True oneness

JANU: Let us engage then this evening an opportunity to become one with the first principle of service, that being a simple love for life, all of life. What does that mean, then?

When you truly love something, it is part of you, to the degree that you are incomplete without it. Now let us examine this. As a unique expression of life, can your uniqueness survive or exist separate from the rest of life? How then can one not be an expression of the one life? We come back again to the thought provoking understanding of oneness and individuality coexisting. Instead of just perceiving your being one with life, consider life being one with you. And how does that register in your consciousness? Life is one with you. And if this is true, how can the opposite not be true?

Most people reach for connection, aware only of their reach and lack of connection. Otherwise, why reach? But at all times, life is connected with you, and you are known intimately every second, every moment, even your capability yet realized by you. So, reaching for oneness consciousness is more a reality of allowing the memory that you already are, and always have been.

Your neighbor is your life. Your neighbor is life and is one with you, though unaware of it. Considering your neighbor as already being one with you, whether either one of you are aware of it or not, is worthy of consideration.

When you care for a creature and linger in the caring, the creature senses safety and well-being. Those that are troubled in your society and legal system would do well with some of this experience, for it would bring them a sense of connection with life and they might even be loved and valued without being beholden to any particular person.

This is service. This will heal the troubled soul and, yes, even a troubled leader bringing suffering to so many. This is exactly what the Master of Masters touched in the lives of so many. Namaste.
May 24, 2013 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Blessing humanity

JANU: The point to be made this evening is that once you begin a task that incorporates service, there must be, from time to time, an acknowledgement that what belongs to service registers as blessing.

Service recognized as blessing becomes one with that which is served. And when blessing occurs, the server and the object of serving are one, connected, intimate to the point of mutual blessing. What is blessing, then, but life loving life as if it were its own? And it is!

So, for this evening’s service, let us bless humanity on its way to becoming a growing blessing for the larger life. Humanity has enjoyed its isolation, or its perception of it. But that is changing, for it has been known of and visited by other races, other worlds, other realities. Understand that humanity is far more than a species. It is a consciousness that has grown from the opportunities of incarnation, still struggling to find its way. There are many lights of consciousness throughout humanity with a clarity of vision of purpose and potential. So, you see, humanity has already begun climbing out of darkness. Everyone who embraces this raises the collective human consciousness and, with a loving heart, freely serves.

These journeys are a part of this. Be generous in your sharings, in the truths you are discovering. Let the blessing spread, whether one at a time or many. The result is the same. This is our service this evening. Namaste.
April 19, 2013 B                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The code and theme of service

JANU:    What then of this code of service, that belongs to an ancient tradition? It’s part of life from the beginning. Codes have to do with traditional conduct, authorized by all who participate, and the wisdom accrued. This code we speak of aligns those who serve in a tradition that includes incalculable diversity. The code speaks to motive, agenda, clarity, purity of thought, and yes, love–love for life and its destiny. And yes, this code evolves, meaning that it adapts to new thresholds of life. The code resembles the breath of life. It is a living thing, as a product of those in agreement with it.

Yes, another word for it is the ‘theme’ of service, with the strength of ancient tradition, universal qualities and commitment. So when serving, let there be an honoring of this theme, this code of service and the vast history it reveals to you, of the service it records, and the life it serves. Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2012 B                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Service: Fulfilling purpose

JANU:    Enormous, then, are the responsibilities of service. Enormous are the forms that service takes. Purpose, then, belongs to the theme of life, rich in tradition, that focuses intent and need into one truth. And, of course, every truth inspires another. Being of service is predestined to expand consciousness, quicken understanding, and inspire. Rich indeed are the consequences.

All of life serves life. Service is not isolated in any way; it is universal. Giving and receiving is life in motion, constantly evolving and creating. What grander purpose for being than to serve life? The opportunities for evolving are as varied as the opportunities for service. Growing in harmony with life and its flow is successful living. It is the nature of these journeys and each one, the fulfilling of purpose. Namaste.
Jan. 10, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The nature and forms of service

JANU:    Service agrees with the patterns that bring order to the forms of life and their nature, that they continue in their integrity and their relationship with each other, guided by wisdom. Service is constantly in motion and a part of life. The nature of service exists individually when rendering aid, uplifting another, offering a loaf of bread, so to speak. But service exists in more fundamental and far more profound ways, but the nature is the same. How does one, then, resolve the understanding of serving individually and being part of the entire scheme or reality of service? They are both the same, not to see them as separate things but one truth.

All service is in harmony with life, when the heart and mind are open to the true needs of another, whether it be human or otherwise, including your world itself. Service refines the spirit, giving expression to creativity and the pulse of life. Service enriches the participant and the receiver, for it elevates and continues life itself. Service reveals the varieties and nature of life to the servant.

There are many realities of service, from the need of some to be recognized or appreciated to those who prefer complete anonymity. But all is service and is honorable when moving through life. And yes, receiving and giving service are one, for one does not exist without the other, you see.   Namaste.
June 27, 2012 B                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Participating in service

JANU: We would begin with these understandings as to the nature of the Orders of Life.

Now the orders we speak of come to you in part by the searches in understanding and service. Service, then, follows the guidelines that bring into focus that which pertains to support that is in harmony with, or agrees with, the Orders of Life. So, generally, this evening we embrace and pattern with the Orders of Life as they relate to service. Let us begin this.

Can you not see that? For service begins to take on a new light, a richer purpose, and a destiny, almost as if service has a life of its own, and service is continuous. So, in offering to participate in service, you participate in something that never ceases, has momentum and destiny.

Yes, the reality is ‘serving’ and ‘being served’ two sides of the same coin, so to speak, simultaneous movement of life. Service, then, moves through you more than from you. Namaste.
April 3, 2012 B                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


True peace has always been within you

JANU:  This evening, what we add to the clamor of those who build monuments to peace through force is the faint cry of those who reach out for peace, a simple life, without any idea of how to achieve it.

Why does the peace, the quest for peace, seem so powerless in the face of those who use force to achieve peace? What a contradiction this is. True peace is not realized in this way. It is born of the power of peace itself. And this peace, this power, neutralizes forcefulness. So then, to our brothers crying out for peace, find it within and, no matter what is going on around you, you’ve reached your victory. For in this life and the life beyond, true peace has nothing to do with force, and the calm between wars is not true peace. If it were, the wars would not continue.

What we serve this evening is the inspiration within of this message of peace to be achieved individually, for within your nature, your True Nature, peace will always be found, without fear, without force, but with the power that is in harmony with life itself. In true peace, the body finds health and balance, rejuvenation, and revitalization. Disease is not the product of peace. It is the product of fear and force that produce depletion, imbalance, and the decay of the body.

True peace has always been with you. Follow the wise counsel from within when walking in a world of counsel from without by those who claim wisdom, experience, and their own kind of power. So, find the peace that you reach for, that you’ve always had but have forgotten its source. Namaste.
Jan. 17, 2013 B                                        Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The balance of giving and receiving

JANU:    What we serve at this time is each other, in the sense of the balance of giving and receiving. It is the natural order of life, the in breath and the out breath, the giving and receiving. It is how life flows. Too often it is misunderstood or rendered imbalanced through the human passion born of individual preference and perception of need. We serve today the simplicity, the beauty, and the art of giving and receiving as co-existing reality, in such a way as to realize its true essence is not two things at all, but that which some call life’s love.

Any time you have the perception that you are giving separate from receiving, you are imbalanced. While your attention may be on serving another, what is it that serves them but that which you receive? Many who are in need from one point of view are those who have lost their balance or equilibrium in the true nature of giving and receiving. For in this truth there is no lack, there is no darkness to the spirit. This natural reality expresses in the fullness of its beauty when it is constant. And when it is, the duality of giving and receiving becomes one. To the degree you sense one over the other, you express imbalance. This does not mean life has ceased. The experience that comes with this balance might be called “presence,” for in that truth life is omnipresent.

Now, when you observe a creation or manifestation having beginning or end, this does not refute the balance of which we speak, for this balance of giving and receiving into a finer truth serves the journey of the creation that it realize its full expression of its beauty. Find this equilibrium within you and touch the life that is before you with it.

Return to this theme in your service opportunities and observe enhancement of the service. Namaste.
March 25, 1998 B                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Service: A reality throughout creation

JANU:    We serve this evening those who serve, a point of remembrance of those who have long since established their mark, if you will, on the movement of life.

Service is a reality throughout creation. Let there be, then, an ennobling of those who have taken on this reality of life. These are those who find opportunity to serve for what some would call a meager to a cosmic opportunity. They are equal in their significance. Many consider service to be important when it seems to be a grand and enormous activity. The Master of Masters knew that a cup of water to someone who’s thirsty is of monumental importance, for it lifts the spirit, enriches the soul of another, and it doesn’t end there.

One moment of kindness is worth a thousand. Nothing is required of the recipient save that which inspires them. And service without recognition has its own reward. Helping those that help others is the flow of life. See it in this way. It is without beginning, and is without end. It is the nature of life.This extends to all creatures of your world. Namaste.
March 30, 2012 B                                                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


What is service?

JANU:    What is service, then, but life itself loving itself, taking care of itself, rejuvenating itself, and knowing itself? Service is not something separate from that that is served. They are born of each other. They evolve with each other. They are designed by each other. What point would there be for one to exist and not the other? Service quality is understood in every venue of life, regardless of its reality. Service is being served. It is life continuing the countless patterns of its existence.

There are those who participate in the time-honored tradition of service, requiring no recognition at all. In fact, they prefer it that way, for they participate in something that is a fundamental theme of existence and is everywhere. Recognition speaks only to the individual, when recognition and gratitude can acknowledge all of life. Gratitude and recognition given is an honorable and healthy way of living, but never required, you see.

Serving then this evening with distinction are those among us whose path of destiny is the fullness of service. And their world of service is magnificent indeed, with breadth and richness and a oneness with the life they serve, that some might consider enviable. Consider service as a complete way of life for, as vast and diverse as life is, the nature of their service makes them one with all of life and their wisdom, their knowledge and consciousness represents this.

These beings cannot be put into any category of type or characteristic or personality. They are not separate from life, yet they have integrity and purpose and ability and, above all of this, a love for life that gives life meaning itself. We would have you know this: that service is a tradition of fundamental nature of life and living that is beyond words. Can only be hinted at, and lived.

The tradition of service connects all of life and is born of a love for life. We honor, through service, this tradition and commit our service to this tradition. Namaste.
June 29, 2012 B and May 15, 2013 B
Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.