Conscious Self-Integration

JANU: In a previous sojourn the call for this understanding was born. Conscious self-integration deals with identity shifting to include all that you are. Now, this has enormous implications and is a power to be patiently and carefully applied. Can be counter-productive for identity to shift this much without preparation or patience, for there is much to learn and experience during this process. Mastering life is a worthy pursuit, but experiencing and managing its opportunities is critical. So is the motive to escape the challenges or to live, experience, and master them? These are questions you must ask yourself and be honest about.

Awakening is not to be used for avoidance but for mastership, service, and a growing love of life. Is the path of your endeavor truly to enrich life? Conscious self-integration becomes a blessing. Being conscious, while incarnate, of all that you are carries enormous responsibility, for you have an enormous ability to respond.

We encourage the pursuit of this with guidance, honest introspection. Allow this to settle in, to revisit it again. Namaste.

Nov. 17, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Merging physical and spiritual life as one

JANU: We are impressed with the gains in understanding and perspective as to the oneness, the co-existence, of incarnate life and spiritual life. They have always been one.     The choices were made long ago as to awareness, the focus of consciousness. Your focus is not limited to one objective, and that is changing to the incorporation of simultaneous awareness and collective consciousness. No longer spiritual life as opposed to incarnate life, but the merging of the two creating a more profound life. The current attitudes of church and state perpetuate this separation by reason of confusion as to true spirituality and the practice of religion. In truth, religion being more a component of incarnate life with a desire for it to be something more, but confusion as to what that is or could be.

Consider the possibilities of a life experience of an incarnate and spiritual reality merged as one. The revelations of truth resolve blind anger, jealousies and rage, warring, violence into constructive contribution to life, building and growing, no longer creating the pain and suffering and illnesses. So many current activities consume and waste vast amounts of resource. It isn’t necessary in this enlightened model of living.

Many see discarnate afterlife as idyllic, loving and peaceful, an escape from conflicts of incarnate life. Why not apply what you already know spiritually, for that is your nature, to this incarnate life and enjoy the result of what can be? Some of this already exists in the arts and in science and in nature and in people’s hearts and souls. Humanity has the natural gifts and capacities to transform incarnate life, no longer one or the other but each an expression of the other, moving from one venue to the other with ease.

Experience who you are, the life you live, relationships, all of existence in a deeper and larger way. Putting conflicts in perspective, perceiving the layers of reality behind conditions, understanding yourself and mastering your expressions more clearly. Endeavor to merge your incarnate life with your spiritual one. They both exist and they are one. Let this be so in your understanding and how you live. Namaste.

Nov. 28, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Romancing who you are and the Truth of Life

JANU: For this evening’s exploration, may we continue on the subject of ‘romance.’ By this we mean the nature of our relationship with life, and it is a romance of a certain kind. For there is love: a love of life; a love of discovery; the love of service, of giving; the love of knowing the truth of the moment; the love of cherishing the gifts of life and of being. You are beginning to appreciate the love all the elements of your being possess as your True Nature. The term ‘loving yourself’ has taken on far deeper meaning. You ask of the conscious integration of the self. This is the pathway to it, our brother. And as you do, you respect that True Nature that is everyone else.

So the name of the movie, Romancing the Stone, transfers its meaning to romancing all that you are. A completely and totally enjoyable journey of awakening. So, romancing your True Nature, and life itself and all that it is, is the journey of journeys. It brings a peace, a deeper peace, a fuller peace, that is new to you. Enjoy every moment of it. Allow it to enrich your experience as we explore life together. Namaste.

Nov. 20, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A journey through life

JANU: We are bringing about, if you will, a clearer view and awareness of the larger life. There is a greater freedom to be, to discover, to understand, to explore all of life, to expand, and to engage. Yes, experiencing the incarnate life or reality is included as well, but no longer dominates. As one observes all the flows of life, one begins to be interested in an overview of what maintains all of this, the intelligence behind and within it all, and the growing sense that you’ve known all of this before.

What is formless life, being conscious without form, boundaries, limitations, structure? What is the reality of Pure Being? How far can consciousness go while incarnate? Can one truly understand life’s realities, ignorant of these questions?

We are speaking here to structure of consciousness focused upon one reality, yet collectively aware of so many more. This is the nature of life, our brother. Collective and focused consciousness with the ability to move the focus at will, but in the context of collective or global awareness. Yes, they are one, mutually supportive. Focus is demonstrated by being incarnate, yet being one as a True Nature, a collective of many realities. Focused involvement unlimited by any identity being that focus. One focus does not identify another. Even the True Nature has an integrity that cannot be described by the focused involvement.

It isn’t possible to tie all this up in a pretty ribbon that ends the pursuit of awakening, describing the totality of life. So be open to all possibilities. Enjoy the discoveries, not requiring the measurement of the merits. Life does not stand still, our brother. Always in motion, changing. Enjoy the journey, always discovering, always growing. Namaste.

Nov. 24, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The larger you is a living presence always

JANU: What you have experienced, our brother, that still lingers is part of your experience in the larger Family of Life in the realms, as some put it. There is beauty and joy, excellence and ability, a warmth of association, and old and dear friends to continue journeying with, the expansion of consciousness to understand and serve, freedom to be and share.

The music you enjoy so much and that lifts you is in harmony with the larger life. This is why it is enjoyed so much and lingers in the consciousness. Those who devote their lives to excellence in music and art and other creative venues are inspired by their connection with the larger life. This is why the arts are so vital to the education of the children. It keeps the door open, so to speak, for inspiration, profound memory, and an enriched life with these qualities. This is why a beautiful song may linger in your consciousness.

People are not just human beings. They are so much more, which is a living presence in their human experience. Be aware all of your day that you are larger than you may know. Namaste.

Nov. 25, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


JANU: The word ‘outsourcing’ comes into view. Many have ‘outsourced’ their divinity, their deity, their supreme authority to the externals in life and, for some, their responsibility for their experiences, situation, circumstance, happenings with limited results, confusion, and uncertainty.

What we are suggesting is a return to the inner connection with life, the source of these desires. It seems contradictory to go within to understand and master the outer life. Even your human journey has an inner and outer reality, but the understanding comes when they are truly merged as one in your consciousness, for the external does not continue or exist without its True Nature.

That is the beauty of the genius of life. The journey and the journeyer are one, for all is life. Experiencing the so-called inner and outer life as the co-existence of oneness brings intelligent balance of perspective. Meaning and reason, opportunity and potential are revealed. The venues of life you choose to explore enrich each other, having your True Nature in common. The co-existence of oneness and unlimited diversity are understood.

So, even outsourcing parts of your life, your beliefs, is an illusion. But nonetheless an experience. Coming to terms with this contributes to enlightenment. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 26, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


You are never alone

JANU: The Truth of Life exists, with everyone, though it doesn’t seem as real as the challenges in life. A challenge seems more real, more present, more immediate, than the solution, than the truth behind it and within it, than your True Nature and its insight. The truth of your nature as power, presence, and wisdom is there before the challenge, during it, and after.

Develop your relationship with your True Nature regularly, whenever it occurs to you. Experience this strength and presence inside you, whether challenged or not. That is the source of your confidence and commitment. All the wisdom you have ever gained is available. Whatever the challenge, know that you can resolve it. Have an open mind and an open heart to this source of your being and let the strength come through. Find peace always in this connection with who you are. Walk through life as one and enrich your life as you do.

Remember, life is full of created forces, realities, whose nature is to support you and manifest your desires, your true needs, your visions for a better life. Walking alone in life is of your own perceptions that are limited. You live in a sea of life, rich and diverse, sharing the intimacy of being. All of life is conscious, in different ways and degrees. Walk your life one with everything. How can you be alone in this way?

Nov. 30, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Perspectives on discovery

JANU: We enumerate, if you will, on the subject of past associations. Understand that past is reference to time/space associations. In reality, these experiences continue. Your off-world excursions are still with you and your current journey, from that perspective, is off-world as well, the Earth being one of many.

You have experienced worlds with skies of many different colors. Some were golden hue, others bright blue, others green tint. Cavernous worlds. Unstable worlds, geographically. Worlds that would be poisonous in atmosphere to your current body. And yes, a world like Earth, human-like beings, intelligence level much higher. A world more ethereal than physical. Another co-existing with silicon-based life, some adaptation to co-existence. Many not unlike Earth with societies in many different evolutionary stages.

Grand adventures await humanity, discovering these and interacting. The challenge here is the opportunity to advance cultures through interchange, but also interfere with cultural evolution by these influences. Much wisdom needed here and patience, for there are still many humans who would attempt to use this situation to advance their agendas, power, and wealth, at the expense of both cultures. Life is vast and diverse. The great distances between them has its benefit. This is why we encourage awakening the consciousness to attune to different parts of life, though physically separated. And even this requires maturity and purity of motive. But that is the nature of life: adventure, discovery, mistakes, corrections, wisdom gaining, and service. March on, but as wisely as you may. Namaste.

Nov. 14, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Being part of the family of life

JANU: Be it known that in many of your so-called ‘ancient’ cultures, the Egyptians in particular but others as well, seed thoughts were introduced that developed into those cultures. Humanity chooses to think of itself as alone, separate, self-determining and take full credit for all they have achieved. And rightly so, to a degree. However, much of what has been gained was planted here on the Earth by other beings and cultures from other realities, and we do not mean only other worlds. At times, tracing the origins of a culture to its beginning appears possible but it is not. Not with conventional means. Consider America, if you will, and the involvement of St. Germaine, though not incarnate at the time. There are many such examples hidden from history and intended that it be this way.

Humanity is a larger part of life, by reason that its participation in life will eventually bring more and more influence to others who share it. Humanity’s growing ability to explore off world is monitored and guided at times, as a child is guarded against impulsive wanderings and touching things. Guidance and restrictions are put in place that the child continue to evolve yet survive the experimentation. So it is with humanity, and humanity has wandered near the brink, from time to time. Should the child complain of interference of free will in the presence of parental guidance and protection? Humanity is in the same situation.

As we have said, humanity is part of a larger life, a larger family of life, and always has been. Wise is the child that respects and looks for the wisdom of the parent. Would that humanity do the same with the wiser ones who serve their evolution. There will always be wisdom in existence greater than your own. Wise is the one who engages this wisdom, always free to accept it or not.

So, when one takes credit for achievement, take a moment and consider all that was involved. You are part of a larger life, whether you are aware of it or not. This is part of your survival and your achievements. Namaste.

Nov. 3, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Questions to consider on what is real

JANU: Yes, your question is valid, our brother, being “What is real?” about who you are and, yes, what you are. There is no denying your identity as a human being. But is there any more to it than that, that is real? Your feelings are real. Your thoughts are real. Repeatable, tangible. In one way or another, the physical body is real. But what lies beyond that?

Is there any non-physicality that is real for you? Is direct knowing real? Is the power to heal real? Is your knowing the thoughts of another real? Are insights real and where do they come from? Is synchronicity real? Is the flow of life real, and what is it? Are other lifetimes real and where is the evidence? Where does talent come from and is that real? What is the source of this communication and is that real? Is precognition real? When does something in your life for the first time seem real? And what evidence makes it so? Is your identity real? What have you discovered on your own to be real? Do you desire to have more reality in your life? Is there any reality to dreams? Is the apparent stability, solidity, to physicality real? Are the so-called ‘laws of life’ real and immutable?

What is real, our brother, and what is not? Is there a reality between these extremes, or is reality a spectrum of life?

Consider these carefully, and any others that occur to you, for more will come on this journey of discovery and evolution. The future is rich with possibilities and so are you. Namaste.

Nov. 8, 2015                                                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross