The principles of life

JANU: We are employing at this time that which belongs to a deep understanding of the principles of life. What is this application we speak of, then, but one to unite humanity with the theme of its existence, which is the path of mastership and beyond. A degree of mastership can be achieved in any of life’s paths to wisdom.

These principles of life have to do with becoming one with opportunities to understand.

Another principle is to see clearly and, with unending depth, the truth of anything, any part of life, including its evolutionary changes.

Another principle is adaptation, to move with changes.

Another is the freedom to choose identification.

Another is the freedom to be.

Another is the reality of service to any part of life.

There are many more, our brother. Become conscious, then, of these principles of life as you serve life with depth of understanding. Namaste.

June 26, 2015 B                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The future of religion

JANU: On today’s journey we shall include the forecast of sorts into the area of world religions. The re-examination of religion will be occurring around the world, not just by individual people but by the organizations as well. A growing realization that the purpose and need for a deeper understanding as to the nature of existence, of life and individuals, is called for. Many people already know this but without the details. Religious organizations will continue to find dwindling participation. The fault or cause does not lie with the people. The organizations have not evolved but the people are evolving.

The organizations will encourage people to find the truth within them and the organization is no longer presented as the only pathway to understanding the nature of life. Every being has a connection with this truth within them, but not encouraged to be drawn upon. The organizations will make these changes, but those who are the authority in these organizations must realize this within themselves and be an example to the people they would support. A teacher must always be capable of more than they teach. That is leadership. That is example and is an inspiration to those who are growing.

Petty bickering, fault finding, and differences between religions and their so-called leaders must give way to unified expression, broad-based, multidimensional, that can inspire and serve and uplift everyone to find their own truth. Religions have become growingly irrelevant in the lives of people and, in some ways, the people have grown beyond them. But we all benefit from each other and so it should be with those who would serve the people and each other. The old understandings must give way to the future. And they will.

Change is the theme here, as always, but wise change, enlightened change, profound change. As we have said before, genius lives within everyone. Help each other find it and all of humanity will benefit. Each one a Temple of the Truth and an understanding perfect for each one, as they evolve. Namaste, our brother.

June 16, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Lawless Life

JANU:    Enamored as you are of the wonders of the universe and of life, we shall proceed with your current interest, the so-called laws of life. All laws, our brother, are organizations of life to produce the realization of potentials, regulate to some degree paths of exploration and realization, and provide a common ground to understanding among beings. As we have said before, all such laws are mutable, are created, and replaced.

You asked earlier of life without such laws. Can this be true and what is the nature of such a life? Yes, it can be true, our brother, but what is your frame of reference for understanding such a life? For the most part, it is a life of laws and the structures they bring to existing and engagement. You ask if such a life can have meaning or purpose. The answer is yes, our brother, but it is a life without structure, constraints, and engaged by a consciousness that no longer needs such. Its evolution, its flow of life is without structure. Your identity can no longer be seen as you’re accustomed to. The concept of ‘others’ no longer applies in the same way. Pure being is the nature. It is dimensionless, for there are no parameters of existence.

Yes, in time, through the course of experiencing life, such a reality is achievable for it is, in a sense, primary to the rest of life with laws of existence. Not seen as desirable by most, for most cherish the opportunities of structured life and wish to engage the challenges of such and expand their consciousness.

Realize, our brother, that unstructured reality created—or should we say, allowed there to be created—organized life. Such consciousness is useful in more profoundly understanding structured life and its origin, its meaning and purpose. Meaning and purpose are understood in a larger way. Terms such as ‘infinite,’ ‘eternity,’ ‘unlimited reality’ are explored in a new way. Unregulated or unstructured consciousness, formless, unlimited, is at the heart of this understanding. Time and space, a creation. Dimensions, so-called, a creation. Subtle realities, creation. Eternal life, many shades of reality. Even eternity, our brother, is a limited word or a limited understanding. Much to consider here on what is real and what is not. Namaste.

June 19, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Merging with the True Nature

JANU:   Having wondered as to understanding the nature of the True Nature and its relationship with the human consciousness, let us explore this.

The True Nature has always been part of the life experience, incarnate and discarnate. It is the part of you that transcends time/space but, at the same time, is conscious of and present in every moment of the incarnate life. Not to be thought of as a separate being, but as who you are. The incarnate life experience is absorbed, imprinted, in what you might call the memory of the True Nature. In time, when acclimated to the truth of this, the human identity will expand to include the Eternal You. Your remaining incarnate is initiated and maintained by the True Nature. The True Nature is your permanent identity. How can your human identity be your only perception when you have had others? As you become more aware of your other journeys through life, human identity will find a different role in your consciousness.

Your True Nature records all of your journeys. Now, it is possible to function in the human incarnate life, in societies, with a larger sense of identity, but it takes getting used to for it will change and enhance all of your experiences and, to varying degrees, relationships. You’ll become more conscious of your relationships in spirit as well, benefiting from wise counsel. You will become aware of sojourns that you have had. All of this with the help of the True Nature. Why not join the larger life and the rest of who you are? Namaste, our brother.

June 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The Truth lives in everyone

JANU: We are rich in the knowledge that the Truth lives in everyone, as the primary reality, tolerating unenlightened excursions into life to gain experience, which always adds to the Truth within. Understanding the complexities and nuances of incarnate life and the primary nature of Truth is still unfolding. The challenge and opportunity here is to grow in consciousness in awareness of this complexity and to choose to see the difference so that, even continuing on the incarnate journey, the Truth is revealed, understanding deepened, and maturity develops. In the play, so to speak, the dance of life, but not of it.

That kind of equilibrium is very useful. When observing life, and seeing Truth, how deeply is it perceived? The experience of the incarnate life serves mastership greatly. All realities of life that are embraced and experienced contribute to a growing consciousness. As awakening continues, all of these can be accessed to contribute to a more complete you. Do not underestimate the contribution to your existence, your being, of the incarnate experience. Allow that life to reveal its Truth. And you are not the only one that benefits, our brother.

Even misperceptions, misunderstandings, are rooted in the Truth of life, for that Truth allows them, you see, to continue the path of discovery and reveal many things about the layers and processes of consciousness. Grow more flexible in the embrace of opportunity and the results. Namaste.

June 3, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Tonight’s focus is self-healing, not just for the physical body, but for the emotions and the mind and the consciousness as well. Perceive these elements of being, of experience, of expression, as a system of coordination, bound together by the model of existence of those who have chosen the human experience. The basic nature of this system of coordination, ideally, is self-maintaining and, yes, evolving. Through journeys, through lifetimes, countless encounters and circumstance, the influence of the perceptions of others, social consciousness, and the struggles to survive, how can one not carry patterns of life not altogether in harmony with the nature of the existence of this system?

So you ask what to do about this situation. Attune to the memory and current experience of all of these influences, as if they are present, viable, and influencing your being. Allow your perception of reality to include not only the eternal you, the True Nature, but the life pattern that you essentially are. And allow your experience to include your basic coordinations, life presence, and the inner pattern of life with an eternal foundation of being and the strength and the ongoingness of your connection with life itself. These external influences are experiences of a temporary nature. The experience matters, their circumstance less. There is wisdom in engaging patterns of life, understanding them, your relationship to them at the time, gratitude for what they bring you, and then move on. Do not let the circumstance define you.

In truth, you are a being of Light, not subject to aging, the so-called illnesses. Draw upon the truth of who you are, all you have gained, all you have given, all you will be. Allow this into your consciousness, keeping your truth clear. Choose wisely and enjoy your choices. Namaste.
June 8, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding trust and bonding

JANU: We are homing in on the nature of a human identity. To create a bond with another species, or even another group of humans in the current climate of social consciousness, it would be based on trust developed through the beginnings of a history of shared ideals and understandings and trade and economies, partnerships, all subject to the vagaries of varying conditions, interpretations, misunderstandings, rumor and gossip, those things that exist today. However, the awakening of humanity employs capabilities beyond these. The inner connection to the true realities of others opens the doors to understanding them through their own personal histories of thoughts and performance. This principle is true even between human cultures on the Earth and why becoming one human consciousness, a united reality, has been so difficult.

How do you know the reality of another? What faculties are employed to accomplish this? What do you base trust upon? You suggest that this inner method invades privacy. Be it known, then, our brother, that there is no privacy, and never has been, from the oneness of life. All is known. The privacy you cherish is from each other, that the other might abuse the privilege, the knowing.

Many memories are hidden from your own consciousness, not wanting to deal with them or own them or be responsible. What about your trust and your bond with who you are, all you have been and done? Can you own all of this and find peace as well? This is the path, our brother, to inner freedom. Self-condemnation does not liberate or bring peace. If life allows all your choices, endeavors, relationships, thoughts and feelings, and still loves you, is it not worthwhile to understand this? And if this is difficult for you, can you love another in this same way and be honorable with everything you know about them?

Much to accomplish in this, preparing for unity in humanity as well as other beings, other realities. Bring the Light you seek, which is the Truth of Life, to every part of you. Shine Light on it, understand it, own it, and stand in your truth, in true freedom to move on. Namaste.
June 7, 2015                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Seeing the truth and destiny of our choices

JANU:    Let there be an understanding that the progress towards peace, in the world of humanity, is passing through some critical struggles and conflicts. The awakening of humanity is the path beyond this. But accepting it is challenged by those who would destroy, filled with anger and fear, believing that the power of force is the answer. They will run their course and do their best to bring confusion and fear. Their time will pass. It is important that those who are centered in a better way of life remain vigilant, use the power of prayer, and not be tempted by the power of force.

Those nations in the vicinity of ISIS are going through great turmoil. Even if ISIS controlled the world, what would they have achieved?   Another Nazi Germany. ISIS represents fear and power and force and destruction. The challenge here is to deal successfully with its illusion of power, not with its patterns but with something more permanent, more lasting, more creative. Force can be met with force, but then the wars continue and nothing new has been learned or achieved. ISIS is made up of people. The opportunity is to provide alternatives to their misguided model for achievement and understand what motivates them. Their so-called successes in their region are allowed by those who only know violence against violence. This model of living and governing keeps humanity where it is.

The world working together on one level playing field of prosperity, mutual support, and constructive freedom must be developed and will not be achieved by isolating the growing numbers dissatisfied with current relationships and models. They must be engaged in an enlightened way, that they see their truth for what it is and that it will only bring them more of what they are against. They are the architects of the past.

So let us begin by shining the Truth of Life everywhere, that everyone can see the truth of their choices. The awakening of humanity is the path. Humanity must choose for itself and open to alternatives, begin to perceive the destiny of their choices. Yes, our brother, the push is on for awakening. Namaste.

May 24, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding dimensions

JANU:    You have spent much time querying about the discarnate life, faculties of perception, visual counterparts, limitations and non-limitations of engagement, counterparts to form, recognition of each other, and movement.

To begin to understand the nature of form or presentation, consider the aura of a flower, of an individual. This is a beginning, an energetic appraisal of the presence of consciousness and life focus. Perception is not with eyes but the entire being. Your attention and interest controls much of this. And, yes, there are protocols of non-disturbance but also protocols of harmonious engagement, collective reality, synergism. Movement as such is not physical but energetic. Time and space are not limitations.

Perception of physical reality from a non-physical existence comes under the heading of ‘attunement,’ an adaptation of consciousness and memories that bring recognition and understanding. The right to manipulation of physical reality is limited, thus the need for incarnation to more fully serve the physical existence and inspire others in the world of their making.

What we are accomplishing here in the merging of human and True Nature consciousness speaks to the future of humanity and, yes, even communication. The True Nature and consciousness living as one. No need for fear in any of this, for life regulates its existence, self-perpetuating. Recycling itself, yes, but not the end of core realities. Essential nature continues.

The concept of dimensions is an illusive one, for the human frames of reference for this understanding are based upon imaginings and some misinterpretation and limited understanding of physical existence and its relationship to the larger life. There are parameters of existence that co-exist with other parameters, worlds within worlds, you see, with some overlap and connection with a consciousness that has the capability of touching everything.

To separate the perception of one so-called dimension from another is a very limited understanding, but understandable from a larger point of view. One understands life with the faculties at their disposal at any moment. It is wise to embrace that there is a greater truth behind any understanding or perception and be open to this. Seeing through the veil, so to speak, is a process of realization, leaning towards a larger life, as limitations are understood and left behind. Change is the key here, our brother. Namaste.

Apr. 28, 2015                                                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Heaven and Hell

JANU:    Some labor under the notion that their path in life leads to eventual bliss or eternal damnation. What a narrow, unloving, and limited choice people are presented with by pronouncements of faith and an unforgiving authority. We say this to that: the only truth in this is what you believe to be so. And even that runs its course after passing from the body. The larger truth here is one of a loving process of freedom from such limitations. Think you then that life condemns part of itself, meaning you, your spirit, your consciousness, your True Nature, to an existence of permanent separation from the grace that life is?

Your True Nature is a grand example of what we speak. Punishment is not the theme. Loving association, deep understanding, your own forgiveness for everything and the freedom to enjoy the love and the truth that awaits you. However, the veil was dropped for your sojourn for your benefit by your True Nature. Your path is full of your choices, whether incarnate or not. You have always been loved, and always will be. You are a Light Being, with the capacity for forgiveness, service, wisdom, True Peace, and the power of life itself to create. Your master is your own True Nature. You serve the truth of who you are. Allow yourself to experience that Light and that love that is your heritage and your destiny. Love each other in the spirit of that freedom. Namaste.

Apr. 28, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross