New Journeys

Coexistence and all that you are

JANU:    Such a portrayal of coexistence stems from the innate desire to be more conscious, more consciously involved in the Tapestry of Life. The reality you long for in consciousness and in experience has always been the nature of your existence, the life seemingly around you and the life within you. Think not strictly, perceive not strictly in incarnate, veiled terms. This also allows for expansion of identity, which in turn broadens consciousness and awareness. It has always been at your fingertips, at your beck and call. It has always been involved in your human journey.

We are your companions in life and you are ours. Life grows from your experiences, your wisdom gaining. We all gain from each other as we serve life. This is not a reality to be perceived as something to be attained. It is already there and you have been living it, although not always conscious of it, but the desire has always been there to know, to see, to be, to understand, and to walk a larger path with larger steps. This is part of being intimate with life, the life that you are. It is here and it is now. Be all you desire and life will always respond. Decide to understand and experience. Namaste.
May 11, 2022                                                                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


See the Larger Life in others – Part 2

JANU:    Holistic and wholesome is the essence of the Larger Life experience as an incarnate being. The True Nature of each one is the Larger Life and the incarnate life as one reality. So, when perceiving others, perceive them as complete beings, wholesome beings, with a holistic experience. It is their nature, whether conscious of it or not. Sense them in this way, as complete beings.

They are worthy of grace and love, wisdom and peace. See everyone in this way. Understand their lives in true context with their Nature. Do not be limited in your perception by their apparent confusion, frustration, or anger. They are more than that and will discover it in time. Be the light of clarity as they have need of. Namaste.
May 10, 2022 B                                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s Note: Be sure to check out preceding journey.  


See the Larger Life in others – Part 1

JANU:    Seeing the Larger Life in others leads to seeing yourself in others, and them in you. Although the range of individual differences is great, also are the similarities, which is the nature of the Larger Life. This also leads to identity expansion and a lifting of the veil. The veil promotes individuality, hiding the oneness reality from most.

A universal consciousness is freedom to be your potential. The source of potential lies with the True Nature, which you are. Oneness is the coexistence of everything and humanity coexists with everything. The veil is only perception. Awaken guided by wisdom with patience, commitment, and peace. Namaste.
May 9, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Personal symbiosis

JANU:     Symbiosis exists between incarnate consciousness and the rest of the being. How can this not be true when the Larger Life and the incarnate life are one, each a part of the other? Opening the consciousness to the nature of this reveals something more than ‘anatomy as opposed to spirit.’ For physicality, with perceived boundaries and limits, exists through the presence of a larger reality. Perception of presence of the entire Nature opens the consciousness to the larger possibilities and variety of creativity as always being present.

Now, life communicates throughout its nature, but the language, so to speak, is diverse. The perception of structure and form in human language is limited. Consider how individuals communicate without words through a look, a motion, or feeling of shared understanding, and subtler ways yet. Do you recognize sharing understanding without limited structure and form happens through awakening? Be open to, sensitive to subtle powers of perception whether understood or not. ‘Deciding to know and then listening,’ when developed, seems only natural and easy.

The realization that your True Nature is you is an identity shift that brings liberation, freedom, and peace. Get to know yourself. Rely on who you are, where you are, and what you already know. Allow all of this to discover more and enrich life. Namaste.
May 4, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Embracing physical reality multi-dimensionally

JANU:    Animation of potential brings light to the nature of creation. Physical reality affords this, you see, for the Larger Life to realize the nature of potential. Now, creation has many realities of modification, cycles of existence, smallest to the largest by way of the elements of various densities and interactions. Much of the Larger Life is demonstrated in the physical universe.

Embracing physical reality multi-dimensionally attunes the consciousness to the subtler realities and their potential. The process of experiencing and understanding takes time to assimilate for the physical life has time and space as components. True Nature explores this as a direct experience by incarnation. The Larger Life is not limited by these qualities but understands them and embraces them, gaining wisdom through direct experience. Namaste.

May 3, 2022 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The context of every understanding

JANU: Context substantiates detail when exploring reality. For every part of life resides within context. When observing others, or moments of situation and circumstance, a great revealer is the context. It explains the detail. So, when intuiting a moment of truth, include the context of the reality. That includes maladies as well, whether personal or not.

This opens the consciousness to the Larger Life. Humanity and civilization lives in a context that extends beyond physicality. Exploring life is what this is about. Your lot in life is your identity. Use this key to further awakening. Be at peace and namaste.
Apr. 27, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Wonderment is a key ingredient in the awakening of humanity, for it opens the consciousness to possibilities. One such, called Dynamo, of your current interest, provides this during his encounters. Now, this is not just one person to another, but Life’s opportunity when pursuing possibilities. So, anticipate wonderment on our journeys. The possibilities are endless. Allow wonderment and life to be revealed. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2022                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Enriching the tapestry of life

JANU:  Enrichment seems to be the focus, enrichment of life. Your query  (“How does all human behavior enrich the Tapestry of Life?”) suggests that so-called destructive or negative behavior of humanity has no redeeming value in enriching life. It does, however. Life is enriched by all life patterns, for they bring balance to each other for expression, experience, and the wisdom to be gained. So one does not benefit by sitting in judgement of the patterns of another, but enriches life by understanding the diversity of expression as life registers and becomes enriched by these. Being in the flow of life reinforces being in the Light, the Truth of Life. In the Truth of Life are all life patterns as they are.

Being at peace enriches life by supporting the balance it achieves. Condemnation tends to separate life from itself. Being at peace unites everything and condemns nothing, but embraces the True Nature of everything. Life is enduring, non-judgmental, allows all expression, and is enriched by the wisdom to be gained by understanding and experiencing.

Life itself cannot be cheated, taken advantage of. It is. And outlives all creations. It includes them. Everything is the Tapestry of Life. Good or bad is a limited perception. Loving life by living it is an agreement that transcends judgement. Fulfilling each one’s destiny and potential is a grand service to the Tapestry that speaks for the presence of life. See the Tapestry as a recording of everything, a recording that can be understood with benefit to be gained whenever needed or desired. How can one not be part of the recording of everything? Namaste.
Mar. 25, 2022                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Peace is a natural state—allow it

JANU:     Peace is a natural state of being. It is fundamental, a foundation of existence. Allow peace. It does not need to be ‘made.’ It is in harmony with the core of your being. And the experience of it is the understanding that you seek. Allow peace. It is your natural state.

Love peace. It has its own power pattern. Become peace. Freedom, happiness, joy, clarity change perspective about everything. Seize the True Nature of everything. It is without effort.
Apr. 6, 2022 B                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing all of life

JANU:    Exploring life we are, for life is everywhere, every when, every now, from the micro to the macro, collectively and individually, all of creation, all realities. Guided by the True Nature, and all that that means. Exploring one’s own thoughts can reveal much: desires, motivations, perceptions, conclusions, and variants, memories, judgements, biases, and truth. Processing, uncovering wisdom. Keep an open mind and listen within and without. Namaste.
Apr. 13, 2022 B                                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross