The importance of journeying

JANU: The importance of this journeying lies in the fact that each creation, each individual is the life you inspire to be. Allow the intimacy that gently guides with each journey. In time, more and more will experience true intimacy of the one Life, even with the unlimited diversity of expression. The borders of existence will be understood as to their reality.

Consciousness has many expressions and experiences. Peace reveals them all. Love continues expression of life. Light is the integrity of being. Wisdom is the foundation of enriching creation. Allow what already is to be your experience and your identity. Diverse and universal coexisting.

Continue with these as life continues to evolve. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2022 B                                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


More on mastering challenges

JANU:    Protuberances outline our focus of harmony. Challenges such as these coexist with the ideals you strive for. Distractions have their purpose. They provide opportunities to exercise clarity and focus. Welcoming them is wise. They are opportunities for exercise in disciplines and desires, to be free and master your nature. Blessings in disguise, to see more clearly the nature of everything, including your own Nature on all levels. A Master maintains peace in the midst of these. Wisdom gained through experience guides the life. Namaste.
July 8, 2022 B                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s Note: This was first discussed in Mastering Challenges.  For a more ‘current events’ approach, see journey taken on Jan. 6, 2022


The nature of a blessing

JANU:    Savor, then, what a blessing is, the harmony it brings to the troubled consciousness. It brings inner strength, confidence. It brings the will to survive and help each other. It brings clarity and insight and opportunity. It unites people and fosters kindness. It accepts forgiveness and freedom to move on. Blessings are never interference. They are guided with wisdom and love.

An archetype of blessing is love. It’s peaceful in nature, clearly understood and experienced, powerful in its freedom, a sustainer of life, a unifier and a liberator, not negotiable but always available. What could be more natural, in harmony with life and all of your Nature? So be it.
Apr. 25 & 26, 2022                                                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Embracing physical reality multi-dimensionally

JANU:    Animation of potential brings light to the nature of creation. Physical reality affords this, you see, for the Larger Life to realize the nature of potential. Now, creation has many realities of modification, cycles of existence, smallest to the largest by way of the elements of various densities and interactions. Much of the Larger Life is demonstrated in the physical universe.

Embracing physical reality multi-dimensionally attunes the consciousness to the subtler realities and their potential. The process of experiencing and understanding takes time to assimilate for the physical life has time and space as components. True Nature explores this as a direct experience by incarnation. The Larger Life is not limited by these qualities but understands them and embraces them, gaining wisdom through direct experience. Namaste.

May 3, 2022 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Enriching the tapestry of life

JANU:  Enrichment seems to be the focus, enrichment of life. Your query  (“How does all human behavior enrich the Tapestry of Life?”) suggests that so-called destructive or negative behavior of humanity has no redeeming value in enriching life. It does, however. Life is enriched by all life patterns, for they bring balance to each other for expression, experience, and the wisdom to be gained. So one does not benefit by sitting in judgement of the patterns of another, but enriches life by understanding the diversity of expression as life registers and becomes enriched by these. Being in the flow of life reinforces being in the Light, the Truth of Life. In the Truth of Life are all life patterns as they are.

Being at peace enriches life by supporting the balance it achieves. Condemnation tends to separate life from itself. Being at peace unites everything and condemns nothing, but embraces the True Nature of everything. Life is enduring, non-judgmental, allows all expression, and is enriched by the wisdom to be gained by understanding and experiencing.

Life itself cannot be cheated, taken advantage of. It is. And outlives all creations. It includes them. Everything is the Tapestry of Life. Good or bad is a limited perception. Loving life by living it is an agreement that transcends judgement. Fulfilling each one’s destiny and potential is a grand service to the Tapestry that speaks for the presence of life. See the Tapestry as a recording of everything, a recording that can be understood with benefit to be gained whenever needed or desired. How can one not be part of the recording of everything? Namaste.
Mar. 25, 2022                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing all of life

JANU:    Exploring life we are, for life is everywhere, every when, every now, from the micro to the macro, collectively and individually, all of creation, all realities. Guided by the True Nature, and all that that means. Exploring one’s own thoughts can reveal much: desires, motivations, perceptions, conclusions, and variants, memories, judgements, biases, and truth. Processing, uncovering wisdom. Keep an open mind and listen within and without. Namaste.
Apr. 13, 2022 B                                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Dealing with distractions

JANU:    Employing the elements of wisdom is an undertaking worthy of practice. While incarnate, repetition is involved for familiarity and remembrance. When distractions get more attention than these disciplines of wisdom there becomes a shift in connection. Not completely, depending upon the endurance of the shift, you see. So let us return, by choice, to strengthen these disciplines on the path of wisdom and awakening.

The invisible, so-called, world or reality is invisible to the incarnate consciousness, unawakened, although the incarnate life is still influenced, just not understood why. Let the attention discover why. Time spent on a distraction can limit you, unless one chooses to benefit from wisdom gained by way of the involvement. Then the distraction becomes less of a distraction and more of an opportunity. But that takes interest in that path, in that way.

Climbing the rise of a hill, a challenge to the crest, is a journey not forgotten because the memory is there. Take time to review such climbs and what they reveal. Be at peace when trying to remember and the memories will become clear. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2022                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Identity expansion – 2

JANU:     What you seek is an identity expansion. Instead of denying current identity, add to it for, in reality, your True Nature is your whole identity, including the incarnate identity. The merging of the two consciously is a bit tricky, for there is purpose in the seemingly separate identities due to the veil. But remember, the True Nature chose this relationship for a period. There is wisdom in a measure of both as one. The degree of this is based upon maturity of awakening, but one must be patient in the progression to diminish reversals.

Seeing the beauty of the moment of current relationship goes a long ways towards growing maturity. Current relationship is in order, and the interest to advance is present. Patience and peace are part of the framework. Let us continue in this way. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2022 B                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Exploring the unknown

JANU:     Evidence guides understanding when proclaimed. The future is guided by potential, realizing that instant knowing has its roots there. In times of confusion and uncertainty, progress evidence and potential into the seeming unknown with an open mind, without bias or preference, discovering wisdom in the beginnings of a path into the future. Many ignore these things as having no foundation. Evidence misunderstood or misinterpreted, preference clouding the view, biases of others shaping perception.

As an explorer, explore potential, explore understanding, explore destiny, explore reality. Discover freedom. Namaste.
Mar. 10, 2022 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The balance between peace and struggle

JANU:   A summary of wisdom regarding the balance of peace and struggle in human civilization is focused upon the short and long term views of core beliefs and desires. It’s easy to be peaceful when all is well. But when all is well, motivations are calm. During struggle, motivations are renewed and introspection and creativity are reborn. The challenge is, in the midst of peace, to be motivated by a clear vision and commitment to potential and enrichment of integrity. So look upon the current balance of peace and struggle in human civilization and choose wisely your focus for investment of contribution. Namaste.
Mar. 8, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross