Ponderables on the path of awakening

JANU: ‘Ponderables’ is the theme here, on the path of awakening. What is there to ponder, our brother, to consider, to attune to, to explore, to understand, and to apply? You ask questions such as the non-physical reality of the universe, singularities, perspectives beyond time/space, the nature of subtler realities, human consciousness in the presence of the True Nature’s consciousness, and then, of course, identity—more to the point: identities. These are only a few ‘ponderables’ on the path to awakening.

These elements of reality are not just born of the human consciousness but the True Nature asks these questions as well, such as: What is life? And the question “What is not life?” does it have any merit at all? So as you consider these ‘ponderables,’ consider them in the presence of your True Nature, that which can connect with these understandings and reveal them, at least to varying degrees. Steppingstones of understanding, our brother, that are evolving as is your consciousness. Revelations in these areas of interest spawn more ‘ponderables.’ Not to be overwhelmed but to embrace these and awaken to a larger life, or at least part of it.

Awakening, our brother, in its truth is a never-ending process of reality. Serving the awakening of humanity is a grand journey. The wisdom that accompanies this is a grand journey as well, you see. Remember: The understandings you achieve are not yours alone, but the legacy of life for everyone. Given to whet the appetite, so to speak.

The magic of journeying is revealed through the embrace of a ‘ponderable.’ Ask your questions. Open to the presence of your True Nature and its connection to the larger life. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2016 B                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The Earth as harbinger of change

JANU: Harbinger is the word we begin with this evening or that which speaks to what is to come. The harbinger we speak of is not a person, but the weather or climate change, if you will. This is a good opportunity for people who are awakening to attune to the consciousness of the Earth, a living system. The current drought you are experiencing can occur anywhere, as others will attest to. There have always been those who attempt to influence the weather in their favor, you see, sometimes successful to some degree. This harbinger of change is what occurs in a living system. Wise would be the individuals, or individual, who learn to read, attune to the reason for these changes. Understand them and find common ground between the needs of the Earth and those who are part of it. The nomadic tribes of the past and the present are more adapted to these changes, but human civilization becomes established in specific locations, unable to adapt to a large degree of change.

Getting to know the Earth and its functioning, its consciousness, presenting your needs as you perceive them as a negotiation, you see, is movement in the direction of compromise. The Earth is not insensitive to the needs of nature, environments, or inhabitants, but can be assisted by a relationship with those who can attune to ameliorate all of the needs involved. As we suggested in earlier discourse, get to know each other gently, with patience, and genuine concern.

Changes will always be, as will be the opportunity for engagement and negotiation. Become more a part of Earth changes, not to interfere but to cooperate. Asking for assistance from those who may is wise. Grow into this, our brother, and find peace in it, as well as effective relationship. Namaste.
Nov. 24, 2016 B                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Getting to know each other

JANU: So often when immersing in another culture, the one immersing attempts to construct an environment of their familiarity, associate with others they understand, and isolate those who are outside of their community, with only a superficial understanding of their so-called neighbors. Getting to know each other, of different cultures and philosophies, different traditions and different appearance, breeds a much better opportunity to benefit each other. If your identity is only your community and associations, current traditions and understandings, your culture becomes more stagnant, with great opportunity and evolution all around you but not within.

So what is involved in knowing each other? Allowing for differences, similarities, new ideas and perspectives. It takes patience, our brother, much listening and thoughtful sharing, seeing the others as rich in their own way. Share your riches with each other, your mistakes, your victories, your passion for life, your histories. Be patient and listen. Open your minds and hearts to understanding. Walk in each other’s shoes to varying degrees and see what fits and what inspires. Allow the viewing of your own perceptions and preferences, from their point of view.

When one is immersed in their own traditions, their perceptions become modeled only after them. As we have eluded to, your identity, or sense thereof, can confine you or open you to a larger life. When you listen to others of different culture, listen fully. Hear their struggles and achievements and wonderings and creativity. Touch their lives with your consciousness and be enriched. Enrich theirs with truth of your life.

Getting to know each other is a wondrous path of collaboration and cooperation, association. Take this to future opportunities with other worlds, other realities. A path of true awakening, our brother. Namaste.
Nov. 23, 2016                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

The idea of listening was addressed earlier in Active Listening, which the reader may wish to review.

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Observations of the awakening of humanity

JANU: We are encouraged by the many commitments to awakening and the perspectives of so many to the meaning. What we see changing here, evolving and growing, is the collective human consciousness, its greater grasp and command of creativity, the energy and patterns that consciousness creates. This we see growing, and more and more individuals and groups will recognize the reality of this, which will bring encouragement to develop further. The byproduct of awakening, the enrichments, fulfillments, peace and joy from revelation, brings a kind of glow to the radiations of consciousness globally. It is working, our brother, but it is a process and is earned through commitment and engagement, insight and understanding, and a growing concern for each other. Many challenges to old patterns of consciousness, cherished beliefs, philosophies, and the so-called ‘laws of life.’

Yes, even the creatures of the Earth are evolving, becoming more conscious. Human consciousness has a history with the collective consciousness of the creatures of the Earth. There have been pockets of understanding in native cultures but these did not find harmony with the norms of society and took a back seat to the norms and pressures of economies. Humanity will evolve into a conscious cooperation, a partnership with the life of the Earth, and both will benefit.

Among the obstacles to achievement are fear. Fear of each other. Fear of nature, and disconnection. When the feeling of being alone or disconnected is established, it is difficult to return to connection because the nature of this is forgotten. But the instinct that it exists remains. When reaching for something more than society, let not society’s patterns control your perceptions, limit them, shape them. For true connection with the larger life, our brother, is so much more. What most people believe they cannot accomplish can be accomplished. The laws of nature, so to speak, do not control consciousness, the nature of the larger life. All things are possible, but not if you don’t accept them.

Understand your motives for any accomplishment, any desire, any creative impulse. The ability to ask a question and gain understanding that proves itself is one of many questions, each one a key to understanding and engagement. Revelation, our brother, leads to another and another. It is a privilege to observe the human consciousness awaken and evolve. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2016 B                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Freedom and choice

JANU: What does it mean to be free? In reality, humanity has always been free to experience whatever it chooses, but the choices can become experiences of entrapment with no way out seeming to be the reality. So why do patterns of choice possess you? Because these patterns are not founded on freedom in the ideology, in the perception. The reality of a larger life is not included in the perceptions so the patterns and choices become your identity reality, fixed.

Freedom to be or not to be is the choice. Freedom is everywhere. So how does one possessed by the patterns of choice reaffirm freedom beyond the choice, you see? Remember: what your attention is on you are connected to. So put your attention not on the choice but the result of it. But who made the choice in the first place?

It is wise to explore multiple choices, even set progression limits on those choices that extend to your desire to continue. Choices are not fixed or permanent. No pattern of life is. Everything is mutable. When making a choice, choose to know the wisdom of it, its potential, its life span, its manifestations. Every journey of life, every portrayal, every enactment has a range, interactions and outcomes, whether agreeable or not. Consider any current experience in one’s life and expose it to choices. There is no shame or negative connotation in changing one’s mind, deciding differently. Do not be owned by those patterns of choice. You are a free being that lives, not just in them, but beyond them. They are not who you are. They are temporary journeys.

So choose freedom and be true to your choices as their results are revealed to you. Then choose again whether to continue or change. That is exercising the freedom that you are, our brother. Choose with care, thoughtfulness, insight, and the wisdom you have gained. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2016                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Learning to walk in truth and integrity

JANU: We are conditioning then, if you will, the social movement in consciousness, in the sense of interpretation and progression. Social media, our brother, is a good barometer of the trends in social consciousness, which is a composite of individual consciousnesses. To clean up social media, it is accomplished at the root of it, which is the collective consciousness of humanity. Awakening once again, you see, being a catalyst for this.

Let us move then from this scenario to that of religious dogma and philosophy, theosophy, scripture, all of these. This whole venue is colored by the movement in the collective human consciousness. Social things of this nature have a tendency to degrade over time for it is easier than to maintain ever higher standards of integrity. The change is almost too slow to perceive and, after time, it is all that is known or experienced and becomes the norm, you see.

Awakening is a refresher course, if you will, into the Truth of Life, a way to remind oneself of their integrity, which includes attitudes and relationships with others and social behavior. The true integrity of people already exists and is evolving. Being conscious of it is reconnection and letting go of the drifting away into ignorance and confusion. Be not in despair. Humanity’s destiny includes these experiences but also includes victory over and through them.

Life will never give up on you. There is always recourse, another opportunity. Forgiveness is alive and well, for Life perceives nothing to forgive but only that which is to be loved. One does not punish their child for falling, but encourages them to arise once more and gain wisdom from the experience, for self-monitoring, appraisal, and determination.

You have been encouraged again and again, our brother, to rise once more, to take the reins of your life and continue on. All of this you have benefited from, gained wisdom from, and seen more clearly. Let not your clarity be confused or dimmed by the decisions of others. Be an example of clarity for them. No condemnation here, no judgment, no diminishing of intrinsic worth. Everyone is learning to stand and walk in their truth and in their integrity. Allow each other to do so. Help where life leads you to help. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2016                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A vision of leadership and destiny

JANU: We are speaking to, if you will, the proliferation of and dissemination of aggressive tendencies in the political arena. These attitudes and motivations speak of times of change, not so much the focus of the aggressiveness but the timing and amount of it. Balance includes a consideration of extremes. Aggressive tendencies come from frustrations and repressions. The conflicts in the world at this time stem from this.

A balanced approach to life takes into account the extremes of life, balancing their influence and patterns of existence to work together for the middle way that is more powerful but not separate from the extremes of life. A balanced view considers the entirety as components of collective reality with the inherent strength to embrace or engage life’s many challenges. The mind that only sees or understands one thing versus another does not grasp this easily. The balanced view sees the reality of everything and models these into a workable collective.

The leadership of your country is waiting for this, but not understanding how to achieve it. Your two party system is drifting away from this balanced view and needs a leader who can recapture it. That is the vision we speak of here, for someone who is coming, but not here yet, not in the forefront. This coming one may elect to be a leader openly or work behind the scenes to redirect and inspire those leaders who are open to a wiser view. Yet remains to be seen, but either course is what’s needed. This one is not against the extremes of life, but coordinates, collaborates, includes the contributory strength of all factions.

This will move humanity forward, losing nothing of its inherent strengths and abilities, creative genius, commitments and endurance, and loving nature, but gaining so much more. For as humanity reaches beyond its world, the opportunities and challenges are great and many. Preparation for the future is what we speak of here. This is not the only world or species struggling with this. Much to learn from each other through experience. The awakening of humanity includes this purpose and scenario as well, becoming more and more aware, more conscious of the realities of life, its potential and destiny. Namaste.
Nov. 15, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The value of dichotomies

JANU: We are remembering our agreement to proceed with many projects, many collaborations, to bring balance to the dichotomies of life and those in the human experience. By ‘balance’ we mean equilibrium allowing for the dichotomies, the ranges of expression and experience to sustain each other for the purpose of providing opportunity for exploration, experience, and wisdom-gaining. These dichotomies, our brother, help maintain order, unity, and clarity of purpose. We see these challenges as a life force and the flow of life working together to provide a system of life with viability, endurance, and creativity.   Some call these dichotomies ‘good’ and ‘bad’ but they are all life and serve a larger purpose, larger than either one. What wisdom would you gain from a life with only one perspective, one direction, one course, one opportunity? Success is described by the outcome of your desires, your passions, and your choices.

All dichotomies are contained within the scope and breadth of life. The path you choose ultimately leads to a refinement of consciousness, depth of understanding, and creative genius. These discussions speak to the shadows of life cast by timeless reality. Being at peace opens the consciousness to the truth, the reality of being that can embrace everything. Walk gently through the fields of creation. Step gingerly to remain free to choose the next foothold, grateful always for the presence of life. Namaste, our brother. Walk with us as we walk with you.
Nov. 7, 2016                       Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Awakening is natural

JANU: The subject of discussion in this journey is the naturalness of communication within the collective consciousness of the True Nature. This naturalness includes communication with other realities of life, including beings, by way of this natural ability. It may be somewhat unique compared to the outward appearance of many, but it is completely natural and available to anyone who chooses the path of awakening.

Now, the forms of communication can vary greatly. Direct knowing without words. Impressions of many kinds. A sense of presence and understanding. Feelings. Direct observation of the flow of life. As one awakens further, other abilities demonstrate naturally. The so-called laws of physics and physicality are all subject to a more diverse reality. The movement of objects, the ability to move through objects, to render them weightless, so-called miraculous healing, levitation, the list goes on and on, but the wisdom to incorporate these things in a balanced life, with reasonableness and sanity, is called for.

So what are the limits, then, our brother, of natural ability? Physicality is not as fixed as most people assume. It is the limit of their current experience. It is natural to be in perfect health your entire sojourn. It is natural to be at peace. It is natural to love yourself, and others. It is possible to leave the body when you choose, whether temporarily or permanently. And it is natural to nourish the body without food.

Awakening opens the door progressively to all of this and more. New experiences, wisdom to be gained, understanding without boundaries. Connection and oneness have deeper meaning and remembering all that you are is part of the joy. The knowledge you gain equips you, conditions you to see the truth in others, as your compassion grows.

Awakening is not limited to a few, but is enjoyed by any who choose it. The larger life is natural indeed, as is ignorance of it for a time. Learn of its wonder and its blessing. Namaste.
Nov. 4, 2016 B                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The pendulum of awareness

JANU: The awakening mind becoming more conscious of the oneness that has always existed is an interesting phenomenon. To the awakening mind this is new uncharted territory, so to speak. To the True Nature, which includes the human consciousness, the only thing that’s new is the next experience. The facility to shift focus, identity if you will, from incarnate to the total you and back again is part of awakening.

We would have you understand that the seeming dichotomy in consciousness is the pendulum, once more, of awareness. The great seers and sages of all human history were capable of this. Not all masters of it, but evolving in that direction, as are those on the Earth completing their journeys. It is sometimes not easy to recognize these changes, but they do occur.

Duality mind might suggest you are one or the other, human or True Nature. The truth is you are both. And, in the larger understanding, all of this is who you are. The minutia of realities is, of course, available but the primary interest here is the principles. A clear and aware consciousness is the vehicle for exploration and discovery. The content of life is one thing, our brother, the nature of it another. Consider this carefully. Namaste.
Nov. 4, 2016                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.