Awakening is a continuous process

JANU: Let us begin by holding in the Light of reason the seeming chaos of life, with its simultaneous complications and diverse elements. Embrace what you may, but hold to the ideal: these many elements are foundations for wisdom gaining and securing a conscious place in life. Why not, then, take life as it is, not finding fault with it but mastering its opportunities? The greater the challenge, reach deeper within. The answers already exist. The power already exists. The support has always been there.

Much of life exists even though unseen. But what eyes do you see with? The eyes that can only see what they recognize? Your powers of observation and understanding exist in a larger way. The whole of your being perceives life, including your own nature. Resting on your laurels can be complacency with what you think you know. Yes, there are times for pauses to assimilate what has been gained, make sense of it and apply it to the life. But moving forward, expanding your consciousness, perceiving more of life continues.

Awakening does not mean the end of challenges and opportunities. If anything, they are more profound, all encompassing. The theme here, you see, is engaging more and more of life, not in a fanatical way but in a loving way. Service to life is a constant, always to be enhanced through awakening. Even the concept of mastering the universe, understanding it, is an unlimited goal and must be tempered with the reality of other universes as well, countless in number. Enrich your life and enrich Life. And enjoy life. Namaste.

Oct. 8, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Challenges are Life’s keys to awakening

JANU:    Why not consider a clear presence of your True Nature in the ability to penetrate the challenges of life in a discrete and forthright manner? So that any challenge that presents itself triggers an inner awareness to understand and absorb the opportunity it presents on the path of awakening, transforming the fear and trepidation of coming challenges into anticipated and enriching experience. Challenges are not a minefield on the path of life. They are patterns of life created, inspired, and attracted by the steps you take, the emotions you feel, the thoughts you process, as you create every day as a result of living. This includes family, our brother. Many challenges, many opportunities to grow through experience.

Rarely will you meet in life another individual that doesn’t challenge you in one way or another. Challenges bring change, which progresses your life and the lives of others. Always in motion. Needless to say, as challenges are presented, you are free to choose your response. Include sensitivity to the needs of others when choosing for, ultimately, you are connected and so are they. Challenges are opportunities to change, to serve, to grow.

Challenges include not just people but perceptions, nature, survival, and the awakening of your being. Conscious integration and your ability to create. It’s all connected, our brother, interactive, co-dependent. And it is the symphony of life, every note of it. Challenges are life’s keys to awakening. Accept them in this light. Namaste.

Sept. 25, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The truth within and the world you live in

JANU:    Many consider the inner life as one that is vague with specifics and terminology, but more as their own private thoughts vaguely associated with a nebulous deity to be understood by what the church teaches. This is useful to a degree, but elements of that dialogue within are sponsored by the True Nature.

Now the desire, here, is for humanity to awaken to more and more possibilities of the truth of their being and the Truth of Life, but not in such a way or pace as to interfere with the wisdom to be gained in the day to day, so to speak. So these changes in humanity, the awakening changes, have a natural pace to them. In due course, human consciousness will perceive the true nature of life in every reality and know that they themselves are so much more than they are aware of, blessing their lives and consciousness.

The identity of the human body allows assumptions of limitation. The boundaries of their experience controlled by shape and size, thoughts and feelings. They are shadows of the larger truth of who you are. Yes, many religions have many rituals, symbols, words, chants, mantras, hymns, but none of these secure the truth within and an understanding of the life you are a part of. They speak to these things, attempt to represent them, but you still don’t own them consciously.

Move beyond these things to a deep connection with your True Nature and the nature of life. Leave behind limitation. It is far simpler than all of these things. Direct knowing is more revealing than any ritual or icon. You are capable of this. Everyone is.

Otherwise, the wars continue, the cruelty and brutality, the poverty, the despair and suffering, while some live well, so to speak. Humanity has created its society, its conditions, but has difficulty seeing beyond these things and how to achieve them. Applying the truth of who you are to the truth of the world you live in as a human changes everything. Namaste.

Sept. 3, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What is real and what is not? How open is your mind?

JANU: We are celebrating this time the advent of the multiple reality of our being. What do we mean by this, you ask. Our being, our brother, is capable of multiple existences simultaneously in the adventure of life. We are capable of manifesting any characteristic you observe on the human journey. The reality of our connection with any True Nature fits into the category referred to as elementals. Virtually any portion of life can be visited and understood and communicated with. The shifting of consciousness to another reality is a natural one. Life attunes to life. Now, oneness not being an empty concept but a practical reality, whatever your attention is on you are connected to. The degree of connection is selectable.

This one who inspires you, called “Dynamo” given name Steven Fraine, has deep convictions about life, yet to discover the totality of his nature, demonstrates how fluid life is and that no reality is fixed. He is discovering the Truth of Life in his own way in the miracles he demonstrates. They are a small portion of the larger life, but they do awaken the consciousness. It is useful to open the mind for a moment but the question remains: open to what? But it is a beginning and it brings back memories, free of a limited concept of physical reality.

What is real, and what is not? A difficult question to embrace, begging the next, which is: How open is your mind to the larger reality of life?

Aug. 27, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The answers to humanity’s questions

JANU: We are bringing to the surface of human consciousness that which belongs to the Archives of the Truth of Life, the questions humanity has been asking: The purpose of life? The meaning? What is love?

Many ponder these questions with what they believe to be God, uncertain as to what that means as well. Mainly, something greater than themselves, that knows all, is everywhere, and loves them. The Truth of all of this, and much more, lies within each one. The God that humanity has created to hold to high standards and guide them through life and its mysteries, but the source of this desire and creation is what lies within humanity’s consciousness and True Nature. And is very real, very present, and intimate with your existence.

Yes, humanity was created by a reality more profound than itself, even the Divine within. Let there be a stepping up, so to speak, to owning who you truly are and what you are capable of becoming as you co-create the manifestation of, the realization of, life’s potential. This addresses all of these questions, our brother. You are here to co-create and be representative of Life realizing all of its potential, the non-stop flow of life.

This is not an insignificant truth, our brother. You need not wonder if Life knows who you are, what you are doing and thinking and feeling, your performance in life, your conduct. Even the God that you hope for, pray to, and bow to, which is the Truth that lives within you, a being of profound potential, love and compassion, wisdom gained by being one with Life, part of it with integrity. Every moment, you are part of Life realizing all it can be. You are one with that Life. It is you and you are it. No one, our brother, is insignificant or lesser or greater.

Your purpose in life is to be all you can be, in whatever way you choose, whatever Life allows. Your interests from within and what you observe will draw you into your path, and your True Nature is a resource that can touch any part of Life. Awaken to a larger life and you will understand. Namaste, our brother.

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Introducing another exploration: The Power to Create

JANU: We are summarizing then the recent journeys on the human condition. May we say that there occurs to us that this body of information is a journey of information of return to what humanity has known before, this being a reminder. As awakening is a process, the process must include the patience to allow for balance in the psyche to be maintained during the awakening to these truths. There is much more that humanity has owned before, as to its origin and the larger life, which we will speak of from time to time. The summary of this journey so far speaks to humanity with a bright future, many challenges, and the inner strength and wisdom to meet them well. Moving past the sense that one is alone in the world will bring strides forward of greater confidence in life and in one’s existence.

Remembering what you already know can be confusing at times, for one has a tendency to hang on to what they think they know, not wanting to change it. For one finds comfort in stability and tomorrow looking a lot like today. Embracing change as a way of living is yet to come, but it is facing everyone. That does not mean that all change is around the corner, so to speak. Sometimes it is lifetimes long, to where the incarnate mind does not perceive it. But the change is coming, our brother. It is wise to be open to it, for it is life in motion, and life cannot expand or continue without it.

So this cycle of exploring the human condition is changing. Next we will explore the power, the capacity to create. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Aug. 17, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

(Be sure to check the next two posts.)


A far better life for humanity

JANU:    What we are achieving in our oneness and communication and service to life is one form of which many will be achieving. Imagine for a moment, our brother, the content and character of a humanity growing in this way of merging into the oneness they already are with their True Natures.

Communication, cooperation, unity, collaboration, on a level unheard of, between people, awakened to the larger life, their larger being, their larger faculties, capacity, and wisdom. This oneness, this closeness, will not be limited to a moment of attunement unique from the day’s experience, but more constantly becoming the norm for living, understanding, and relating to each other. Questions no longer left to the unknown, but answered and understood and applied in the life. Health and well-being understood and achieved with no harmful side effects, natural to the body and the rest of the vehicles. And the ability to lend support to each other, when energies are low and there is confusion in the systems.

So much of today’s society is designed to protect each other from each other. Your Internet is a good example of this. Your police forces attempt this but they are no solution to inner enlightenment and discipline, and values, courage and commitment. Trust between nations and other peoples will form new alliances and eventually eliminate the justification for wars and other conflicts.

So much of humanity’s future is riding upon this change. And so many are yet unaware of who and what they are. Much to be accomplished in this area. The results cannot be measured. Continue your efforts, our brother. Namaste.

Aug. 15, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A changing and evolving perspective

JANU: Establishing relations belongs to a category of human service. The relations we speak of have to do with conscious links with the True Nature, that includes all of your being. It is an interesting quality to be individualized in the incarnate life and then begin to experience the presence and the wisdom of your own True Nature. The designation of ‘yours’ is a limited perception, for ‘you’ are the True Nature as well. But a larger reality exists and that is: being one in consciousness and in deed.

In the beginning, a small amount of identity shifting begins to take place, slowly at first, to where you begin to perceive life, your thoughts and your feelings, no longer alone but more and more as one complete being. This takes getting used to, for social consciousness is focused on individuality as a human being. Growing experiences, being one with your True Nature, and your True Nature with you, changes your perspective by way of evidence, communication, and a growing history of experience as one. The advantage of this is engaging life as a human being but with the resource of all that you truly are. Knowledge and understanding bring a condition of peacefulness and a solid foundation for exploring more of life and the richness that brings.

How you see yourself and what you mean by that term, and how you see others, is changing. Being patient yet persistent is helpful. Take a view larger than one sojourn and it will put your experiences in a larger perspective. More timeless, more inclusive, and more gratitude for what is unfolding. Be at peace. Namaste.

Aug. 12, 2015 B                                                                              Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The function of the True Nature

JANU: We are opening to the possibility of a networked reorganization of human social consciousness. We respect the authority for anyone’s choices in lifestyle, consciousness, as their own True Nature. True Natures aren’t as independent or disconnected from each other as one might think based on incarnate human experience of individuality. There are networks of patterns of involvement, of influence, in the destiny of humanity, individually and collectively. In the field of True Natures, on the one hand wisdom gained from experience, all kinds of experience, is desired. But to be continually in motion of discovery, understanding, and wisdom is desired as well. The oneness reality exists among True Natures as well, and much is shared. It is the prerogative of the True Nature individually.

The True Nature does manage the individual incarnate life, but mostly in the background. The movement of awakening on the human journey slowly changes this. The True Nature is entirely aware of the human journey. Conscious collaboration between the True Nature and the human consciousness evolves to the point where it is difficult to tell one from the other as separate realities. This allows for what we call the ‘networking of consciousnesses’ that collectively can achieve wondrous things.

Many opportunities exist for awakening humanity, but the identification with unawakened reality on the human journey controls, to a degree, this process. And this has a divine timing to it as well, you see. But there are those who want to accelerate this process individually. Their resolve and their patience are tested.

It is true that life does not evolve linearly. The flow and evolution of life is a timeless reality. Time/space consciousness has a strong influence on thinking, exploring, and absorbing the Truth of Life. But it has its own reality as well. A oneness consciousness appreciates all realities in a fluid, dynamic, and changing flow of life. The networking we speak of is part of this. The network is not exclusive, but inclusive to all the realities of living.

It is no small journey to awaken to your True Nature and all that that brings. Just as an infant takes its first step with so much potential beyond it, so it is with awakening to your own True Nature, our brother. The beginning of a much larger journey, and there are many steps beyond that one. Namaste.

Aug. 12, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to a more conscious connection with life

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us consider, on the path of awakening, the journey of conscious connection with more and more of life. Animal pets, and wild animals, with direct connection that not only reveals their nature to you, but your nature to them. See not so-called intelligence, as interpreted by humans, as a barrier to intimacy. Humanity considers themselves the most intelligent creature on the Earth but do not often demonstrate it.

One need not see the presence of a creature to communicate with it. Learn to sense their presence, their consciousness. Allow the touching of each other according to each one’s capacity. Forget not that the Earth is such a creature, and one can have intimacy in this venue as well. The Earth has countless opportunities to become more aware, with more profound understanding, and the opportunity to serve and uplift life is always there. A plant has a consciousness, as does a tree. Every level of life, every type of life is an opportunity.

It is one thing to observe a creature, or any other life form, and quite another to connect with it. Now, this intimacy is not limited to creatures. Planets and suns have their realities as well. It is all life, our brother. Life is an open book; one only needs select the right page and become one with it.

You ask, ”How long should this process take to be realized?” The time is completely up to you. Your anticipations and perceptions and freedom of response and sensitivity are your choice. There are no secrets and neither are you. The illusion of separation is an illusion by choice, to help you focus on your individuality, your existence, without distraction. But, in time, our brother, that becomes a limitation to a larger life. Life has much to teach and you are part of the curriculum, you see. Be a good student and allow the rest of life to learn about you. You’ll find great peace in this as you partner with life. Namaste.

Aug. 5, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross