Awakening 32: Freedom

JANU: We are encouraging then at this time the reason to be free. This speaks to awakening and the true lawlessness of life.

The purpose of natural and man-made laws is to organize experiences, expressions, manifestations that unfoldments and developments are understood. Make sense, if you will. But where do these come from, and why do they exist, and why do humans perceive life as only made of these? Maturity of consciousness through awakening can see beyond these, through these, into larger view of life that includes these, understanding their merit, the wisdom of their existence, the nature of their presence. Awakening is not a path to escape them but to own them, not be owned by them. For relationships to work between people, each must understand their relationships, making sense to them, with outcomes that are logical and sensible. Awakening reveals a deeper understanding of these, the layers of reality, the interactions, the currents of life.

Life is as a symphony, our brother, melodies within melodies. Each one is an instrument, orchestration, timing, interplay, with a growing common understanding of the melody of life. Not just for themselves, but others can enjoy as well, adding to their symphony.

And what of life beyond laws and rules and so-called order? Beingness without form or borders. What potential exists or can exist beyond these? Some think it is pure thought, but what’s the nature of the thought? Awakening to the truth of this allows one to be free to observe all creation, all rules and order from any perspective, with unobstructed understanding, and free to engage creation in any way. Not just one point but many simultaneously, in any progression or order desired. Great wisdom comes from this, and peace not found when limited to one truth to the exclusion of others. Find peace when in harmony with all of life. Namaste.
May 30, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 31: Who are you?

JANU: We are serving, then, with you on this journey, the remembrance of consciousness revealed through awakening. What you have been, what you are now, and what you will be is revealed through awakening. Be open to, accepting of all you have known, all that you are, and all that you will grow into. Awakening is becoming more present in consciousness of the totality of your nature. Not separate from your human experience, but inclusive of it. There is a tendency to perceive the subtler realities of being as something isolated or separate from the human consciousness. They are one, our brother. Awakening is the experience, the consciousness of it all. Human identity takes its place as a portion of your identity.

A larger identity, a more inclusive identity of your nature is rich with experience and memory, understanding, capability. Not just to be aware of more of life, but be aware of more of you. You see, your identity in the larger reality does not deny your human identity, but embraces it as a portion of something more. If you have been trained and operated as more than one skill, profession, then you are both. But you are still you. The awareness of your many true capabilities and relationships co-exist as you.

One does not leave one identity to be in another, but broadens their ownership of who they are. Hanging on to one exclusively limits the consciousness to only one reality. In some ways, this serves a purpose, but in others it limits you. So, on this journey of awakening, the question is “Who are you?” You are more than you know. An element of awakening that enriches the journey. Those you interact with are more than they know, as well. Becoming aware of the truth of another, when held in love, elevates the service you render life and to each other.

Travel this journey gently, our brother, peacefully, patiently, with sensitivity to the many nuances of existence. Namaste.
May 27, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see previous posts.


Awakening 30: The unification of being

JANU: One of the achievements of awakening, our brother, is the unification in consciousness of your entire being. Speaking with one voice when expressing any truth.

This inclusiveness of consciousness is heralded by clarity of expression, free of misperception, bias, preference, and reaches into the truth of another with familiarity, with recognition, with understanding. Peace is gained and peace is given, in this unification. Your identity as a human transforms into something more profound, simpler and inclusive. Your connection with the rest of life takes on this tone of being. This connection is not limited to other human beings, or even other sentient beings, but to all of life, no matter the form, species, gender, or nature.

Listening with one voice, so to speak, eliminates confusion or misperception. But this unification of being perceives far more of life and its diversities than the human consciousness alone. The unification of being is the theme here. Speaking and listening with one voice that perceives inclusively more and more of life is the peace we speak of, our brother, the peace of oneness. Being without fragmentation, conflicting points of view, misperceptions. And a growing love of life through oneness, yet to be understood through individuality alone. The perception of being alone no longer applies. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
May 26, 2016 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see previous posts.


Awakening 29: Awakening to the truth of another

JANU:    Understand this, our brother, that in your quest to explore through awakening the nature of another, the nature of your own being comes into play. You are known by those not incarnate. We have said before, “There are no secrets.” This is part of awakening, yet in the human condition secrets from each other are seen as necessary for survival and success in relationships.

What, then, allows for knowing the truth of another as well as yourself? Loving service without judgement; harmlessness; patience; respect and compassion for the integrity of another, no matter their circumstance or lifestyle or character.

Remembering that what your attention is on, you are connected to, and when you choose to know the truth of another, there is connection. The goal here is not to change the truth of another, for that is their integrity, whatever its condition. No condemnation allows another to live their truth in freedom, without enslavement of opinion or judgement. ‘Another’s truth’ includes everything, not just their human consciousness but their True Nature, their journeys of experience, engagements, understandings, twists and turns. Yours are known, our brother. Those of others can be known, but the veil through incarnation protects each other from the interference of another.

Awakening is the process of evolving, maturing in consciousness, to be one with the truth of another in peace, no longer perceiving them as just another human being with their outer characteristics, but much more. Symbolically, you see, the eyes you look through, the perceptions you look through, to see the life around you and the truth within it, reveal more as you awaken, understanding yourself more deeply and your choices, your consciousness as it awakens to more of life. Service to another, our brother, is not imposed but guided by the truth in your beings, the flow of life and its wisdom.

Understanding true service is a profound journey. It is a theme of life, older than what you call time. This is part of the path of awakening, our brother. Be patient with it, and gentle, and loving. Namaste.
May 24, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see previous posts. 


Awakening 28: Motivation to awaken

JANU: Some perceive that grandiose schemes lead to success. In the reality of awakening, grandiose is not the theme here. For the human desire for credit, aggrandizement, prestige, recognition with the plan that everyone is sure to observe and recognize and be in awe of, is a different kind of success. The simplicity of truth and the power of its eternal nature is awakening, our brother.

This addresses motivation for awakening and so-called reward or benefit. This is not a grandiose scheme or plan, but an enrichment of life into true freedom to be. Incarnate life in this way of understanding is true fulfillment. Drawing attraction from others is a distraction. Serving others, that they find freedom, leads to success, our brother. Profound understanding comes from simplicity. Awakening leads to perception which reveals truth.

So, what motive, then, is truly successful in the process of awakening? Awakening your consciousness to who you are and the nature of all life, is certainly a good beginning. Your relationship with materiality is far more important and useful than being in possession of it, for possession comes and goes. But a wisdom matures consciousness and it continues. The journey into materiality, into incarnation, need not remain in ignorance, but become a journey into understanding, contribution, realization of potential and service that grows, matures, expands, and a growing sense of being alive and part of a larger life.

There are always solutions and answers to questions and concerns. They are there encouraging you to discover. Awakening, our brother, is part of the solution on the journey of discovery. Continue to allow understanding to be yours. Namaste.
May 24, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.


Awakening 27: The ‘Now’ consciousness

JANU: We are explaining through experience the ‘Now’ component, being present in the Now, of awakening, as your consciousness opens to the reality of being, not limited to time/space. For the human identity, being present in the Now liberates the consciousness into the freedom of being. The ‘Now’ experience requires no limitations, no boundaries but being completely present in consciousness.

Your consciousness requires less and less the interpreter of the presence of your True Nature. With practice, this becomes more natural to you. Humans do not realize how much their human experience forms their identity and limitations on consciousness. Now, awakening does not mean abandoning the human experience, but being free to explore all possibilities and to move among these at will. Awakening to the larger life once again liberates and reveals what you have always been and what you will be. The ‘Now’ consciousness is a core reality on this journey, moving from questions to choosing to know directly. As we have said before, the past, the present, and the future become one in the ‘Now’ consciousness, for it is their source and their destiny.

In the ‘Now’ reality, one no longer needs to understand the Truth of Life by comparison to the limitations of time/space consciousness and human identity. These things have value while exploring incarnate reality, but they limit you to that reality. But nothing is wasted, our brother. Your True Nature records, so to speak, everything. The ‘Now’ consciousness is normal and natural with the larger you. Moving from limited to limitless being is returning to who you are. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
May 20, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.


Awakening 26: Responsibility and awakening

JANU: Taken with a measure of self-importance—and make no mistake, our brother, each one is important—one can assume the responsibilities of a larger life. Awakening opens this door, for with knowledge and experience and wisdom comes power and influence. What we are saying here: there is responsibility accrued with awakening. You have posed the question in the past to others, “If you had unlimited power, would you use it?” Awakening leads to this, our brother, and that’s what responsibility is, the ability to respond. Doing so responsibly is the hallmark of wisdom and your True Nature is rich with this. Remember now, this is who you truly are. Look to your true identity for wisdom, moment by moment, for with awakening the moments arrive, unbeckoned at times.

Now, experiencing this process is not burdensome but a joy, for there is a lightness and a freedom and a peace that comes from the beauty of life unfolding. Responsibility is a blessing, for it is an opportunity to reveal who you are and the nature of life. Responsibilities without awakening, without knowledge and wisdom, without the peace that love brings, can be confusing and disappointing.

So, responsibility, our brother, is part of the mix, and awakening is a mixture of so many opportunities, capabilities, understandings. It is the path of return to all you know and have known, all you have become and are becoming. Grow in the ability to respond to countless opportunities through awakening. Be responsible in harmony with others who enrich life with their gifts and abilities. Self-importance is not selfish. It leads you to understand and respect the importance of others and the qualities they bring to life. Namaste.
May 20, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

 This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.


Awakening 25: Overcoming the fear of awakening

JANU: We are addressing, if you will, that which comes to the fear of awakening, which restricts the experience and can eliminate it temporarily. You ask, “Why would one fear to awaken?” The uncertainty of the unknown, the challenge to current preferences of understanding and relationship, the identity of self as human being of one gender or another, or profession, you see. Comfortable companions on the journey of incarnate life, they give a sense of security, permanence, stability, what to expect tomorrow. Awakening can be frightening until one begins to understand it.

“So, how does one begin?” you ask. By listening within for the truth of who you are. Your True Nature communicates to you in many ways. The desire to know. The desire to achieve. The desire to be more powerful in your own life. The desire to love more deeply, more universally, and understand the nature of love. Finding peace in a life where peace is challenged and not easily obtained. The universal questions, “Who am I? What am I? Why am I here? What is there to know?” and “Are there others that I have known and will know again and what was our relationship?” The relationship between your physical body, your thoughts, your emotions, your dreams.

As has been said before, the root fear of all fears is the thought and feeling of being alone, on your own and unaware. The time for sleeping, for more and more people, is drawing to an end, no longer satisfied with unanswered questions. A greater freedom is in the offing, our brother, freedom in every way. The people of your country cherish freedom but do not fully understand it, or how to achieve it and make it a way of life.

True freedom, true power, true peace, and a deepening love of life are some of the gifts of awakening. Not to leave the incarnate life, but to fulfill it. These potentials, and many more, are inherent in your True Nature. Claiming them is a way of life. You need only desire it and allow it to blossom within you. The understanding will come as the awakening continues and the Truth of Life is being revealed. Namaste.
May 19, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.


Awakening 24: What is reality?

JANU: “What is reality?” you ask. Reality, our brother, is life in motion, in all of its forms and existences. One might ask, “What is not reality?” Non-existence, in the purest sense, in the most complete sense, is non-reality. So, how does this play, then, in the scenario of awakening? It plays as a limited life, our brother. So, awakening, then, is not only being conscious of but being conscious as. Observing and exploring a reality dissimilar to what you are accustomed to challenges frame of reference for comparisons and understanding. We would suggest at this time that your openness to awakening include unassociated realities, even to within the confines of common experience. In the incarnate human life are realities yet to be explored or understood or mastered.

Your recent observations of two people seemingly performing miraculous abilities is the tip of the iceberg, for they only demonstrate phenomenon, not the wonder and beauty of consciousness and mastership of understanding. But they hint at it, you see. Many have performed miraculous feats from time to time, understanding little of what makes this possible. But it is a beginning. Notice the reaction of those who observe such feats. It’s always wonder, amazement, laughter, lightness. For this suggests possibilities in the reality of incarnate life that might be available for their own experience and even greater possibilities.

So, you see, the flow of unlimited life is reality. So awaken then to limitless consciousness and life’s potential, including your own. Be the unlimited being you already are. The Family of Life awaits with you. Namaste.
May 18, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.


Awakening 23: Awakening to the incarnate life

JANU: We are establishing then a point of view to explain the demarcation of humanity from its True Nature, within its perception.

The peace, the presence, and the experience of the True Nature prior to incarnation anticipates an experience that enriches its relationship with life and a deeper understanding of its own potential. So, from the human perspective within the veil, the letting go of True Nature consciousness for the sake of incarnation seems unwelcome. This is because the human consciousness has a finite perspective as to identity, existence, and survival. The True Nature does not exist this way, but does have perspective and wisdom for choosing to incarnate.

Temporary responsibilities and engagements of the moment are not devastating but something to be engaged, to reveal a richness of experience and understanding to be gained. Allow your consciousness to perceive incarnating life from the perspective of the larger you. There is much to be gained here, not just for your own True Nature but others that exist in the larger life as well. And you benefit from their journeys as well.

Awakening reveals these things and allows for wiser choices and engagement of the challenges and opportunities of life. The mysteries of life come out of the shadows, and you discover that they are blessings, the more you engage them. Avoid not these opportunities, but master them. Manage, to a degree, your relationship with these. Discover the pearls to be understood and shared. Incarnate life can be as rich as you will allow. Namaste.
May 16, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.