Awakening to solutions within

JANU: Prevalent in these times is the urge to make sense of life: the reason for being, the reality of ‘deity,’ the dignity of self, the purpose of life, the pursuit of happiness. The challenge to perceive the role of humanity’s choices in the creation of current conditions of society and environment brings understanding to the power inherent in human potential. The external challenges and conditions have solutions but they lie within. Many do not realize or experience their inner power to answer these. This is part of awakening.

Finding peace within the self makes this easier. Choosing the genius of understanding in one’s own Nature is rewarding and brings reason or self-love. Most feel alone in life, with a vague notion of deity and its influence or presence, something distant, other-worldly and uncertain. Awakening reveals the dignity and the deity within the self. One’s own True Nature is divine. One is never alone and this presence of being is always there.

Worship the truth of your being, in the temple you are. Meet every challenge with insight and understanding. Namaste.
June 18, 2021 B                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Pretense, fear and social image

JANU:    Fear challenges social relationships, communication. It is sensed by others and interferes with connection, wanting to present a certain image as perceived necessary in society yet hides their feelings. Pretense to oneself avoids the pain of responsibility. Being honest with oneself about everything contributes to peace. Choose to own everything about your experiences, preferences, capabilities, and desires. Be an open book to Life. Namaste.
Apr. 28, 2021 B                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Becoming more conscious – 2

JANU:    So you see, being more conscious includes more conscious of everything. Both sides of duality, the experience, the balance, equilibrium, the positive and the negative. The good and the bad, so to speak, are all part of life. Being more conscious is being more aware of everything, yet still finding purpose, evolution, creativity, realized potential. Moving life forward richer, stronger, and yes, even with beauty, wiser and loving.

Being more conscious has its challenges and opportunities. Being even-minded is the challenge and an opportunity. Grow through the wisdom of your choices. Be at peace. Be an example to others. Walk the quiet path. Choose your steps wisely. Life is in motion. Be conscious of the flow, for what is more dynamic than life itself? Namaste.
Mar. 31, 2021                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Choosing leaders

JANU: Realizing, through benevolent interaction with another, we are all brothers, partners in life with more common interests, capability, desires, insights than many realize. Some close knit families reflect on life in this way. It is part of human legacy, heritage, and nature. Benevolent wise leadership, of nations and groups of people, understand this and base their decisions in this way. The ones that do, understand the correlation within families, and then among families, with coordination, balance, incredible diversity, but a synergism of life that reflect these qualities. And through these decisions, help individuals understand this as well and pattern their lives accordingly.

Families nurture each other, stand by each other, understand each other, and sacrifice for each other. Should nations do any less? Look for these qualities in the leaders to be chosen. The decision gets easier. Namaste.

Aug. 18, 2020 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The wisdom of the True Nature

JANU: The True Nature we are appreciates another consciousness, another being, for what they truly are, what they are evolving into, with the patience and love of timelessness. Being created equal is not limited to the human perspective, but to the True Nature of everyone. The Family of Life includes those experiencing the veiled existence as well as those who are not. With that as the foundation, the freedom to be is not judged or condemned. Life has the capacity, the depth, to absorb it all and evolve.

Now, relationships are managed wisely with these foundations of understanding, each one choosing the elements of the relationships, you see. The choices of one may differ from the choices of another. These can be managed. There is wisdom to be had and employed through all of these. Choose the perspective of the True Nature and walk that path. Find agreement where you may and evolve from there. Namaste.
June 26, 2020 B                                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Happiness and co-creation

JANU:    Happiness. What does it mean? What is its source? What is its endurance? What is its origin? How does it communicate? Happiness is not only contentment with what is achieved, but confidence in what can be achieved. Continued happiness, without change, breeds complacency and boredom. So even happiness, you see, has evolutionary change. So choosing to be happy is a co-creative reality, as is complacency and boredom, dismay, discouragement, endless repetition.

So if choosing to be happy is a reality and has existence, what is its nature? Is it more than the human condition? Is it founded in the structure of life? Or is it only a creation of desire and consciousness? What does it serve? And why does it seem temporary and only circumstantially available? It is a function of co-creative choice and the freedom to be. Any relationship with life, under any condition of consciousness, any state of being, and it is by choice.

So, when surveying your existence, your experiences, your circumstance, you choose happiness or wait for it. Enlightenment can be seen the same way. It is a co-creative choice, with its own reward. Mis-emotions fall into this category, you see. Freedom is powerful in the sense of the exercise of co-creation. Co-creation without disadvantaging others or manipulation or interference, but being part of the circumstance of their happiness, their freedom, brings a joy and a contentment. Namaste.
May 28, 2020                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

This is an expansion of  the concept of happiness  presented earlier in  Happiness: allowed not created, and Awakening: Happiness, among others.


Understanding predetermination

JANU: Predetermination seems to fly in the face of free will. One has to realize that the human centered consciousness exercises choice, but that choice is within a scope of possibilities the True Nature embraces. As life is in motion, predetermination refers to orders of creativity and relationships. Outcomes of choice range far and wide but life, so to speak, is as circles within circles within circles of possibilities. So choice comes face to face with its own potential.

So, the question becomes: Is your identity limited? Is your consciousness aware of the full nature of being and the potentials of choices? One is not compelled to a limited identity, a limited awareness, a limited command. Becoming more aware of the choices available allows for focusing and refinement.

Existence is a composite of so many realities, all coexisting. The True Nature, which is who you are, what you are, can manage existence. Namaste.
Mar. 13, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


A better life

JANU:     We are surveying the events of the day, as to your concern about the discord between nations and peoples. The issue here is that they lack a superior model of existence. Physical force is the epitome of their sense of power. Destructive power as an ultimate model for resolution of differences is from ignorance. They have yet to perceive that that sort of power doesn’t build anything, but destroys each other. How can one appreciate true power in the face of this, when that’s all they know?

True power does not destroy but coordinates, unifies elements of life, mutually beneficial. Humanity could behave this way, as well, with the proper vision and understanding. True power is appreciated from within, with a consciousness beyond the physical. True power than, more fundamental than physical-only reality. Each one’s True Nature is an example of this.

“So, where does awakening to this come from?” you ask. It comes from the within that is connected to everything. Not religion. Religion is inspired by this, without understanding. Going within, so to speak, connects you with everything, including who you are, the who you are that lives in this way. Most are not even convinced there is a reality, a viable reality, available to them other than physicality and they model this to each other.

Part of the reason for this service is to support this option of the awakening of humanity, that the truth that lives within each one can be heard and experienced, and manifested. It is all coming. The letting go of a limited perception can be easy or difficult. The choice belongs to everyone. So let us continue to support the spark of Light, the insightful moment that answers the question “Is there a better way?” Physical force not seeming to be the answer. Namaste.
May 21, 2019 B                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

Understanding choices

JANU:    Embracing the human condition while incarnate, from a perspective ‘on high’ so to speak, brings resolution to longstanding struggles and confusion of the nature of existence and purpose of existence. A balanced approach, centered in wisdom and peace and the evolution of human potential, remembering that each human is something much more than what seems apparent to them.

Freedom of choice is an inherent prerogative. Choosing what? What options of choice? What reference for wisdom in the choice? It is not interference to offer options with clarity. Are choices unlimited? And what revelations may be achieved as to the consequence of choice? Not just for others, but for the self as well.  How do individual potentials and consequences benefit from any collaboration? Can there be clarity prior to experience, to assist in choice making?

The insights of the True Nature are a good beginning, for much experience, wisdom, and clarity, and resources are available there. Each one’s True Nature is available, even when behind the veil on the incarnate journey. A reason for awakening, no matter the focus in the sojourn. It is possible to make a choice with sincerity and examine its outcome in consciousness, especially when conscious union with your Nature is exercised. Consider choices carefully and patiently. Namaste.
Feb.12, 2020                                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Practical awakening

JANU:    Seeing the truth of things is a practicality you seek, for a life committed to taking journeys into awakening to the Larger Life. The practical result is wisdom, insight, awareness, consciousness expansion, the liberation of identity, and a deepening understanding of the self, of others, of society, the Earth and its creatures, the nature of everything. Wiser choices benefit everyone in your circle of influence through service.

Symbolism works best when there is not the need to verbalize their meanings, but when you allow your consciousness to be one with what the symbol represents. Words limit the experience and the understanding. But before the symbol existed, what it represents already was a reality. So the reality comes first, you see, and the symbol of it after. Symbols are only clues. Do not worship them. Be the truth of what they represent and you will know more than the words can say.

Experiences can be shared the same way with those who are awakening. Namaste.
Jan. 20, 2020 B                                                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross