Difference between individuality & uniqueness

JANU: Exploring and engaging the larger life is a significant threshold in the evolution of consciousness. Becoming aware of this means becoming aware as this, no longer identified just as an incarnate human but not eliminating it, either. When one is conscious as a provincial community member and then begins to travel the world, their perspective changes. Their former identity takes its place in the larger reality. And the larger reality is a larger identity, our brother.

So, as we move these journeys into the larger life, allow the natural transition of identity, sense of being, your role in life to evolve. You touch life and life touches you in new ways. Much of this you have done before. So much is memory re-awakening, but not limited to this. You will become aware of many you have known, and know you. There is both a personal and a universal reality here, co-existing. The need for privacy to survive the incarnate life, the human experience, becomes irrelevant.

There is a difference between individuality and uniqueness. Uniqueness does not mean ‘separate from’ but ‘one with, uniquely.’ Your hand is unique to the body but one with it. Living the incarnate life uniquely can be seen in the same way, for the truth of who you are is one with all of life. So, your place in life is unique and that uniqueness is part of the richness of life, as is everyone else’s. This understanding translates well into successful incarnate life, or any life, our brother.

So, you see, the larger life is far more than a phrase. It is a fuller and richer experience than individuality. Allow this into your thinking and your experience. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 25, 2016                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Description of your complete being

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. However, it is so pertinent to each of us and my own current journeys that it bears presenting for all. Note that this was given 20 years ago. Time means nothing to Spirit and they will continue to repeat themselves until we get it!

Q:        When I am talking to my body, when I am talking to my guides, when I am talking to my soul, who am “I”?

JANU: This inquiry, heartfelt by this one, rings in the heart. Her knowingness of the self is not removed from, or separate from, the talking to these aspects of reality. Who are you indeed, dear one, who asks the profound question? You are grand being. You are one born of the light of knowingness. You are one created of pure thought and pure love. The character, the qualities, the substance, the consciousness diversity is the fruit of your choices in the interplay of life’s many journeys. You are pure being with added experiences that shape your next journeys. To say, then, you are not your journeys is true to a limited degree. But in the larger reality, you are everything. You are the journeyer and the journey. You are the record of the journey in your being. You are the wisdom and the experience of it. These journeys are part of your knowingness. At times when asking such a question, you are the reason for the journey asking the question, you see.

You are life, dear one. You are the one experience. The creations and the potentials of the one. When you talk to your body, you are the co-creator of that body. You are its master, its lover, and its reason for being. When you speak to your guides, you are companion, brother and sister, co-worker, fellow journeyer, cherished friend, and one loved. When you speak to your soul, you are home, dear one. You are master of your life and your wisdom and your being. You are complete and you are the love that gave birth to the creation of the Creator, the source of it all.

Know who you are, dear one. Claim your birthright from the beginning. You are life’s lover in the purest sense. You are all your journeys, all your experiences and yes, all your friends and loved ones in spirit and in your outer world. You are divine being that ranges the breadth of creation. Know this with a certainty, a profound, deep acceptance. You are one with the power, the wisdom, and the love of all life. From this understanding and perspective, perceive everything you choose in your experience. See with these eyes, feel with this heart, hear the understandings and life experience of another from this perspective. For doing this in this way reveals the divinity of another to themselves.

This is a simple reality not embraced through clever analysis and critical examination. It is embraced through simple acceptance and love for life. The only limits in your experience, in your awareness, are those you impose yourself. There are no others. Believe in the grandness of your being without limit. The proof comes in the experience, our sister and our friend. The proof does not come without it. The only proof that matters is in the being of that desired.

Your question is born of the latent but growing memory of who you are. It is almost as if your soul in its beauty touches your heart and asks the question “Who are we?” to include you in your separated experience in the full reality of the soul, its being and its connection with the outer life. What is redemption, then, but the return to oneness? And the question “Who am I?” heralds this return.

Soul union is not the end of the journey, dear one, but a threshold of unimagined beauty and aliveness, vitality and consciousness, conscious union with life. There are countless wonders to be realized even beyond this miracle. For the path of redemption of the spirit is the path of miracles, you see. The path of beauty and wonder that cannot be embraced fully. It must be grown into. Ask your question, dear one, and in the asking, embrace the answer. It lives within you and always has, for the answer is how you came to be.

This is a most beautiful and loving inquiry. We thank you for your question. For its answer is the answer to so many others, you see. Diverse confusion, diverse inquiry is usually resolved in the simplest but most powerful understanding. We salute you and welcome the joining and your miracle of union, truly born again. Namaste.

May 10, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


The larger Family of Life

JANU: We understand the motivation to awaken, to evolve, to contribute, to serve. These are, shall we say, desires of the spirit within the incarnate experience. But not limited to that. Difficult for many to understand that Life itself has these desires by way of its progeny. Individual movement towards achievement is not just individual, you see, but the threads of Life woven continuously.

Many humans tend to perceive life in terms of the timetable of sojourn, but in time, through awakening, see life in a larger way, more intimately, enriching the perspective by way of appreciating the endless motion of life. Achieving this perspective softens the perceived pressure of the limitations of time and incarnate energy. The pressure of living gives way to the effortless flow of ongoingness. Effortless in the sense of being alone in one’s desire to experience life. Being part of the system of life, enriching it, being enriched by it, brings balance to one’s worth or perception of it.

Fundamental principles of living are the foundation for endless journeying, discovery, and fulfillment. We have taken, and will take many more, wondrous adventures. With a maturing perspective, capable of much more. The Family of Life is vast and includes far more than physicality, but in wondrous ways it is all connected and communicates. You’ll awaken to an identity that includes the human experience but by no means limited to it. Welcome to the Family of Life, which you have always been a part of. We are one. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 17, 2016 B                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the path of awakening

JANU: Today’s journey in memories reveals the struggles of humanity to survive, to grow and prosper while incarnate. The questions that have arisen due to this review of memories are the reason for the veil, the wisdom of it, and the growth in consciousness beyond the need for it, the role of religion, and the laws of the land. All of this was brought about to help ensure the maintenance of the inherent integrity and dignity of consciousness, of the True Nature, of the spiritual being. A life without these models of understanding and integrity clearly leads to chaos and self-destruction. But the temporary measures of social order and religion, philosophy, theosophy are meant to be grown beyond, as building blocks.

The veil reveals, through experience while influenced by it, of the need for integrity and order, and the freedom to be and explore life’s potential. Not in chaos and destructive patterns, for life in the physical is a duality of this, re-creation through destruction, the tearing down and the building up, the confusion and the clarity that comes from experience, direct observation. How many would continue with this experience, our brother, without the veil? The veil is an opportunity to mature through experience, with a desire to see more clearly, to understand, to realize potential. Little by little, the veil is needed less and less, as the understanding comes and the mastery of life. Religions are part of this as well, although misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misapplied. Original design and intent is lost through time, so they too decay, making room for a freshness and greater clarity. Part of the path of awakening, our brother.

All of this serves the true purpose of life. Part of the awakening of humanity, proclaiming its true state and growing spiritual maturity. For the adventures are endless. The gifts of the journey are unfathomable all at once. So as you survey and explore life, keep this in mind to maintain perspective and appreciate the magic of it all, the gift of it all, the achievements yet to come, especially as humanity begins to discover and connect with other life forms, other worlds, other consciousnesses. The larger Family of Life is on its doorstep. Be at peace, our brother. All is well. Namaste.

Feb. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: The reality of worship exposes identity, faith and belief, individual worth, and what you love. It shines the light of truth on these ideals held by humanity, created in the hopes of bringing more successful life. What is ‘worship,’ then, from the human point of view, but tribute to something held as greater, more wise, benevolent, more powerful? These are shadowy images of the Light that lives within you and, more importantly, the life and Light that you truly are. You hold the Divine in high esteem. You are the very life that you worship. Your True Nature is the Divine and who you are.

This mortal coil is a glimpse of that, in the sense of how life can be both abstract, subtle, illusive, and intimately present at the same time. Your True Nature exists, so to speak, intimate with Life, the Source of everything. Humanity sees individuality as an ideal, but separate from the life it is part of. Loving your True Nature brings you at one with everything. The limitations, the so-called unknown, the secrets of life are revealed.

We are not speaking here of surrendering your integrity, your will, but awakening to the rest of you. Walk the Earth enlightened in this way. Be the Light and the Truth that you reach for. Find your way to love life. Bring the truth of this with you every moment. Be the hem of the garment that blesses by its presence that others be inspired and see the Light that you are. Encourage them to find their own.

Look not for something to worship outside of you but within you. Love who you are. Come to know who you are. Understand and live the truth of your being, the Divine of your existence. The potential of the human journey is unlimited because it is part of, an expression of, the larger life. Namaste.

Jan. 26, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Thresholds of Life

JANU: This subject is aptly named for that is the nature of experience for the explorer.

As you have already experienced, new understandings are like the wind coming in an open window, full of possibilities, paving the way to newer thresholds of experience, understanding and service. The energy of the wind is the love that Life has for you, embracing you through and through. Every new understanding is a threshold of life permeated with opportunity. Not discarding thresholds already achieved, but building upon them, for all of these are a foundation for moving through life, embracing it, mastering it, in the sense of reproducing it and enriching it. No one needs to convince you of a threshold’s validity, for the experience does this.

Anticipate these, pregnant with expectancy. These are some of the keys for you and they to find each other. Life is not a stagnant reality. It is dynamic, rich, and ongoing, always ready to absorb change, expansion, and deepening. The thrill of life is its evolution. And you are life, as are we. Be thrilled with the growth of another, as we are with yours.

Life is aware of everything at all times, in all places, in all realities. There are no secrets. How could life evolve if there were? It would be fragmented, divided within itself. Be alert to the next threshold. Explore its meaning, its scope, its understanding, and its opportunities. Expect these and engage them. Life is worth living and always has been, and shall always be. Namaste.

Jan. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Living larger than human

JANU: You inquire as to the nature and content of an incarnate life while conscious as something more, of your True Nature. Many new abilities will be reserved for the wisest opportunity to employ. Most of the journey will be spent awakening to more and the wisdom that lives within it. Your associations beyond the Earth will increase, as well as those on the Earth. The creatures of the world will be known to you, and they will welcome your presence, for you will help enrich their lives. There will be those ready to learn more and so will you.

Life is rich with these kinds of opportunities. The True Natures of each one, including the creatures of the world, have their agenda to enrich their experience, to evolve. Your role will be to assist when requested, in harmony with life. You will learn of others well practiced in this, and capable of much more.

Learning and serving is continuous reality, always evolving. To describe what you ask is only a moment of understanding, for everything foretold is changing. Part of the wonder of life is not knowing in advance what is in store, yet embracing the future, continuing on, engaging life and serving as you may. What is the alternative but darkness, chaos, frustration? Leaving all of these behind for what they are, choose wisdom, freedom, and love. True power, true peace, true being. Namaste.

Jan. 6, 2016

Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Human potential

JANU: We are encouraged to see the ‘shake-down cruise,’ so to speak, of the human journey. Much is being shaken out, allowing more energy and attention to be placed upon the true strength and foundation of human potential. We see parallels of this course in the societies of other worlds, some to come, some already there. Make no mistake: the opportunities for further advancement will still be there.

Much might be gained by those in humanity that are so inclined to discover the truth of the potential of humanity. Some might say, “How can this be? It is yet to manifest.” That may be, but it is still reality. And the consciousness of the Now can perceive this, supported by the patterns of achievement so far. Some dismiss what seems to be fanciful imagination, not seeing its creativity and power to create. Ask the question to yourself and to others: “What is the human potential unfolding?”

You ask about overpopulation in the presence of human potential and ask, “Why does this exist?” It is based upon the desire in humanity to continue to exist in the face of losses due to disease and wars and neglect. This pressure to produce will soften when human potential manifests a more peaceful life. Those who hunger for power and manipulate life to selfish ends, by whatever banner they fly, will find little opportunity as human potential manifests in a peaceful direction, respecting life, cherishing it, and understanding its genius.

Reach into the vast repository of what can be. Shine the light on it as it blossoms into being and enriches life. Some speak of ‘saving the world.’ The best way to accomplish this is to awaken to the truth within you, the potential of humanity to enrich life. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 16, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The journey of oneness consciousness

JANU: The choice for incarnation, our brother, was a conscious one, including the veil. The journey back to conscious oneness builds wisdom, character, serves life, enriches it. The physical universe or part of life one becomes part of is developed by these journeys of incarnation. The forms, the cycles of life generate so much needed by the flow of life, which is needed in turn by the journeyer.

The return to oneness consciousness does not mean that oneness discontinued for a time. It is always a part of reality. The return to oneness consciousness aids in applying all you have gained to wherever you are. Choices guided by a oneness consciousness, awakening to the larger life once more, are more in harmony with the evolution of life. One ‘listens for’ with more of their being, senses more fully the consciousness of others and the principles of life at the heart of everything. Returning to oneness awareness is more something you allow than create. It is the more natural reality of a more complete being.

A oneness consciousness can be sensed by others for the peace it brings in intimacy with life, a loving intimacy. The many colors and hues in the tapestry of life are revealed, rich beyond imagination. And there is life in all of creation. And one respects and understands the life in everything. No longer the unresolved conflicts in thoughts and feelings and emotions and experiences. Patience with yourself brings peace.

All life is connected. Becoming aware of this is a journey. Be patient with yourself and find peace and awareness. Namaste.

Dec. 7, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Remembering who you are continued

Be sure to check out yesterday’s post.

JANU: We are organizing the steps to be taken entering into a peaceful solution to the pull to awaken. Each one has this tug from within for conscious union. Years of struggle are not required, yet patience is. The conscious human mind imagines so many obstacles, trying to dominate the experience thereby prolonging it, trying to be the source of your identity yet being only part of it. Your true identity being only a hair’s breadth away. Allow the memory to return naturally as the truth of who you are, peacefully, lovingly, sanely. Your wonderful journey of joy and happiness. Namaste.

Dec. 7, 2015 B                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross