New Journeys

Inner strength through conscious union

JANU:    With conscious union, challenges, obstacles, confusion, doubt have no power in the presence of our inner strength. Some understand this. Some experience it. Owning it as a conscious experience is more fulfilling. Applying it to the challenges of life, the opportunities, reveals its truth and endurance.

You ask, “What does strength mean, in this sense?” It means the maintenance of integrity, determination, experience and outcome. It means preparation for what is to come. It means enriching life and contributing to its evolution. It means peace and true power.

Many of the contrivances from human perception of life are the quest for power and peace, but are an inadequate substitute for conscious union with your True Nature. Realizing this is the path to freedom. Namaste.
June 12, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Identify with life in motion

JANU: We are organizing that which comforts the ‘iliad’ in the psyche of individuals. By this we mean, that which refers to predisposition to doubt and speculation. The fundamental issue here is a strong conviction and faith in the legitimacy and the all-encompassing presence of the core principles of life. Determination based upon this principles, conviction and commitment to their unfolding and revelations.

These journeys call for such, no matter the circumstance, subject, or result. Put your attention upon ‘core nature.’ Life has been existing beyond time and is still present. Incarnations come and go, yet True Natures continue. Potential, revelation, manifestation, outcomes never cease. Hang your hat, so to speak, on the eternal flow of life, no matter the concern. Call on its presence to make things clearer, and for whatever is needed for the flow to continue to create.

We of the Brotherhood are mindful of these things. Be not identified with any form of limitation. Changes in direction or outcome are the opposite of limitation. Move with change. It is part of the flow of life and allows for re-creation. Change in every sense. The reality behind these is your strength, whether incarnate or not. There is always a solution, though it may not appear as what has existed before the change, you see. Identify with life in motion, for you are in motion. Namaste.
June 11, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Honoring the so-called prophets

JANU: We are summarizing the focus and intent of Life to pursue expression. Part of the nature of this are the so-called prophets in human history. Each in their own way portending the different thrusts of life into realization, expansion, continuation. Each one has tapped into the nature of this, as do our journeys. Each of these share the nature of humanity and its purpose, its potential with a slightly larger view of life that includes the rest of humanity.

Setting each of these on a pedestal, so to speak, as unreachable or beyond the ken of their neighbors does a disservice to their core nature of service. Enlightenment being one of these. The evolution of humanity another. Realization of discoveries and the ownership of experience.

So see each of these in a new way, as a companion. Both journeying through life, serving in each one’s unique way and, of course, present as everyone is. United in the bond of True Natures. Time cannot separate you, only perception. They are emissaries of the Larger Life, as is everyone. Honor their service by fulfilling your own. Their truth that they lived is knowable. Namaste.
June 10, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Pioneers looking to the future of humanity

JANU:     May we begin, then, by examining the efforts of those of the Earth who are attempting to examine the future? An interesting undertaking that resembles, if you will, your pioneers.

Now, this notion of nature calling benefits those on such a journey. One path of projection is to extend the current and past patterns of existence. Another is to attune to the realities of unknown worlds, species, beings, and the possibilities of encounter. These researchers into the future are currently examining, or focusing upon, cultural shifts and the changing reality of human biology and mental ability. They progress, that humanity will need to change, grow into, so to speak, the future, its opportunities and demands.

We serve their research this evening by examining their intent and motivation, for they are pioneers of the human journey as they reach into what they consider the Unknown. A quest of this nature is not unheard by the elements of life and the revelations are on their way.

Our journeys look to this as well. Thank you and namaste.

Feb. 6, 2013 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. 


The fragility of human existence

JANU: Fragility is your inquiry. We of the Brotherhood speak to this issue of the fragility of existence. Why not look at it this way: Is a thought permanent? Its state of existence is not. Its essential nature is. So it moves with the flows and ebbs of life in motion.

Such it is with the physical existence. Its Nature is ongoing. Its manifestations are cyclic, inter-reacting, mutually influencing, modifying, re-creating. The fragility you speak of has to do with the flow of life, change, not its essential nature. Yes, even worlds collide, destroy each other, but the essential nature of existence still remains. Once again, the limited view and the larger view seem to contradict, but only from the smaller point of view.

So, when one tends to identify with physical existence, there enters into the consciousness the fear of the loss of consciousness, the loss of life. Life is not lost. Physical existence changes. Manifestations are not permanent, the ability to manifest is. So choose your identification with care, for the sense of identity becomes the so-called world of experience that you have chosen, with its parameters of existence.

Awakening to a larger identity, embracing the Larger Life, changes perspective about everything. You are not fragile. Your existence physically is. Namaste.
June 6, 2019                                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


More on the True Nature

JANU:   Further instruction it is, further revelation as to the nature of life, the nature of being. Humanity is an extreme example, with so many diverse elements of development, seemingly chaotic on its march to awakening. Many seeming reversals, side trips, conflicts of interest, and brutality. But mixed in this is a desire for peace, love, discovery, service, family, and a future worthy of this.

So where does one stand in their relationship with all of this, that is sane, productive, supportive, innovative, creative? A growing foundation of conscious relationship with the qualities of the True Nature and the vast resources of life available through that Nature is a good beginning. What is greatness, then, other than the realization and expression of the divine that you are? The True Natures of each one are a projection of the nature of all of life, for these patterns exist from that resource. And all of these coexist as one.

Always refer to the larger view of the minutia of life. This brings balanced perspective and universal support. Stand in your truth and your integrity. Grow in the expression of these. Be truthful, patient, and loving, for in the larger view you coexist with everything and it with you. Namaste.
June 5, 2019 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Uplifting those who suffered in wars

JANU: We are serving this evening that which prolongs the inevitable when dealing with the casualties of war. For what war, then, does not bring casualties of all kinds? Your world is filled with the memories and emotions, the recordings of sufferings and the loss of life, so to speak, throughout much of its history.

What sort of service is called for here, but that being one that heals, giving life a greater opportunity to progress and be a beacon of light for others? Much needed here. We are not talking about the elimination of memory or the records of war, but what we consider at this time is the encouragement and strengthening of the essential nature of each one, that they rise above this and hold on to a vision and a reality of a better life and freedom and truth. Wars bring out experiences of brutality, deception, lies, betrayals, and the suppression of spirit. The fruits of these are disastrous to the becoming of enlightenment, love, and forgiveness.

We uplift all who have suffered in wars, that they no longer see themselves as victims but as survivors and the owners of opportunities for a better life. We serve at this time. (Extended pause)

Thank you and namaste.

Oct. 10, 2012                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. 


An identity of ‘being’

JANU:    We are surveying then your query into purpose of this incarnation and the memories. Recent events tell us that the organization of spiritual reference within the consciousness agrees with the postulate that all life is created equal, but what sense ‘equal,’ our brother? Equal in the sense of opportunity to be, to exist, to evolve in consciousness by way of the composite of life patterns, experiences.

The purpose of life is to be. Out of that comes creation, evolution, realized potential, fulfillment. Isolation due to the veil, different parameters of existence, builds content, diversity, and equilibrium throughout the system of life. Change is creation in motion. Wisdom is the foundation for choices. Life’s capacity to build upon itself seems without limit. There are cycles and orders in life, thresholds of change, parameters of existence, content and depth that go on and on. So one fulfillment is not defined by another. The reality of all of these is a much larger reality.

Now, this perception does not dull or mask each moment, each element of content, each expression. Life is vibrant and is beyond the limitations of entity identification, individualism. Can life know itself with unexpressed potential? Knowing has many forms. The answer to the question is still being fulfilled. An identity of ‘being’ transcends confusion and doubt and brings peace. Namaste, our brother.
May 29, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The evolving reality of potential

JANU:   We are encouraging that which pertains to the enormous responsibility of personal growth. Enormous not by comparison with others but with the scope of potential, for the potential of human growth in consciousness is not measured. Where so many elements of incarnate life have beginning and end, completion, this does not. Exploring potential in terms of social achievement, technology, professions has merit, but potential in terms of a more universal consciousness not limited to physical life expands everything.

So, when we speak of human potential, we include potential beyond the human experience, remembering that all realities coexist and are mutually influential. Because of the veil, most contemplate incarnate life physicality as the primary platform of existence. It is one of many, and your True Nature can explore them all. But each must take the steps they are suited for, fulfilling their desires, their inspirations, what gives them joy.

Life is vast, ever changing, growing, and so is your potential, your True Nature. Be an explorer in whatever venue you choose. Fulfill your nature and do so in peace. Namaste.
May 31, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Conscious relationship with potential

JANU: What we encourage and look at, at this time, is the sequence of events that march towards universal awakening. Awakening is a lot more wide-ranging than the human journey, you see. All of life is evolving, becoming more conscious of its diverse expressions and the nature of each of these. All of this enriches life that is larger than creation, for in the larger reality potential exists as evidence of life, potential being more than an unmanifest collection of life pattern possibilities. But potential is a life with its own nature.

Potential absorbs the essential nature of life that realization can take place, in all realities. Potential is the signature of possibilities. But possibilities have their own existence, whether manifested or not. Relating to potential in this way brings about a curve of ordered expression that feeds back to evolution of potential. There are evolved consciousnesses that communicate with potential as a life expression, enriching their awakening directly.

When sitting at the dinner table, so to speak, the main course is potential with all its diversity and never seems to repeat itself, the menu constantly refreshing itself. So, dine on potential. Experience what you may. Your table manners are the protocols of access. Coexist consciously with potential. Namaste.
May 28, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross