Pure Beingness

JANU: Beingness, an understanding of reality that transcends time and space, transcends concepts, perceptions, interpretations, and illusions. Beingness remains to be seen, for what is doing the seeing, our brother, but the elements of being finding their way in the reality of being.

Now, what does this mean? It means that your True Nature is a being in the sense that all that you experience in any reality is the essence of your True Nature. You are the life you live, and the lives you meet. For beingness, our brother, is a connection with life in whatever manner it is. Allowing your awareness, your consciousness to embrace your reality on this foundation of understanding, without effort, reveals your beingness that includes everything. How can it not be so? What is oneness, if not this?

Beingness has no borders, no real and not real, no life and not life. This flies in the face of human perception of individuality, separation from other realities. Uniqueness, yes. Separation identity, very limited, and does not relate to Pure Being. How can you be part of Life and not the rest of it? Universal and unlimited consciousness, the true freedom to be, limited by nothing yet at one with everything.

You ask, “How does one function in incarnate life on this basis?” Because consciousness, our brother, and beingness is not ‘one thing and not another.’ It is incarnate life, in every respect, and the rest of life as well. It is completely inclusive, eternal. Time and space are only elements of the larger life. No secrets. Unlimited consciousness. No ‘not attunement and attunement,’ you see, for in beingness one has always been connected.

This is the focus we encourage for understanding and service to Life. Namaste.

Feb. 29, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the previous three posts, as well.


Difference between individuality & uniqueness

JANU: Exploring and engaging the larger life is a significant threshold in the evolution of consciousness. Becoming aware of this means becoming aware as this, no longer identified just as an incarnate human but not eliminating it, either. When one is conscious as a provincial community member and then begins to travel the world, their perspective changes. Their former identity takes its place in the larger reality. And the larger reality is a larger identity, our brother.

So, as we move these journeys into the larger life, allow the natural transition of identity, sense of being, your role in life to evolve. You touch life and life touches you in new ways. Much of this you have done before. So much is memory re-awakening, but not limited to this. You will become aware of many you have known, and know you. There is both a personal and a universal reality here, co-existing. The need for privacy to survive the incarnate life, the human experience, becomes irrelevant.

There is a difference between individuality and uniqueness. Uniqueness does not mean ‘separate from’ but ‘one with, uniquely.’ Your hand is unique to the body but one with it. Living the incarnate life uniquely can be seen in the same way, for the truth of who you are is one with all of life. So, your place in life is unique and that uniqueness is part of the richness of life, as is everyone else’s. This understanding translates well into successful incarnate life, or any life, our brother.

So, you see, the larger life is far more than a phrase. It is a fuller and richer experience than individuality. Allow this into your thinking and your experience. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 25, 2016                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Understanding more of your complete being

JANU: We are summarizing, if you will, that which portends to be an alliance within the True Nature of the elements of consciousness. These elements we speak of are the foci for the realities of being that you are. These alliances are powerful indeed, for they bring about, they bring to the fore neutral power. Not power in the human sense of a force for control, but power in the sense of harmony, cooperation, manifestation, creativity, and a more complete consciousness. The human ego is allowing the manifestation of the True Nature, a loving relationship in a reality of oneness. The incarnate life takes on deeper meaning and purpose, the destiny of everyone, in their own way, in their own time, in their own choosing.

The expansion of consciousness is not separate from you. It is you. What do you know of your being before incarnating, you see, and between sojourns? It still is, whether incarnate or not, waking to the fuller truth and reality of who you are. Some may prefer ignorance rather than the responsibility and the true power of knowing, and that is their choice. But the freedom of wisdom is wonderful indeed.

These are journeys, our brother, into a larger life, and they serve well. Namaste.

Feb. 22, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Merging the conscious and the superconscious

JANU: This blending of the conscious and superconscious mind exists to a degree but not recognized by many. As the conscious mind matures through the experience of living incarnate, the need for the veil diminishes and the conscious mind becomes more aware of the presence of superconscious mind. Responds to it, takes advantage of its wisdom, and serves life back through it or, we should say, in cooperation with it. You are a system of life, a team, developing the ability to act as one.

The conscious mind incarnate is compartmentalized by the veil by choice. But the True Nature, you see, inspires awakening as interest develops in the larger life, the reason behind realities. More insights occur into the elements of living, stimulating wiser choices, a more peaceful life, a stronger and diverse frame of mind, and understanding. Part of the reason for the desire to pursue more of life is subtle memory of more than you are aware of.

So the thrust is to complete oneself, to become whole again in consciousness. And the physical body can outpicture this and, in many ways, serves the life of the Earth, or whatever world you are on and in. The body is a creation on many levels. Coordination of these, balance, symmetry, sustenance, are supported to some degree automatically by each other, but to a more long lasting degree by the awakening consciousness.

So along with the study, so to speak, of the subtler realities of life, it is important to embrace the realities of the physical as well and not rely solely upon automatic systems, for these systems are subject to interference, imbalance, compromise, stress. Peace, joy, love, service, gratitude play a role, you see. The merging of the conscious and the superconscious is part of the system of life and plays its role. Desiring this is normal and evolutionary and opens doors of opportunity. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Living as a complete being  

JANU:    Of interest this morning is the venue of life that is a blend of physical and non-physical to the point where one is not seen as isolated from the other. This is coming to humanity. It’s always been there, but not consciously. One life, our brother, in the attributes. Open the consciousness to recognizing, embracing the one life reality while incarnate. Not just in your inspirations, but in thought processes, decision making.

In the nature of physicality, solids are not always solid. The properties of matter have many origins; one material is not limited to its common properties. In a sense, make the transition without ‘making the transition’ and you will see that materiality already has. Acknowledge your body has a subtle existence as well and is healthiest when the reality of this is not only embraced, supported, but expressed in the life. When you leave the body, you are already there.

Experience your body as more than physical, but with direct connection to the subtler realms of life. It’s all one, our brother. Live this way. Be at peace. Rejuvenate naturally. In reality, the body has a universe of realities, a living system that emulates universality. Dwell upon this. Allow it to be your experience. Nothing is lost; everything is gained.   Live your day as a complete being. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 22, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Living your truth

JANU: The reality of the presence, so to speak, the co-existence of the elements of your True Nature, including the human journey, the human consciousness, is a natural experience in awakening. Your human consciousness, infused with the larger wisdom and experience of your total being, is part of the journey of oneness consciousness. More than a phrase or a principle or a concept, but a working reality in your perceptions, communications, inspirations, and decisions, and your goals in life. A natural reality to become aware of and to become a viable experience, tangible on so many levels.

Many experiences and motivations draw on this reality, even though unaware of what is transpiring, or able now to survey incarnate life and see that it has been interspersed with true insights from the subtler realms of being. Everywhere in the life this presence exists. You realize that you are no longer just human, becoming more conscious as a complete being. No matter the perception, emotional involvement, you are aware of peace as part of your foundation for engaging everything. And with that peace comes the inflow of a more illumined you. When embracing any challenge, physical or otherwise, this inflow of energy, peacefulness, understanding, and resolve sheds light on everything. Remember, light is the Truth of Life. Suddenly, your identity as only a human being gives way to something grander, vital, present, and permanent. And even this is evolving, our brother.

Identity reveals itself with a growing knowledge, understanding, and connection with what that identity refers to. Much more than a word, you see, but an expanded way of living. Choose to be open to and allow all that you are to become known to you. This is the ‘you’ that has always existed. Time to return home. This home includes being human as well. Living this way does not require leaving the human experience. The opportunity here is to be one with all that you are. Namaste.

Dec. 15, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The still small voice  

JANU: We are referencing, then, the so-called ‘still small voice,’ this being your own true voice. We do not reference words here, but direct knowing, the source of conscience, the same conscience that was you before incarnation, your True Nature that agreed to incarnate. You ask, “Agreed with what?” The Hierarchy of Life and your relationship with it.

The voice of Life beyond words. The voice of your being, ‘still’ only by comparison to the noisy, so to speak, human mind, but speaks very loudly in the flow of life. You think of color by human perception as a vehicle of meaning. The voice of your being is not limited by the perception of human vision. The voice of your True Nature understands the many meanings of life beyond any human faculties. The voice of your True Nature is in intimate communication with life. A limitless reality, beyond time and space but inclusive, as well.

The purpose of this exploration is to realize that who you truly are is one with everything, unlimited, unending and, therefore, can make available to your human understanding whatever you need. Seek the truth you desire and learn to listen peacefully, patiently, with confidence in the power and the presence of who you are. The answers arrive in many forms, many opportunities of understanding. Be alert to their application to the truth you seek.

Decide to know the Truth of Life. It is not withheld from you. You need only be open to it. Allow it into your consciousness. Apply it as you may, and move on. Namaste.

Dec. 14, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For more on the still, small voice see also The Rapture and Integrity and the True Nature.


Conscious Self-Integration

JANU: In a previous sojourn the call for this understanding was born. Conscious self-integration deals with identity shifting to include all that you are. Now, this has enormous implications and is a power to be patiently and carefully applied. Can be counter-productive for identity to shift this much without preparation or patience, for there is much to learn and experience during this process. Mastering life is a worthy pursuit, but experiencing and managing its opportunities is critical. So is the motive to escape the challenges or to live, experience, and master them? These are questions you must ask yourself and be honest about.

Awakening is not to be used for avoidance but for mastership, service, and a growing love of life. Is the path of your endeavor truly to enrich life? Conscious self-integration becomes a blessing. Being conscious, while incarnate, of all that you are carries enormous responsibility, for you have an enormous ability to respond.

We encourage the pursuit of this with guidance, honest introspection. Allow this to settle in, to revisit it again. Namaste.

Nov. 17, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


You are capable of more than you are aware of

JANU:    We are raising the awareness of humanity to a larger view of life and their own being, their own ability. We have talked of future capabilities of humanity, but the present holds miracles as well. Currently, humanity is capable of more than it is using. Individuals can heal themselves of illnesses by utilizing their own power of choice in lifestyle and attitude and emotions and creativity. When you ask an individual if they love themselves, are happy and at peace with who they are, they seem unsure of what that means. This is the lifestyle of a happy being, of healthy body, desiring to remember or discover a new understanding. The capability exists already. Exercising and developing current capabilities begins by being aware of such, of what possibilities exist.

The discoveries we speak of can come from within or the sensitivity to perceiving the abilities of others. Life around you and within is a grand resource. Life is alive, vibrant, and in motion day and night. Ponder from time to time what you are capable of but unaware of, exploring what you already have. Many see attributes in others they are unaware of in themselves. But what do they know of their own? Your potential to explore more of life and realize these things and develop them is already within you. But individuals limit themselves by patterning their lives after the limitations of others, rather than the potentials that exist everywhere.

Why not be the source of the new idea, a deeper understanding, a string of adventures in life? Today does not have to emulate yesterday. Stimulate your imagination by using it, acting upon it, as it guides decision-making and experiences. Visualize your life as a grand adventure, including this very moment. Consider what you would enjoy achieving.

We are not suggesting only one goal at a time, for life is a co-existence of many opportunities that can expand each other and deepen the experience. Remember, there is always synergism in life. Even repeated contributions to a goal can all have a freshness and a newness about them. Imagination, creativity, commitment, and manifestation, and resulting experiences enrich your life. What occurs tomorrow may be different than today but they are connected. Be the creator you are. Your future lives today. Namaste.

Oct. 13, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Do you know who you are and all you can be?

JANU: We are embracing more and more the notion, the understanding, the reality of the True Nature and the purpose and opportunity of the incarnate life. We spoke earlier of the dichotomies of life being embraced as spectrums, a range of life to explore, not just the extremes; that the freedom exists to explore any part of that range by choice. “What then of fate and destiny?” you ask. Your choice is inspired by the influences of the moment and the wisdom gained by previous journeys. So, you see, fate and destiny and choice are a mixture of life, life seldom being one influence or reality at a time but the co-existence of many.

Conscious mind has a tendency to appreciate and appraise life one element at a time. Co-existence is a broader foundation to relate to life’s diversity. These spectrums we speak of are not linear, and each spectrum has a co-existence of many possibilities. The point here is: choices are not governed in a linear way. The options in life are a fluid co-existence of opportunities to embrace life, guided by your desires and interests and motivations to be. There is the perception by many that they are stuck, if you will, frozen in a particular life scenario. This is not true. Once again, awakening is the path to freedom.

Now then, how does one effectively relate to life non-linearly? By seeing life multi-dimensionally, so to speak, no matter what reality you are experiencing. A limited view of time and space limits you, for they are not linear, either, depending upon how you choose to see them. Opening to the understanding of your True Nature and its relationship to the rest of life, expand your consciousness to perceive life in a larger way.

Being in a reality does not mean it’s your identity. Examples are being identified as male, female, human, plumber, carpenter, scientist. These are what you are doing, not who you are. Allow your identity to expand and not limited to any label. This is also part of awakening, our brother. Patterning your identity to agree with those around you and their perceptions of each other confines you.

You’re always free to choose another point in the spectrum of life. From limited to unlimited identity is one such. When one speaks of freedom, what is the range of that meaning, that reality? A spectrum to be explored, you see. The question remains: Do you know who you are and all that you can be?

Oct. 10, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross