Awakening 31: Who are you?

JANU: We are serving, then, with you on this journey, the remembrance of consciousness revealed through awakening. What you have been, what you are now, and what you will be is revealed through awakening. Be open to, accepting of all you have known, all that you are, and all that you will grow into. Awakening is becoming more present in consciousness of the totality of your nature. Not separate from your human experience, but inclusive of it. There is a tendency to perceive the subtler realities of being as something isolated or separate from the human consciousness. They are one, our brother. Awakening is the experience, the consciousness of it all. Human identity takes its place as a portion of your identity.

A larger identity, a more inclusive identity of your nature is rich with experience and memory, understanding, capability. Not just to be aware of more of life, but be aware of more of you. You see, your identity in the larger reality does not deny your human identity, but embraces it as a portion of something more. If you have been trained and operated as more than one skill, profession, then you are both. But you are still you. The awareness of your many true capabilities and relationships co-exist as you.

One does not leave one identity to be in another, but broadens their ownership of who they are. Hanging on to one exclusively limits the consciousness to only one reality. In some ways, this serves a purpose, but in others it limits you. So, on this journey of awakening, the question is “Who are you?” You are more than you know. An element of awakening that enriches the journey. Those you interact with are more than they know, as well. Becoming aware of the truth of another, when held in love, elevates the service you render life and to each other.

Travel this journey gently, our brother, peacefully, patiently, with sensitivity to the many nuances of existence. Namaste.
May 27, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see previous posts.