Evolving the incarnate and larger life as one

JANU:     Identity expansion seems to fly in the face of the common veil experience. But from the larger point of view the veil experience flies in the face of complete identity shifting. Both are natural, but one is the creation of larger reality for a purpose. The desire to move beyond it can have several motivations. One is freedom from challenges of the veiled experience.

Another is to return to the memory of a larger life and its advantages of insight, wisdom, continuation, knowingness, and freedom from limitation. But one serves the other, you see. The opportunity is to facilitate their cooperation in service to each other as one reality. The misperceptions of the veil experience as to full identity. Thin the veil, which supports a perception of the larger life. The process supports a growing wisdom and maturity of this relationship. Thus the awakening process. Finding and maintaining peace during this awakening process while incarnate is an evolving opportunity to understand and experience these realities as one.

The so-called miracles of life have always been available but the wisdom to use them through experience is part of the journey.  Applying what’s gained in these journeys is the demonstration of what has been gained. Being at peace minimizes reversals and confusion. Let us proceed. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2021                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU:     Tolerance is a good beginning in the healing of human relations. Imbalances in the living experience of societies bring frustrations, fears, and anger. People are driven to extremes of behavior watching their families suffer in deprivation and abuse. Governments struggle with intolerance, lacking insight into wisdom. The pressures against peaceful survival, problem solving, and the lack of hope make the future seem dark. The challenges in living with environment, disease, and weather seem to pile upon each other and are out of control. Self-determination becomes lost and hides perception of the beauty of life. People become intolerant of each other, which is transferred from lack of control for environment into circumstances.

A life pattern of tolerance goes a long way towards perception of possibilities, solutions, and concern for each other. Tolerance is a beginning but much more is needed. The power to create solutions in life is within each one, to varying degrees. Encourage each other to experience that power, peacefully. It is deep within and ever present. Encourage people to love themselves. It is hard to give to another what you don’t own. Namaste.
Nov. 12, 2021 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding life in motion 

JANU: Salient point to be made: The Now is connected, is at one with all of life. Peace is the joiner of the elements of life. We are the servants of life. We exist to perpetuate life. We are one in the truth of life. We are the moment, the Now. Let us serve.

The climate change of the Earth influences everything. The creatures, nature, humanity, and the Earth: everything in motion through cycles of expression, balancing and re-balancing. The oceans as well. The core of the Earth and the surface weather are inseparable currents of life. The dynamics of these relationships are part of change. Life in motion.

These life cycles and expressions have been in motion since the beginning of Earth’s journey. Even subtle patterns exist throughout the solar system and with other systems as well. Even consciousness evolves, as does the True Nature of humanity. These attunements as well. Live in the moment and all of its potential. Namaste.
Oct. 18, 2021 B                                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Procreation in society

JANU:    Supplemental understanding into the wisdom of participating in the procreation of the species. One would do well to understand the nature of birth and rebirth, physically and spiritually. It has to do with agreements, choices, experience, and wisdom gaining. One rule to cover all circumstance has no depth or breadth of wisdom.  It is arbitrary, judgemental, and lacks compassion or adaptability to the flow of life.

One gains wisdom through experience and women have unique experience in society. Intuitional challenges on this subject are best left to that part of society. The male population serves best when attempting to understand what is not their intimate experience and facilitate well-being without judgement, condemnation, or imposition. The male role in this circumstance is ‘care-giver,’ not to the unborn fetus but to the mother-to-be. Life continues with challenges and opportunities. Male dominated society is unbalanced. Much evidence to support this. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2021                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The power of love when in crisis

JANU: Simply put, those who suffer, whether from weather or plague, the most fundamental service is that they feel and experience basic love, caring, encouragement, and peace, that they have some opportunity to accept, experience, their own nature, their own True Nature. Love from within benefits everyone. What better blessing? It is the source of hope, commitment, insight, understanding. Namaste.
Sept. 14, 2021 B                                                                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Wisdom and leadership

JANU: Be aware: the wisdom and leadership needed in current conditions of this country is needed worldwide, and the call for this is global. Many countries, many people suffer from the lack of it. The U.S. is not the sole arbiter of social justice and equity. There are those in civilization more qualified but their platforms for expression have been ineffective and limited. So let the blessing be a pathway for expression of these qualities and may those who can assist be permitted to do so. So be it.
May 31, 2021 B                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Pretense, fear and social image

JANU:    Fear challenges social relationships, communication. It is sensed by others and interferes with connection, wanting to present a certain image as perceived necessary in society yet hides their feelings. Pretense to oneself avoids the pain of responsibility. Being honest with oneself about everything contributes to peace. Choose to own everything about your experiences, preferences, capabilities, and desires. Be an open book to Life. Namaste.
Apr. 28, 2021 B                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Perseverance is seen by some as a drudgery, but it is a trigger of encouragement for support, guidance, energy, and opportunity. That life pattern life responds to, in many ways. Perseverance, laced with hopeful and positive anticipation and clear desire, builds an integrity that minimizes distraction. Set your goal. Confirm your motivation and desired outcome. Continue as if it is already being answered. Then allow the process of manifestation to be your reality. Life is not impotent. It is omnipresent, resourceful. Find peace in this. All is well. Namaste.
Mar. 25, 2021                                               Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Engaging challenges wisely

JANU:   Gravitas belies the beauty, simplicity, grace, and easy flow of life. Time and again, this reality has been revealed. We are encouraged by moments of discovery of this nature. Every challenge benefits from this perspective. The strength and insight needed to meet these challenges, to resolve them, is maintained in this way. Avoidance carried to extreme is not solution. Engagement without reservation is unwise. Even-minded consideration and decision making that evolves as understanding increases is wise. Engage incarnate life with these qualities and life becomes more enjoyable with what is gained. These strengths of being inspire others as well. Namaste.
Mar. 30, 2021                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Taking a stance

JANU: Taking a stance on convictions, ideals, integrity, does not mean inflexibility, unadaptability. What it means is a continuance of those qualities in harmony with the natural order of life. A worthy path of discovery is being conscious of those orders of life and their evolution, understanding them to greater and greater depth, living as an expression of these, demonstrating their merit and their evolution, considering with wisdom the discovery of others and their merit. This way life collectively evolves and becomes richer.

This perspective is useful when observing life around you and attempting to relate as well as serve. Consider this carefully. Grow into it even-mindedly. Remain balanced and be at peace. Namaste.
Feb. 8, 2021                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross