Inclusive reality

JANU: We are sequencing, then, that which belongs to the arc of time into a unity that transcends but includes the elements of such. We speak of awakening as a process, the processing of elements that build a foundation of understanding, compatibility, and the reality of oneness. Let us now delve into that which is inclusive reality.

Human separation consciousness explores life with boundaries, limitations, countless identities and descriptions, personalities and egos. Strange it seems when one is presented with inclusive reality to where it is all of that, previous perception applied or exists. It still exists, our brother, but is included in a consciousness beyond identity, but includes all identities, and all possibilities. Focusing upon one element of inclusive reality is still valid, but the perspective includes so much more. The oneness describes the connection, at all times, between all elements of inclusive reality.

Therefore, where does the human perspective of identity come into play? Inclusive consciousness is what we speak of here. Linger as this. Be this. Your world of consciousness no longer subject to injury, dissolution, the so-called ‘ravages of time.’ You become, you are, timeless limitless being, no longer requiring individual identity, that being only a small portion of your reality. You are more alive than you have ever been, in your awareness, for you are one with everything.

We don’t just mean the so-called ‘fifth dimension.’ We speak of beingness beyond questions and answers. Inclusive consciousness includes all questions and all answers. They are always present. You are part of each other, freer in consciousness than you have ever known. Linger in this, our brother, as the journeys continue. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2017                                                    Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 18 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Expanding your consciousness

JANU: Expanding the consciousness is a basic theme in realizing potential. Awakening is this adventure. Exploring this reality does not mean turning your back upon incarnate life, but expanding your consciousness to be aware of its more profound realities and possibilities, as well as the larger life.

So then consider: What does an expanded consciousness reveal about the incarnate life? It reveals the root of its reality, which is the foundation of not only what it can be but what it is, beyond human understanding. The so-called laws of life or properties of the currently perceived incarnate life become more fluid and alterable.

How then does one know an element of truth directly, without conventional communication? Many struggle to understand more, to push the boundaries of perception and experience. When one wishes to remember a name or experience, seemingly forgotten, the more the struggle the further the answer seems away. Yet when you let go of the request, at some point you remember. This is true, our brother, when expanding consciousness. The postulate is made. The pattern created, of inquiry, the desire to know. Then it is released through the systems and realities of life that you are, to have their way. Micro-managing your experiences and awakening is counterproductive. Make your desire known then release it, remaining alert to the response, even while considering something else.

Your desires are part of life and are recorded, so to speak. There are many memories from many sojourns and discarnate existence. No need to re-invent them. They are a repository of experience and wisdom-gaining. Allow your consciousness to pattern-match with these as needed. Effortless inquiry, our brother, but in harmony with the flow of life always in motion. Whatever your understanding or awareness, there is always more. Being at true peace agrees with these realities, is in harmony with them. Namaste.
Feb. 28, 2017 B                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being conscious as a divine being

JANU: This current exploration of yours is ours as well. Becoming conscious as one is a grand awakening. No longer just a human identity with a divine nature, but one reality, whether incarnate or not. It is a daring leap of faith for a human being, identified as such, to let go of that as a single identity and become something larger, more inclusive, of a divine being of many experiences and capabilities. An eternal being with identities that come and go, but all leaving their impression, their pattern in memory and beingness. So, you see, being conscious as a divine being adds to the human experience, enriches it, and opens the door to grander possibilities, while incarnate or in any other reality.

So much of the terminology used by human beings is a product of the veil and separation consciousness, which creates an exclusive world of physicality and limited reach. This is not a trance state, but a conscious one. True identity and true being is supporting the human experience, recording it, so to speak, while gaining wisdom and understanding. Many other such patterns of life remain with you, our brother, and with us as well.

Life is a vast resource of accumulated experience, wisdom, and understanding, creative ability, memories and patterns. A living library, if you will, beyond comprehension, and you are a book on that shelf, on the shelf of that library, growing, expanding, enriching life, as is everyone. Being conscious as a divine being, our brother, includes your human identity as well, the page or a chapter in that book. Allow yourself to experience full consciousness, not separate from human experience but including it, a divine being during any journey. We are one. Namaste.
Nov. 29, 2016                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The faces of love

JANU: We are initiating a follow up on the progressed dynamics of the featured events of human destiny, in the short term.

To begin with, let us share a moment of understanding in the essential nature of love, which in time will shape human destiny more and more. Love seems to have a different face depending upon circumstances and evolution in consciousness. The face we see at this time, for exploration, is inner peace and, through this, peace with each other, replacing anger with understanding, judgment with patience, fear with a faith and trust in life as a grander reality. A sense of well-being not limited to physical conditions. A love that lives in the True Nature, coming ever closer to a conscious presence.

What makes the face of love appear differently is determined by the sensitivity of the individual to its influence and manifestation. This is why the face of love can appear differently with the same individual from time to time. When an individual awakens and embraces the face of love that lives within them, their physical expression, countenance, radiation expresses this and is perceived by others. Not always understood, but noticed, for this expression touches the truth in them, which is difficult to ignore.

One does not create this condition. It is the product of awakening. Allow your True Nature to join you and become the face of love as you may. Namaste.
Oct. 28, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Integrated consciousness

JANU:    We are cementing relations, so to speak, as pertains to the melding of consciousnesses within the being. Unity and diversity co-exist in the True Nature experience, whether incarnate or not, whether human or not. The human identity can seem conflicted in its desires to be conscious as the True Nature that you are, that we are, that I am, yet remain connected with the incarnate life. Unity of consciousness, our brother, does not depart one from the incarnate life, but amplifies, expands it. The challenge here is the identity, part of the body of life being included in the whole identity. Many will see this challenge as immaterial, unnecessary, for their incarnate experience seems all they can handle and master. And it will be that way for as long as they have need of.

The True Nature is mindful of all of this, our brother, and is the authority for all journeys. These journeys we take are movement in the direction of unity of consciousness, of identity. To some this may seem formal structure, and to some degree it is, but with a purpose: to build a foundation of understanding, to help others be inspired to make the transition into the larger life, the larger identity of which incarnate life is a part. No position in consciousness or identity, our brother, is without merit.

The larger consciousness includes everything, not labeling right or wrong, good or bad, but ‘isnesses,’ part of the Tapestry of Life. But the conscious integration of being supports balance and symmetry and well-being. The larger consciousness perceives reality as it is and what it can be and certainly what it has been. So many human judgments are based upon right or wrong, good or bad, traditions and standards that don’t allow for change. Security based upon ritual. And, of course, the challenges appear, for life is in motion. Ultimately, change takes place. The more conscious you are, the more you understand this, embrace this, and become part of the change intentionally, willingly, intelligently, and lovingly. Individuality and oneness are both honored. Live in peace, our brother, and namaste.
Oct. 18, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The application of awakening

JANU: Much groundwork has been laid, as preparation for an understanding of awakening. As we have said, awakening is a continuing process. The purpose of these journeys is refinement, enhancement, focusing, and understanding. Awakening is to become more aware, not just to understand but to apply the Truth of Life to your perceptions, your decisions, your choices, your changes.

Becoming a conscious expression of the True Nature of life, whether physical or not, is the path of mastership. Not to be set apart but to serve. What is service, then, but enriching life? Expanding it, deepening it, fulfilling it. Not just the lives of others but Life itself, no matter the expression. The tendency is to consider serving others, for this is what the human consciousness is most familiar with and identifies with. But life is vaster than that, even in the Earth, with the creatures and the Earth itself. Consider then carefully every part of life that serves you, makes your journey possible, supports your vehicles of consciousness. Meaning your body and all of its systems, the energetic realities. They are the nature of physical reality.

It is one thing to learn and appreciate the mechanics of life, the structures, creations. It is another to be one with the natures of all of this without preference. A wholistic approach to your awakening process broadens your conscious involvement. Witnessing life-processing work in your own life helps you recognize the reality of this in others, all creations. There is a dynamism everywhere. All of life is in motion. How can there be evolution otherwise? Explore, become aware of the nature of your own existence. Even at peace, in the so-called quiet times, be conscious. Namaste, our brother.
Oct. 12, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Inspiration to an awakened life

JANU: We are putting together then an announcement to bring hope to the millions who journey in their own way of awakening. Let it be known that the larger life is keenly aware of all of these. No one awakens alone. Their journeys in life are known, encouraged, supported, and to varying degrees guided. The larger Family of Life is more than just an unknown number of beings, but life in motion everywhere, in every reality.

To all who endeavor, be of good cheer. The unawakened life has no hold over you. The seeming insignificance of the moment of social activities and interests are part of a much larger reality. Vision, wisdom, strength, understanding is at your fingertips, so to speak. Be enthusiastic and confident that there is more of life in store for you. The seeming ignorance of national leaders, politicians, legalities, and, yes, even religion as practiced have no hold over you save what you give them.

The John Lennon song “Imagine” speaks volumes and is inspiring. Find peace and joy that the larger life is real, everywhere around you and in you. Open the doors of your consciousness to these realities and enter. Namaste.

July 12, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Awakening 44: What happens to me?

JANU: Peace again, our brother, is part of the path to victory in awakening. One might ask, “When awakening, what becomes of me? Do I still exist?” Yes, our brother, but in a larger way.

Within the human experience, the consciousness can have several identifications: human being, philanthropist, engineer, designer, musician. Many identities but you are still you. When you awaken more fully, the identity expands to include much more. The identity has the capacity to interface with the human journey, but many other realities as well. What happens is that you become something more, our brother, more than you were aware of before, more possibilities. Nothing of the human identity is lost, you see, but understood more clearly. No longer limited to reacting to life experiences, but responding in a more complete way. You are still you, our brother, but you are more.

The me in ‘what happens to me?’ becomes a larger reality. The only thing that diminishes is ignorance. Your love for life and your own being expands, deepens, through understanding. In ignorance, these are only words. In awakening, they speak of a life that is more alive. It is stepping into the sunlight for the first time. Whatever your interests, you become more aware. More is revealed, not just of the life around you but the life within you. A growing freedom and presence. Being ‘born again,’ returning to all you have known. Physical experience is only one of many.

Allow your consciousness to adjust and settle into the experience. Patience is a challenge for many, but it serves you well and allows peacefulness. Functioning in this way while incarnate is a process. Balance is a good monitor of your progress, your pace of awakening. Namaste, our brother.
June 14, 2016                                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Open to that already known

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional

  1. Is the book HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY…by Tony Nadir essentially true/factual/objective–an expression of the reality captured in the Rig Veda and Vedic Literature? Should I study this book for its potential to aid me in my service to humanity?

Should I study this book to heal myself?

JANU: We have this one you speak of in our focus, in our attention. Her gifts in perception are of note, perception of understandings and the nature and order of manifest reality. Structure and purpose of same are her strengths and in time will serve others greatly, even more than her perceptions of their potential for serving her at this time.

She is one who has come this path before. A great teacher in the past on the inner planes. A record keeper and resource for the many from diverse background and origins. These Vedic principles and presentations, as presented in this book material, are for the most part of substantial authenticity and value in a certain way. This way then to be understood as adjunct from finite culture, philosophy and understanding to the larger, more universal soul awareness memory and record. Enhancements in understanding possessed on record within the being.

The solutions, as you might put them, for those concerns within the developments in the physical body and those perceptions in the main served best by the larger understanding inherent here. These Vedic presentations as reminders and stimulus for the larger understanding which embrace the moment with greater flexibility and adaptiveness to condition. This one wrestles greatly with these many teachings, with valiant and sometimes vain attempt to assimilate and combine into a coherent one. The one, dear friend, is already within you, already combined, already merged into the grander, larger, more universal reality, you see. These Vedic presentations are a wondrous collection of insight and understanding. A worthy study, but not the source of the solutions to your questions and concerns. They are adjunct. They add another perspective of understanding of that already gained in the soul of you that lives on.

These principles come, through seeming magnitude and overwhelming detail and depth, to urge you gently into this larger reality you already possess. The fascination with diverse view, principle, techniques and understanding is a corollary to a reflection of that already gained and possessed within the being. You already own it, dear one. Can you not see this as so? You have many companions here in spirit that would urge you and encourage you to realize your true position in the scheme of things, in the hierarchy of knowledge and consciousness.

Your station from this perspective is grander than your many pursuits in your world. You are as a journeyer, a voyager, an archaeologist, so to speak, uncovering life’s many adventures in pursuits and understanding. But your foundation, your base that you operate from, has been long established as broad in scope and depth. Quality understandings in your world are but a small portion of that already gained within the being. Your fact-finding activity is to gather another tidbit for your vast experience. These tidbits then do not hold for you the deeper, larger solutions you elude to through your questions. As you choose, research, study this material mentioned from the point of view of an archaeologist uncovering the journeys of others to add to a larger repository, you see. There have been lifetimes when you have been conscious of this reality and have explored, studied, analyzed with this larger perspective. Return once again, our dear friend, to this larger view.

The pressures, the discomforts, the struggles within the energy fields of the body speak of this lapse of connectedness. For their balance, their completeness, their harmony will return when you return. Their resolution is in the conscious embrace of that you already are and have achieved. They are parts of your experience, your being in this plane calling for the balance they need for their balanced expression. The memory is there, you see, for this conscious connectedness and through this the natural flow of consciousness through these aspects of imbalance. They are aware of the disconnectedness and encourage your awareness as well, through their signals of uneasiness.

The victories you envision in consciousness do not require, are not fulfilled, by these explorations in Earth cultures and philosophy. Your victories have already been achieved, dear one, and reside within the larger understanding of you.

These pursuits are research for you into the diversity of life. Your mission, your thrust, your pursuit is larger than you currently perceive. The larger you knows this, you see. That gained in these pursuits in this lifetime will still serve the purpose of the thrust for exploration of the larger you. You might enjoy them more, find more peace in these pursuits by including conscious connection and embracing of the larger you. The understanding coming now, instead of later when not incarnated.

Your fascination with this part of the past, Emily Dickenson, is because you are kindred spirits in the sense of your explorations through lifetimes, through worlds and focuses of understanding and pursuit by other groups of beings. You are fellow journeyers, you see. Your poetry a little different in form, that is all, and you know of each other on the inner.

You are well known in spirit and hold the respect of many over what you might call eons of time. You still operate in this way, even though in embodiment. The larger aspects of your being still active, still a resource for many.

We see here the records of many diverse cultures, understandings, philosophies from many worlds. These can be perceived by you and understood, not necessarily through the language or the modes of communication of those cultures but by the communication of spirit through direct understanding and awareness.

This path of yours in this lifetime is a natural course for you. It is your path and it is your plan. The one thing to make it a happier one, even more fulfilling, is connecting with the larger you consciously. You need only desire this be so and let this desire comfortably, gently, and easily permeate your emotions, your thoughts and your choices. We will hold this ideal for you as well. You act as watcher and overseer and record keeper of the flow of creation, its adventures and its journeys.

We are the Brotherhood of Light and are one with your purpose and your journey. Our Brother Janu speaks with us and for us in these many happy opportunities. Namaste.
April 24, 1996                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements


Seek within for spiritual path

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        Am I making advances spiritually and where is this leading me and what will I be doing?

JANU: This brother you speak of is embracing his spirituality in a way that he finds comfortable but, as with all who seek, there is the urge for more and the wonder of what that more will bring. The more, then, for this one is in the areas he chooses but more in the direction of a deeper grasp and insight into the meaning and purpose of the expressions in his fields of choice. His strengths are compounded when a natural flow of expression finds feedback in gratification and joy of fulfillment or completion, fruitful result to his spirit, his soul, if you will. As expressed previously in other terms, this activity, this reality can be an ingredient in the inspiration of another’s successful journey, you see, spiritual advancement, reward to the soul. For all creative expression born of and in harmony with the thrust for the life of each one has its place or role in life’s plan for another.

Know this to be so, for your journey, dear one, is not for you alone. Your reward is not for you alone. You might well look upon it in this way, service being the key, that your choices truly serve the understanding, the uplift, the consciousness of others. Bring reward to all involved. There is the balance to be understood and sought.

The form matters little, dear one. The intent and the consciousness matters a great deal. Your talents are not limited to one form of expression, as you well know. So your question is not too much best served in the direction of where will your advancing spirituality lead you but what will it accomplish when you get there. The intent and the motive shows the way and brings the pattern of recognition for opportunity for expression in possible forms of endeavor. Determine first the quality and nature of your outreach in service through your creative ability and find the forms that provide the opportunity. Life is vast and rich with varied opportunity. Your specialty, if you choose the term, is the quality and nature of the reason for your effort and your expression.

This understanding, this forward view, this magical pattern of life lives within you and has been built through the nature of who you are in the larger reality. This is your best counsel, for this counsel is with you always, and is you. You shaped your thrust for life and its purpose and meaning. Even though another may describe it from their perspective, your fulfillment, your victory, your completeness in the life and in the Light is when you, the outer you, rejoins this reality. The creative avenues for flow within your being, that you access as you will, are the avenues for access to this deeper and larger understanding and true nature. Use them for this understanding, not just for creative expression, you see.

Our goal, our service to life, is to encourage and inspire you in this way never seeking your dependency on this source. It is time for the many to realize and access their true being where the answers to their many questions reside. When you feel the need for encouragement in this direction we are happy to comply. The details offered at times are to encourage in you the acceptance of the reality that the inner holds the solutions you seek. And once confidence is gained to guide you to your truth within you. Your question stimulates the path of connection to the answer. We encourage you to have confidence and knowingness of not only this connection’s reality but its nearness and its availability.

Yes, dear one, you are advancing spiritually. What form of expression will ensue is up to you, guided by your true nature. Follow your intuitions and honor them in that way. Acting out those subtle moments of insight and knowingness builds the bridge, opens the way. Do this at every opportunity and be an inspiration for others in their search for victory. Be confident, dear one, in your choices and when the moment comes, that spark of knowingness, that glimpse into your potential and your reason for expression, leave the doubts behind and get on with it in joy, bringing reward to those lives you touch and your own true being. Namaste. Enjoy your life.
June 17, 1996                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

There are other personal attunements that are very similar: Seek in consciousness and Growing in understanding True Nature

More Personal Attunements