Merging the human mind and that of the True Nature

JANU:    Attune then to that nature of the human reality that exists to form an alliance with the truth of its larger nature. “How does one achieve this, then?” you ask. Forming alliances has to do with being in agreement, to the benefit of all parties. There is a benefit to the True Nature experiencing incarnate life. And the converse is true.

Our agreement is based upon, in part, serving the awakening of humanity. But more than that, we support the evolution of life itself, its creations. There are fundamental patterns of life that exist in many realities and we support those as well. So the forming of an alliance, you see, is based upon an affinity for all involved to evolve the relationship and cooperate and coordinate and enrich.

What we are beginning to achieve even more fully is a conscious relationship. What we are achieving is not unique, our brother. It is the model for raising consciousness ever more successfully. You will learn, in due course, the relationship between the finite human consciousness and that of your own True Nature. And yes, more and more you will speak as one voice, one understanding. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 2, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The truth within and the world you live in

JANU:    Many consider the inner life as one that is vague with specifics and terminology, but more as their own private thoughts vaguely associated with a nebulous deity to be understood by what the church teaches. This is useful to a degree, but elements of that dialogue within are sponsored by the True Nature.

Now the desire, here, is for humanity to awaken to more and more possibilities of the truth of their being and the Truth of Life, but not in such a way or pace as to interfere with the wisdom to be gained in the day to day, so to speak. So these changes in humanity, the awakening changes, have a natural pace to them. In due course, human consciousness will perceive the true nature of life in every reality and know that they themselves are so much more than they are aware of, blessing their lives and consciousness.

The identity of the human body allows assumptions of limitation. The boundaries of their experience controlled by shape and size, thoughts and feelings. They are shadows of the larger truth of who you are. Yes, many religions have many rituals, symbols, words, chants, mantras, hymns, but none of these secure the truth within and an understanding of the life you are a part of. They speak to these things, attempt to represent them, but you still don’t own them consciously.

Move beyond these things to a deep connection with your True Nature and the nature of life. Leave behind limitation. It is far simpler than all of these things. Direct knowing is more revealing than any ritual or icon. You are capable of this. Everyone is.

Otherwise, the wars continue, the cruelty and brutality, the poverty, the despair and suffering, while some live well, so to speak. Humanity has created its society, its conditions, but has difficulty seeing beyond these things and how to achieve them. Applying the truth of who you are to the truth of the world you live in as a human changes everything. Namaste.

Sept. 3, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Merging the inner and outer life

JANU:    What distinguishes this morning’s service from others is the propensity for tolerance of the lives of people trying to make sense of their lives. They rely on churches, religions, professional counselors, therapists, the external influences more than their own inner reality and are confused about how to begin. A beginning is to desire deeply to understand life, your own life, to discover your faculties for embracing a deeper and larger understanding. Many are not even grateful for being alive. Society has accomplished much to support living, but not a lot to support a clear sense of being and ownership of existence larger than their sojourn.

The peace we speak of is a wonderful pathway to understanding. They think that the resources outside of them are the substance and security of their lives. It is temporary, and flawed, unreliable. But seeing these with insight, depth, and the inner wisdom changes this. One need not embrace everything in society to meet their needs, so it is wise to choose with some care what you embrace.

Realize that there is wisdom within, insight beyond the external life. Balance the two with patience and insight into the Truth and to the existence and purpose of opportunities. Even the largest ambitions in the material world benefit from a core reality of harmony with the truth of your being and the larger life. Entertain the timeless reality of existence to have a maturing perspective on reality. Merge the inner and outer life in a balanced way. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 2, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Keys to mastering challenges

JANU:    Let us continue our journey this morning to include past references of a scathing nature to the troublesome and painful challenges of living. This occurs when there seems to be no recourse and the challenges keep on coming. What we are achieving here, our brother, is recourse in the form of insight, inner strength, that has always been available. It is the nature of your being to overcome these. And not only overcome but understand and become wiser for it. These are your goals in the midst of challenge. And when you’ve learned to read them, the solutions are seen.

It is the purpose of a challenge to strengthen you with the experience and the understanding that lies at the cores of these. This information is universally needed, for when have challenges ceased to be? Or life, for that matter?

We know you suspect that life outside the body is freedom from these. Not so, our brother. Life outside the body is evolving as well, and challenges are needed. And focus and peace open the door. Not just in your quiet times but in the midst of the challenge. These keys, and others, will bring you success. And this applies, our brother, to challenges of all degrees. Meet them this way and become stronger and stronger and master them. Namaste.

Sept. 4, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Dealing with life that seems overwhelming

JANU: The overcoming of some by the twists and turns of life is from the confusion about the seeming dichotomy between peace and challenges. The premise for successful living in terms of achievement, survival, and well-being is that the peace and the twists and turns are one. One in the sense that each needs the other. For peace only, meaning the lack of challenges, does not have the depth, the broad strength and foundation that comes from all that challenges afford, including experience, strength of character, endurance, a determination to continue and master. For all of these things build a consciousness that can bring clarity and balance in the lives of those who feel overcomed with an imbalance between the two.

Your challenges are not unknown to life. It comes from the constructs of existence and the creations of those struggling to meet them. The evolution of life and truth includes clear sailing and the occasional storm. Life is constantly adjusting itself, flexing its potential. There is a natural flow of challenges, as well. To overcome the feeling of futility, place the challenges in your life in perspective. They are not your whole world. Balance them with inner strength, insight, and the tradition of your existence far larger than one lifetime, our brother. See your life as a flow of all of this, with a net worth to it all. You are becoming stronger as a being, wiser, and more in ownership of who you are and all you can be.

All of the challenges in life are not met instantly. They have a life of their own, based upon how you meet them. You get the challenges you need, whether you understand it or not. They are evidence of the presence of life and the truth of your existence. No challenge is devoid of its solution, its resolution. It lives within it for you to see, embrace, and master.

The times of peace are for inner balance, symmetry of your being, and the coordination of your thoughts and feelings and interpretations. Embrace all of life through the wisdom and love of your True Nature. You are an unlimited being. Achieve the truth of that and continue on. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 1, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The reciprocity of service

JANU:    The sum total of human consciousness on the Earth is a growing light. This growing light attracts those who wish to support it. This system of life is even larger than that. Consider the collective consciousness of all the True Natures of humanity. Yes, even the physical universe has its True Nature. You consider yourselves living systems. There are many. Collectively the universe evolves as consciousness and much more. Your individual being is a collective of systems far more than physicality. The Principles of Life as the source of your being relates to you, not unlike it relates to this one universe you live in.

Remembering that physical existence is a small part of this system, you are so much more. Remembering now that the light is the Truth of Life and shedding this Truth, this Light, upon the focus of your interests allows perception. Desire to see the truth of everything, including your own existence, and the light of humanity is richer. Allow your own experiences to benefit from the collective light of humanity. You coexist with the growing light of life. Be a light for others through your desires and your achievements.

Serve life in this way and you will be served as well. That is a theme of evolving existence: the reciprocity of service. Even as you seek and procure good health, radiate it. As you embrace a new understanding, an upliftment, a clarity, radiate it. Life does not hide its reality from itself. As you achieve deeper and truer peace, radiate it. Allow others to benefit from your existence. Namaste.

Aug. 28, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The anointed ones

JANU:    For this evening’s journey, may we educate ourselves as to the veracity of public announcements that pertain to the human condition. Why not anoint those members of society that embrace their world in the spirit of human potential and achievement? The strength of the evolution of humanity, now and in the near future, is based upon these anointed ones.

They are in all ages, on all continents. Some are known for their good works. Many more are not. They work quietly. Their power lies in the depth of their conviction and understanding. Many are unaware of who they are as their True Natures but they answer the call in their hearts and in their minds for a better world. They are in all walks of life, from the humblest to some in powerful social circles.

You ask what we see in humanity that calls for constant service, constant uplifting and guidance, encouragement? We see it in those anointed ones, our brother. They are living the evolution of humanity. Their minds are open. Their hearts are rich with love. And they see depth of meaning in simple life and the nature around them. And these are unknown by those unenlightened in this way, what some might call the ‘troublemakers’ in society, in nations. We support the anointed ones. Namaste.

Aug. 28, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What is real and what is not? How open is your mind?

JANU: We are celebrating this time the advent of the multiple reality of our being. What do we mean by this, you ask. Our being, our brother, is capable of multiple existences simultaneously in the adventure of life. We are capable of manifesting any characteristic you observe on the human journey. The reality of our connection with any True Nature fits into the category referred to as elementals. Virtually any portion of life can be visited and understood and communicated with. The shifting of consciousness to another reality is a natural one. Life attunes to life. Now, oneness not being an empty concept but a practical reality, whatever your attention is on you are connected to. The degree of connection is selectable.

This one who inspires you, called “Dynamo” given name Steven Fraine, has deep convictions about life, yet to discover the totality of his nature, demonstrates how fluid life is and that no reality is fixed. He is discovering the Truth of Life in his own way in the miracles he demonstrates. They are a small portion of the larger life, but they do awaken the consciousness. It is useful to open the mind for a moment but the question remains: open to what? But it is a beginning and it brings back memories, free of a limited concept of physical reality.

What is real, and what is not? A difficult question to embrace, begging the next, which is: How open is your mind to the larger reality of life?

Aug. 27, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are elementally speaking on the nature of existence and individual being. Fundamental principles of life agree with each other and, in so doing, allow for the manifestation of a more complex existence, such as an individual being. Look at your own existence and ask the question: Are the elements of my existence agreeing with each other in such a way that my existence continues and is engaged with more and more of life’s reality? Pursuing this understanding develops a broadening conscious awareness of what makes for successful existence. Not just one malady after another.

This approaches the earlier journey on ‘balance.’ The integrity of each system, or element, of your being in cooperation with each other brings balance. You ask, “What interferes with this in the day to day of life of human society and individuals?” Primarily, it is a lack of peace, peace of mind, peace of emotions, peaceful desires. When examined closely, it is easier to see one system competing with another for dominance and fulfillment. When seen in the larger way, one emotion does not exist by itself. It is coupled with thoughts, experiences, and the influence of others, but not in cooperation, not at peace.

Elementals of life have cycles of duration and natural existence. In some thinking, an elemental is a duplicate or copy of a more primary reality. And each one has such a reality. We call it the True Nature. Elementals represent a larger truth. Do the elementals in your life represent your primary existence? When we suggest ‘being at peace’ this is part of what we refer to. Any unrest in your systems of existence?

Life is teamwork, our brother. You are an individual, from a certain perspective, with many systems of life allowing for many experiences and the evolution of a core wisdom. Consider these carefully when desiring balance and peace. Namaste.

Aug. 25, 2015                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Peace: a position of strength and a rich life

JANU: We are addressing the concerns of the day for humanity. Virtually every aspect of human society, with all its cultural elements, is changing in the direction of being at peace with each other.

When looked at globally, the disturbances that seem to dominate the media will be of less and less interest to humanity, with a preference for peaceful alternatives, creative alternatives, enriching alternatives, productive alternatives, more efficient and less wasteful alternatives. These changes are slowly becoming a theme of interest for individuals and organizations, for they are beginning to see that cooperation is far more productive than competition. Vast resources are consumed by competition for power, influence, possessions, and the domination of nations. The genius of many are lost in wars and other activities.

More peaceful pursuits are richer, more durable, more universally beneficial in their productivity and the well-being of people. Generations of children brought up in this way, learning methods and systems of cooperation, peaceful but powerful pursuits, are needed. Social and business activities designed with this in mind is the best teaching example for young minds.

Remember, people are connected to whatever their attention is on. And they give energy and life to the continuation of these disharmonies. As we have spoken of before, life is made up of many systems that survive and flourish when in harmony with each other. Being at peace in this way is a position of power and is far richer. So, yes, choose wisely what your attention is upon and learn the power of True Peace. Namaste.

Aug. 26, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross