A oneness consciousness of service

JANU:   We are forming an aura of sorts conditioning the consciousness to serve a bit more universally, meaning the more fundamental realities of life. There are systems of life both independent in function and synergistic in their nature. What we serve this evening can be called, that which seems dormant to most but profound and universal to any so attuned, the Brotherhood of Life that acknowledges equal worth of essential nature.

Service in this understanding is more one of being at one with the essential nature of the life, which is the ‘beingness’ of that served. Difficult to explain in words of common speech, for common speech is not designed for this understanding. So as we identify, so to speak, that being served, it is its nature, its ‘beingness’ through which service takes place. The inherent wisdom of life guides or authorizes this and the service is loved into being.

There is a significant difference between “doing” service and “allowing” service. We will explore the latter, service not being an activity as such but an experience for that being served.

As we have said before, true service is a continuous reality. The role of the individual’s consciousness is to be one with it. For without this, how does one not interfere with the natural progression and the outcomes to be achieved? Life is aware of all conditions and concerns.

As you can see, becoming one with the reality of continuous service, the experience is one of moving with this flow of life. No longer just you and the object of service. Much to be embraced here in new understanding. Namaste.
July 11, 2013 B & July 18, 2013 B                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Human destiny

JANU: Speaking to the destiny of humanity, what an intriguing journey humanity has taken. Not just this world, but on others as well. Peace seems to be the theme eluding humanity the most, prolonged struggle, suffering, confusion, and conflict. But sprinkled throughout this destiny have been moments of joy-filled peace, gratitude, service to others, evolving love, the desire to awaken more fully, to know and understand, to discover and to create.

So where does all this leave the human destiny? Seemingly mired in traditional struggles and conflicts, but make no mistake: humanity is emerging. Peace is becoming more prevalent in the hearts of many. As the attention focuses more on this, collectively, this becomes the dominant reality and the struggles are revealed for their origin and their destinies. Striving for a more fulfilling life on every level need no longer seem illusive.

The message of the moment is commitment, clarity of vision, determination to experience. Confidence that beliefs become reality not dogma, not doctrines of the past, but belief and the beauty that life possesses and delivers. Each one is so imbued with the potential for such a destiny. Focus on one’s own potential, the richness from within. Open mind and heart to the reality of the True Nature and its relationship with the Larger Life. Allow your identity to blossom and be the light that it is. Namaste to all.
Jan.11, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The Larger Life includes everything

JANU:    Opportunity is the best descriptor of what we can achieve. Serving opportunities is part of the path of awakening. Practical application. “Application of what?” you ask. The application of wisdom born of insight into the nature of that that is, that is becoming. Humanity is included in this, for each one is in the process of becoming. Helping each other and inspiring each other to explore potential, to create and realize. What can you share with others other than that that you are and are exploring? Not to lead them so much as to inspire.

There is more to discovery than information and understanding. There is intimacy, compassion, love, patience, giving, and receiving. The art of listening is not just to hear but to connect, to experience the concerns and the potential of another. Relating to another does not mean agreeing with their current patterns, but allowing the flow of understanding from your own True Nature and, through that, theirs as well. No judgement here, or condemnation. No criticism. No opinion of shortcomings. No impatience with the steps taken on their path, including your own.

Time is not what is important here, but the realization of potential and the wisdom that comes from experience, the embracing of opportunities, the joy of discovery, the breath of freedom to explore. Understandings need not compete with each other; through the larger view, fulfill each other. Coexistence of the diversity of life seems incompatible; the larger your view, to be more inclusive.

The larger life you seek includes everything. Individuality is only part of this. Namaste.
Dec. 17, 2018                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Blessings and the Light of Truth

JANU:    We are simulating, if you will, in the consciousness of projection, for that created in consciousness has its reality as well, revealing the partnership between potential and manifestation. Each one has their own potential, which is part of their destiny. Their own truth, their own light, whether conscious of it or not. It only awaits their acceptance, their inquiry, their desire to know. One thing does lead to another, and another, and another, beginning with the desire to know and experience.

Blessings, whether for oneself or others, need no micro-management but allowed to be whatever is needed, truly needed. Those who serve life, whether incarnate or not, encourage and support blessings. May the Light shine in each one, which is the Truth of Life, in a perfect way. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 19 contains prior attunements in this series.


You are a divine being

JANU: We are hailing the masterful peace recognition of Divine Presence within the consciousness of each one. Let there be understood that the Divine each one seeks as the ultimate in love, wisdom, and power co-exists with each one universally. Not off in some distant place, not removed from your reality, but present always. It is part of your True Nature. It is who you are. To continue in expanding your awakening, begin there, with loving acceptance, ensuing remembrance of your own Nature, its vast experience and wisdom and capacity to be loving, patience of so-called eternity, ever expanding and evolving and maturing.

If this is your interest, your value, your desire, your sense of inner calling, put your attention on this. Allow remembrance. Allow experience and the Presence to fill your awareness and be grateful, and more will come. Apply it to your life, to your knowing. Experience its freedom and vitality. Namaste.
Aug. 3, 2018                                                                                   Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 18 contains prior attunements in this series.


Answers to profound questions still evolving

JANU:    The incarnate life is a mixture of the cruel to the sublime. Navigating this field of reality teaches one many lessons as to the nature of existence. Life allows all of this, our brother. It is the source of wisdom gaining, one of many, through experience and growing understanding. All of this is neither good or bad. It is all life in motion, changing its path through destiny. The flow of life moves on, and you are part of this. Serving life is living it, learning and experiencing all you may, helping each other navigate life in motion.

All creatures have their expression of this. Collective consciousness includes it all. The longevity of the life that is this system of worlds is younger and older than others. When asking the question, “What does it all mean? What is the purpose? What is the outcome?” realize the journey is not finished, our brother, and the answers to all of these questions and more is still evolving.

So enrich life as you may. Find peace in the midst of it. Namaste.
Mar. 27, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Peace IS

JANU:    Peace then, again being the subject, exploration into understanding and application. You ask the question, are you at peace with yourself? What better way to understand the nature of this subject?

Peace is the great revealer, even within the self. Peace is without bias, preference, denial, approval, disapproval. All consciousness outside of peace or without peace is subject to all of these and more.

Peace is one with being or isness, life as it is—its history, its potential, its current moment. Peace rallies the forces of life and mutually beneficial harmony into recognition of the presence of each other and the mutual benefit. Peace allows isness.

Peace gives strength to the foundation of everything. When observing the history of humanity and the Earth, all of its upheavals, quiet periods, moments of loving reality, peace is the constant that endures, the foundation of life that life returns to when pushed and shoved in many directions.

Peace is life in order, in the midst of what looks like chaos and randomness. Peace allows.

A world at peace enjoys the give and take of mutual benefit in all its reality. Societies can live this way, should they choose. Every part of life has its unique contribution and need. Peace is the give and take that continues.

Peace is. Namaste.
Feb. 20, 2018                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Owning it all

JANU:   That is the theme for this journey, owning it all, so to speak. Owning all memories, all experiences, all attitudes, utterances, everything, without denial or regret. Peaceful absorption of the records of life fully enrich the journeyer, reclaiming power and the freedom it brings. Owning it all gives access to it all and the wisdom is revealed. Honesty, integrity, perseverance, clarity, sovereignty: living in this way is grander than the veiled human consciousness, isolated from the Larger Life.

The courage to allow this into your consciousness is a choice made in the presence of your True Nature, which endorses this choice. Denial of the truth gives your power away, strains your integrity, delays realization and wisdom-gaining. Life includes everything, our brother, the bliss, the joy, the sorrow and the sadness. Owning it all sets one free.

You ask of the Middle Way. The Middle Way does not avoid the dichotomies of life but owns them all, for all of them are part of life.

Claim your power by owning all of your experiences. Namaste.
Feb. 14, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Holding the ideal of awakening

JANU:    What we see at this time belongs to guesswork as to the management of awakening. As we have suggested before, awakening is not something you do; it is something you allow, which includes memory and a growing sensitivity to the presence of the larger life of your being.

Hold the ideal of your consciousness as an open door for your True Nature to reconnect consciously with the part of itself called the human consciousness. This seems a stranger to most, for they have been long without this connection consciously. But it is who you are, our brother; it is who we are. Hold the ideal that opens the door for your True Nature to be revealed to you.

We say again: we are one, always have been, always will be. Allow the veil to lift and be at peace. Namaste.
Nov. 24, 2017                                                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Each one is the Holy Chalice

JANU: We are speaking in such a way as to lead to the cup of life brimming over. The Chalice so many have searched for is their own being, filled with opportunity, potential, and the wisdom of many sojourns and experiences. Seeing your being as a chalice for Life to fill makes you a brother in the Christ understanding. The Holy Chalice, so-called, has always been who you are. Fill it frequently with the nectar of life by allowing it not just to be filled but to provide for others, to inspire each one to fill themselves from the fountain of life. Set not Divine Truths. Sip it from yourself. The truth of the so-called ‘Great Ones’ is yours as well. Accept nothing less and be open to even more. Awaken to and remember all that you are. Live this to inspire others. Namaste.
Nov. 23, 2017 B                                                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.