New Journeys


JANU: Tonight’s focus is self-healing, not just for the physical body, but for the emotions and the mind and the consciousness as well. Perceive these elements of being, of experience, of expression, as a system of coordination, bound together by the model of existence of those who have chosen the human experience. The basic nature of this system of coordination, ideally, is self-maintaining and, yes, evolving. Through journeys, through lifetimes, countless encounters and circumstance, the influence of the perceptions of others, social consciousness, and the struggles to survive, how can one not carry patterns of life not altogether in harmony with the nature of the existence of this system?

So you ask what to do about this situation. Attune to the memory and current experience of all of these influences, as if they are present, viable, and influencing your being. Allow your perception of reality to include not only the eternal you, the True Nature, but the life pattern that you essentially are. And allow your experience to include your basic coordinations, life presence, and the inner pattern of life with an eternal foundation of being and the strength and the ongoingness of your connection with life itself. These external influences are experiences of a temporary nature. The experience matters, their circumstance less. There is wisdom in engaging patterns of life, understanding them, your relationship to them at the time, gratitude for what they bring you, and then move on. Do not let the circumstance define you.

In truth, you are a being of Light, not subject to aging, the so-called illnesses. Draw upon the truth of who you are, all you have gained, all you have given, all you will be. Allow this into your consciousness, keeping your truth clear. Choose wisely and enjoy your choices. Namaste.
June 8, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding trust and bonding

JANU: We are homing in on the nature of a human identity. To create a bond with another species, or even another group of humans in the current climate of social consciousness, it would be based on trust developed through the beginnings of a history of shared ideals and understandings and trade and economies, partnerships, all subject to the vagaries of varying conditions, interpretations, misunderstandings, rumor and gossip, those things that exist today. However, the awakening of humanity employs capabilities beyond these. The inner connection to the true realities of others opens the doors to understanding them through their own personal histories of thoughts and performance. This principle is true even between human cultures on the Earth and why becoming one human consciousness, a united reality, has been so difficult.

How do you know the reality of another? What faculties are employed to accomplish this? What do you base trust upon? You suggest that this inner method invades privacy. Be it known, then, our brother, that there is no privacy, and never has been, from the oneness of life. All is known. The privacy you cherish is from each other, that the other might abuse the privilege, the knowing.

Many memories are hidden from your own consciousness, not wanting to deal with them or own them or be responsible. What about your trust and your bond with who you are, all you have been and done? Can you own all of this and find peace as well? This is the path, our brother, to inner freedom. Self-condemnation does not liberate or bring peace. If life allows all your choices, endeavors, relationships, thoughts and feelings, and still loves you, is it not worthwhile to understand this? And if this is difficult for you, can you love another in this same way and be honorable with everything you know about them?

Much to accomplish in this, preparing for unity in humanity as well as other beings, other realities. Bring the Light you seek, which is the Truth of Life, to every part of you. Shine Light on it, understand it, own it, and stand in your truth, in true freedom to move on. Namaste.
June 7, 2015                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Explore life, moving on without regrets

JANU: Much of exploring life is ‘deciding to know,’ attuning to realities, accepting them for what they are without disturbing them. Agreeing to incarnate involves much more than incarnating, you see. Being a presence in another reality has already changed that reality, and every moment changes it further. Understand this, our brother: service to life can co-exist in more than one reality at a time. Much can be set in motion to support the flow of life and enrich the harvest of experience.

A thorn, so to speak, in the side of living appears to be not knowing, understanding just out of reach, or so it seems. Understanding something different or new to you at this time does not require pushing, impatience, demands, but allowing an embrace of what already is. It takes no effort at all, our brother. The effort is in keeping things from you, which is of your own making.

As you move through life, be aware of interactions with others and the experience that leaves behind in them. Mistakes can be a blessing, as they can reveal so much. The ‘trial and error’ success in living is an honorable path. Regret them not, but learn and move on. Dwell not with regret. Understand all of your creations and move on.
June 3, 2015 B                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Transforming life patterns

JANU: We are enabling that as you have just done: the transformation of one energy pattern to another. Successfully, we might add. Remember this process. It will serve you well. A good lesson for this evening’s journey.

Avoiding or ignoring a pattern that already exists keeps your attention on the pattern. It still exists, only pushed into the background to a degree. Any disturbing energy pattern can be transmuted, if allowed, to new pattern more conducive to your goal. This can have a number of applications throughout the day, responding to rather than reacting to life.

Now you ask, “Can this process apply to other energy patterns, not necessarily emotional ones?” The answer is yes. Life patterns can be manipulated and transformed but the focus needs to be there, not some nebulous transformation, you see. No longer the need to let go of an old pattern for, through the process, it is no longer there to let go of. Part of the change in the flow of life, our brother, the creation of change. Even perceptions and attitudes can be transformed. Relationships between people can be transformed in this way. Everything is mutable.

Forgiveness is part of this process as well. The ‘unforgiveness’ traps you into negative patterns that will limit you and throttle your creative abilities. Add forgiveness to your identity, free to transform and be liberated and not imposing a restrictive pattern on anyone. Forgiving is not weakness, our brother, it is freedom and strength.

Understand this process clearly. Make it part of your life. Be aware of its many applications. Transform yourself into all you can be. Namaste.
June 1, 2015 B                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mastership through service

JANU: We are fostering then delving into the dance of life a few are engaged in. This being ‘mastership and service.’ They both go hand in hand, for they enhance each other and they are one in more ways than some realize. These quoted words, “let the greatest among you be the servant of all,” are wise. When this is your theme, your model for awakening, the cart never gets before the horse. Perspective is maintained, priorities honored, protocols enhanced, and the Light expands.

The goal isn’t mastership alone. The goal is serving life, which is the source of the blessings and the mastership. For none of these exist without life itself. And what is the value of mastership without service? It becomes self-serving only and must be called something else.

So, the journey begins, you see, with the love of life, the love of service, and all that that includes. We know it is difficult to love in a balanced and masterful way the expressions of life that seem the opposite of your desires. But that will come in time, our brother, as the human consciousness evolves.

Consider carefully what threshold in your life you observe life from. The more evolved you are, the clearer the vision, the more you see and understand, and this changes how you relate to what you see and understand. Being ‘above it all,’ or removed, is not the perspective here. The larger perspective is to be in service, one with it all.

How can you truly love one part of life and not another? Loving and agreeing with are not the same. Being on the path of life, in the midst of so many dichotomies and changes, is a privilege. So much to learn and understand and grow in service to. This is rich indeed.

Patience beyond description. Compassion without limit. Understanding without rancor or condemnation. These are some of the hallmarks of mastership through a life of service. And mastership, our brother, is only the beginning. Namaste.

May 29, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The power and magic of gratitude

JANU: Being enamored of living is a joyous path. Many concerned with survival, power struggles, manipulation, greed miss the opportunity to be enamored of the Truth of Life. Being grateful for your next breath becomes clear when it is not there. A sunrise that’s not there. Love from another that’s not there. The warmth of the sun, the refreshing breeze, the basic comforts, peace of mind, the joy of discovery, the miracle of being, when not there bring gratitude for these things. Why be grateful for that which appears regularly, naturally, every day? Need there be a lack in your life to appreciate the abundance of its presence? Even when discarnate, the miracles of life abound. A moment of gratitude reveals more and more reasons to be grateful.

The process of life itself unfolding holds its own beauty. This process can be observed and understood in everything. The physical body you have borrowed for a time has its own beauty of life process. Expect miracles, but take nothing for granted. And the gratitude awakens you to so much more.

You seek peace of mind, balance, and well-being. The gratitude we speak of brings this. The constant searching for more and more is from a lack of gratitude for what is. When filled with gratitude, the emptiness disappears and the greater miracles of life continue. So continue a grateful relationship with life.

This is a powerful consciousness. It connects you with all of life and brings a bounty not designed by you but created by you through gratitude. “What are you grateful for today?” is the question. Namaste.

May 28, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Anomalies in communication

JANU:    We will address at this time the reason for anomalies in speech patterns as we convey understanding.

Understand that most of life does not use verbal speech. It communicates in other ways, far more revealing and unambiguous and truthful. Human speech can have many meanings for the same word and the pattern of languages overlap each other, and they have roots in other languages, and, of course, meanings that have drifted over time. Imagine the challenge to speak clearly and precisely in attuned communication with language anywhere in the world. This is why language and meaning must sort itself out over time.

This is why visuals are relied upon in dreams and elsewhere. But again comes the problem of interpretation. You have seen many images, scenarios, that relate to our journeys. Upon reflection, some are understood for their true meaning. When pursued, any vision can be explained.

Our method of conscious attunement has its challenges but the channel has a greater opportunity to mature and understand. Now the primary communicator is your own True Nature, who you truly are, the larger you, the eternal you. Other beings can convey information as well. Best accomplished in harmony with the protocols of your own being.

Effective communication is a complex reality of protocols. Anomalies, our brother, do not negate the rest of the journey. It is possible, using the strength and foundation of the rest of the attunement, to clarify these. So we all do our best to achieve the clearest communication, with the patience to refine and deepen understanding. Many approach to participate in the communication but must adjust to the protocols as well, one being our agreement to proceed. Namaste.

May 26, 2015 B                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening is a process of allowing

JANU:    Let us begin then by stating that the richness of life of each sojourn is influenced greatly by the inner awakening. Now, when we speak of the veil from the beginning of the sojourn, it does not close off conscious awareness of your True Nature completely.

The purpose of the ‘still, small voice,’ so-called, is to maintain the connection, for a variety of reasons. The instincts, the insights, of the youth are a response to this. Those who are older have forgotten and the connection is more vague to the human consciousness. The effort to rejoin this ‘still, small voice’ and its inspiration, its guidance, occurs for some later in life and, once begun, becomes a fairly constant pursuit for the richness it brings. And its strength grows in life as the veil diminishes, for with this comes the understanding to commit to a richer incarnate life and lessens the urge to depart from incarnation, envisioning greater freedom, a utopia.

We are not suggesting here premature awakening, but a growing maturity to include this in the life, bringing insight and sensitivity to the truth of everything. Realize that life is process and moving with the flow of life is not a function of ‘pushing’ but more a sense of allowing richness into your life, allowing awakening, with patience but expectancy, confidence, and gratitude.

May 31, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Responsible observation of yourself and others

JANU: We are sandwiching in between episodes the more transparent part of the physical journey. ‘Transparent’ meaning that which is easier to see through. Some would say it’s easier to see through the ego and mind of another than of oneself. But it only seems so. How can you appraise another’s path you haven’t walked? What, then, do you base it upon? Seeing what’s in yourself can be completely yours.

What determines, then, the ease of rendering a reality in your life transparent? How much you own who you are. Your True Nature has this ability to see through the masks that are worn. The question remains: Do you really want to see behind your masks? Can you find peace with these revelations?

When you attempt to see behind the masks of others, it opens the door for judgement, condemnation, and the desire to convey these revelations to others, to the person whom you observe. But they can’t own these things, hearing from you. They must confront and own these on their own. You cannot grow for another. But you can inspire by example.

When observing any part of life, what are you capable of observing and understanding? Profound knowledge bears responsibility. Great care must be taken to inspire the sovereignty of another. Observe and understand what you may, but be kind and loving to others, and harmless. Namaste.

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Primary patterns of human consciousness

JANU:    Elementally speaking, then, let us pursue an understanding of primary patterns of human consciousness and misinterpretations that lead to discordant behavior. Primary patterns are those that are initiated and evolved as the conditions of life change. And, yes, new patterns come forth from time to time. Primary patterns include survival, environmental relationships, health and well-being, creativity, loving discovery and understanding.

When you observe the current human condition, it is not difficult to see misinterpretations, misapplication, and misidentification. And, yes, identity is a primary pattern. Humanity has been asking, “Who am I?” for eons, mistakenly forming identity as the results of misinterpretation and misapplication of primary patterns.

And yes, the True Nature evolves as well and contributes to the conditioning of the outer experience. As we have said before, all the so-called ‘Laws of Life’ are mutable and the True Nature is included. So the journey of the merging of human consciousness with its True Nature involves cooperation and a desire to evolve, to create an enlightened identity continuously evolving.

Yes, we are one and a work in progress, so to speak. If life is always in motion and changing, we are part of that as well. Our bonding is essential. Let us walk into the future together. It is a rich one. Namaste.

May 23, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross