Shifting from conscious OF to conscious AS

JANU: We exist in a universal atmosphere of “Life Essence.” We are made out of this and therefore connected with everything. Allow awareness of this and connect with whatever your attention is on. Experience the coexistence of everything including yourself.

JR:   If we are made of this “Life Essence” how can we not be connected to it and to everything else, which is made of it? Thus, you are a unique expression of this oneness. This challenges the duality mind but we are both unique and one, coexisting. I understand how difficult it is to grasp the concept of the coexistence of being unique as well as one with everything. The questions that arise from coexistence are explained through experiencing it directly.
Sept. 10, 2022                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

Note: This journey came as a result of my efforts to understand  identity shifting and conscious union


Conscious union & the nature of life 

JANU: These moments of life represent a kind of ambition to self-realize. Understand, then, the nature of life is to understand itself through creations and relationships. People do this as well, in their own ways. The question “Why?” is from those who have yet to own this reason for living.

Conscious union, spoken of often, is an intimate relationship with life and its reason for being. Or should we say: reasons?  One needs not attempt to create such an experience but to identify with and be in harmony with the nature of life. The phrase “being in the flow” is an example of this. Insights that are magically revealing are worth exploring for they reveal much to the open mind.

Realizing potential with the courage and commitment to manifest leads to more and more revelation, understanding, and identity expansion. The veil is not there to obstruct but to motivate and focus and explore, to ask questions and seek the truth. The incarnate life has potential that is richer than most understand and it is at one with the Larger Life. They coexist and enrich each other.

They truly are one. Borders are an illusion with a purpose. Identity is fluid to the open consciousness. Enjoy the revelations. Let them be part of your journey and see where they take you. Enjoy them. Namaste.
May 31, 2022 B                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


An analogy for achieving conscious union

JANU:  Bringing consciousness of the Larger Life to the incarnate experience is part of the goal of incarnating, for such a journey elicits potential, discovery, realization, and manifestation. The veil journey can be a very rich one. See it as an opportunity, not an impediment. See past or through the challenge into the potential of achievement. Impatience, speculation, wonderment, are reactions to a misinterpreted opportunity. Our journeys are designed for evolution, realization, achievement of conscious union. See the light above the clouds, not just that which filters through. Unite the two. Namaste.
Feb. 18, 2022                                         Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Identity Expansion

JANU: An interesting point of view. “Welcome, stranger,” one might say as the human consciousness returns to conscious union with the True Nature. Getting to know one’s True Nature once more, while incarnate, is part of the revelation of life to itself, for the incarnate life with its protocols is an exploration and experience adding many perspectives and understandings to the True Nature.

There can be a sense of separation, loss of a larger reality, behind the veil. But that is a perception, not the whole truth. Conscious union is a path of gradual awakening to the larger truth of one’s nature. We are one in this, with the guiding wisdom of management.

Let us assume for the moment, then, awakening is a process of identity expansion beyond being human. The nature of the wonderings within the human identity reveals, as they change, movement on the path of awakening to a larger identity, to a larger life, to a larger truth, to a larger being. Embracing a new insight, making it a part of your consciousness, a new way of perceiving your life and seeing yourself, experiencing the change expands the identity with understanding. Individual identity comes from new experiences that are understood and applied. These new understandings, insights, when embraced and applied, shape the consciousness.

Consider insights thoughtfully, carefully. Explore them. See what they reveal about who you are and more will come as you grow into them. Namaste.
Jan. 31, 2022 B                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Self-realization and the Larger Life

JANU: Assemblage is a denominator for alignment of spheres of influence and reality. What this means is that when one succumbs to, so to speak, their dreams and desires, there is an alignment, an agreement, a conscious relationship between the elements of being, a synergism that results in realization of the reality of life. Consciousness, conscious union, is the realization and experience of life, beingness, and larger reality.

Being at peace is a path to this. Encouragement ensues. Pettiness disappears and gives way to wisdom and the flow of life. And coming to your truth is not failure but mastership. Becoming more in awareness of one’s nature. We are one in this, and we continue to evolve in this way. Namaste.
Nov. 3, 2021                                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   What you have been seeking is oneness, consciously, with the True Nature that we are. You already have this because the True Nature is one with the human journey. Being conscious as the True Nature is not the design for incarnate journey. The design is to understand, serve, and evolve through the experience. Not yours alone as an incarnate consciousness, but by all that we are. Conscious union serves this, but the elements of being each have their integrity, their function. So human consciousness is part of our integrity, has its potential with awakening.

There are many realities to awakening. Ours is understanding, direct experience, service, enrichment. Process this. Namaste.
Sept. 22, 2021 B                                                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence, conscious union, & service

JANU:    Coexistence of the realities of life demonstrate one Life with great diversity. Life creates its own building blocks, the bricks that make up the structure. And the bricks coexist, nurtured by the Larger Life.

When one feels alone, no matter how grand their pursuit, conscious union is missing. How does one recognize a conscious union experience and attune to it? Perception of a larger Life includes relationship with its diversity. Behind the veil, when one observes the struggles of another, they can choose to understand and experience to a degree with the revelation of understanding the experience of another, which is part of their integrity. The understanding does not necessarily mean agreeing with the circumstance. Empathy does not mean agreeing with or repatterning one’s truth. It means caring enough to be of service, not to control but be inspired by their True Nature.

Everyone is surrounded by opportunities to care and experience the insight that supports service. Remain peaceful with clarity of perception. Namaste.
Aug. 27, 2021                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The journey of conscious union

JANU:    Conscious union is the theme of awakening and belongs to an order and reckoning that sounds the alert to the Nature of awakening. Conscious union extends beyond the True Nature to the Orders of Life, of which the True Nature is a part. Awakening within the human journey shines the light on its Nature, everything seen in a larger way, with greater depth, with growing understanding and engagement. Not only the process of existence, but its purpose. Enrichment of life occurs at every level, in every reality. Challenges are understood as life’s invitation to explore. Exploration brings discovery. Understanding triggers the realization of potential as wisdom evolves. These adventures in the incarnate journey are adventures for the True Nature as well. Wisdom is wisdom, which shines its light wherever expressed.

We reach into these understandings to progress the mastering of the gifts of challenges. The veil is a part of this. It moderates the challenges and their resolution. Their presence and appearances are reminders that life is in motion and offering opportunities, gifts if you will, to itself. How can one see themselves as alone? They’re unique expressions of the Body of Life, no matter how diverse. We all serve each other by way of existing, being in motion through these challenges, these opportunities to explore life as life.

Conscious union is a window, an opportunity to see, experience, and understand everything. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2021 B                                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Conscious union, with agreement

JANU: Agreement with the principles of existence moves one beyond just observing reality, but flowing with it, evolving with it, understanding with it. Agreeing with the rest of your being unites it as one with the human experience.

Yes, there is timing and process to this. When in harmony through peace, one does not create impediments but opens to purpose and fulfillment of potential. Past, present, and future become united as one. Understanding evolves with the flow of life. One experiences a sense of oneness with all that’s understood.

Timing and peace and process are intertwined and are merged through expression. We are one. Namaste.
July 28, 2021 P                                                                              Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The veil and incarnation explained

JANU: Simplicity we are. ‘That that is’ is natural, peaceful. We are one in this way, and have always been. With the veil, the so-called isolated consciousness personality ego tries to understand, manipulate, organize, and use ‘that that is’ from a perspective that is not at peace. An understanding that is limited to a small portion of life and builds structures of understanding based on that limited awareness as if they could explain ultimately all inquiries.

Such is the journey of incarnate life, full of adventure, imaginings, wonderings, experimentation, discoveries, but not the peace of being whole. Much of this to be left behind for conscious union, for being, but always available. Emergence, a little at a time, is wise. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2021 B                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

See also Breeching the veil and Freedom beyond the veil .