Freedom to choose

JANU:   Choice, then, aptly stated is a driving force in the fulfillment of destiny for anyone’s journey through life. The power of choice is insurmountable, but the questions arise: Where is the wisdom in making a choice? What are the motivators? What are the possibilities of outcome? And what other choices are triggered by any choice?

Decision-making is based upon available information and understanding but shaped by emotions, preferences, life patterns, foundation building on perception, perspective. How does one move through these, beyond this, to enhance choice making? Desires play a role here, but preferring the truth to self-deception and denial, choosing integrity or the honesty to see more clearly, the freedom of perception unbiased, open-mindedness and a love for freedom to fulfill potential. Many reasons direct choice unconsciously.

Sanity enters the picture. How sane are your choices? Are they in harmony with anything? Does experience enhance discernment? And, does one listen for the truth within from a consciousness of their True Nature? Yes, one considers the lives, the experiences of those around them, but they are not the final choice-maker.

No matter the choice made, learn from the experience. See it for what it is. Grow wiser. Understand the process. Have confidence that life continues, no matter the choices. Always another opportunity to choose again, on some level. Always having freedom to choose. Namaste.
Aug. 13, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Life allows all things. Choose wisely.

JANU:    We are remembering when there were among us those that serve the Light in dominant ways, that prolonged the future expression of potential. Doing this by way of the pretense that there will always be one.

Now, by ‘pretense’ we mean: performing or functioning as if your goal was already being accomplished, removing all doubt or hesitation. “Fake it ‘til you make it” is an oversimplification but carries the idea. These beings still exist, performing as they may. Their legacy is this understanding that in life all things are possible and to navigate your existence with this in mind.

There are protocols that respect the freedom of choice of each one and the freedom to change their choices as they see fit. Creatures of the Earth deserve the same respect. The evolution of human relationship to these creatures, and to nature, is by no means at an end. Now, the wisdom to pursue this comes from experience, not just human experience, but the wisdom and experience of the entire being. And not just your being, but the beingness of all the expressions of life.

All things are possible. Life allows this. Choose wisely. Namaste.

June 18, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Change without chaos or collapse

JANU: What we serve here is the stability of the free markets of your time, for they serve the public and what we reach for here, during these times of change, is a modicum of stability.

Stability, then, does not fly in the face of change, but allows change to occur without loss of function. Otherwise, the theme becomes survival, desperate survival, and this can retard humanity’s evolution. We of the Brotherhood of Light enjoin you to serve the need for stability as humanity reaches for direction. It is not the intent here to disregard, or abandon, much of what humanity has achieved, even though profound changes are coming. What we seek here is to support that which will serve humanity in its new directions.

There is a tipping point to be considered and measured when it comes to that which must be left behind or that which must continue. Government, industry, religion, economics, culture, and decency are in the mix, you see. Science and technology, and the arts, as well.

So, what we serve this evening is transition without chaos or collapse. This is possible, not just in your nation, but worldwide. Remember, these are human choices in humanity’s society. Our path is to inspire. Namaste.
Dec. 10, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Moving human hearts from fear to love

JANU: Alert once more to the beckoning for an evening service, that which comes by the honored tradition of the completing of a day’s journey, what better way to complete a cycle of life than to serve it. Let us now proceed on this journey of service. Never underestimate the power of the Light to achieve that which is needed.

Service this evening shall include the concern for the human race in this time of change that quickens so much fear. Tonight we serve the hearts of humanity, bringing such love as alternative to any fear. Let us begin at this time. (extended pause)

Humanity cannot embrace its destiny with fear in their hearts. Only the love that unites the self with the truth of life that exits everywhere will heal this forever. Let the fear expressed by others always remind you of this alternative, for many have yet to realize there is one. People will ask you “How do I achieve this love and freedom?” By acknowledging its truth and reality that has always existed within them. Choose freedom, by the same authority that you have chosen fear. You are the power that placed fear in your world. That same power realizes love. In other words, dear ones, choose. And choose with passion and conviction and commitment and with deed.

Those with remorse from their previous actions will be free, for in this love of their choosing they forgive themselves. Only love can accomplish this, because love finds no fault and condemns none. It unifies life and expands it. Preach this, to all who will listen, by your example. Namaste.
July 15, 1999 A                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Exploring identity

JANU:    Personal identity is a mixed bag, for varying degrees of identity and types of identity exist among people. To identify as one race or another can even fly in the face of physical reality. Many causes are fueled by senses of identity. Conflicts between genders, races, economic status, realities, politics, romance, even artistic abilities are fueled by different shapes of identity. And these change, providing a myriad of interpretations and expressions.

So the question becomes “Who are you, in this moment, in this circumstance, in these relationships?” Probably wise to say that your identity is what you choose in the moment, based upon personal agendas, social pressures, degree of awakening and understanding. So, grow in the freedom to identify as you choose, reaping those benefits or challenges, free to experiment with realities of identification, testing the waters socially and introspectively.

“Who are you?” then is a question for the moment. And what are the complex identities and their relationships that exist in that moment? Are you identified with your experiences or more towards your True Nature? And what is that? What’s the reality of it in your life, in your consciousness? What levels of familiarity exist in conscious relationship?

Much to explore in the world of identity. Find wisdom, richness, peace and joy in the quest. Namaste.
Apr. 9, 2019                                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Being life in motion

JANU: Assuming then that the popularity of insight, forecasting of the future and the nature of occurrences, is the best path for balanced awakening, the balance, our brother, occurs when insight matches creativity or creation and observed changes for evolution in life expression. Direct knowing suggests that what is being experienced is a stable reality, predictable in outcome. It is not. Life is possibilities super-imposed on each other, the choices of which, or selections, are not only possibilities but combinations of these. Opportunities are the same way. So success in awakening is founded in choices, choices based upon current perceptions and potentials of the moment, conscious awakening in a field of reality with many layers of coexistence, co-potentials, and ever changing and evolving outcomes.

So successful awakening is what works for you, and even that is changing as you evolve. So what you hang your hat upon is life in motion. The so-called successful or ‘right way’ as a path of awakening is what inspires and fulfills you in a limitless variety of choices and outcomes. If you are at peace, find happiness and joy, rich in love of life and its potential or future, you’re successfully awakening. Be at peace. Continue on. Explore. Evaluate. Observe and gain wisdom, whatever it may be. Be life in motion. Namaste.

Mar. 13, 2019                                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Service: Freedom

JANU:      Service this evening has to do with the freedom to be. Now, let us examine this closely, for what does this truly mean? Being, a reality, encompasses or embraces the Source of Life as an agent for expression, of manifestation, and to be whatever you choose. Now then, the path of discovery of awakening broadens your awareness of the possibilities of choice. Realize this, then, that those are possibilities you are free to be. So, while one is in the embrace of a current expression in their being, in time one must realize that this is only one possibility and to be another expression of life one must shift identity and embrace their freedom. One might consider that life has a finite number of possibilities for being. This is not so because life is evolving and realizing potentials yet unrealized, yet aware of, yet expressed. So the freedom we speak of is true freedom. So, as you explore your consciousness and these possibilities, do so without identifying as a human being, for that is only one possibility. Allow yourself to embrace freedom as a reality without limitation. And one expression of freedom need not resemble any other. What it has in common is the True Nature of life, and that is evolving.

So, our service this evening is a growing awareness of the presence of true freedom, unlimited possibilities, and allowing any one of them to be part of your consciousness and to flower. Now, when one observes the journey of the human being from this understanding, one can see the confinements that direct the consciousness into the framework of that reality. Freedom allows this but does not require it. One may engage any freedom for the duration they choose, and the elements of manifestation that give it structure. So, as you become more aware, your consciousness is capable of simultaneous levels of awareness and involvement and realization. No longer limited to one focus at a time. Multiple realities coexisting reveal possibilities not viewed from any one focus, you see, and, to some degree, synergism takes place.

So let us explore this reality of freedom and the role it plays in life and awakening. Namaste.
May 21, 2013 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Who are you?

JANU: Self-examination, then, is a key element in awakening, for the discovery of who you are and conditioning by society, others, traditions. For the question becomes: Who are you beyond all of these influences? What do you own from your own True Nature and its wisdom and capacity for experience and remembrance? Remembering that what we speak of is who you are, truly.

Who are you? Where are your values? What is your integrity? What is your model for being? What are the origins? An interesting opportunity to learn by growth through experience, appraising the models for living around you, parents and society. And what influence is there? Who you truly are setting the stage for experiencing incarnate life. More than “What do you believe in?” but “What do you know?”

As you engage your life each day, listen for, touch the source of your being for a taste of reality. Wiser decision-making gives wiser results. Choose to know who you are and all you have been. Namaste.
Jan. 25, 2019 B                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Decision making

JANU: An interesting point to be made on making choices. There is wisdom in observing the experiences and wisdom of others, but decisions to be made in your life are yours to make. No matter the consequences, for they are part of the learning. Make the wisest decisions you may. Consider your options, which include your own insights. Ask your questions to the truth of who you are. There is great wisdom to be aware of, for you are much more than a human ego.

Share with others what you own in understanding and experience, but they must make their decisions, their choices, their own insights. Support each other’s awakening while standing in your integrity. Namaste.
Aug. 1, 2018 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 18 contains prior attunements in this series.


Understanding truth and lies

JANU: We are responding to your question “Is the truth more powerful than a lie?” Each has power, our brother, and both can be nuanced, so to speak. And the nuances are the measure of their power. For the nuances are their manifestations, and they reveal a fuller picture, the fuller understanding of each one’s nature.

Let us progress then to the truth behind these, for each are supported in their own ways by Life and their nuances are part of Life. The nuances are the revealers and they trigger the interpretations of others. So, the power of each touches Life in different ways and the observers of the merit of each through these.

Let us bring into focus, then, peace. The peace patterns of each are quite different, you see. The peace patterns of the lie are restless. The peace patterns of the truth, of honesty, have peace with depth and endurance.

Honesty, our brother, is always an easier path in the long run. Concealment through lies has a short life span by comparison. The choice is always there, you see. Choose wisely. Namaste, our brother.
June 14, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross