A fluid and borderless life

JANU: Spending time in the realms, many ponder so-called ‘dimensions’ of life. We say to you now that these realities, interpreted as confined dimensions of life with borders, are more fluid, co-existing, interacting, exchanging information and experience. To the open consciousness that allows reality, they are easily experienced and explored. Remember, life is not linear and compartmentalized. It is one and, for a consciousness living in oneness, there is freedom of movement through these realities.

We have said before: There are no secrets to the open consciousness, the open heart, and open mind. Human restrictions in consciousness, experience, and understanding are self-imposed for the purpose of defining life and focused experience. Open your consciousness to the fluid reality of life in co-existence, harmony, and oneness. The human experience can let go of these self-imposed restrictions and be as fluid and co-existing as the larger life. Whatever you focus your attention upon, you are already there, and it is already with you. Move through the realms of understanding.

You are correct. It is one thing to know all of life, all there is, but the ability to know any thing is where you begin. All of life is available, our brother, but to the finite human mind it would overwhelm. So you explore and understand life with journeys and your mind opens with the collective experience, developing the ability to connect with anything for understanding. And your reciprocal service to life grows. Pay attention to life and your path of discovery is revealed to you. Be at peace in your quest, more allowing than demanding. Namaste.

Oct. 6, 2015                                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Cosmic consciousness

JANU: Well deserved, our brother, a life of many journeys. Understand a perspective that particular journeys in life are best understood as ‘the collective,’ for when wisdom is gained its application is significant. For when thinking collectively, the larger life, even of your own being, is a living repository of the lives of so many. Now, at the same moment of your own episodes of experience, others are contributing to life as well.

An opportunity here is to embrace the repository of wisdom that it becomes your own as well, while adding to it. Do you think that we are the only source of wisdom to be gained on these journeys? Yes, cosmic consciousness, our brother. Serving the collective wisdom of life also includes applying it to the many journeys. The individual path and the collective path are one. Open your consciousness to this reality, sharing destinies. Allow this to be. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 5, 2015                                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Serving human potential

JANU: You are correct. Raising the consciousness of humanity is a supreme endeavor. Visiting the Earth at this time is emblematic of this achievement. Humanity is already on this path, our brother, but assistance occurs from many realities and not all of them indigenous to the Earth. The Earth and its total beingness is vibrant with support from many sources. To embrace these as an incarnate consciousness adds effectiveness to the endeavor. Appreciating the love involved, from Life itself and all of these sources, is humbling and uplifting at the same time.

Humanity has within it grand achievements that can contribute much to life, individually and collectively. Even with so many seeming reversals on its journey, yet it still exists with hopes and dreams and desires for a better life and richer understanding and a growing generosity. Humanity’s potential is easier to perceive than its reversals. And these potentials in humanity deserve support, encouragement, and careful guidance. So many of humanity’s insights and breakthroughs and so-called ‘original thinking’ are the result of a sharing of life’s innate wisdom and genius, for humanity and their True Nature have always been one. Choose to see, allow yourself to see, humanity’s potential, making it easier to see its movement in that direction.

You, personally, are so fond of music and its upliftment. The fruits of humanity are even grander in its destiny. See the beauty already manifesting in human destiny. Babies make many mistakes, experimenting with infancy and finding out about life and who they are. See humanity’s reversals, so to speak, its experimentation with its own existence, in the same way. The patience of the parents and their enduring love for the child and its potential is reflected in Life’s caring for humanity. So much to learn and experience. An endless journey, rich indeed. Namaste.

Oct. 15, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Lifting consciousness

JANU: We are once again continuing serving humanity to raise consciousness that the genius and the beauty within each one finds fuller expression and a happier life. The wonder and beauty of human potential is worth beholding and supporting and serving. Humanity is not the only species in the universe that has tread this path. There are many, unknown to humanity, who are grateful for their destiny and understand. They are not just self-serving but have a consciousness that embraces all such paths of destiny. They are inspiring to observe and to know. Elements of humanity are exhibiting this and the influence of other enlightened ones not of the Earth is well known, as species achieve their greatness with help and inspiration from many others.

These developments accelerate greatly as humanity opens to the larger life. And it is a family, our brother, and families take care of each other. What a blessing it is, when feeling alone and disconnected in life, to have a moment of connection, insight, and encouragement, accepting that you are part of a Family of Life far beyond anything you’ve known.

Now, your True Nature knows this, remembers it, draws upon it, and is one with it. Enrich your life in this sojourn by awakening to who you are. As you begin to accomplish this, you’ll become more aware of and sensitive to the reality of others and support them in new ways of understanding. Empathy will take on new meaning. And the intimacy of exchange will bring you wisdom. Open to the Family of Life you have always been a part of. Namaste.

Oct. 7, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Raising human consciousness

JANU: Understand this, our brother, raising the consciousness of humanity as a service is also by request. Humanity’s call to Life, some call ‘awakening,’ can also be a general and heartfelt desire for a better life for their families, for themselves, for each other. Longing for a society and leadership that is enlightened and understands, not just economics and politics and power, but truly serves what the public longs for. This is pervasive, and has been, and Life responds. Those with any degree of sensitivity become alert to a pull within themselves to contribute, to be part of this movement, as do we, our brother.

Raising the consciousness of humanity is not a decree from Life. It is a response to the true desires of humanity. The power to create a better life has its foundation in this. As we have said before, there are many fields of reality in life waiting for wise instruction sets and the truth of the heart is always wise, our brother.

Now, the True Nature plays a role in this, for it is the inner voice, the divine consciousness, the authority for being. So part of our service to this effort is alerting humanity to their True Nature, their true teacher, the true source of their existence. It is who they are, the ‘who’ that survives lifetimes and whose nature is eternal.

Raising the consciousness of humanity has many layers and levels of reality, the timing of which is also important, for nurturing a consciousness into the fruition of its desires takes patience based upon the ability to absorb the understanding and maintain integrity, sanity, and the confidence to proceed. So, in a true sense, the raising of consciousness is the function of the true desires of people. Our task is to help people become conscious of, to be aware of more of the truth of who they are and their potential capabilities and power to create.

The power to create is inherent within the True Nature. It is not a new technique for people to learn. It is a natural part of existing. And developing an understanding of ‘allowing’ is in harmony with, compatible with the power to create. In subtle and real ways, all of these things co-exist and are connected. Everything touches everything. Raising the consciousness of humanity is worthy to explore and understand. Namaste.

Oct. 17, 2015                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The path to true freedom

JANU: We represent, if you will, a path to peace for this one, the nature of which is a construct of the divine within. Everyone’s True Nature has this capability when the desire is there to awaken. Observing human social consciousness, the desire for a better life, fuller understanding, and peace occurs. In time, a small window appears in the consciousness with a glimpse that there is more to life than bumping into challenges without understanding them, as a pinball out of control. In this way, one discovers there is not only more to life, but an unlimited journey of experience, wisdom, service, and joy in living, whether in the body or not.

Allowing, in your consciousness, your larger nature into your awareness begins the process of allowing the rest of your being to awaken your core values of appreciating and being one with the nature of Life itself. Instead of only seeing what you think is wrong with life, you see more and more of how beautifully it works. The veil keeps you from seeing this, but remember, the veil is your creation by choice. The awakening begins to show you why you created it and the path to life beyond it. Desire your freedom and the responsibility that goes with it. Grow in your understanding when the wisdom comes. Your life once again in control, but not just by your human consciousness, but by the rest of who you are and the divine within, your True Nature. Peace, strength, commitment, inspiration, and service, all of this and much, much more, are yours for the allowing and always have been. Recover the freedom to be. Namaste.

Oct. 9, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening is a continuous process

JANU: Let us begin by holding in the Light of reason the seeming chaos of life, with its simultaneous complications and diverse elements. Embrace what you may, but hold to the ideal: these many elements are foundations for wisdom gaining and securing a conscious place in life. Why not, then, take life as it is, not finding fault with it but mastering its opportunities? The greater the challenge, reach deeper within. The answers already exist. The power already exists. The support has always been there.

Much of life exists even though unseen. But what eyes do you see with? The eyes that can only see what they recognize? Your powers of observation and understanding exist in a larger way. The whole of your being perceives life, including your own nature. Resting on your laurels can be complacency with what you think you know. Yes, there are times for pauses to assimilate what has been gained, make sense of it and apply it to the life. But moving forward, expanding your consciousness, perceiving more of life continues.

Awakening does not mean the end of challenges and opportunities. If anything, they are more profound, all encompassing. The theme here, you see, is engaging more and more of life, not in a fanatical way but in a loving way. Service to life is a constant, always to be enhanced through awakening. Even the concept of mastering the universe, understanding it, is an unlimited goal and must be tempered with the reality of other universes as well, countless in number. Enrich your life and enrich Life. And enjoy life. Namaste.

Oct. 8, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Two caveats in explorations of life

Reaching beyond your grasp

JANU: We are synthesizing the enormity of life into a simplicity of understanding that precedes the ability to know, understanding that it is not necessary or wise, while incarnate, to know all of life. There is wisdom, however, in being aware of its presence and allowing it to serve you on any point of need. Embracing more and more of life is a journey worth taking, enhancing your life while maintaining its integrity and your own sanity.

Yes, there are times when perspectives are challenged and need to evolve, for an attribute of life is change, allowing renewal, re-creation, and flow. Exploration without a central reference of the integrity of your True Nature brings confusion. Your ability to explore life must be tempered by your capacity for balance and integrity while doing so. Patience allows for this, reaching beyond the grasp does not. Timelessness is indeed a virtue. Namaste.

Sept. 23, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Time shifting

JANU:    Moving through time is a reality. Progress slowly with this, for movement through time has consequences and, for the unskilled, difficulty returning is one of them. Your current position in time is no more valid than any other time, but there is much more to it than that. Now, there is time shifting in consciousness, but physically is a different set of elements.

Genetic engineering is another arena of manipulating life, not always knowing in advance the ramifications. Another arena that is worthy of examination is your own consciousness, which includes perceptions, interpretations, emotional and mental patterns, that can have many ramifications, not only in this sojourn but in others to come. A thing uncontrolled seems uncontrollable. Time is a fluid part of life, and so are the patterns of your consciousness. Remember, everything is changing, alterable, but care and wisdom and patience are called for. Namaste.

Sept. 23, 2015B                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Uplifting others

JANU: Exploring at this time spheres of influence, putting this into perspective, let us observe human spheres of influence. Many have a limited view of this, not realizing their full potential. Mingling in public, so to speak, is your model privacy, separation, or do you sense those around you on multiple levels? What energy pattern are you focused in, and what do you radiate? Many exercise their power of influence but not always in a loving way. And whether you are aware of it or not, you radiate your consciousness. On certain levels of energy, proximity is not a limiting factor.

And what about your being influenced by the radiation of others? There is a reciprocal relationship as well, mostly unconscious. You have noticed that, with some, there is seemingly a dark cloud around them and you tend to withdraw and avoid. With others, there is a lightness, an upliftment being near them, being aware of them. Everyone radiates consciousness. Being genuinely at peace and, more than that, a loving tone uplifts those around you, and without knowing the cause of this, they benefit.

What we are suggesting here is a service to life, to others, that brings great reward for everyone. Your service is multiplied in ways and numbers hard to imagine. Spend a day walking through life among people, and yes, the creatures of the world, with a simple tone of upliftment, peace, and happiness. This is not interference, our brother. This is a benefit to everyone. Allow your being to help lift those around you in freedom. Namaste.

Sept. 24, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are elaborating upon the misfortunes of the day, for many people. It is easy to look upon the brutality of some national leaders, drug lords, and even individuals and find dismay about the current human journey. It helps to put this in perspective, realizing that these are temporary aberrations, and focus upon the wonder of human potential. Focus upon this alternative. Give it life and energy. Allow it to be, by your attention and prayers. Do not see the aberrations as permanent or powerful. They are not. They are temporary. We are not against these, but for the wonder of human potential, evidenced by the generosity and love and service given by so many. Your media could contribute to this potential by bringing to the light of the public the good works, shifting people’s focus from mayhem to enlightened service.

Kindness is very powerful when bringing people together for common benefit. No matter how seemingly small or insignificant a kindness, it is a seed that is planted and grows beyond its inception. Kindness is a liberator of the spirit. It includes encouragement, a smile, a compliment, caring, and an embrace, and consideration.

Choose any day with kindness as a theme. Allow yourself to be alert to opportunities. Kindness need not be demonstrative or overt. The purpose is to help others understand and feel positive about themselves. Gently, at times quietly, honestly and naturally, be kind to someone and yourself. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Oct. 1, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross