JANU: The reality of the presence, so to speak, the co-existence of the elements of your True Nature, including the human journey, the human consciousness, is a natural experience in awakening. Your human consciousness, infused with the larger wisdom and experience of your total being, is part of the journey of oneness consciousness. More than a phrase or a principle or a concept, but a working reality in your perceptions, communications, inspirations, and decisions, and your goals in life. A natural reality to become aware of and to become a viable experience, tangible on so many levels.
Many experiences and motivations draw on this reality, even though unaware of what is transpiring, or able now to survey incarnate life and see that it has been interspersed with true insights from the subtler realms of being. Everywhere in the life this presence exists. You realize that you are no longer just human, becoming more conscious as a complete being. No matter the perception, emotional involvement, you are aware of peace as part of your foundation for engaging everything. And with that peace comes the inflow of a more illumined you. When embracing any challenge, physical or otherwise, this inflow of energy, peacefulness, understanding, and resolve sheds light on everything. Remember, light is the Truth of Life. Suddenly, your identity as only a human being gives way to something grander, vital, present, and permanent. And even this is evolving, our brother.
Identity reveals itself with a growing knowledge, understanding, and connection with what that identity refers to. Much more than a word, you see, but an expanded way of living. Choose to be open to and allow all that you are to become known to you. This is the ‘you’ that has always existed. Time to return home. This home includes being human as well. Living this way does not require leaving the human experience. The opportunity here is to be one with all that you are. Namaste.
Dec. 15, 2015 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross