Human integrity

JANU: We acknowledge that human integrity when held in high esteem becomes insurmountable to those who would interfere or try to manipulate it. Human integrity has its foundation in its True Nature and its heritage. To have a conscience, one has a system of values tied to integrity. Humanity does not emerge physically devoid of its True Nature and the wisdom that possesses in relationship to the much larger life. Returning to a conscious awareness of and communion with the ever larger life reveals the integrity that humanity is founded upon.

The challenges of natural forces seem to fly in the face of this, but humanity has innate within the ability to see through and beyond these for alternatives and the power to create an ongoing life. So even if one stumbles and their mishap interferes with their existence on the Earth, humanity continues. They can return yet again to manifest the wisdom gained and be part of mutual support and enlightenment.

Humanity’s integrity is founded in the same principles of other species and other worlds. This is why communication between species can find common ground and mutual benefit, especially when the foundation of integrity is understood and recognized. Life is everywhere, our brother, and it speaks to itself through its presence. Regardless of perception, no one is ever truly alone, and their destiny is part of life. Living in peace is the great revealer of the Truth of Life. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 3, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Human durability

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us examine the durability of human consciousness and its existence. We would say at this point that the evidence of this durability exists in more places than the Earth. And, in due course, the varied and broad understanding of all of humanity will develop a synergism as mutual heritage and oneness take hold, for the other worlds of human existence have developed a broad range of understanding through experience and understand the benefit of mutual support. No longer competing with each other for power and possession, but supporting each other and sacrificing for each other.

What have you gained if you’ve lost these and struggle on your own? Eventually insanity ensues and even more is lost. As we have said before, there is genius in everyone in some way. Help each other discover this in each other. Everyone benefits. That is a durable humanity.

How can you say you love life and not love each other, or yourselves? The power of love includes everyone and every creature and more. Continue in this way of peace, our brother, and we continue with you. Namaste.

Feb. 2, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Finding another habitable planet

JANU: There are challenges for humanity in its quest to find another habitable planet for the preservation of humanity of the Earth, seeing a habitable world as an alternative to the pressure of better management of the one they have. The distances involved to other worlds, and present technology, protects other worlds from mismanagement.

Is another world, our brother, the solution to the pressures humanity has created for itself? A wiser path might be better management of the Earth and society, while searching other worlds. And if these worlds are populated, what then? Witness human history, when one nation wants to expand into lands already populated. There is unlimited population growth. What’s your social model? Does consumption of resources and pollution of nature show wisdom? Humanity’s perception of isolation in the universe does not take into account that others have the capacity to review human history and behavior, even to the present.

What we suggest here is balance and responsibility and a growing maturity and honest appraisal of policies and decisions. Moving to larger worlds and other civilizations carries responsibilities yet to be appreciated. These quests for expansion into the larger life go hand in hand with a demonstration of maturity not often spoken of when looking for and speaking on the search for inhabitable worlds. Considerations of the reality of a Family of Life larger than the Earth, larger than humanity, is called for. Now is the time. Namaste.

Jan. 28, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Willingness to accept healing

This is a request made on behalf of an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, but may have bearing for others. It is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

JANU: We have with us this evening that one whom you have honored with your request for service. His needs are apparent and we shall presume to deal with his request by announcing that he will receive that needed according to his desire and willingness to accept this offering. Let us proceed, then, with this and examine his condition, including the injury to his right knee, as you have requested.

There is, as we find, a certain or fair amount of personal discouragement or dissatisfaction with those conditions brought on by many years in your time of living. Aging, then, being a product of, among other things, attitude conditioned by the common experience of his peers. We treat this condition, so to speak, by encouraging an attitude of good health and the freedom to choose the condition of his existence at any time. Once this is established, then the healing process shall begin. Let us hold, then, at this time, such ideals for him.

December 18, 2002 A                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More attunements on Health Issues

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Loving all of life

JANU:    We welcome again the opportunity to journey as one into the Truth of Life. As you can see, our brother, being of a loving, forgiving, and agreeable nature brings peace and freedom to be. Experiencing the application of this without limitation or qualification is the path of expansion and pleasant return to that which you have known. Living as a human can be challenging to this point of view, but only if this point of view is unexplored.

Witnessing the experiences you had without regret, as you head into the future and embrace these opportunities, is liberating. Confrontation need no longer be a battle, so to speak, but the fulfillment of opportunity to embrace life in freedom and with peace, with insight and wisdom. You have been told that everyone is already perfect. Embracing life in this way reveals the truth of this. No longer blinded by the perception of deficiencies and mistakes, but seeing the potential of success in everything and everyone. Walking this path in life, you will find good company. Namaste.

Jan. 29, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Loving life and yourself

JANU: The nature of the intimacy in consciousness that makes these journeys possible infuses our oneness with purpose fundamental to life in motion. These are not separate from the purpose of life itself, and the life all around you, for all has the same theme: the intimacy of unlimited expression, diversity, and oneness. The models of individuality that seem to fill the incarnate experience are moments of expression that speak to the richness of life’s potential. Be at peace with this, for singularity and diversity are one within each other. It is the nature of the expression of potential and its realization. And potential evolves, our brother, as does the expression of its reality.

Loving all of life includes all of life. Loving your own being, your own physical body in the same way is fulfilling. Many suffering illnesses of one kind or another would benefit greatly from this all-embracing love that transcends differences. Loving life, including all that you are, is a freedom not many own in their experience. Choices made in anger or ignorance and the darkness of others allow this to be.

A theme of this morning’s journey is loving life and yourself and each other without restrictions, qualifications, limits. Some look for joy when all they need is to allow it. Allow your bodies to be in perfect health by allowing in the love. It is their nature and their source of being. Namaste.

Jan. 27, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This concept is also addressed in the book Oneness.


Life Purpose

JANU: How many long to answer that question, “What is my purpose in life?”

The primary purpose is to explore life and be enriched by it, which in turn enriches life. Guiding you is discovering what interests you, what elicits your inner strengths, your inner genius, and your love to be. Some imagine their purpose is something grand. All of life is grand, our brother. Compare not your embrace of life with that of another. They cannot live your path, and neither can you live theirs.

All of life is of equal worth. Can you observe others, no matter their station in life, and see them worthy? Moreover, encourage them to see themselves in this way, for they are. Truly loving yourself and all that you are is a worthy beginning for any purpose. Many are unaccustomed to this and, in a world filled with competition to survive, they are not encouraged.

Does your self-worth depend upon the approval of others? Can you be at peace and love life, find joy in it, without the love of self? Living in this way encourages others to forgive and love themselves, demonstrating it is possible to do so. Peace opens the door for the creative genius within. It includes understanding to find its way into the Light. Encourage this in the children. They are ready for this. Namaste.


Feb. 3, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Merging individual will & divine will

JANU: You ask, “What is there to love about life that makes it so compelling and enriching?” It is the beauty and the magic that life is, perpetual, self-loving, evolving, ever expanding, and self-enriching. The magic of love in all of this is at the heart of everything, and it finds so many different expressions, manifestations, meanings, and vitality. What is more qualified and capable of loving everything than Life itself?

Being part of the nature of Life, what more divine is this will of being, of caring, nurturing, and building? Individual will is a part of that, a component, a reflection, an image of the universal will of Life. Allow your will to be guided, inspired, and express the universal will of the love of Life, the love that Life is. Have confidence that, when accomplishing this, the results are magnificent, larger than the potential of your imagination. What greater peace than to be one with the life that you are?

See yourself not only as individual expression, but an expression of what, our brother? An expression of the nature of your being. Nothing is lost. Everything is gained. And your service has meaning. Join with us in this way, as we learn together through experience and awakening. Namaste.


Feb. 2, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: The reality of worship exposes identity, faith and belief, individual worth, and what you love. It shines the light of truth on these ideals held by humanity, created in the hopes of bringing more successful life. What is ‘worship,’ then, from the human point of view, but tribute to something held as greater, more wise, benevolent, more powerful? These are shadowy images of the Light that lives within you and, more importantly, the life and Light that you truly are. You hold the Divine in high esteem. You are the very life that you worship. Your True Nature is the Divine and who you are.

This mortal coil is a glimpse of that, in the sense of how life can be both abstract, subtle, illusive, and intimately present at the same time. Your True Nature exists, so to speak, intimate with Life, the Source of everything. Humanity sees individuality as an ideal, but separate from the life it is part of. Loving your True Nature brings you at one with everything. The limitations, the so-called unknown, the secrets of life are revealed.

We are not speaking here of surrendering your integrity, your will, but awakening to the rest of you. Walk the Earth enlightened in this way. Be the Light and the Truth that you reach for. Find your way to love life. Bring the truth of this with you every moment. Be the hem of the garment that blesses by its presence that others be inspired and see the Light that you are. Encourage them to find their own.

Look not for something to worship outside of you but within you. Love who you are. Come to know who you are. Understand and live the truth of your being, the Divine of your existence. The potential of the human journey is unlimited because it is part of, an expression of, the larger life. Namaste.

Jan. 26, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


What’s New?

Happy Valentine’s Day!  May you be surrounded by love!

A new journey has been added to the Science page, triggered by the difficulties last month in launching and retrieving a rocket. Check it out!

A new series will be starting on Personal Attunements. These were attunements requested by other individuals over the years, which I feel may be of interest to others. Three will be presented over the next three days, with a link to pages with further information that may be of interest. Please be sure to come back tomorrow and check it out!