Encouragement on the path of awakening

JANU: We often speak of peace, its true power and role in awakening and in well-being. It goes hand in hand, connecting with the nature of your being and the deeper mysteries of life. Awakening is not a bargain you make with life or yourself. It has to do with a trust and a faith in the Truth of Life. Awakening is not just self-serving but contributes to the serving of all of humanity. Everything being connected reveals that what you engage in to build life, to create it, to evolve it, to realize its potential is service that touches everything. These journeys are such a service, as are many other endeavors of those who serve.

More and more, there is expansion of consciousness inspired by the truth within. The evolution of human consciousness is the composite of all of these, the movement from darkness into light. Even those possessed of their destructive ways are purging their systems of Light, their consciousness, of the darkness that seems to consume them. Changing the direction in your life can seem difficult, for how do you replace it with something you don’t understand and, as a result, fear? Make the choice to change from within. Allow yourself to see life differently. Ask yourself what can you be that would be more fulfilling.

Large changes, our brother, begin with small decisions. Your outer life is filled with opportunities to apply those decisions and see their result. Confidence builds with each application and experience. Learn to recognize the patterns of energy, emotions, thoughts, with each decision, each application, and each result. It strengthens the connection with the Light that lives within you. Do not be in a hurry. Be patient with yourself and life’s responses. Get used to the changes, and they will become a way of living.

This is the path of awakening. Start small and build. The rest will come, and you will discover you are not alone in this. And your True Nature will bring you insight, encouragement, and strength. Namaste.
Mar. 23, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The patterns of consciousness that began the nation still guide it

JANU: We are embracing, if you will, that which comes forth from the deep well of Truth on the true nature of Life. Compared to the outer incarnate experience, this well of Truth seems distant, at times unfathomable, but always cherished and reached for. What is being brought to the surface of human consciousness is the ability to forecast the journey of life, especially when in the presence of so much confusion and uncertainty. Human consciousness finds comfort in a plan, structure, predictability, conformity, and routine. These are temporary illusions, our brother, for the Truth of Life is always changing, on the move, realizing new potentials. So reaching into the well of the Truth of Life is not to return things to a status quo but to bring insight into changes, challenges, opportunities, and freedom.

The current political situation in your country triggers all of these emotions, but the Truth of Life reveals the patterns of reality to be embraced to meet and overcome. When reaching into the depths of your consciousness, plumbing what seems to be mysteries, allow a vision for the present and return to the principles that shaped these patterns. It progresses life. Finding peace in the knowledge that life will continue, grow, and evolve as it always has, brings peace of mind. The clarity will come and the confusion will be relegated to yesterday.

When this nation was formed, commitments were made, and continue to this day, to watch over and support what was formed. Whether incarnate or not, these commitments and their wisdom still prevail. The consciousness of the Founding Fathers remains. Then, be connected to, be one with the patterns of truth that still guide and support your nation. Namaste, our brother.
Mar.13, 2017 B                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


The future of consciousness

JANU: We are looking into, if you will, the future of consciousness. Future is an interesting perspective when one considers that beyond time/space past, present, and future are one. Yet life evolves, changes, expands, and embraces more of its potential. So what is the future of consciousness, founded in this understanding? It is part of life’s own awareness of its potential and the wisdom that is realized.

When contemplating the so-called Larger Life, reality does not ignore the smallest reality. So, to truly discover the future of consciousness, even the singularity must be allowed to reveal its reality. Awareness does not exclude any part of life. So, as we journey into the Larger Life, all that means, our brother, is all of life, excluding nothing. Unlimited being, unlimited consciousness is not exclusive in any way, but completely inclusive and foundationed in the power of True Peace, allowing all of life its truth.

When considering your universe, many think only of its seemingly vast physicality and a few of the energies involved. Science is exploring beyond this but it cannot be explained in the terms of physicality. There are those who are opening to nonphysical insightfulness. The Truth of Life is revealing its nature more and more. Namaste, our brother.
Feb. 24, 2017 B                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Intimacy 2

JANU: We say “Welcome” to that which is described by two words: We are one.

The Truth of Life, our brother, exhibits much intimacy. Oneness is an intimate reality. Intimacy does not require a loss of identity, but contributes to the evolution of identity. How many truly explore the depth of what they hold as their identity? Life in motion includes identity, you see. Identity from the human perspective is somewhat isolated. Life is more than one perspective and identity changes with awakening.

Profound reality is what we speak of here. The intimacy of oneness is a very personal experience. It flourishes when at peace. There is no part of you, memories, experiences, attitudes, philosophy, principles, that is not known. Intimacy with life reveals everything and no fault is found, no condemnation, only the love that supports and embraces everything. Allowing yourself to experience true intimacy in the presence of your own being, the True Nature, is part of the path of awakening.

The Family of Life is everywhere. And, in a larger truth, so are you, by way of the intimacy of your True Nature. Each one’s capacity to understand, awaken, love, and embrace life is greater than they know. Your life is not limited to human experience, even though it seems so. When observing the many conditions and realities of the human condition, of relationships and social norms, where are the alternatives, the models for living, the wisdom that honors and unites differences into a humanity becoming one? These models exist, our brother. The understanding is there. Find intimacy with the Truth of Life in the presence of your own being. Namaste.
Feb. 2, 2017 B                           Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

 This is a continuation of the idea of Intimacy presented earlier.

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 15 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Experiencing universal love

JANU:  We are encouraged by the medium of choice here, that being ‘love.’ A worthy focus for exploration and achievement. Why not progress the understanding and experience of this? For it is at the root of everything. And, if so, its reach into the Truth of Life is unlimited. A reality not limited to definition, or any one perception or reality or desire. It belongs to, so to speak, the True Nature of Life itself. And it is not an ‘it’ but a presence.

So let our journey be one of awakening to that particular nature of life that connects us all. As you contemplate any experience or manifestation or reality, allow the experience and the understanding of the love that is the nature of it. The universe seems vast, physically. Love is vaster, our brother. Allow its reality to permeate your awareness and any other person. What greater peace would you find than the loving nature of everything, everyone, every reality?

Being at peace is being one with Love. There are no secrets, our brother. Loving something into your life is powerful beyond words. Be at peace. Namaste.
Jan. 17, 2017                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


Lifting human consciousness

JANU: We welcome this opportunity to journey into the realms of life, the human journey being but one. Lifting human consciousness into the larger life is the theme here.

To begin with, the larger life is found within the physicality of existence. It is a root narrative, so to speak, into the current human experience. So often, human consciousness is focused upon the externals of existence, the end product if you will, the manifestations, and not on their origin or meaningful opportunity. The magic of shifting attention buys an inner curiosity to become aware, and through awareness engaging opportunity to understand. Now, the human consciousness is not a separate thing from the True Nature, but comes from an agreement, a decision, a desire to explore more of life and its opportunities.

Humanity has created, through desire, a deity to help answer the questions, to understand life beyond physicality, not realizing that the desire to awaken to the Truth of Life and one’s own nature created this. Evolution in consciousness emerges into the larger life, not to disregard the deity created through desire to understand, but includes it as part of the Truth of Life. Respect and honor your creations. Understand them. As you reach for enlightenment, allow your current consciousness to be enriched by way of divinity of your own being. Inspire each other by expressing that which enriches you and improves your life. Be the truth of who you are. Namaste.
Jan. 5, 2017                                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Simple miracles open you to the larger life

JANU: Serving that that is confined to a narrow understanding by comparison has its challenges and opportunities. Organizing, in a sense, the approach to be taken is no small consideration. Finding points of view, principles and lessons that spark an interest to a listening consciousness takes being a bit artistic. Hard to convince someone into ownership that they are the divine being that they worship, that they seek. Seems to fly in the face of the human identity. There is little substitute for direct experience. Words and philosophy are limited.

When human identity is limited to social concepts and traditions, listening to the True Nature within is not considered. When belief systems are ‘locked in’ so to speak, for the traditions of limited consciousness in society, the investment in belief without question is as being asleep to the larger life. So any experience that inspires an intimate proximity to a larger truth in life can be the catalyst needed on the path of awakening. It does not always take a huge event to convey this reality of life. Simple truths can be the most powerful yet convincing. Not dramatic, but with a simplicity of not being limited by its application to the consciousness, to the life. Seeing life in this way, one sees miracles in little things and knows there is more. Namaste.
Dec. 27, 2016 B        Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Encourage everyone’s contribution to life

JANU: Certainly, our brother, the achievements of many bear witness to the potential of life. Compare not the achievements of one to another. In the larger picture of the Truth of Life, they are one piece of the puzzle. All pieces are needed to complete the picture, you see, to complete the potential. The opportunity and challenge then is to recognize your own piece of the puzzle and realize its potential, no matter what that potential is. And as you evolve in consciousness you realize and experience that you are the rest of the puzzle, of the picture. So everyone’s contribution makes you whole and you see the merit in helping each one realize their dream, their potential, their piece of the puzzle. This speaks to oneness, collaboration, association.

Encouraging everyone you meet, including yourself, to take advantage of their gifts and enrich life is a journey with its own merit. This is the Truth of Life, our brother. The human ego you are experiencing is not who you are. It is a contribution to life. So honor each one’s achievements as they serve the larger picture, which you are becoming aware of. Be at peace, and namaste.
Nov. 30, 2016                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Learning to walk in truth and integrity

JANU: We are conditioning then, if you will, the social movement in consciousness, in the sense of interpretation and progression. Social media, our brother, is a good barometer of the trends in social consciousness, which is a composite of individual consciousnesses. To clean up social media, it is accomplished at the root of it, which is the collective consciousness of humanity. Awakening once again, you see, being a catalyst for this.

Let us move then from this scenario to that of religious dogma and philosophy, theosophy, scripture, all of these. This whole venue is colored by the movement in the collective human consciousness. Social things of this nature have a tendency to degrade over time for it is easier than to maintain ever higher standards of integrity. The change is almost too slow to perceive and, after time, it is all that is known or experienced and becomes the norm, you see.

Awakening is a refresher course, if you will, into the Truth of Life, a way to remind oneself of their integrity, which includes attitudes and relationships with others and social behavior. The true integrity of people already exists and is evolving. Being conscious of it is reconnection and letting go of the drifting away into ignorance and confusion. Be not in despair. Humanity’s destiny includes these experiences but also includes victory over and through them.

Life will never give up on you. There is always recourse, another opportunity. Forgiveness is alive and well, for Life perceives nothing to forgive but only that which is to be loved. One does not punish their child for falling, but encourages them to arise once more and gain wisdom from the experience, for self-monitoring, appraisal, and determination.

You have been encouraged again and again, our brother, to rise once more, to take the reins of your life and continue on. All of this you have benefited from, gained wisdom from, and seen more clearly. Let not your clarity be confused or dimmed by the decisions of others. Be an example of clarity for them. No condemnation here, no judgment, no diminishing of intrinsic worth. Everyone is learning to stand and walk in their truth and in their integrity. Allow each other to do so. Help where life leads you to help. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2016                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Repatterning your life

JANU: We are relating then to the story of mankind’s quest for gold. Not in the material sense, but in the sense of illumination, the golden light, or Truth of Life we speak often of. The differences between incarnate life and discarnate life. There is commonality here, our brother.

It is possible to be conscious as both, one being, one collective identity, one presence in the flow of life. The incarnate choices, desires, passions, goals while unconscious of your True Nature change greatly as you awaken to your fuller consciousness. You will relate differently to everything. Your thoughts no longer separate from the rest of life. Pieces of the puzzle of understanding come together more and more. Your perception of self is as a part of everything. You are conscious of connection and the presence of so much more. Your awareness no longer shackled by the limitation of others and conventions of society. Everything is perceived more deeply. You experience the adventure of incarnate life as never before in this sojourn.

How many limited thoughts in people’s lives are based on age? Eternity is more a reality in your being. Allow rejuvenation as a continuous reality. Few will understand this for they are owned by limitation that surrounds them in the lives of others as evidence. Age is not the only pattern that, for most, leads to leaving the body, you see. There are those who have experienced leaving the body by choice, at their own time in excellent health. A choice not owned by circumstance.

As the larger life and the incarnate life merge in your awareness, everything changes into a wholeness that is more natural to you. Choose wisely what you pattern yourself with. Life responds to the patterns you choose. Namaste.
Oct. 26, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.