Several more have committed to the awakening of humanity

JANU: There have been several breakthroughs in consciousness around the Earth, entering the field of serving humanity. These will develop into powerful Light centers, radiating throughout humanity. The number is varying. There are four unannounced at this time. And, yes, there are both males and females. That too is changing. Another area of social consciousness to awaken more fully.

We spend this morning’s journey supporting those centers of Light. Some of these are what you would call ‘Old Souls’ that have been on the Earth before and have earned this development in their experience. One or two come from other worlds in their experience and have earned this as well. There is growing, around the Earth, a network of more enlightened beings lifting humanity according to each one’s ability, or gift if you will.

This is part of Earth’s transformation into its comparative awakening, you see. Would that humanity could appreciate and perceive the many forms of reality that comprise the Earth. The Earth is a living world. Can you even count the number of life forms that exist, working as a system, living together, contributing in each way to the collective consciousness of the Earth?

Those committed to peace can be free of any fear of the Earth and society devolving into self-destruction. The future is bright and life is coming together, as we have said, steadfast, committed, encouraged, and convinced of the future of life that is Earth. Many realities, indeed. Namaste.

Feb. 17, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The future of gender

JANU: We are journeying together again into the mysteries of life, to be mysteries no longer. For many, a ‘mystery of life’ is concerned with gender specific issues, socially and individually. Male/female identification in form, personality, and perceptions can be put in better perspective, allowing the identity to expand beyond gender with a consciousness that embraces both, as two sides of one coin, so to speak. And this is valid when considering that each individual carries both qualities, both personalities, and even, on a physical level, each is modification of the other to create life, to continue, to bring balance in the midst of duality. How can gender, then, still create such confusion when it is so commonplace?

Yes, there are androgynous beings, but they contain both qualities, both manifestations, in one body. This is true in the subtler realms as well. Humanity is beginning to embrace both qualities and nurture them, within the individual.

The so-called ‘gay’ person is this pendulum swinging past the balance point to eventually find equilibrium as an individual in the midst of self-mastery. But this transition to more androgynous existence is confusing both for society and the individual not holding the vision of what is to come of it. Do not expect the individual undergoing such changes to be the master of this, in these early stages. They struggle as well to understand and find the balance that allows happiness and a joy in living.

Society will contain no longer only the male and the female, but something more. And as a result, those consciousnesses will have a clearer vision of the larger realities of existence and the larger family of life. Allow yourself to see past the changes to the result. Your understanding will be a blessing as well, for you and for them and for humanity.

Feb. 19, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Change as a way of life

JANU: We are serving, then at this time, the notion that the awakening of humanity is but a choice away. The choice is simple, our brother. The process can be far from that.

The choice is the key to walk through a doorway into a new world. One might ask, “Why would one not make this choice and remain in the old world?” Mostly, it’s fear of the unknown, which ignores the question: “Why choose the unknown?” Why choose the known, when the unknown is so advantageous? It is the illusion of security and stability in that that is known, even with all the warts, so to speak. This is evident in the lives of people who delay a change in employment, a change in location, even a change in appearance, or a change in philosophy and identity.

Small changes are usually allowed when their connection to the present is still clear. Suggesting that someone completely change their entire life is a bit unrealistic in today’s social climate. So, when we suggest awakening, our brother, we understand this. So what we dangle in front of the imagination of people are small changes with an easy connection between the old and the new. As people awaken and experience more and more of the new, their confidence builds and they can accommodate and absorb larger changes. Allowing change to become a preferred way of living can be a miracle in itself. Even though some profess the desire for sweeping changes, their reach can be beyond their grasp, so to speak. Would that wisdom prevail.

“And where is the source of this wisdom?” you ask. It is your True Nature, our brother, the collective reality of all that you’ve been and can be, and the connection it has with the rest of life. Once again, the product of awakening.

So you see, awakening is the dance of life, which includes steps taken, rhythms mastered, patterns developed, and assimilations of the Truth of Life. A miraculous process that embraces much. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 19, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The art of negotiation

JANU: Let there be then an understanding that negotiation is a normal and healthy part of living. All of life has negotiation threaded through it. See no gathering or activity in the life as fixed or non-negotiable. Everyone has a different opinion, sense of things, preferences, and perspectives on the same moment of life. Cooperation and consideration for relating is enhanced by negotiation, guided by wisdom and sensitivity.

The art of negotiation is a rich one, indeed. Even our journeys are negotiated with each other and our encounters. Adding this element of perspective to daily life helps ensure success for everyone. If everyone is connected in some way, sharing life and its resources, growing in true understanding and perspective, does this not call for enlightened negotiation? Negotiation considers the needs and gifts of all involved.

Negotiation does not just begin when one meets another. Negotiation begins within your own consciousness, shuffling, if you will, options, points of view, and perspectives to see how they blend or not, for mutual benefit or not. But lead to a conclusion that is still subject to change as conditions change.

Negotiation is an art with much depth and layers of reality. You will find many who perceive the results of these journeys in so many different ways. Some to be embraced, others rejected and reconsidered. This is a natural part of life and encouraged.

Be at peace with all of this, our brother. Everything is revealed for what it is, no matter how perceived. Patience with the unfolding of life is a virtue. Namaste.

Feb. 16, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Looking into the vaults of time

JANU:    We are reaching then into the ‘vaults of time’ to reveal more on the destiny of humanity.

In time, human consciousness will evolve to the point that it would be difficult for today’s humanity to recognize itself. The physical body will evolve to better meet the needs of a more complete consciousness and the wisdom that goes along with it. When the human experiment was begun, all of the eggs, so to speak, were not placed in one basket, meaning the Earth. The question arises again: What is human and what is not? The human physical body will evolve to the point where the frailties of the moment are left behind. Where so much of human consciousness and society is dedicated to healing, in the face of a society that is not in harmony with the needs of the body, makes strange bedfellows.

Let us continue to encourage, then, the awakening of humanity into a larger destiny, which includes such changes. One’s sense of identity while incarnate will change and even the understanding of “being incarnate” will change. No reality of existence, our brother, is static. Everything changes.

Our observations are not limited to one sojourn, our brother. Should you choose to continue the human experience, in time to come, it will not be the same at all. Something to consider carefully. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 16, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The creative process of seed thoughts

JANU: We are engaging, if you will, the ‘domino effect’ caused by touching the life, including your own, with the seed thought. A seed thought is one which bears close resemblance to a deep desire, a passion, an affinity for part of one’s life. So, in a very real way, seed thoughts are created by the life, the fundamental life desires of an individual. The ‘domino effect’ refers to the unfolding of a choice in life, a ripple effect, if you will. When one listens to their heart and their open mind and the true depth of their being, the manifestation begins.

The seed thought, when acted upon, interacts with your co-creative nature and life responds to this. As the seed thought is embraced and the true desire is acted upon and the patterns of manifestation begin to be observed, understanding grows, and the truth behind the seed thought reveals itself, a little at a time, and a foundation is developed of confidence and experience, and the dream becomes realized, and the process continues. And, as they say, one thing leads to another and then another. Not sequentially or linearly, but simultaneously.

This does not suggest that this path in life is walked alone for life is involved, our brother, in many ways. Allow yourself to dream and imagine what would bring great joy to you and help fulfill your destiny. Namaste.

Feb. 18, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Spiritual baptism

JANU: For this morning’s journey, we are beginning to proceed along the lines of ‘spiritual baptism’ for humanity.   What this means is that there is and has been prepared for humanity a baptism or awakening to the truth of their being. A great joy of remembering and experiencing who they truly are, beyond the circumstances of physical existence.

This baptism is like a blessing of being touched by the True Power of their own spirit, moving beyond the life of perceiving that they are alone. This blessing reveals and touches the heart and the consciousness with connection and a growing intimacy with the love that life is. How can one who opens to this reality not want to share this and express this with those who will listen and are open? This is the ‘awakening of humanity,’ our brother. Spiritual baptism. And yes, it is very real. Nothing outside of you will convince you like the journey within, for that is the path to truly meeting another. The influence on each one is as varied as there are people, so-called individuals.

This is not imposed upon humanity but inspired by the collective True Natures of humanity. It is their blessing for awakening their incarnate experience, understanding the vital timing for everything. We have witnessed this before and it honors life itself.

Feb. 13, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What is awakening?

JANU: Elements of this morning’s journey will be considered as temporary perspectives on the facets of the jewel that is humanity. The journey of awakening is not a simple one, but there is a fundamental truth to it, that being: it is a journey of profound changes and revealed so-called ‘mysteries’ and the realization of unforeseen potentials. Temporary in the sense of ever changing and evolving.

From the incarnate perspective, the question always arises: When? How fast, and what can be done to accelerate this? The answer to the ‘when?’ is when you are ready. The matter of accelerating awakening must consider the aspects of awakening that are not physical, beyond time/space. The maturity to deal successfully with what awakening affords is a process. Self-mastery arises in these considerations to include patience, sensitivity to conditions of the moment, insightful awareness of the trends in your life, and a growing realization and sense of the nature of your relationships with everything, a growing sense of the flow of life and your relationship with it. Is any part of your life swimming against this dream, or are you flowing with it? Can you see these changes in others, and understand them?

Awakening is not measured in time or speed. How can it be, when it is an eternal, growing reality? So you see, the goal here is not the awakening but the realization of it, what your consciousness and being evolve into in so many ways. Where do you begin to measure that? What terms?

Being at True Peace and growing into this more and more is part of a journey that embraces an unlimited journey. Awakening is not a thing, but a growing embrace of life with profound changes. Namaste.

Feb. 18, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The True Nature and the incarnate life

JANU: We welcome the opportunity to serve the awakening of humanity, an interesting mix of seemingly slow process and the seemingly instantaneous reality of direct knowing and insight. Each spark of the Truth of Life revealed through process.

Now, you ask the relative relationship of awakening in the incarnate human and their True Nature, their non-physical being. We would see it this way, our brother. The entire being is awakening to each element and to the larger life. True Natures are not identical. They carry the imprint of many experiences with conclusions yet to be made.

While incarnate, the True Nature is modified in some ways from when not incarnate. The incarnate and discarnate consciousness are intertwined, not completely but enough to make a difference. Part of the reason for the veil, you see. And behind the veil, the desire to return completely to spirit, the benefits of incarnation not fully realized, becomes a maturing process of wisdom gaining through the eventual integration of both experiences. Yes, there is Oneness, but many variations. And each one enriches life.

The struggles of the incarnate life, the challenges to maintain, develop, create, prosper, and realize ambitions and dreams, are part of the incarnate richness of life. Not always easy to perceive in this way. The path of awakening clears this perception and reveals the depth of the richness. Realize all that you may while incarnate, for in retrospect you will understand the opportunity. Part of the reason then, you see, for reincarnation, but not all do. They move on to new adventures. The choice is theirs.

Embrace each day with the attitude to absorb its richness and contribute to it. Wise is the individual who chooses the path of peace on this adventure so that the experiences bring clarity and not confusion.

Feb. 21, 2015                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Unlimited reminiscing   

This journey was the result of my mind ‘wandering’ and beginning to reminisce about past events. Your reminiscences will be your own.

JANU: We are encouraging then at this time your reminiscing, as you may call it, to include those memories and experiences beyond incarnation. By exploring this, you have observed a little known relationship of the consciousness, the so-called ‘spirit,’ to the reality of physicality. More intimate than you have imagined. More complete as a life pattern.

As you surmise, the lifting of the veil is a function of the desire and maturity of the individual. Understanding that physical life and physical involvement is just a part of the larger life, to be engaged, experienced, and mastered. Once begun, the journey of awakening continues. It deepens and changes perspective on everything. The purpose of your existence and being incarnate more fully understood.

Part of the reasons to incarnate include the understanding that one may interact with the Earth and other such, but energetically not physically. Incarnating opens that doorway to a fuller experience. There are other reasons as well. Realizing more of who and what you are, you begin to embrace your physical life as part of the total you.

Earth exists in other realities as well, besides the physical, you see. So your involvements, experiences, and service need not end with leaving the body, you see. Your identity has grown far beyond the human physicality, no longer thinking in those limited terms.

So reminiscing, our brother, includes remembering the truth of the moment. One need not wait for ‘passing on,’ if you will, to be totally conscious in a much larger way. So choose wisely the focus of your reminiscing. There is so much more, you see. Being incarnate need not limit the range and fullness of this. And this will grow to the point where being incarnate is a partial experience to an unlimited being, exploring the universe at will.

Feb. 22, 2015                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross