Listen while in motion

JANU: Wrestling with the challenges of the day brings about the spirit of introspection, openness, and listening for revelation. We shall begin by summarizing the events recently that pertain to consciousness raising, wisdom as you request, and success. In the interest of clarity, let us begin by saying that life is an unlimited mixture of simultaneous opportunities and challenges, intertwined in such a way as to influence the collective reality of Life itself. So, where each challenge seems unique, that is a narrow view where everything is connected one way or another. Reaching into the closet, so to speak, to pull out a suit of clothing that best fits a circumstance is left to the consciousness that understands that closet.

Listening is the key, commitment is the solution, caring is the fuel, love is the continuation. Listening is one thing. Initiating is another. As we speak at this time, be mindful of how we started. Taking the first step reveals much. Life is not just palm trees in a gentle sun and a warm breeze. Life is motion, challenges and outcomes, revelations, so-called failures and successes, the foundations of learning skill development and wisdom. Listen and be in motion at the same time.
Feb. 8, 2024                                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Worthy of the love Life has for you

JANU: At the moment unencumbered by the protocols of incarnation, let us embrace our freedom to be all that we are, all that we can be. Such is the atmosphere potential for others as well. Humans have accomplished much in their current state of consciousness. In this testimony, definitions of success in each one’s consciousness are the similarities and differences.

What is success, then, in the life but the continuation, the rich opportunities being engaged, new ideas forming, new experimentation and its successes and failures, embrace of challenges that enhance the platform of life to take on new ones, to evolve. The evolution of life, the universal standard, involves a failure, so to speak, that is understood, a portion of success. It is feedback in the adventure of living on the journey of success. That’s what understanding accomplishes. A challenge that repeats has its positivity as well in the form of unfinished business or its messages find another path or doorway to new understanding.

That experimentation is a worthy freedom. Life fundamentally survives, one way or another. Moments of joy, peace of mind, enrichment are elements of success. Refinements physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually sweeten life. Defeatism contradicts and will eventually close doors of opportunity but does not end them. The more life self-perpetuates, be a partner with life. Choose to grow, endure, understand, gain wisdom, apply opportunities, and share in harmony with the natures of others.

Patience, endurance, and a loving perspective are powerful. Know that, fundamentally, you are worthy of these things, capable of them, and supported in them. Be true to your own nature and the love that life has for you. Live this life to help pave the way for others. Namaste.
Jan. 26, 2024                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Living peacefully, with love and light

JANU:    The basic nature of life includes all forms of love and light. Love such as kindness, generosity, forgiveness, peace, patience, tolerance. Light such as understanding, insight, Truth of Life. Harmonious existence, beingness, and expression to inspire self-redemption for everyone. Clarity of perception, discernment, being true to one’s self and each other, integrity, mutual benefit, nurturing. One does not create these qualities. One allows being these. With generosity, these all exist in a form of potential manifestation, through desire.

 Love and understanding derive their power from the True Nature of Life. They give but not take from. They receive from their own kind in the True Nature of Life. The archetype of peace: a harmonious relationship between all the systems of life. A foundation to embrace life’s opportunities, the results of which meet all challenges to evolution. Living peacefully brings enrichment and new opportunities for their involvement. Being at peace. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


New beginning in the inner life

JANU:    We are exploring the Larger Life. How does one, then, conceptualize reality larger than one’s current perception? By choosing it to reveal itself in a natural way, in a loving way that is unrestricted. Loving life, one with the True Nature. Pure Being is revelatory, self-perpetuating, and in harmony with an evolving reality. Non-judgmental and a peace unlimited. Life is. Consciousness expands naturally, with a nurturing of desire and allowing, patience and understanding.

Focusing on limited parts of life is a choice, which is identification on only a small portion of life. When allowed to be flexible and exploring and expanding, awakening is enhanced. Perspective evolves with awakening. Love of Life takes on deeper meaning and appreciation. Listening to Life becomes more revealing, it would seem, than commenting. The incarnate experience in consciousness becomes much more. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2024                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

Conscious union and the Larger Life

JANU:    Exploring conscious union is not so much the fact of but the results of the door it opens to possibilities of universal consciousness , of the peace that guides and is guided by the Truth of Life. Let us focus upon not so much the path to conscious union but the path from conscious union, which is not so much vocalizing, publishing, lecturing, but contribution by way of fundamental principles of evolution and enrichment, that which liberates the seeker of the Light and their own union.

Understanding and evolution provide enrichment. “And what is that?” you ask. Enrichment is the fuller at-one-ment with the potential of Life and its creation. Complication diminishes, for the Truth is natural and ever present and never changing. Awakening experience is like becoming more alive. With each achievement, perspective is enhanced. Consciousness is more complete. Life in motion is full of fulfillment and love is lived more fully.

Observing the path of others is a good teacher of perspective and diversity on the path of evolving. So this is our focus and so be it.
Jan. 2, 2024                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Universal consciousness

JANU:    The subject is universal consciousness. And what does this mean to be universally conscious no matter the focus or the dimension currently associated with? The question being “Is this possible? Is there wisdom in this?” The answer is NO for the unprepared, and YES for those who naturally desire. Yes, this exists with moments of crossover for those on the path of awakening, but sporadically. As awakening occurs, it is more and more by choice, from either direction. The challenge is identification with one reality or another. So let us explore the experience of universality in consciousness.

One element of this is simultaneous consciousness with more than one focus, bringing balance to the observation and understanding. Physical existence is similar to this though mostly unconsciously. Life is many systems with harmonious coexistence. Life is difficult to describe as a linear progression because of this, yet there is evolution.

Language is a small part of understanding and experience. Direct knowing better describes the alternative. We are one in this and always have been. Even when attempting to listen to the ‘inner voice,’ better to put one’s attention upon the inner consciousness, the inner being, the inner insights. Allowing awakening, embracing it, being it. The merging of time and timelessness, the coexistence of realities. The absence of fear replaced with the love of life. Confidence in what is and what will be, proved by what has been. Namaste.
Dec. 18, 2023                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The power of choice

JANU:   There are those who speak of peace and say they are against warring, violence, hatred, cruelty. It has been said that challenge is an opportunity to become stronger through choice, through evolving in consciousness, through caring for others. Well, if evil (so-called) challenges peace, then where, without evil, is the challenge to evolve, to gain wisdom, and create more wisely?

The challenge is to discover and understand more of the creativity of life that is harmonious, masters challenges, and understands the dynamics of living, creating, and loving. Life is so much more than destruction, cruelty, and warring. Wasting opportunities, resources, can seem wasteful when trying to discover more of life. There is much wisdom to be gained in exploring these dynamics and more, which allows for wiser choices, the paths to achievement, the nurturing of resources in consciousness collectively speaking.

What is peace, then? The harmonious relationship with life and all of its systems, including your own. How many have been lost with warring, starvation, disease, deprivation, suicide? Why does Life permit such behavior? Because evolution in consciousness comes from choice, creators of our own destiny. Which do you choose? Can you understand your choices and their outcomes before they are made?

Being grateful for every moment of life opens the door to more. Choices breed outcome. Choosing wisely is a challenge and an opportunity. Ponder this and your True Nature will help guide you. Namaste.
Dec. 16, 2023                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This follows directly from the concepts of Enriching Life.



JANU: Assembled once more an entourage of committed delegates of the Truth of Life we refer to as the Light. These delegates of Light have a collective experience and wisdom of many sojourns, and, yes, from other worlds as well. They have fundamental themes of existence, common in their love of life. They sing a song, so to speak, of the forgiveness of frailty among the steppingstones and stumbling stones on the path of the evolution of consciousness.

Evolution is the theme here. What does it mean to be evolving? Which is the path of reality that always continues. Evolution is the path of life that continues to explore and manifest potential, which is evolving as well. “What is Life’s potential?” you ask. Words cannot contain this, but sense can taste it. It is the freedom to be in motion, discovering, revealing, absorbing complex relationships in the diversity of life.

This delegation is evolving as well and has a relationship by being present, by observing, and by being compatible. Service is a mutual relationship of which they are an example. Service is an exchange, giving and receiving simultaneously in both directions. So, as you touch life, accept life’s touching as well. You speak of conscious union. Its nature is, in part, this form of relationship. Touch and be touched. Love and allow love. Breathe in and breathe out, simultaneously.

The details of existence, of expression, are part of life but not all of it. Allow the sensation of ‘being.’ Life is. Love is. We are. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2023                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



The path of awakening

JANU: ‘The awakening of humanity.’ What is this, then, but the process of life realizing its potential: consciousness in a sublime sense; realization of the Truth of Life on all levels; the systems of life, the reality, the relationships, the potential; exploring opportunities with abandon; the model of life expressions that evolve.

Evolution and de-evolution are references that are the checks and balances of creation. Freedom to choose either and experience the results, the wisdom of the timing of these, and their counterbalancing maturities. When so-called destruction occurs, what is destroyed but the forms of expression? When creativity occurs, life expands. The expansion and contraction of life are its breathing, the transformations of vitality.

Awakening reveals the differences and their function. Both are life, you see, and the elements of its unfoldment and their relationship. We are here not to condemn either but to understand and employ the freedom to choose. One honors life by allowing its beingness.

This is the nature of an explorer. Awakening reveals everything without judgement, but with love and understanding and a lot of allowing. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2023                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

There are any number of journeys about this same topic. A conscious path of awakening and  Understanding the path of awakening offer earlier understandings of the concept.


Inspiring humanity to find their truth

JANU: We are enumerating once more the potential of humanity, its relationships, and the needs of the moment. Supernatural seems to be the anticipated needs of humanity. Supernatural, then, meaning that beyond the consciousness of struggling humanity. Yes, all of life is connected. Awakening to the Larger Life is not limited to being conscious of discarnate beings and realities. It is being conscious of one’s own potential and the potential of others.

Participate in the creation of more harmonious relationships and their evolution for those who can see. Other worlds have achieved measures of this and continue to do so. Their consciousness, individually and collectively, becomes standards for others to achieve, and to inspire confidence in their achievement. Observing humanity in the light of the realization of such potential, one can see the underlying ingredients, elements just below the surface of human consciousness. The opportunity and challenge is to inspire conscious realization or understanding of this potential.

So, ideas presented inspirationally into the psyches of humanity, beginning with those on the verge of awakening, will spread by example to the consciousness of others. And humanity will awaken more and more, realizing what might be possible to turn the tide of disharmony. So, let us quicken these inspirations for those who can receive them to any degree. It is not our mission to identify these individuals. Natural occurrences will take place, for their True Natures have this capability.

So, the focus here is to inspire, one way or another, the freedom to know, to understand, and to embrace potential with the power of peace and a growing wisdom. Our focus will gain clarity and refinement as we proceed. Life itself will reveal what is needed as change takes place. Loving all of life invigorates these qualities to manifest. Let us proceed. Namaste.
Dec. 4, 2023                                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This also follows directly upon the concepts in Enriching Life.