the reality that attuned prayer is powerful indeed. Prayer evolves in its potential and its service, in its capability, according to many things, including the commitment and understanding of the one praying, the receptivity of the one receiving, and the wisdom behind it all. To initiate or call for a prayer does not require a profound understanding of the need of another, but a growing sense of the presence of life, capable of such, and through that sense leaving all doubt behind. The call for a blessing allows for the elements of life to constitute the blessing in a perfect way. So why not initiate a blessing when there’s an inner call to do so, as one observes life around them? Now, observation, our brother, is not limited to eyesight but includes inner knowing, empathy and connection, sensitivity to the challenges of living.

Specific blessing can occur when attuned with understanding to a specific need. But even then acknowledges the source of the blessing is larger. You ask, “Can one effectively ask a blessing for themselves?” The answer is yes, our brother, still acknowledging the source of the blessing is larger than themselves, which may include insights into changes in lifestyle, attitude and consciousness, emotions, and self-appraisal. Or may observe the presence of a being or beings appearing in different ways as involved with the blessing, but allowing your consciousness that these beings are part of a larger life, a larger wisdom, and are well suited to the blessing. And always let there be a foundation of gratitude that life is in motion and responds to prayer.

So, don’t hesitate to pray for blessings. For prayed for in this way, no harm can come. Namaste.

May 1, 2015                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the veil

JANU:    Understanding the veil, indeed, our brother. So common in the human experience, so little understood. Let us proceed in this direction of understanding as we progress with the awakening of humanity.

Awakening, you see, is not just overcoming the veil, but the development of character, personality, consciousness, integrity, and commitment to bring the truth of the larger life into the human experience. And not just for humanity’s sake, you see, but for the sake of the maturity, evolution of the physical part of life.

Those that incarnate into humanity have experienced physicality without the use of the veil. What this results in is a consciousness that meanders in and out of incarnation. Shall we say: a limited form of incarnation, not experiencing and learning the qualities we outlined, for there was no need. It was too easy not to.

These restrictions on consciousness are self-imposed, not by human personality but by the True Nature. It also provides a level playing field, if you will, for those who do incarnate. For one not to be taken unduly advantage of, during the journey, by others. The veil becoming more porous is the result of developing these qualities to where the consciousness becomes a blessing for the human experience and supports its potential and destiny.

You ask, “Where does the veil reside? How does it function?” Its reality is not for the manipulation of or analysis of the unawakened mind, for truly it would be interfered with and abuse would ensue in relationship with others in one’s own life. Witness those who have developed psychic abilities while incarnate, many of which take advantage, not to be of greater service but to become dominant and gain advantage. Enlightened and awakened beings realize that True Power has always been theirs. Unawakened see power as an advantage. True Power serves, our brother, has always been, and requires nothing from another. Apparent power requires everything of that nature from another being to ensure advantage. It has cycles of existence. Nothing eternal about it, you see.

The veil is the Great Regulator of the journey of consciousness into the regions of life that are evolving. Your expansion of consciousness and perception is an indicator of your maturity. The veil is not your enemy. It is your guarantor of your own making. Patience, peace, commitment, love of self and others, forgiveness, allowing, and service. These are on your path to freedom, our brother. Build your wisdom into the nature of life and who you are. Be diligent. Namaste.

Apr. 12, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Investing in life

JANU:    We are building once more an understanding and this one pertains to goals and achievements on the journey of life. We speak much of awakening here, but in a way awakening is the result of goals and achievements in consciousness and its investment in wherever you are, whether physicality, other worlds, other realities. The investment in life that you are capable of affords your experience to include greater opportunity to serve life. A life that invests in life is at one with the realization of potential through your True Nature.

And you ask, “What sort of investments produce the results of awakening?” The investments, our brother, are given to life, given to others, and they have a profound quality of a love for life that becomes your identity. Some have referred to this as Christ consciousness, a love for all life. The form this love takes depends upon the service and the need. Being an observer only is not the engagement we speak of here. Investing who you are is.

Become a blessing for others, without drawing attention to yourself. Become the invisible server that is part of your destiny. Enrich the atmosphere of life for others to partake of. Invest in True Peace that opens the channel within each one to creativity and the flow of life. Be a channel for blessings, insights, the Truth of Life, that people can find within them all that they need, as they choose. No longer just the observer, our brother, but one who invests in life what they have gained. Namaste.

Apr. 13, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Researching consciousness

JANU: We are awakening this morning to the reality of absorbing the next phase, or wave, of human endeavor to expand its dominion. There are those currently in your world researching, experimenting with the reality of expanding consciousness. They do so with a determination that they will master themselves and life, the life that they suspect exists. These researchers belong to a group of individuals that are truly pioneers, experimenting, researching, exploring, and discovering without knowing the result, only growing suspicions. We encourage these, when their motivation is one of benefit in an altruistic sense. Not to gain power over other nations and groups, but to free humanity from ignorance and endless cycles of frustration, depression, anger, and violence.

These groups have our blessing and their backgrounds are well founded in this area, well founded from other lifetimes and existences. These will be among the first groups to seriously engage the worlds and other realities. And their research will lead them in the direction of discovering and engaging the consciousness of other creatures of the Earth as well, and life will improve. They do not know what they are doing yet, but they will. Humanity is awakening. So be it.

Feb. 15, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Several more have committed to the awakening of humanity

JANU: There have been several breakthroughs in consciousness around the Earth, entering the field of serving humanity. These will develop into powerful Light centers, radiating throughout humanity. The number is varying. There are four unannounced at this time. And, yes, there are both males and females. That too is changing. Another area of social consciousness to awaken more fully.

We spend this morning’s journey supporting those centers of Light. Some of these are what you would call ‘Old Souls’ that have been on the Earth before and have earned this development in their experience. One or two come from other worlds in their experience and have earned this as well. There is growing, around the Earth, a network of more enlightened beings lifting humanity according to each one’s ability, or gift if you will.

This is part of Earth’s transformation into its comparative awakening, you see. Would that humanity could appreciate and perceive the many forms of reality that comprise the Earth. The Earth is a living world. Can you even count the number of life forms that exist, working as a system, living together, contributing in each way to the collective consciousness of the Earth?

Those committed to peace can be free of any fear of the Earth and society devolving into self-destruction. The future is bright and life is coming together, as we have said, steadfast, committed, encouraged, and convinced of the future of life that is Earth. Many realities, indeed. Namaste.

Feb. 17, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Why do those who serve humanity seem to suffer for it?

JANU:  You pose the question this evening as to why it seems that those who serve humanity seem to suffer and struggle for the cause, always being a trial? Part of the reason for this is that they connect with the conditions of those they serve and their compassion connects to the suffering of those served that they might understand and appreciate the depths of the human condition. They do have their moments of joy, when a bit of peace and uplift comes to those who suffer. Let us not forget, or ignore, that they experience joy touching the larger life for the power and the wisdom and the love to bring to another. They also know the human condition is not un-resolvable. They walk in the shoes of those they serve, to better understand and to connect.

Many serve the awakening of humanity in so many different ways, encouraging people to believe in themselves and their dreams. The matter of service is revealed by your place in life and your passion and your abilities. Be content that, in ways you are unaware of, humanity is awakening. Namaste.

Feb. 12, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Elements of service

JANU: We are Janu speaking, remembering again what it takes to be a servant of life, the life that is immediately in your domain.

It is a combination of motion and equilibrium at the same time. The motion keeps the consciousness adaptable, moving with the flow of life for every circumstance. The equilibrium speaks of balance, in harmony with each destiny you encounter. Serving life always includes more than the immediate object. All creations are deviations from uniformity and, with their integrities understood, benefit from the kind of service we have mentioned. Namaste.

Feb. 6, 2015 B                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding giving freely

This journey is an explanation of a visual, received earlier, that caused confusion. It is not necessary to know the visual to understand the message given.

JANU:    The earlier image of your concern has to do with freedom, for both the giver and the receiver, that requires nothing in response. Freedom to enjoy or not. Freedom to receive or not. Freedom from expectation of any kind when giving to another. Do it with this freedom we speak of, not hanging on to the moment. When accomplished in this manner, the recipient is in freedom as well, enjoying as they choose, not to entertain you or please you in the sense of requirement or duty or obligation.

We would have you understand this, for this applies, you see, in upcoming encounters, engagements with other parts of life, other beings, other opportunities. A key understanding in a life of service, discovery, and relationships. Remember, the simplest approach to any achievement is the best one. It allows for freedom for all involved to perform as they choose, without obligation. There is a peace in this that is important.

So, let us continue with these, with this understanding as part of our foundation for engagement. Let it be so, our brother, and all will prosper. Enjoy your day in peace. Namaste.

Jan. 31, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Serving an evolving Earth and humanity

JANU: We open this morning to announce that a deliberation of sorts is being made to explore human possibilities and the direction of human awakening, in cooperation with that of the Earth and other worlds. Humanity and the Earth have been considered extensively by many not of the Earth, for a long time. This deliberation is an event that takes place on occasion to monitor and evaluate those that serve the Earth and humanity. And by ‘Earth’ we mean all life upon the Earth and the Earth itself, as a complete living system. What is seen here are darker areas evolving at a different pace than others and slightly different directions. This deliberation will conclude, for the most part, by the end of your month, but there are those who monitor the Earth experience somewhat continually and report their findings in a less formal way than this deliberation.

Humanity still determines its future and its steps on the path, but more and more will be sensitive to its connection with the rest of life, the larger life, with mutual benefit and cooperation. The science of the mastery of being will revolutionize the human experience, not to mention its future. And this journey is by no means unique in your universe, but the shape it takes may well be. The need for housing, infrastructures, physical creations, and, yes, even food, certainly religion and spiritual guidance, social structures, and governments will have a different reality as humanity grows from the physical into the alternatives of subtle life and the mastery of energy and consciousness.

The deliberation takes all of this into account. The purpose of the deliberation is to evaluate the next phases of assisting the Earth and humanity. Much to consider. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 27, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross