New Journeys

More on the nature of existence

JANU:    Let us examine the nature of existence, to include the physical existence. For most, the nature of life is a physical reality, due in part to the veil which each one employed with their own choice. And, yes, it is a protocol for incarnation in this particular Earth venue. The nature of existence is life expression, realization of potential of all of collective life. Now, expression of life exists more than just physically, some have said the densest of realities although this is a limited point of view.

Eventually, the question arises: “What is life itself? What are all of these expressions an expression of?” As we reach for an understandable answer to the question, we realize that the human consciousness has not evolved to the point of comprehending the simple reality of this. The nature of all of life expression is beyond the ken, for it requires an opening to reality that contains all realities, or should we say, initiates them. For one’s human perception of physicality is vastness, unlimited diversity, complexity and simplicity combined to create a reality, when the nature is life is not described in space/time. The Source of Life is unrecognizable to those oriented to space/time reality, or even subtle dimensions beyond them. Yes, in the larger understanding, the deeper understanding, life has beginning, but the beginning is beyond life, more primal, more causal. The verification of its reality is all the expression you see and are.

So the nature of existence is not contained within the ken of most. There have been those who’ve had glimpses of this, but even those glimpses are superficial. Knowing there is a nature to reality, to existence, serves the purpose of confidence in the ongoingness of life, purpose, destiny, realization, which extends to your own existence, you see, as the nature of life continues its journey of expression, evolution, realization, beingness.

A worthy subject to consider with an opening mind, deepening perception, and conscious union with life itself. A calming, stabilizing, and unifying consciousness development. Find peace in this, and namaste.
July 1, 2019                                                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Being an explorer

JANU:    Exploring these things, then—such as procreation, the nature of the genders, the pre-programming, the purpose, the depth, the richness of all of this—pertains to the Larger Life as well. For where do you think this came from, its origins, its design? And continues to serve Life’s expansion, co-creation.

An awakening co-creator is what is explored here. What does that mean, exactly? A co-creator gaining wisdom through experience, through the process of creating and experiencing and wisdom-gaining and re-creating, re-experiencing, and gaining deeper wisdom. Many times, in variations that are inspired by the wisdom gained. Life maturing, evolving, fulfilling its potential and destiny.

We are all part of this. Physical procreation is only one part of the larger reality of life. There are many realities that counterpart other realities. Explore manifestations, patterns, elements of consciousness, cycles, the essence of everything, interactions, seeming collaborations and oppositions. Where does this lead you, but into an appreciation and experience with a life that is larger than you currently know.

Humans tend to see life through human eyes and perceptions. What of other species on other worlds? How do they see life? What are their perceptions? What about those on other worlds, who have experienced other species on other worlds? Has their outlook matured, deepened, become more complex and wiser? Of course it has.

Humanity is awakening. Early on its path compared to what lies ahead. And humanity is not the first species to go through this, to continue to go through this. Now, the scientific community limits these excursions into the Larger Life, physically, with time and space perceptions. But your True Nature is far more capable and can be anywhere, anytime, and demonstrates this in small ways in daily living without you understanding what is taking place.

The Larger Life is never far away. It coexists with every reality. So where does that so-called ‘first step’ come from? Yes, it comes from the True Nature. Sneaks in, so to speak, to the consciousness of the moment with an insight, a seed thought, a wondering fed by a desire to know.

Yes, an explorer, a discoverer, a finder, but the quest never ends for there is always more to understand, experience. A grand adventure into the nature of everything. Namaste.
Aug. 8, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Research and exploration

JANU:    Research, then, is the theme, exploration. And what is the catalyst for research and exploring? It is a curiosity of wondering: What about? What if? How does this work? What is the connection? Where is life heading? What are the venues of understanding that flourish? What correlations exist between discoveries and realities? How do different parts of life influence each other? What controls are in place that the flows of life are not interfered with but play out? What levels of reality coexist with the physical body with results that communicate relationships, health and well-being, disturbances, and the flow of life force?

Research usually has a theme or focus. What do you wonder about, with commitment? And how open-minded are you, that allows something new into your consciousness, into your experience? What preferences and prejudices are behind the question or interest? What are your motivations? What is the character and nature of your current identity likely to do with new information, new capabilities, new faculties? Do you respect the life flows of others’ inquiries, existence, life journeys, and needs to understand, explore and evolve? How well do you understand and accept the oneness of everything and everyone, that everything is connected, influencing and being influenced?

Many issues arise in the field of research and exploration. One is never truly alone. Many beings hear your requests and monitor your explorations. Life is aware of everything. There are no secrets. So, ask your questions. Do your research. Awaken with concern and a sense of responsibility for the role you play in the flow of life. Namaste.
July 31, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Energy, then, being the theme for this morning’s discussion, is a fundamental principle of life in all creations, every level of reality. For most reality has structure, which are the properties of energy, but there are many forms of structure and energy realities. Yes, we agree. There is life, there is that which lies beyond energy, as we have said, that which creates energy but does not use it. And that which lies beyond that.

But to understand life expression through the energy creations, it is essential to open the consciousness to fundamental reality of the nature of everything. The physical body, which so many identify with, and the physical existence of their environment have a nature of energy.

“What then is energy?” you ask. It is life force with, as we say, parameters of existence, of expression, that creates structure as opportunity for relationships, patterns, cycles of expression. The body and its components one of many.

But, as we have said, life is in motion. Everything changes, whether the physical faculties of perception can detect these rates of change or not. Experiments with visual perception demonstrate that color exists beyond the physical capability of the eyes, which you have seen, so to speak. All of the physical senses have their limits in the presence of life expression that is well beyond their capabilities. Your own identity is part of this.

The consciousness is not limited to physical reality. Exists in it and beyond it. The veil makes this difficult to perceive but it is a temporary limitation. It is a protocol of incarnate life, created by the incarnating entity. It can be uncreated through discipline and the evolution of maturity.

The entire physical body is composed of atoms, particles of energy with their own parameters of existence, science having demonstrated that they come and go, seemingly out of nowhere. Which means that your human identity is not who you are; it is what you are doing. But begs the question “who’s the ‘you’ doing this?” How conscious are you of who you are, in the larger sense?

This is why it is possible to roam the physical universe, move through time and space, yes, even into the potential of the future, gaining insights and understanding and experience. Energy is the vehicle for all of these structures of life. So, in this sense, everything is connected to everything, on one level or another.

Explore energy and its reality, even the energies you’ve yet to understand or observe. Remember, whatever your attention is on, you are connected to. Become more aware of these possibilities. Explore the life that you are and its connection with everything. Namaste.
July 29, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Is life larger than you know real?

JANU:    Is the Larger Life real? What would be convincing that it is? Is your individual reality larger than human experience, human existence? Is there a larger life reality to the Earth and its creatures? If this were so, how would this change or enhance your perception of life and the life you are currently aware of?

Valid questions, you see, when confronted with what lies beyond current perception. Enormous are the possibilities. What does life include? Is there reality beyond life? Are you open to the possibility that life is larger than your current understanding? What is reality? What is life? Who or what are you? What is your relationship to a larger existence? And why do you exist at all?

The more you know, the more you are conscious of, the more you are connected to, the wiser your choices, the more fully your potential can manifest, your powers of creativity expand. You enrich life in new ways. Health and well-being can be realized.

Food for thought, thoughts that open windows of understanding and experience. Own your potential. Allow it to flourish. Find peace, beauty, joy, and profound love of life. Namaste.
July 15, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU: It is definitely a limitation that we speak of time, the sense of time, the limitations of time. And to align the consciousness and the flow of life in a never-ending expansion of life to the concept of time traps reality in an illusion of limited purpose.

Perception is transformed when letting go of any sense of time-based urgency involving achievement, discovery, purpose, performance, realization, creativity, and the like. Humanity seems obsessed with the limits of one sojourn, that everything must be completed in that time span, which is unpredictable. The larger consciousness of your True Nature is not so limited. It experiences and records the perceptions of the time-based human consciousness and understands it for what it is. But allow yourself to sense the difference, how a timeless perception of life—and timelessness—can be a real experience, with all of its benefits, even while incarnate.

The opportunity of awakening has many phases. Distance is another. Well-being is another. Conscious union with any part of life, in any reality, is another. The coexistence of life’s realities includes the perception of time/space, but so much more. Your own being transcends these limitations, which is why these journeys can take place.

So marshal all that you are, in your perception and identity of being. Allow any sense of limitation to be transcended in a natural way. You are the truth you seek. Choose to be free and allow the freedom to unfold, and all that it offers. Experience the peace that opens every door to understanding. Namaste.
July 23, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Why not pursue…?

JANU: “Why not pursue” is the theme here, and might we suggest to humanity, individuals and groups, that:

  • Why not pursue new possibilities, new understandings, new perceptions of reality, and the foundation for current perceptions?
  • Why not pursue the larger life, the larger you, the destiny of humanity, the true nature of the Earth and its destiny?
  • Why not pursue living consciousnesses, whether incarnate or not?
  • Why not pursue a more conscious relationship with the creatures of the Earth?
  • Why not pursue so-called supernatural capabilities that exist here and there among humanity?
  • Why not pursue happiness, peace of mind, wellness, generosity, oneness?
  • Why not pursue communication beyond words?
  • Why not experience all of these, and more?
  • Why not pursue direct knowing, your powers of creativity, discernment, and more profound understanding and experience of love?
  • Why not pursue all that you can be?


July 18, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Being in the flow of life

JANU: What is the flow of life, then, but life in motion? With eddies and currents and protuberances, seeming reversals, creations, re-creations, change. What then of ‘being in the flow’ in a moment of challenge, which is an opportunity in disguise? The flow we refer to at this time is that which occurs throughout the total being while your life is in motion. Your understanding is changing, evolving, growing.

So it is in group work. Being in the flow of the moment, being rigid about nothing, being spontaneous, centered in the Truth of Life, whether yours or that of another. Questions, responses, exchange of ideas and experiences. Possibilities to be explored, manifested, and observed. Being in the flow with others is a relationship between each one’s flow of life. There is wisdom everywhere, in countless forms. Each one has a story to tell, questions to ask, wonderings and experiences. Honor this in each other and when conscious of the larger flow of life that includes the consciousness of discarnate beings as well and the archives of life.

The flow of life is everything in motion, coexisting, relating, evolving. See through these eyes as you speak and as you listen. Namaste.
July 16, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

Ed. Note: For earlier discussions of ‘being in the flow’ see “The Flow of Life never stops”  and “Understanding the flow of life


Honor the genius in each one

JANU:    Enormous are the responsibilities in the Larger Life, but they are a natural part of that life and one evolves into them. And they evolve as well. You query about helping others and the balance of energies, life patterns to be considered. Be mindful that each one’s True Nature is privy to whatever is needed, being at one with the Larger Life. Encouraging others to accept the reality of those natures, in whatever way they are capable of, still requires guidance and timing, content, patience, and a loving nature.

Compare not your own quest with that of another. Each path is different. Questions are less threatening and intrusive than declarations. Questions are invitations to consider. Remember, there is genius in everyone, whether aware of it or not. Honor that; respect it. Find no fault with the opinion of another. It is their truth at the moment.

Remember, the gem of life has countless facets, each one a perspective of the Truth of Life. Each one a piece of the puzzle of a larger picture made up of the lives of many. Share what you own. Listen to the ownership of others. Much to learn there. Namaste.
July 15, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Finding truth

JANU: Your request has been heard, to explore the reality of finding truth.  Interesting challenges that reveal much about the truth seeker. Recanting preferences, biases, prejudices, misperceptions, preferred outcomes, personal motives is not easy. For many, these conditions are natural and normal. Definitely common.

What is truth, then?” you ask. The ‘isness’ of reality. An accurate observation of life and its patterns, according to the limitations or strengths of individual consciousness, powers of perception, and discernment.

So, where does one begin on the quest? The continuing best response is a growing conscious relationship with the Divine within you, your True Nature, your true being, the source of your integrity. Truth always exists. Even the question asked has bias, unclear patterns of motive, that must be sifted through for a response as revealing as possible. But the beauty of life is, even though imperfect, and the questions can be asked repeatedly, allowing for processing, the evolution of consciousness, and the maturity of the questioner. For there is always another layer of truth to be sensed, to be understood and processed.

Truth is not a destination. It is a process of life in motion. One tends to define truth as absolute, unalterable, eternal. The Essential Nature is, but not its many manifestations and evolving reality, which must do so, for life itself is evolving, changing, maturing, deepening. So, finding truth is finding the level of truthful reality that works for you, that is understandable, that can be processed and applied to enhance understanding, to strengthen the foundation and purpose and meaning for your life.

Even in the midst of all these influences, finding truth is the path of conscious reunion with all that is, including who you are. Namaste.
July 24, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross