Transdimensional communication

JANU: We are looking into at this time that which belongs to the mediumistic reality of so-called transdimensional communication. Now, this exists in many forms and on many levels. Hunches, insights, instincts are labels given to some of these. But this sort of thing exists across the board, if you will, but not recognized for what it is by most.

Humanity is slowly realizing that something wonderful is developing. There is more to their nature than they know. The collective consciousness of humanity is developing in this direction and will overtake, eventually, the doubters. But they serve a purpose as well, holding the reins, so to speak, on fanciful imagination and wishful thinking.

Deep desire to know the truth quickens this ability. Truth is known, and always available. Namaste.

Dec. 30, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Be a truthful representative of the life that you are

JANU: We are assembling this morning that needed for a journey into the far regions, also the near region, of the True Nature of the so-called human being. Far in the sense of seemingly long way from human awareness. Near in the sense of the intimate nature of your true reality.

The human journey has been an interesting one, full of contradictions and confusion, sprinkled with moments of truth and revelation and inspiration. Not settling on any one thing or understanding, for these truths are in motion and your anchor in life keeps moving and changing. The only stability to measure the moment on is your evolving and changing nature. Others around you, their philosophies and truths, are changing as well.

The Truth of Life that you reach for is the essence of life, which is more eternal than any creation, but it is evolving as well. How does one embrace a consciousness that is at once rooted in corporeal existence yet whose nature is finer than this? It is by accepting the existence, so to speak, of all realities, including your diverse nature. Allow each reality its validity, its nature, and its relationship with all that you are. It is not a contest of one reality being truer than another, or more vital or essential. All are needed, useful, co-existing, and mutually supportive.

Understanding the nature of life around you and the life within you opens your awareness to the oneness of it all, not preferring one part of life over another, but embracing all of life. Being at peace with all of life, and grateful for its reality. Everyone you meet represents all of this, is a walking composite of miracles called the ‘magic of life.’ Life is aware of its nature through you. As you may, be a truthful representative of the life that you are, bringing a growing clarity with less confusion. Be patient, be at peace, and engage life. Namaste.

Jan. 7, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Living your truth

JANU: The reality of the presence, so to speak, the co-existence of the elements of your True Nature, including the human journey, the human consciousness, is a natural experience in awakening. Your human consciousness, infused with the larger wisdom and experience of your total being, is part of the journey of oneness consciousness. More than a phrase or a principle or a concept, but a working reality in your perceptions, communications, inspirations, and decisions, and your goals in life. A natural reality to become aware of and to become a viable experience, tangible on so many levels.

Many experiences and motivations draw on this reality, even though unaware of what is transpiring, or able now to survey incarnate life and see that it has been interspersed with true insights from the subtler realms of being. Everywhere in the life this presence exists. You realize that you are no longer just human, becoming more conscious as a complete being. No matter the perception, emotional involvement, you are aware of peace as part of your foundation for engaging everything. And with that peace comes the inflow of a more illumined you. When embracing any challenge, physical or otherwise, this inflow of energy, peacefulness, understanding, and resolve sheds light on everything. Remember, light is the Truth of Life. Suddenly, your identity as only a human being gives way to something grander, vital, present, and permanent. And even this is evolving, our brother.

Identity reveals itself with a growing knowledge, understanding, and connection with what that identity refers to. Much more than a word, you see, but an expanded way of living. Choose to be open to and allow all that you are to become known to you. This is the ‘you’ that has always existed. Time to return home. This home includes being human as well. Living this way does not require leaving the human experience. The opportunity here is to be one with all that you are. Namaste.

Dec. 15, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The still small voice  

JANU: We are referencing, then, the so-called ‘still small voice,’ this being your own true voice. We do not reference words here, but direct knowing, the source of conscience, the same conscience that was you before incarnation, your True Nature that agreed to incarnate. You ask, “Agreed with what?” The Hierarchy of Life and your relationship with it.

The voice of Life beyond words. The voice of your being, ‘still’ only by comparison to the noisy, so to speak, human mind, but speaks very loudly in the flow of life. You think of color by human perception as a vehicle of meaning. The voice of your being is not limited by the perception of human vision. The voice of your True Nature understands the many meanings of life beyond any human faculties. The voice of your True Nature is in intimate communication with life. A limitless reality, beyond time and space but inclusive, as well.

The purpose of this exploration is to realize that who you truly are is one with everything, unlimited, unending and, therefore, can make available to your human understanding whatever you need. Seek the truth you desire and learn to listen peacefully, patiently, with confidence in the power and the presence of who you are. The answers arrive in many forms, many opportunities of understanding. Be alert to their application to the truth you seek.

Decide to know the Truth of Life. It is not withheld from you. You need only be open to it. Allow it into your consciousness. Apply it as you may, and move on. Namaste.

Dec. 14, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For more on the still, small voice see also The Rapture and Integrity and the True Nature.


“Go forth and sin no more”

JANU: We are concerned with many of life’s situations, including peaceful co-existence. Life allows what you call outrageous behavior by humanity. Temporary moments in time within the larger picture of life. Wars and battles and conflicts seem never ending, unless you can see through them and beyond them. They continue within the parameters of existence, within the limits of free will. And there are limits, our brother. Humanity is allowed to police itself, to discover the truth of its choices, to re-organize, rebuild, rejuvenate, process choices and behaviors, to learn what it may. Humanity is still exploring, testing its limits, understanding its view of life, its vision. Even if humanity destroyed itself on the Earth, life continues. The spiritual reality of human beings continues. So all is not lost, our brother, with outrageous behavior, except opportunities to realize the Truth of Life and serve it.

So, even with the existence of suffering, life is ongoing and precious. The moments of joy, loving relationships, endearing children shine a light upon the so-called darker side of humanity, revealing it for what it is so that others may see and understand the alternative, free to choose the life they desire with opportunities to see the difference. Two sides of the coin, so to speak. When one chooses to own their choices and the results of these, life is enriched.

“Go forth and sin no more” is a great revelation, speaks of forgiveness and the freedom to rebuild, restore, and start anew. This is a blessing of life. Be at peace and begin again. What a grand answer to life’s challenges. Namaste.

Dec. 9, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Romancing who you are and the Truth of Life

JANU: For this evening’s exploration, may we continue on the subject of ‘romance.’ By this we mean the nature of our relationship with life, and it is a romance of a certain kind. For there is love: a love of life; a love of discovery; the love of service, of giving; the love of knowing the truth of the moment; the love of cherishing the gifts of life and of being. You are beginning to appreciate the love all the elements of your being possess as your True Nature. The term ‘loving yourself’ has taken on far deeper meaning. You ask of the conscious integration of the self. This is the pathway to it, our brother. And as you do, you respect that True Nature that is everyone else.

So the name of the movie, Romancing the Stone, transfers its meaning to romancing all that you are. A completely and totally enjoyable journey of awakening. So, romancing your True Nature, and life itself and all that it is, is the journey of journeys. It brings a peace, a deeper peace, a fuller peace, that is new to you. Enjoy every moment of it. Allow it to enrich your experience as we explore life together. Namaste.

Nov. 20, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


You are never alone

JANU: The Truth of Life exists, with everyone, though it doesn’t seem as real as the challenges in life. A challenge seems more real, more present, more immediate, than the solution, than the truth behind it and within it, than your True Nature and its insight. The truth of your nature as power, presence, and wisdom is there before the challenge, during it, and after.

Develop your relationship with your True Nature regularly, whenever it occurs to you. Experience this strength and presence inside you, whether challenged or not. That is the source of your confidence and commitment. All the wisdom you have ever gained is available. Whatever the challenge, know that you can resolve it. Have an open mind and an open heart to this source of your being and let the strength come through. Find peace always in this connection with who you are. Walk through life as one and enrich your life as you do.

Remember, life is full of created forces, realities, whose nature is to support you and manifest your desires, your true needs, your visions for a better life. Walking alone in life is of your own perceptions that are limited. You live in a sea of life, rich and diverse, sharing the intimacy of being. All of life is conscious, in different ways and degrees. Walk your life one with everything. How can you be alone in this way?

Nov. 30, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Questions to consider on what is real

JANU: Yes, your question is valid, our brother, being “What is real?” about who you are and, yes, what you are. There is no denying your identity as a human being. But is there any more to it than that, that is real? Your feelings are real. Your thoughts are real. Repeatable, tangible. In one way or another, the physical body is real. But what lies beyond that?

Is there any non-physicality that is real for you? Is direct knowing real? Is the power to heal real? Is your knowing the thoughts of another real? Are insights real and where do they come from? Is synchronicity real? Is the flow of life real, and what is it? Are other lifetimes real and where is the evidence? Where does talent come from and is that real? What is the source of this communication and is that real? Is precognition real? When does something in your life for the first time seem real? And what evidence makes it so? Is your identity real? What have you discovered on your own to be real? Do you desire to have more reality in your life? Is there any reality to dreams? Is the apparent stability, solidity, to physicality real? Are the so-called ‘laws of life’ real and immutable?

What is real, our brother, and what is not? Is there a reality between these extremes, or is reality a spectrum of life?

Consider these carefully, and any others that occur to you, for more will come on this journey of discovery and evolution. The future is rich with possibilities and so are you. Namaste.

Nov. 8, 2015                                                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Facing new directions

JANU: We find strong root in the understanding that it is possible to be in harmony with altered states of consciousness bringing a larger truth and perception into the human octave, so to speak. This is not to replace the human experience, but to enhance it.

Humanity finds itself, in many cases, groping for the unknown, looking for solutions, when the understanding is part of their nature. So-called ‘experience’ has taught humanity that achieving understanding, insight, and communication is a long way off, requiring complex discipline, ritual, and altered states of consciousness achieved by so many rituals. This being true, for humanity has convinced itself that it is; therefore they require it. Figuratively speaking, it is no more complicated than turning around, facing a new direction, and allowing it to be.

Facing new directions is a wonderful way to understand change. What direction would you choose? It can be as simple as a happy day; peace of mind; clearer insights; loving someone, including yourself; better health; clearer mind; balanced emotions; understanding animals and life on other worlds. There are no limits to this, our brother, but be clear as to your desires and your motives, and allow it to be. Namaste.

Nov. 12, 2015 B                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The process of receiving the Truth

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us explore an understanding of that which pertains to the embrace of a larger life. What this means is: exploring the life you have in a larger way.

The human experience in the physical existence has so much more to explore than most realize. The accepted limitations, boundaries, or conventions of physical existence need not apply as they have. How many times have you experienced conversation, behavior, circumstances, wondering their origin, deeper meaning, and your relationship with them? There is a capability within human consciousness to allow the answer to any question, any concern, to reveal itself in some way.

Asking and receiving is a delicate balance between declaration of desire and the allowing of life’s response while completely at peace. The responses to inquiries have always been there, hanging, so to speak, a breath’s distance away, lingering for an opportunity to imprint the consciousness. Listening is one thing, our brother. Receiving is quite another. Inquiring and knowing to be seen as, known as one reality, one moment. Each the truth of each other. Not two separate things at all when you’re at peace.

The rest of you, the total you, your True Nature, your complete being has access to the Truth of Life, which some call the Light. How can the truth be harmed in any way? But understanding and perception and application is an evolving reality. How well do you know your personal agendas, preferences, passions? You can see why life is a process. Truth in the eyes of the beholder varies greatly, so when communicating, and even thinking to yourself, where do you begin? A great revealer of this process is the results, the fruits of the understanding. Much is revealed, but never stop trying to see more clearly and then move on. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 9, 2015 B                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross