Awakening 50: Filling a growing emptiness

JANU:    What looms most in the minds of people is the nature of life, of existing at all, and, for many, when the body dies, what’s left? What is next, if anything? The journey behind the veil has been a long one. It has repatterned human consciousness into considering the reality of oblivion, for their world only includes what they can see with the senses, touch and smell, etc. Awakening, for these, is a distant and a vague possibility, not to be taken seriously. For tomorrow and the next day and the next day do come one after another, as the life they know, the reality, the world that fills their thoughts and experiences. Making this reality work for them, being so-called successful, is an all-consuming challenge, but its successes have an emptiness that require a return to the need to be successful, whatever that means, in the incarnate life. There is nothing wrong with this scenario. It is a common one, and has lasted for a long time. But the growing sense of emptiness and temporary satisfaction in so-called ‘success’ eventually leads to something more.

Now, the larger life, our brother, is more ongoing or eternal in nature. But the experience of it does not stand still. Life is evolving, whether incarnate or not. But the successes in awakening and journeying in a larger reality, more diverse, has a richness to it not found in most incarnate successes—or should we say, unenlightened ones. For how do they connect to anything more than an individual experience, when unaware of something more?

People continue with what they have again and again until something within them says, “I’m not as happy and at peace as I desire. These victories, so-called, have a growing emptiness, and I do not know how to change that. Manifest life does not seem to have these answers, and neither do those I associate with. Where do I begin, to change this?” Happiness is more than comfort, a ‘full belly’ so to speak, or material wealth. The journey into happiness is awakening to who you are beyond these things and the rest of life, associations with those who do know and are growing, finally understanding more and more the nature of incarnate life, why you chose it, why it exists, and its role in a larger truth. No longer a prisoner of any of it but being sovereign in all of your journeys, discoveries, achievements, and, yes, successes.

So fill the growing emptiness and awaken to a richer happiness and peace and success with your desires. You are already much more than you realize. Allow it to fill your consciousness, your heart, your mind, and any emptiness that physical life seems not to fill. Namaste, our brother.
June 20, 2016                                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 46: Transitions

JANU:    Having once said that the decline of a civilization is a transition, one opportunity to another, such it is from one incarnation to another, one idea to another, from one philosophy to another, from the veil to awakening. See changes in life as ‘transitions.’ More understanding and acceptable than ‘endings and beginnings,’ for in transition, you see, reality is transformed not eliminated.

So embrace awakening, should you choose this path, as a transition into a larger life that retains everything useful. Some speak of leaving the body as a transition from one life to another. This is true but it is not the end of what you know, what you own. Life is full of transitions, movement, change. This keeps life fresh and new. Awakening is this kind of movement. Your sense of being makes the transition from limitation into freedom. Awakening is not the end of the journey, our brother, but a transition into a larger one.

When you evolve in consciousness to a clearer understanding of anything, that is a transition. Now, transitions, our brother, are processes and need to unfold in due order. Making the adjustment, or allowing it, we should say, is due process for what has been your foundation for understanding and engagement of life is changing. Be at peace with the process. Praise the gentleness of the natural flow of life. Learn from the process. Life is revealed through this. Much to experience, much to learn, much to enjoy, much to love. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
June 15, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 45: What is your role model for living?

JANU: We are peacefully responding to what emerges as a defining moment in the affairs of humanity. When considering the events of the last two days which have gained worldwide attention, meaning the so-called massacre in Orlando, Florida, pivotal in the sense of a composite of human consciousness, one can see there is a complex range of response and reaction playing out collectively. His anger, frustration and hate; fear of dying; pain and suffering; heroism; gratitude for survival; attempts to contain the enormity and depth of emotions and events. The point of view here that serves best is to see this as a collective human experience and what it says about the current state of human consciousness.

The elements of this situation are not unlike the reasons for conduct of war. What will it take, then, for humanity to engage with clarity and understand the reality of what has taken place? Life goes on, whether incarnate or not, but is it evolving? When there are those who see nothing but war for generations, where is their model for alternatives? They know nothing else, much less what they are capable of.

The reason for awakening, our brother, is to achieve a personal model for living and moving beyond these patterns of conflict and mayhem. And what is the source for this model of living but the truth within you. Learn of this. Explore this. Understand this. Make it your own. Awakening to the truth that you are, that lives within you, is the key to move beyond these cycles of violence.

Wars speak of victory, yet if there were victory, our brother, there would be no more wars. For what do they really resolve, other than temporary stays of execution and pain and suffering. The illusion of power traps many into these cycles. The incarnate life is but a moment. The life as the truth within you reveals cannot be taken away. Survival must take on new meaning. Apply this new meaning to your circumstance and your associations and your performance, as you walk through this life with a new champion that lives within you. This is powerful, our brother. Violence is not.

The theme here is “What is your role model for living?” Namaste, our brother.
June 14, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 43: True Peace

JANU: We are looking forward again to surmounting the challenge of awakening. But what a challenge it is, our brother, worthy of the effort to regain the freedom it brings. This journey employs more of the faculties of understanding and the power that brings. Being at peace helps restore the connection some might call ‘memory,’ but we call ‘presence of mind’ and ‘being.’

The frustrations humanity has set upon itself through their perceptions of time/space are not conducive to being at peace. The world of “it’s OK or it’s not OK” divides perception away from oneness. The reason so-called terrorism in Orlando, Florida, two days ago is viewed only as OK & not OK, a dichotomy, where in true peace the factors involved are understood that contribute to such events and the results of them. The rigid rules of right and wrong, with few gray areas of understanding, in the presence of awakening are no longer disturbing but understood, part of the life humanity has chosen for itself unawakened.

Very few involved see this event for what it truly is. The differences between people and their philosophies, social identities, hopes, angers, frustrations, passions, all play out and, in a sense, bounce off of each other. Everyone is part of life. Once again, awakening reveals so much and allows for resolution of so-called differences into the flow of life and the evolution of consciousness.

Awakening softens the intensity of different points of view, different understandings and preferences. The more you understand life, the less you rail against it. This is a measure of our suggestion to ‘be at peace.’ In peace, you understand more of all of life, all the elements, so-called differences, and how they combine into the flow of life, a life that is ever changing, evolving, restructuring, exploring, and creating.

Life is continually re-inventing itself, learning, growing, and evolving. Everyone, our brother, is part of this, in their own way, and even those ways are changing. Find peace in awakening and understand more of the life that you are and are part of and each other. Namaste, our brother.
June 13, 2016 B                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening   in a direct and organized   manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 39: True Power

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us agree to the reason for awakening, a purpose from the human perspective. And that is part of what can be called ‘true power,’ which has nothing to do with self-aggrandizement, attention, manipulation of others, or anything of that nature. What it has to do with, our brother, is being a conscious part of the power of life itself, requiring nothing from that it serves, and allows all life to be. The joy in it is the realization that all of life is enhanced, facilitated, respected and honored, and benefited. When you are in the flow of True Power, one requires in no way any attention or credit personally. True Power is a service reality, a giving reality, a contribution. The reward is that life is served and continues and blossoms and expands.

Being one with life means that your consciousness, your expansion, your vitality, everything that you are is enhanced through the oneness of life. No longer do you compare the power of one to another, one circumstance to another. There is one True Power, without beginning or end, that requires nothing of you. Allow your consciousness to expand in this way. The human consciousness can evolve into this and evolve is the word here, the reality.

Awakening is powerful indeed, the power of freedom, the power of connection, the power to be vitally at one with the flow of life. No longer concerned with how you appear to others, but the loving flow of life for others. False power is self-destructive, in the sense that it isolates from what we speak of, for its nature is taking not giving. The flow of life is only giving, and receiving. This is balanced reality. The flow of life is always such. Allow your awakening to have a theme of balance, giving and receiving, that enriches life.

Loving oneself in the true sense is not selfish but self-fulfilling, for it enables and ennobles, inspiring others into their freedom. True power, our brother, a theme for living and awakening. Namaste.
June 8, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 29: Awakening to the truth of another

JANU:    Understand this, our brother, that in your quest to explore through awakening the nature of another, the nature of your own being comes into play. You are known by those not incarnate. We have said before, “There are no secrets.” This is part of awakening, yet in the human condition secrets from each other are seen as necessary for survival and success in relationships.

What, then, allows for knowing the truth of another as well as yourself? Loving service without judgement; harmlessness; patience; respect and compassion for the integrity of another, no matter their circumstance or lifestyle or character.

Remembering that what your attention is on, you are connected to, and when you choose to know the truth of another, there is connection. The goal here is not to change the truth of another, for that is their integrity, whatever its condition. No condemnation allows another to live their truth in freedom, without enslavement of opinion or judgement. ‘Another’s truth’ includes everything, not just their human consciousness but their True Nature, their journeys of experience, engagements, understandings, twists and turns. Yours are known, our brother. Those of others can be known, but the veil through incarnation protects each other from the interference of another.

Awakening is the process of evolving, maturing in consciousness, to be one with the truth of another in peace, no longer perceiving them as just another human being with their outer characteristics, but much more. Symbolically, you see, the eyes you look through, the perceptions you look through, to see the life around you and the truth within it, reveal more as you awaken, understanding yourself more deeply and your choices, your consciousness as it awakens to more of life. Service to another, our brother, is not imposed but guided by the truth in your beings, the flow of life and its wisdom.

Understanding true service is a profound journey. It is a theme of life, older than what you call time. This is part of the path of awakening, our brother. Be patient with it, and gentle, and loving. Namaste.
May 24, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see previous posts. 


The twelve messiahs

JANU: We are surveying at this time that which belongs to a group of concerned citizens of humanity that wish to become one with those of like mind. These adventurers, explorers if you will, reach into the finer regions of life to excel in their quest to rise above the mundane and deliver new understandings to humanity. Let us say that each one of these will become an evolving ‘messiah’ so to speak, that pattern, for it is in their hearts to be that true. These citizens are from various countries and communicate connected by common desire. They are already gifted in this way and will not be identified by mortals that would oppose them or take advantage. There are twelve of these, and their knowledge already transcends the Earth experience. We wish them well this evening and encourage them. Namaste, our brother.

May 10 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Awakening 14: Let your life evolve into something larger

JANU: For today’s journey, let us review what is to come. The elements of awakening in this series have to do with a sense of belonging to, being part of, included in the Family of Life. This family is vast and deep, not just in the physical reality with those of similar interest and ability, but in many other realities as well where consciousness exists in harmony with the flow of life. Participating in such a way is not the loss of identity, but the expansion of identity, identifying with more of who and what you are and can be, as well as the essential nature of others and their desire for being part of a larger life.

This pursuit is a course taken for the life that is in you and that you are to grow, expand, and discover. No matter the degree, most everyone wants to understand more, experience more, absorb opportunities, not only enrich their own lives but help enrich the lives of others. Receiving the joys of living and sharing those joys is part of the flow nature of life, you see, the giving and taking. Or should we say: the taking and giving? They are one and the same thing, both sides of the same coin.

The Family of Life does not concern you and your identity. It is more sharing mutual benefit with no loss of integrity. The mystery and the wonder and awe of this is the countless outcomes. What does life turn into? A measure of decision making, choosing this or that, but the outcomes of those choices are still a wonder and a miracle. The Family of Life gives you purpose, a larger identity, and the ability to perceive grand opportunities to even recognize their existence. Enlightened, awakened Family of Life is an experience on the move, renewing, refreshing, and reviewing.

Awakening provides opportunity for incarnate families to grow together in creative ways, with love constantly taking on new meaning. A cooperation of individuality, freedom, but growing together, sharing each other’s strengths, supporting each other’s challenges. Some are fearful of allowing their lives to include others, for the challenges of this are unknown, unpredictable. So build the foundation to proceed on. What are you comfortable with? What is the nature of your relationship with yourself and with others? Be true to that, even if it is evolving as well. As you open to the larger life, allow evolution of consciousness, experience, wisdom, and love. Namaste.
Apr. 27, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 13: Changes

JANU:    The awakening of humanity serves life in a significant way. It brings about, or triggers, is a catalyst for changes. Patterns of consciousness, living, and behavior of humanity are soon to run their course. Awakening opens the door of opportunities to many changes. The patterns of existence are in motion. The ones subject to time and space are in play. The ones that are not will be discovered, for awakening opens the human consciousness to the subtler and larger life.

As we have said before, awakening is a diverse reality determined by many nuances in the human psyche and motivations. Embracing change is a scary adventure for some who hang on to the seeming security of the status quo. That security is an illusion, our brother. Awakening sensitizes the consciousness to the changes that always continue, whether noticed or not. So embracing change, being open to it and more, is another key to awakening.

The ladder of life has many rungs; each rung representing conditions. Letting go of one to embrace the next calls for changes in consciousness, founded in commitment, desire, and faith in the miracles of life. Changing your identity from being human to being something more, much more, is a natural change that brings greater freedom, peace of mind, happiness, and a larger capacity and understanding of love. The more you are aware of who you truly are, the easier it is to love yourself and be in awe.

So what in your life are you ready to allow to change? Values? Relationships with other people, with materiality, with lifestyle, and the world you live on? Philosophies, points of view, perceptions, belief systems? And truth itself, or at least your perception of it? Awakening, our brother, changes everything. Change becomes your new security, your new constant. Even truth is evolving, expanding. Adapting to and embracing change is part of this.

Enjoy the journey. Marvel at the seeming miracles that life has in store. Be at peace with life in motion. Namaste.

Apr. 25, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 10: Serving life and being served by it


JANU: Awakening occurs gradually, intermittently, seemingly scattered moments of insight and awareness, triggered many times by circumstance and stimulated areas of interest. The consciousness of the True Nature is always present and sensitive to the desires of the human consciousness. The wisdom of the True Nature is vast indeed; therefore the response is measured and appropriate to the openness, the maturity, the nature of the desire.

The human experience allowed by the True Nature is part of its evolution; therefore, the results of it, even moment to moment, are valued. Allowing collaboration, partnership with your larger consciousness, the True Nature, is a partnership with the larger reality of who you are and your best interest is always attuned to. Awakening, then, you see, is a very natural reality and always in your best interest as the human aspect of your larger being. Understanding, wisdom, clarity, and engagement are qualities that can only serve your human experience. The perceptions of separateness, individuality, and borders of reality and association give way to understanding more of life and engaging it intimately.

It is your nature to serve life and be served by it. What human contrivance and perception is superior to this? Awakening reveals this to you. To serve each other and be served by each other is a natural bonding of a reality that already exists, but not well understood. That is the theme here, our brother, for this look at awakening and reveals so much of who you truly are and the nature of those you serve as well. Namaste.

Apr. 20, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.