Ancient network of cultures: Sumerians

JANU: The Sumarians, an ancient culture, bordered on this type of journey, the exploration of other worlds. Their science did not include knowledge of the planets but their memories of the previous existences played a role in their return to ancient knowledge. They belong to a group of those with such memories and were beginning to explore exchanges. Reaching into these will reveal, from time to time, connections to our journeys. Be aware of these significances and the threads of connection in other cultures. The network of life is larger than you know. Namaste.
Apr. 29, 2023                                                                                 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The freedom of universal consciousness

JANU: The formation of other worlds is of interest to those who attempt to grasp the workings of manifest life. The universe is part of this, but the history of understanding and that to be understood complies with the evolution of consciousness, the evolution of being, the evolution of creating. The study of these worlds brings this to the fore. For as one engages in consciousness the realities of a world, these understandings become attractive to the curious, the open-minded, and those who embrace and love life.

The formation of planets and suns and systems is becoming understood more and more, but what about the creation of species, cultures, sciences, arts, survival, and the evolution of species? The bigger picture, as it is embraced, brings a growing sense of connection to everything. ‘Here’ and ‘there’ become faint perceptions, for as consciousnesses embrace life, the consciousness is everywhere at once. All fear disappears. The eternity of being is added to this larger identity. This takes nothing from individuality experience and personal identity, for these are part of the journey of life and its enrichment.

Linger, from time to time, in this freedom of being and find peace, harmony, and well-being. Namaste.
May 15, 2023                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A balanced approach to exploring other cultures

JANU:   This does open up the possibilities somewhat for exploration, for your world has experienced the cultures of those with understanding and demonstration in those areas yet realized by your current society, you see. There have been pockets of culture or civilization not large enough to be recognized as a nation or a country that have exhibited profound or transcendent relationship and understanding. These pockets are scattered around the world. Some exist today. many have long since disappeared, you see. And, yes, there have been those who have come and gone to your world, moving on to other adventures, multi-dimensionally speaking. There have been those called world shapers or world planners that introduce new possibilities of understanding or redirect or shape the direction of understanding in existing cultures, you see. There are many of those in your society today that if they possessed this ability to  move about and influence would spin, so to speak, and overwhelm the culture, to where it would lose its bearing, its identity, and ultimately its will to stand as co-creator with life. Much to be learned from this enlightened approach to assisting others when dealing with other cultures in your world at this time, one to another.

Let us examine, then, this range of possibilities, for the benefits of awareness of the realities of other cultures of other worlds have already been visited upon you, some in ways you may never realize their origins. Others, suspicions grow that this is so, among your researchers.

How, then, do you offer a new possibility to another? Examine this carefully. Do you do it honoring and understanding their nature and their path to their current experience? Or do you do it only from the conviction of your own? Do you monitor carefully that your method and your suggestion bears fruit in harmony with the soul desires and patterns of those you would assist, according to their timetable and not yours? Do you encourage in such a way that they will grow to eventually understand and embrace you and others with understanding, self-assuredness, and ownership of their being in truth as free beings? Examine your motivation to assist another and grow in sensitivity and awareness to the motivations you would welcome in those other cultures that might assist you.

One advantage of this other world/other culture examination is to assist in the long or larger view of possibilities and outcomes. For we speak here of the lifetime of worlds and many cultures and not the advantage of one over another, you see. The flow of life, has many tributaries and many directions and is in constant change. And these tributaries are all connected in some way. One stream leads to another and another and another. When you connect with the life of another world’s culture, do you not connect with their connections, as well? And, of course, they connect with you, too, and your understandings. As you would gain from another culture’s path and experience, with the same joy and enthusiasm, are you equally as eager to be a blessing for them as well? And as our dear brother Ramtha has said, “Each are givers and blessed in the giving.”

This approach this morning is for the purpose of laying the foundation for the exploration and embrace of these realities for successful outcome. When you reach for the life understanding of another, do you reach to receive only or to give? Let that be your conviction and your declaration at the onset, you see. And do this with your neighbor as well. To take only, spirals downward and withdraws in on itself. When mutual assistance takes place, it expands and grows, with endless possibilities. So connect with life in this way, dear one, when you reach for the stars, when you reach for the truth of your being, and when you connect with your neighbor.

Let us proceed in this manner in these future journeys and we will expand into limitless possibilities. This is a good beginning and foundation. Namaste.
January 28, 1997                                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Exploring consciousness

JANU: Exploring consciousness is exploring the presence of life in everything, every reality. Yes, even past, present and future. Life exists. Human conscious is one thing. Animal consciousness another. Earth consciousness another. Solar consciousness another. Solar system consciousness another. Light, the Truth of Life, is conscious. If this be so, what possible relationships can exist consciously between human consciousness and everything else, everyone else, every reality? The so-called modern magicians who manipulate matter are exploring this consciousness. Some are aware of the dynamics, the reality of that relationship. Some less.

Human potential of experiencing consciousness of their species, of their environment, of other realities moves beyond personal identity to cosmic consciousness. Many would ask, “How does one begin this journey?” By understanding their own, exploring it, experiencing its capabilities and its presence, by experiencing its response to desires, interests, questions, wonderings, observations of life around them and the interactions. Patterns after patterns of life in motion.

Questions are a powerful force. They are part of a mind that is opening, considering possibilities, experiencing something new. Revelations of truths behind current perceptions. Nothing fixed or locked but everything in motion in ways yet to be understood. Connecting with every part of life, every part of creation in a more intimate way. Being aware of something is one thing. Being aware as something is quite another. Identity shifting, expansion, even progressing to the point of no identity at all, opens the consciousness to the rest of life. Start your journey by asking a question on a subject of sincere interest, and listen, knowing that an answer, a response, already exists. Namaste.
Dec. 27, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


True oneness

JANU: Let us engage then this evening an opportunity to become one with the first principle of service, that being a simple love for life, all of life. What does that mean, then?

When you truly love something, it is part of you, to the degree that you are incomplete without it. Now let us examine this. As a unique expression of life, can your uniqueness survive or exist separate from the rest of life? How then can one not be an expression of the one life? We come back again to the thought provoking understanding of oneness and individuality coexisting. Instead of just perceiving your being one with life, consider life being one with you. And how does that register in your consciousness? Life is one with you. And if this is true, how can the opposite not be true?

Most people reach for connection, aware only of their reach and lack of connection. Otherwise, why reach? But at all times, life is connected with you, and you are known intimately every second, every moment, even your capability yet realized by you. So, reaching for oneness consciousness is more a reality of allowing the memory that you already are, and always have been.

Your neighbor is your life. Your neighbor is life and is one with you, though unaware of it. Considering your neighbor as already being one with you, whether either one of you are aware of it or not, is worthy of consideration.

When you care for a creature and linger in the caring, the creature senses safety and well-being. Those that are troubled in your society and legal system would do well with some of this experience, for it would bring them a sense of connection with life and they might even be loved and valued without being beholden to any particular person.

This is service. This will heal the troubled soul and, yes, even a troubled leader bringing suffering to so many. This is exactly what the Master of Masters touched in the lives of so many. Namaste.
May 24, 2013 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Peaceful negotiation

JANU:    We are searching through the archives of the phenomenon called ‘peaceful negotiation.’ These occur randomly throughout the history of humanity but have become a rarity in recent times. The heritage of these, when reviewed, move the consciousness in the direction of the connectedness and the co-existence of the realities of the participants. Let there be then a resurgence in peaceful negotiations on every level. Reactionaries find these, through their perception, a weak relationship, ineffective, for there is nothing to react to. Common benefit, mutual benefit, compromise does not call for reaction but a response, involvement, engagement, finding solutions.

In the past, we have spoken of identity, individual and collective. A worthy and revealing pursuit to explore these identities: their nature, their origins, their limitations and their strengths. Peaceful negotiations are influenced by these and should remain a marker or milestone for the evolution of human consciousness and society. Why not remember, from time to time, engagement in these? Remember when relationships were more cordial, profitable, and self-sustaining. Be at peace in this and find strength, endurance, reciprocation, and the advancement of a human culture and society. Namaste.
July 31, 2018                                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 18 contains prior attunements in this series.


Life is rich so live life as you may

JANU: We are proceeding with dialogue that best represents the initial prologue to a bountiful life. For life is bountiful. It is rich for everyone, whether appreciated, understood or not. Each sojourn extends and enriches the consciousness of the whole being. Life evolves. New opportunities are created. Relationships change and build upon each other. Life is rich, always, even for those who shrink from it. Wisdom has been created and the journeys continue.

Limit not perception of richness to just the physical life, for you are more than that. Much more is involved than just the body, you see. You are a spirit being at the same time, co-existing, relating to more and more of reality.

Learn what you may. Discern how you may. Understand what you may. Reveal what you may. Create as you may. Build as you may. Love as you may. Be at peace as you may. Your worth is not limited to incarnate life, but it is expressed there, for all of life co-exists, is connected. Namaste.
July 25, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 18 contains prior attunements in this series.


Definition of Coexistence

Co-existence for our purposes goes beyond the idea of ‘existing side by side’ and the vague notion that we are all ‘one.’ We have explored the concept that the individuality identity, the human ego, is a small part of a much larger reality and hopefully come to experience and explore parts of this larger reality. Co-existence involves a conscious integration of all the elements of your consciousness.   This expands your identity and connection consciously to fuller understanding of the concept of oneness.

June 2018                                                                        Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.  Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Living in the flow of life

JANU: Rich indeed is the prowess of that governed by the flow of life. Tribes in human culture speak of bonding, connection, mutual support, shared goals and vision. This occurs when the consciousness lives at one with the flow of life, not just with other beings but with all the elements of life, the created forces, the traditions, the legions of those in service, with experience and expertise.

Being in the flow, so to speak, has much meaning behind it. Its presence benefits in the life as the flow of opportunity with seemingly miraculous results. Life is in motion, and so are all of us. ‘Receiving and giving,’ two sides of the same coin, applies here. Allow both to find balance in the life, where one nurtures the other. Gratitude in the consciousness, in the emotions and thoughts goes a long way to ‘seal the deal,’ if you will. Find peace in this, our brother. The future and destiny will unfold. Namaste.
May 17, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Supporting Earth’s service to its life forms

JANU:      Service is the theme for this journey. Let there be no mistake. Capability is enhanced by way of these opportunities.

There is concordance performing that needed to serve. There is a background level of presence whereby the Earth supports the awakening of humanity and other life forms as well. Our service this evening is to lend energy to the service the Earth provides humanity and other creatures. The Earth, as a complex reality, is very much a part of the flow of life. The Earth has a consciousness and responds to the consciousness of the life that it supports. All of creation is alive in its own way and everything is connected and mutually beneficial. Namaste.
Apr. 26, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross