New Journeys

Humanity & the Earth, partners in life

JANU:      A service exists between the elements of fire and water in the heart of the region in the Sahara Desert, or near it, we should say. The fire we speak of is not an open flame but the consumption of oxygen and water. As you know, the Earth is heating up and life on it is changing. The Earth, so to speak, is burning away patterns of consumption, waste, and humanity’s relationships with the Earth’s resources.

The Earth is being served, that its resources and living systems will survive humanity’s abuse of those resources, resulting in the weakening of those systems. Humanity will survive these changes; however, it will not escape its responsibility for imbalances it is creating. So, from time to time, our brother, our involvement with service to the Earth will be focused upon survival and balance of the planet and enlightening humanity as to better resource management and its impact upon the Earth and its systems.

The destruction of the rain forest for the purpose of economics is shortsighted and will be the cause for economic resources to be strained in other venues.   So, this evening, resources will be adapted to compensate for this loss. There is a synergistic effect of all the Earth’s resources, its dynamism, its integrity, and humanity must come to understand this.
June 4, 2013 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Observing others without bias

JANU: Analyzing the self, then, becomes the prerequisite for clarity when engaged in attuning to others. Otherwise, the bias influences the observation.

So how does one gain clarity of one’s own influences, memories, agendas, preferences, perceptions? By owning them. Allow all of them to return to their creator and peacefully and intimately appreciate each one. Embrace the wisdom, understanding the root of each one. Find liberation in the revelations. Freedom from bias and conditioning is a window into the power to choose and create without limitations imposed by the past.

Embrace them all. Own them all. Understand them all. And release them all. And with them as heritage of understanding, move on. Not all at once, but as they emerge. Circumstance will trigger them. Even the ones hidden behind denial become stronger through this. How can one see clearly, without bias, the life of another when so encumbered with one’s own memories, prejudices? Cull everything you have created. Find liberation and freedom in embrace of each one, including those not from this sojourn.

That’s enough to keep one busy, so to speak. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Transformation the key, then, in awakening. What does self-transformation appear as?

A more balanced and happier physical body, to begin with. Peace of mind. Optimism. A peaceful relationship with the flow of life. Harmonious creativity. A joy in the so-called small things in life. Rejoicing in the happiness of others. Empathy and understanding for all the creatures of the Earth. An expanding identity with life beyond the self. The realization of unlimited potential. Co-creativity. The realization that life itself is transforming continuously. Understanding everything in new ways, at greater depth, and many perspectives. Being conscious as Life that is inclusive beyond human identity. Being free to transform everything about you as you choose. Loving life more fully.

Transformation begins whenever you choose, and for as long as you choose. Journey in freedom. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Service: Freedom

JANU:      Service this evening has to do with the freedom to be. Now, let us examine this closely, for what does this truly mean? Being, a reality, encompasses or embraces the Source of Life as an agent for expression, of manifestation, and to be whatever you choose. Now then, the path of discovery of awakening broadens your awareness of the possibilities of choice. Realize this, then, that those are possibilities you are free to be. So, while one is in the embrace of a current expression in their being, in time one must realize that this is only one possibility and to be another expression of life one must shift identity and embrace their freedom. One might consider that life has a finite number of possibilities for being. This is not so because life is evolving and realizing potentials yet unrealized, yet aware of, yet expressed. So the freedom we speak of is true freedom. So, as you explore your consciousness and these possibilities, do so without identifying as a human being, for that is only one possibility. Allow yourself to embrace freedom as a reality without limitation. And one expression of freedom need not resemble any other. What it has in common is the True Nature of life, and that is evolving.

So, our service this evening is a growing awareness of the presence of true freedom, unlimited possibilities, and allowing any one of them to be part of your consciousness and to flower. Now, when one observes the journey of the human being from this understanding, one can see the confinements that direct the consciousness into the framework of that reality. Freedom allows this but does not require it. One may engage any freedom for the duration they choose, and the elements of manifestation that give it structure. So, as you become more aware, your consciousness is capable of simultaneous levels of awareness and involvement and realization. No longer limited to one focus at a time. Multiple realities coexisting reveal possibilities not viewed from any one focus, you see, and, to some degree, synergism takes place.

So let us explore this reality of freedom and the role it plays in life and awakening. Namaste.
May 21, 2013 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.



JANU: Service this evening appears as or takes the form of bringing cheerfulness into the lives of the downtrodden, so to speak, who see nothing to be cheerful about, not taking into account their life and all that the Earth offers. Can someone be cheerful in the midst of poverty or illness? And those who are so-called wealthy: Do they know the cheer in their lives having nothing to do with their wealth?

What is cheerfulness, then, but the joy of being. Cheerfulness lifts the spirit and sees promise in life’s potential. Cheerfulness knows life is worth living, in the moment. Cheerfulness is like a radiant sun and fosters goodwill. Cheerfulness is the lens that reveals encouragement for others.

Let cheerfulness, then, be real within your presence. And this we serve this evening: A bit of cheerfulness in the lives of those who would accept it. Namaste.
Feb. 8, 2013 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The coming together of conscious union

JANU:    Identity is the key here, is it not? For we all belong to one truth: the resolution of being, the profound oneness, the One composed of many, the ‘vesica picses,’ the Holy Grail, the path to oneness in consciousness and identity, the merging of all, the balance of peace, the resolution of potential, the intimacy of knowing, the service of life to life, the freedom to be. Conscious union. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2019                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Conscious union and the Grail journey

JANU: We are remembering the purpose of the human experience: regeneration with the flow of life that brings about endearment and refinement of the True Nature. Enrichment of consciousness, no matter the level, brings clarity to the love of being. The human journey adds to this through experience of the duality potential of the total being. Now ‘total’ does not suggest any limits, for that totality is evolving. Duality is an experience of incarnate life promoted by the male/female experience, the ying and yang, the positive and negative. This human experience is only part of the larger excursion into life and its potential but, due to the synergism of experiences, it contributes greatly to the larger Nature.

Conscious union is a fundamental theme or pattern of awakening. It is accomplished through many paths, supported by the quickening within the consciousness by the vitality of the True Nature, its coexisting presence with all of the expressions of life it participates in. Understanding the duality of existence in the incarnate life is a pathway to embracing, consciously, conscious union within the being. The so-called Holy Grail, from the human perspective, is an attempt at verbalizing or conceptualizing conscious union with one’s own Nature.

Move beyond these simple lessons. Let them not limit you. Embrace the reason for their existence and merge a life in union that includes the human experience. Unlimited potential means just that. Namaste.
Mar. 5, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The grail reality and experience

JANU: Enjoyable as it is, the path of awakening responds directly to the internal call of destiny. A large measure of the awakening experience is memory. The vistas to be experienced are part of memory that still lives in the consciousness of the True Nature.

The Holy Grail is the Mother Life that nurtures, reveals, creates through you. It is your True Nature, the union of polarities of the incarnate life, Earth and creativity, life in motion, bloodline as a symbol of the lifeline that exists within and for each one. It does not have a name, only the symbolic references have names, yet it is. Direct experience does not need a name. The names are limitations, obstacles to experience. Each one has, as their Nature, the grail experience that is nameless yet present and real. Let not symbolic words of meaning limit the experience. True Peace is the freedom to be. Be one with the truth of the grail reality that is you. Namaste.
Mar. 4, 2019 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The joy of living

JANU: I am beginning this evening’s service by spreading the joy of living throughout your world.

Is it possible, then, to find joy in living moment by moment? It is, if you love life and all it can be. The joy of living is in the freedom of each breath, a moment of peace, the movement of the body, the freedom of a thought, the beginning of a day, the observing of a child, the tears of happiness in another, an infant in the arms of its mother trusting completely her protection and care, the beauty at the moment of sunrise or sunset, the rain in your face, the warm summer breeze, the serenity of a grazing cow, an autumn leaf’s journey to the ground, the magic of music. Life is filled with moments of joy, experiencing the love life has for you. Allow it in and feel the joy of gratitude.

So, you see, the joy of living isn’t necessarily grand events, but every component, every part of life’s symphony. Service this evening is being one with the joy of living and donating that to everyone. Namaste.
Dec. 11, 2012 B                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The union of existence

JANU:    Service this evening embraces the central theme of engagement of life when coming into your Earth. This theme recoils at times from the badgering it gets from humanity’s misperceptions as to the nature of things. The nature of life, which applies to your world as well, is the theme of which we speak. And this nature is lost upon those of your world who choose to ignore it. Now, the nature of life understanding is that life does not separate itself from itself. And the individualism you profess in your plane stands in the face of this.

What we serve this evening is the union of existence that provides the mutual rejuvenation of one aspect of life to another. The theme this evening is to serve this reality, that this nature of life no longer be unknown in the hearts of mankind. The Orders of Life in your world understand this in each one’s way, but the role of humanity is to provide the common thread. It has yet to do so. So let our service begin.
Jan. 13, 2003 A                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.