Understanding and serving angels

JANU: Our area of interest at this time belongs to a region of consciousness reality that is burdened with, so to speak, angels. Now, to explore this phenomenon of life, one must give tally to the nature of their consciousness: A proud tradition of love and service and wisdom. Not human although can function that way. Peace and mercy are hallmarks. Great diversity in the hierarchy. Ancient tradition. Much like companions to those who journey under the veil, but not limited to this, you see.

“What is an angel?” you ask. It is a consciousness so molded, so shaped, as to linger from one realm to another. Consciousness is little understood. Its range of reality seems beyond description. Even a stone has consciousness, our brother, but quite different. Angels have consciousness but more flexible, can be modified, adjusted to need and circumstance. Angels appear in many forms, or not at all to those unattuned. They understand love and live it. They bring peace and comfort to those who would receive it. They are humanity’s companions and champions. And they evolve as they serve. Humanity has given them names but, as with so much of life, these are not needed to relate. The quality and patterns of love shape and identify their existence. They will gladly reveal to you their understanding of loving nature.

It is possible and agreeable to serve those who serve. “How does one serve angels?” you ask. By emulating their service that their manifestation might expand. They find no judgement in their service. Namaste.
Jan. 16, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

Angels have been discussed in other journeys, notably More on Angels and Angels assist in awakening.  A personal attunement also questioned the relationship of Angels and Masters, and may be of interest to the reader.

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.