Awakening 45: What is your role model for living?

JANU: We are peacefully responding to what emerges as a defining moment in the affairs of humanity. When considering the events of the last two days which have gained worldwide attention, meaning the so-called massacre in Orlando, Florida, pivotal in the sense of a composite of human consciousness, one can see there is a complex range of response and reaction playing out collectively. His anger, frustration and hate; fear of dying; pain and suffering; heroism; gratitude for survival; attempts to contain the enormity and depth of emotions and events. The point of view here that serves best is to see this as a collective human experience and what it says about the current state of human consciousness.

The elements of this situation are not unlike the reasons for conduct of war. What will it take, then, for humanity to engage with clarity and understand the reality of what has taken place? Life goes on, whether incarnate or not, but is it evolving? When there are those who see nothing but war for generations, where is their model for alternatives? They know nothing else, much less what they are capable of.

The reason for awakening, our brother, is to achieve a personal model for living and moving beyond these patterns of conflict and mayhem. And what is the source for this model of living but the truth within you. Learn of this. Explore this. Understand this. Make it your own. Awakening to the truth that you are, that lives within you, is the key to move beyond these cycles of violence.

Wars speak of victory, yet if there were victory, our brother, there would be no more wars. For what do they really resolve, other than temporary stays of execution and pain and suffering. The illusion of power traps many into these cycles. The incarnate life is but a moment. The life as the truth within you reveals cannot be taken away. Survival must take on new meaning. Apply this new meaning to your circumstance and your associations and your performance, as you walk through this life with a new champion that lives within you. This is powerful, our brother. Violence is not.

The theme here is “What is your role model for living?” Namaste, our brother.
June 14, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 27: The ‘Now’ consciousness

JANU: We are explaining through experience the ‘Now’ component, being present in the Now, of awakening, as your consciousness opens to the reality of being, not limited to time/space. For the human identity, being present in the Now liberates the consciousness into the freedom of being. The ‘Now’ experience requires no limitations, no boundaries but being completely present in consciousness.

Your consciousness requires less and less the interpreter of the presence of your True Nature. With practice, this becomes more natural to you. Humans do not realize how much their human experience forms their identity and limitations on consciousness. Now, awakening does not mean abandoning the human experience, but being free to explore all possibilities and to move among these at will. Awakening to the larger life once again liberates and reveals what you have always been and what you will be. The ‘Now’ consciousness is a core reality on this journey, moving from questions to choosing to know directly. As we have said before, the past, the present, and the future become one in the ‘Now’ consciousness, for it is their source and their destiny.

In the ‘Now’ reality, one no longer needs to understand the Truth of Life by comparison to the limitations of time/space consciousness and human identity. These things have value while exploring incarnate reality, but they limit you to that reality. But nothing is wasted, our brother. Your True Nature records, so to speak, everything. The ‘Now’ consciousness is normal and natural with the larger you. Moving from limited to limitless being is returning to who you are. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
May 20, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.


Awakening 22: The source of existence

JANU: This session on awakening reaches into the unknown properties of basic existence. What do we mean by this, you ask. What is existence? How does it come to be? Why does it continue? How does it continue?

Basic existence is a kind of consciousness, more fundamental than the human form of consciousness, primary in the sense of barely distinguishable from primary life. Everything in addition to this comes from innate potential within primary spark of life. The True Nature is the first stage of what you would understand as ‘uniqueness.’ A spark that is life is a singularity that the expression of existence emerges from. This singularity is primary potential for all of its existence. Life expression is what you would call a ‘thrust’ inherent in its existence, the thrust to create, to realize potential. The flow of life begins. Individuality or uniqueness is realization of diversity of potential.

However, understand this, that the singularity reality is present always for primary reality of life, so that all uniqueness and individuality is at the same time one singularity. This seems a contradiction but it is the inclusiveness of the one life. Individual yet one. Many yet one. One does not embrace this understanding requiring perspectives that are founded in space/time, with borders, limitations, what is and what isn’t. This is beyond that. Those elements of life are contained within. They are expressions, manifestations, unique diversities. All found in the singularity of existence.

Answering the questions then: What are you awakening to? How did you begin? What does it all come from? Why does it continue without end? You exist for life to know itself, to realize its true nature, to take the journey into existence, to awaken, if you will. All that occurs, the essential nature of it, is in the same moment of the singularity of primary reality.

The Family of Life is vaster than you imagine. Not just in diversity and size, so to speak, but in the oneness of its primary reality, the singularity of life. As you evolve in consciousness, many revelations must be left as possibilities to be explored more fully as consciousness matures through awakening and experience yet attuned to. You are a unique individual, yet one with everything by way of the Truth of Life, the singularity of oneness, its origin.

This is why the term ‘Life’ was given to you, our brother, as more inclusive and expanded understanding of what the more limited perception refers to in your language as “God.” This is truthfulness beyond words. More and more, our brother, words are left behind, for they limit you. Journeying through life and all it is and can be requires freedom from limitation in a consciousness. Welcome on the journey of awakening. Namaste.
May 9, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Seek within for spiritual path

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        Am I making advances spiritually and where is this leading me and what will I be doing?

JANU: This brother you speak of is embracing his spirituality in a way that he finds comfortable but, as with all who seek, there is the urge for more and the wonder of what that more will bring. The more, then, for this one is in the areas he chooses but more in the direction of a deeper grasp and insight into the meaning and purpose of the expressions in his fields of choice. His strengths are compounded when a natural flow of expression finds feedback in gratification and joy of fulfillment or completion, fruitful result to his spirit, his soul, if you will. As expressed previously in other terms, this activity, this reality can be an ingredient in the inspiration of another’s successful journey, you see, spiritual advancement, reward to the soul. For all creative expression born of and in harmony with the thrust for the life of each one has its place or role in life’s plan for another.

Know this to be so, for your journey, dear one, is not for you alone. Your reward is not for you alone. You might well look upon it in this way, service being the key, that your choices truly serve the understanding, the uplift, the consciousness of others. Bring reward to all involved. There is the balance to be understood and sought.

The form matters little, dear one. The intent and the consciousness matters a great deal. Your talents are not limited to one form of expression, as you well know. So your question is not too much best served in the direction of where will your advancing spirituality lead you but what will it accomplish when you get there. The intent and the motive shows the way and brings the pattern of recognition for opportunity for expression in possible forms of endeavor. Determine first the quality and nature of your outreach in service through your creative ability and find the forms that provide the opportunity. Life is vast and rich with varied opportunity. Your specialty, if you choose the term, is the quality and nature of the reason for your effort and your expression.

This understanding, this forward view, this magical pattern of life lives within you and has been built through the nature of who you are in the larger reality. This is your best counsel, for this counsel is with you always, and is you. You shaped your thrust for life and its purpose and meaning. Even though another may describe it from their perspective, your fulfillment, your victory, your completeness in the life and in the Light is when you, the outer you, rejoins this reality. The creative avenues for flow within your being, that you access as you will, are the avenues for access to this deeper and larger understanding and true nature. Use them for this understanding, not just for creative expression, you see.

Our goal, our service to life, is to encourage and inspire you in this way never seeking your dependency on this source. It is time for the many to realize and access their true being where the answers to their many questions reside. When you feel the need for encouragement in this direction we are happy to comply. The details offered at times are to encourage in you the acceptance of the reality that the inner holds the solutions you seek. And once confidence is gained to guide you to your truth within you. Your question stimulates the path of connection to the answer. We encourage you to have confidence and knowingness of not only this connection’s reality but its nearness and its availability.

Yes, dear one, you are advancing spiritually. What form of expression will ensue is up to you, guided by your true nature. Follow your intuitions and honor them in that way. Acting out those subtle moments of insight and knowingness builds the bridge, opens the way. Do this at every opportunity and be an inspiration for others in their search for victory. Be confident, dear one, in your choices and when the moment comes, that spark of knowingness, that glimpse into your potential and your reason for expression, leave the doubts behind and get on with it in joy, bringing reward to those lives you touch and your own true being. Namaste. Enjoy your life.
June 17, 1996                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

There are other personal attunements that are very similar: Seek in consciousness and Growing in understanding True Nature

More Personal Attunements


Awakening 12: Happiness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, each moment of opportunity to bring Light into the world of human consciousness. The Light we shine today has to do with stability of focus into innate nature.

The human journey was cast to be a precursor to a larger journey of creativity. When one sees only the seeming endless circles of human struggle, missteps, distrust, and greed, the vision for the larger life becomes obscure. Each would do well to refocus their lives, their attention on something greater than themselves, not imagined but real. And the reality, our brother, is the True Nature and its connection to everything.

Life is a community, a family if you prefer, of spirit beings, consciousnesses, ‘love centers’ if you will, for life is a loving reality without judgment, condemnation, favoritism, competition. It is a collaborative reality, living to encourage, to support all of its elements. Humanity has become fragmented and lost sight of the richness of such a life. Happiness is enhanced by the happiness of others. Choose what you would enrich life with and it will make you rich in unlimited ways.

Joy and happiness are the keys to creativity. A misguided life that finds refuge in leaving it can only find true peace in their True Nature. As you do, you understand that reality in others, drawing together in the truth of this. Just two individuals, reaching for this truth, committed to each other’s success, unlock their creativity. The phrase “when two or more are gathered” in the name of this, the Divine within. Life opens to their imagination, their creativity, their example. Be in agreement with someone, finding the truth within and through that reality the larger life. Larger than you can imagine, older than time, not limited to materiality, powerful beyond the popular meaning of the word.

This does not take the place of incarnate life, but fulfills it as it becomes a pure joy in its rewards. The Truth of Life brings together in one understanding the confusions of living without it. There comes a time in each one’s life when the thought occurs “Enough is enough. I know there is more to this and I choose to embrace it.” One of the marks of someone achieving this is their happiness, their peace of mind, and their brilliance of insight and understanding. This is everyone’s birthright and has always been available.

Be part of the illusion of the human experience in a more enlightened way. See the truth behind the truth behind the truth. Insight is ‘inner sight,’ our brother. Choose to see. The only limitation is what you impose. Choose life without limit, being free to embrace it. Namaste.

Apr. 23, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


May we all journey together

JANU: For this evening’s adventure, let us embark upon a path that retains the essential nature of life with purpose. The range of possibilities is beyond number, for wherever there is life, there is opportunity. And what is purposeful depends upon the conditions. Shall we say that the conditions that these journeys are responsive to is when consciousness calls out for understanding bringing reason to the thought process, to the emotions, and the nature of others. For understand this, our brother, the True Natures of people are in proximity of communication and mutual support. This we attune to this evening. And there is an affinity for the awakening of consciousness.

All over your world, there are those who wish for a better life but do not see a path for achieving this. They only see a tradition of ‘not knowing.’ What we support this evening is the path to awakening. The many insights you have gained are the result of this. And it is a process, our brother, of the quickening, the inflow of insights, of understanding, the application, the assimilation, and the grander freedom to explore not only the creations of life but your true identities.

Reaching then into the flow of life, helping people understand and open to who they truly are. What grander empowerment can there be? Vistas unimagined await humanity and the consciousness of their True Natures. May we all journey together and live the Truth of Life. Namaste, our brother.
Mar. 22, 2016 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Seeing beauty in others

JANU:  The question this morning is: “How does one see the beauty in another, regardless of their behavior or attitude?” What we see here is an opportunity for, through your own True Nature, being one with the True Nature of another, where everyone’s beauty resides. It is their choice if that beauty is expressed in their lives, to any degree. Your opportunity is to encourage it.

With the greatest of gentleness and patience, be a living example of your own every day. The True Natures of each one are unique, but they are one as well, and the Truth of Life is their medium of expression. And the Truth of Life is not biased and sees everything for what it is. So the expression in each life is of its potential and that source is its True Nature. The great ones, so-called, in human history, are an expression of their true potential being manifest. See the greatness in everyone, including yourself and support this. Whatever form it may take, it enriches life.

Life is filled with choices that belong to the journeyer. And we learn from Life’s feedback as we interact with all of it. Choose wisely from your source of beauty what your feedback will be. Encourage confidence and strength and clarity and love in others. No matter their appearance or station in life, their True Being is their ideal. To see this in them, see this in yourself. And being generous becomes a natural way of living and is effortless.

Be at peace, our brother, and namaste.

Mar. 24, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Best career path for healing service

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        How can I best help folks who are on their path to healing? Is my best work to do counseling, biofeedback, energy work or something completely different?

JANU:     What best serves, dear one, when serving another in the area of healing, as you have specified, is the truth. The truth at the heart of any modality is the best service. When seen in this way, when motivated in this way, one engages any modality with effectiveness. We could examine this from your point of view as specializing in one modality. But this would be a limited presentation if we did. Our interest is to support and encourage in you the widest of possible “best service” for another.

The modality is not the magic and it is not the power that heals. It is not the power that inspires another into their freedom and understanding. The truth does this, dear one. And what is this truth we speak of? It is the reality of the circumstance of the one in need and the one who serves. The truth is the wisdom behind the modality. It is the consciousness. It is that which connects all life to all life. It is the common thread that can be found in any service or modality.

This presence we speak of is best realized when one holds another in pure love. This reality makes possible harmonious connection with all aspects of each one’s realities. When you observe or consider a modality that might best support the needs of another, or series of modalities, it is best not to see the modality as the source of that needed for that one, but as a vehicle for focusing your truth for another. Counseling is always advisable, for understanding is a powerful tool in the release of limitation and the embrace of freedom.

Be that server who has no preference for any one modality, but who is familiar with and capable in any that may seem appropriate. What you specialize in, dear one, is your conscious and intimate relationship with your truth and, through this, the truth in another. The support you would gain from the rest of life, including others in spirit, is through your truth, through your beingness, through your vital bodies, through your consciousness, not through technologies. For they are not sentient, dear one; they are tools, much as a hammer or some other device.

The greatest response and receptivity in another you would serve is their sense, their connection with this vital truth that lives within you, with your vitality, your compassion and your ability to touch where they live, to understand as they understand and then to bring to them an expanded understanding. In this way, dear one, both grow at the same time.

Learn these modalities very well indeed. But your wisdom of the moment does not lie in these. The spirit moves through you, dear one. You are surrounded by those who may see modalities as the real power in healing. Do not let this confuse you in your clarity of perception. Understand this, dear one, that in time, through the intimacy of awareness of a modality or of a technology, the results and position of these can be duplicated at will in your consciousness and in that of another. These modalities serve your growth in this way.

Do you see the picture here? Not the specializing in one thing or another, but the embracing of it all, centered, rooted, in the truth within you, the truth of your beingness. Where do you think these modalities came from in the first place? They are born of the truth of individuals to carry out in their limited way and understanding a process. So, when you study and become proficient in any modality, what is happening as well is the expansion of your consciousness in this area, shaping it to be capable of that modality independent, if desired, of the outer forms or devices. So these externals serve a purpose.

Move from focusing on one aspect or modality of service or healing into the direction of completeness of understanding, completeness of ability, and completeness of whole service. For the being you would assist is a whole being and is complete. Follow your joy in your choices, for there will you find your genius to comprehend and implement the fullest support of life and the fullest response in another. And if you find joy in one or more modalities, that does not mean you cannot find joy in others, as your interest finds its way there, as well. Be unlimited in your embrace of the truth of your being and the unlimited possibilities for expression. Do not take on one understanding to the exclusion of all others. Your worth, your identity, your acceptance of yourself, your fullest potential is not limited to one understanding.

We encourage you in this way, for this is the way of life, dear one, and the way of mastership, and the way of freedom. Namaste.

Oct. 11, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements (link)

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

Human integrity

JANU: We acknowledge that human integrity when held in high esteem becomes insurmountable to those who would interfere or try to manipulate it. Human integrity has its foundation in its True Nature and its heritage. To have a conscience, one has a system of values tied to integrity. Humanity does not emerge physically devoid of its True Nature and the wisdom that possesses in relationship to the much larger life. Returning to a conscious awareness of and communion with the ever larger life reveals the integrity that humanity is founded upon.

The challenges of natural forces seem to fly in the face of this, but humanity has innate within the ability to see through and beyond these for alternatives and the power to create an ongoing life. So even if one stumbles and their mishap interferes with their existence on the Earth, humanity continues. They can return yet again to manifest the wisdom gained and be part of mutual support and enlightenment.

Humanity’s integrity is founded in the same principles of other species and other worlds. This is why communication between species can find common ground and mutual benefit, especially when the foundation of integrity is understood and recognized. Life is everywhere, our brother, and it speaks to itself through its presence. Regardless of perception, no one is ever truly alone, and their destiny is part of life. Living in peace is the great revealer of the Truth of Life. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 3, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Loving all of life

JANU:    We welcome again the opportunity to journey as one into the Truth of Life. As you can see, our brother, being of a loving, forgiving, and agreeable nature brings peace and freedom to be. Experiencing the application of this without limitation or qualification is the path of expansion and pleasant return to that which you have known. Living as a human can be challenging to this point of view, but only if this point of view is unexplored.

Witnessing the experiences you had without regret, as you head into the future and embrace these opportunities, is liberating. Confrontation need no longer be a battle, so to speak, but the fulfillment of opportunity to embrace life in freedom and with peace, with insight and wisdom. You have been told that everyone is already perfect. Embracing life in this way reveals the truth of this. No longer blinded by the perception of deficiencies and mistakes, but seeing the potential of success in everything and everyone. Walking this path in life, you will find good company. Namaste.

Jan. 29, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross