
JANU: This evening we speak of archetypes in all venues of life. An archetype, then, being the perfect example of a form of life, a type of consciousness, a spiritual being. Now, by ‘perfection’ we mean harmonious, balanced, simplicity in function.

Now, within each one, even in the fundamental elements of life, there is symmetry and evolution. The collective human is an archetype. It regenerates, adapts to changing conditions, improves itself and creates, protects its progeny. Now, can our archetype have within it patterns to master? Of course. This is evolution.

What we are saying here is that life itself is an archetype. These challenges in being are not faults, mistakes. They are patterns of evolution. The archetype here is the potential of life to be realized. So compare not one with another as to their status of evolution. Life is not in competition with itself. Its potential lives all through it and everyone contributes one way or another so the archetype of life is your nature, lives within you.

Help everyone see the potential within them. They are one of life’s miracles. Namaste.

Dec. 15, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Merging the conscious and the superconscious

JANU: This blending of the conscious and superconscious mind exists to a degree but not recognized by many. As the conscious mind matures through the experience of living incarnate, the need for the veil diminishes and the conscious mind becomes more aware of the presence of superconscious mind. Responds to it, takes advantage of its wisdom, and serves life back through it or, we should say, in cooperation with it. You are a system of life, a team, developing the ability to act as one.

The conscious mind incarnate is compartmentalized by the veil by choice. But the True Nature, you see, inspires awakening as interest develops in the larger life, the reason behind realities. More insights occur into the elements of living, stimulating wiser choices, a more peaceful life, a stronger and diverse frame of mind, and understanding. Part of the reason for the desire to pursue more of life is subtle memory of more than you are aware of.

So the thrust is to complete oneself, to become whole again in consciousness. And the physical body can outpicture this and, in many ways, serves the life of the Earth, or whatever world you are on and in. The body is a creation on many levels. Coordination of these, balance, symmetry, sustenance, are supported to some degree automatically by each other, but to a more long lasting degree by the awakening consciousness.

So along with the study, so to speak, of the subtler realities of life, it is important to embrace the realities of the physical as well and not rely solely upon automatic systems, for these systems are subject to interference, imbalance, compromise, stress. Peace, joy, love, service, gratitude play a role, you see. The merging of the conscious and the superconscious is part of the system of life and plays its role. Desiring this is normal and evolutionary and opens doors of opportunity. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


A Christmas Message

JANU: You ask if this celebration of Christ has any counterpart on other worlds. It does, our brother. Not the date, of course. And not so much the individual, but the principle of celebration of True Nature. That is an ideal for incarnate beings.

There is a celebration of life itself in many forms, depending upon the awareness, the consciousness of the beings. Human Christ-consciousness is not the standard but one form, for humanity has yet to evolve into a deeper and larger truth. Some worlds, humanity could barely understand the principles involved, the philosophy. Christ celebration is useful. It keeps the door open to a deeper understanding, when humanity and individuals are ready.

Commercialism seems to be, for many, the reason for Christmas. At least, the practical one. Remember, Christmas’s symbolism, the merit in Christmas, is what the symbolism is a symbol of. A challenge. As the consciousness awakens, the symbols become less necessary for the consciousness has direct connection with the truth behind them.

This is part of awakening, of evolution, of the process of exploration of the incarnate life. Be patient with it. Allow its time to unfold. The love that is real behind all of this never wavers. Be about your life and do the best you can. Reach for the truth. Love each other and yourselves. Be at peace. Find joy where you may, and enrich life. Namaste.

Dec. 24, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Are humans missing opportunities for co-existence?

JANU:  Yes, it is true. Many opportunities for growth in evolution, in consciousness and experience, have occurred for humanity and the animal world co-existing on the Earth. As you have intuited, some Native American traditions recognized this and embraced it. They recognized certain skills possessed by the animals that they did not have and sought to honor all life and not only learn but develop sensitivities and understandings, seeing parallels in their own lives. Physical survival and families were strong motivations. These sensitivities are not totally lost, but individuals embrace them as well at this time, but could go much further. And some have.

The co-existence of animals and humans, and other life forms as well, is not an accident. Humanity has favored intellectuality, technology, and is slowly beginning to realize the significance of the extinction of a species. Animals have a consciousness, intuition, and communication not well understood. These abilities could enhance human communication and relationships if understood. There are differences between species and much to understand. See them not only as resource for nutrition and labor. Far more involved than that, our brother. Thank you, and namaste.

Nov. 18, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Sanity in the midst of confusing changes

JANU: The at-one experience is begun in small ways, for the revelations of understanding and experience can overwhelm the human consciousness, but it does change perspective on the Order of Life as a system. For some, the embrace of a larger identity that includes the human experience is feared as a loss of certainty as to who they are, for they cherish what they know and are uncertain about anything else. For the awakening person, the identity is already shifting and they are more comfortable with the change, but also impatient and a bit unwise in their zeal.

The larger life is always there. Time does not diminish this reality. There are thresholds of awakening and when each is neared there can be an underlying anticipation of this and the human can feel a growing sense of urgency to fully realize the threshold. The guidance of your True Nature is particularly useful at this stage. Evolution in consciousness can be a bumpy road with confusions and challenges to what you’re used to in ways of thinking and perceiving. Old capabilities being changed by new ones.

So what do you center on, hang on to, our brother? Confidence that the Truth is, and is at the heart of it all and the flow of life. Desiring the best for others and a willingness to serve and uplift brings sanity to confusion, remembering that they have their path as well. Inspiring without interference is an interesting balance. Namaste.

Nov. 20, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Being part of the family of life

JANU: Be it known that in many of your so-called ‘ancient’ cultures, the Egyptians in particular but others as well, seed thoughts were introduced that developed into those cultures. Humanity chooses to think of itself as alone, separate, self-determining and take full credit for all they have achieved. And rightly so, to a degree. However, much of what has been gained was planted here on the Earth by other beings and cultures from other realities, and we do not mean only other worlds. At times, tracing the origins of a culture to its beginning appears possible but it is not. Not with conventional means. Consider America, if you will, and the involvement of St. Germaine, though not incarnate at the time. There are many such examples hidden from history and intended that it be this way.

Humanity is a larger part of life, by reason that its participation in life will eventually bring more and more influence to others who share it. Humanity’s growing ability to explore off world is monitored and guided at times, as a child is guarded against impulsive wanderings and touching things. Guidance and restrictions are put in place that the child continue to evolve yet survive the experimentation. So it is with humanity, and humanity has wandered near the brink, from time to time. Should the child complain of interference of free will in the presence of parental guidance and protection? Humanity is in the same situation.

As we have said, humanity is part of a larger life, a larger family of life, and always has been. Wise is the child that respects and looks for the wisdom of the parent. Would that humanity do the same with the wiser ones who serve their evolution. There will always be wisdom in existence greater than your own. Wise is the one who engages this wisdom, always free to accept it or not.

So, when one takes credit for achievement, take a moment and consider all that was involved. You are part of a larger life, whether you are aware of it or not. This is part of your survival and your achievements. Namaste.

Nov. 3, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Questions to consider on what is real

JANU: Yes, your question is valid, our brother, being “What is real?” about who you are and, yes, what you are. There is no denying your identity as a human being. But is there any more to it than that, that is real? Your feelings are real. Your thoughts are real. Repeatable, tangible. In one way or another, the physical body is real. But what lies beyond that?

Is there any non-physicality that is real for you? Is direct knowing real? Is the power to heal real? Is your knowing the thoughts of another real? Are insights real and where do they come from? Is synchronicity real? Is the flow of life real, and what is it? Are other lifetimes real and where is the evidence? Where does talent come from and is that real? What is the source of this communication and is that real? Is precognition real? When does something in your life for the first time seem real? And what evidence makes it so? Is your identity real? What have you discovered on your own to be real? Do you desire to have more reality in your life? Is there any reality to dreams? Is the apparent stability, solidity, to physicality real? Are the so-called ‘laws of life’ real and immutable?

What is real, our brother, and what is not? Is there a reality between these extremes, or is reality a spectrum of life?

Consider these carefully, and any others that occur to you, for more will come on this journey of discovery and evolution. The future is rich with possibilities and so are you. Namaste.

Nov. 8, 2015                                                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The process of receiving the Truth

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us explore an understanding of that which pertains to the embrace of a larger life. What this means is: exploring the life you have in a larger way.

The human experience in the physical existence has so much more to explore than most realize. The accepted limitations, boundaries, or conventions of physical existence need not apply as they have. How many times have you experienced conversation, behavior, circumstances, wondering their origin, deeper meaning, and your relationship with them? There is a capability within human consciousness to allow the answer to any question, any concern, to reveal itself in some way.

Asking and receiving is a delicate balance between declaration of desire and the allowing of life’s response while completely at peace. The responses to inquiries have always been there, hanging, so to speak, a breath’s distance away, lingering for an opportunity to imprint the consciousness. Listening is one thing, our brother. Receiving is quite another. Inquiring and knowing to be seen as, known as one reality, one moment. Each the truth of each other. Not two separate things at all when you’re at peace.

The rest of you, the total you, your True Nature, your complete being has access to the Truth of Life, which some call the Light. How can the truth be harmed in any way? But understanding and perception and application is an evolving reality. How well do you know your personal agendas, preferences, passions? You can see why life is a process. Truth in the eyes of the beholder varies greatly, so when communicating, and even thinking to yourself, where do you begin? A great revealer of this process is the results, the fruits of the understanding. Much is revealed, but never stop trying to see more clearly and then move on. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 9, 2015 B                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A look into the future

These two attunements present markers that may help us to recognize that we are awakening to the larger life, and a look at changes which may occur in Earth life as a result of these changes. The next century is really into the 22nd century, a further look down the road, so to speak.

Signs of a brighter future

JANU: We are looking forward to the excursion into life that awaits so much of humanity. Understanding that this is process, but what seems like a long time to humanity is but a moment in a larger reality.

Many signposts, so to speak, along the way, markers if you will. A growing presence of insights, individually and collectively, into better decision-making and innate understanding of personal and collective motivations. Another marker: a growing sensitivity to the needs of others, not in big ways, as you might call them, but in small ways. A growing sensitivity to health of the body, clarity of the mind, and heartfelt emotions. Sensitivity to energies, creating them, manipulating them, including those of nature and animals. A foundation-building of communication beyond words, with every part of life and nature. A form of telepathy here and there, improving with time and proving to be accurate. A growing ability to understand the causes of suffering and illness. The ability to see inside the body of another, identifying the pathology. The ability to feel color and project it. And yes, even the ability to transmute materials. A greater ability to be in focus and find peace. The ability to call upon the power within.

Many such qualities are in store for humanity, in balance and harmony with the life around you. Guided by the wisdom from within, a bright future for humanity, growing brighter with time. There will be struggles to let go of old ways that have imprisoned, so to speak, humanity. That is all changing, our brother. It is natural to let go of the old when the vision arrives for the new. Look forward to a bright future. It begins today. Namaste.

Oct. 20, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

A look at the next century

JANU: Moving into the next century of human achievement, let us consider several possibilities.

  • Avoiding disease through understanding of the entire being is on the horizon.
  • Human relationship with the Earth as two living consciousnesses will change critically humanity’s view of Earth as a resource, a consumable.
  • Enlightened reincarnation will change everything, eventually leading to manifestation of the human body at any stage of maturity.
  • So much of the human journey includes repetition of that learned before, but conscious awareness of the systems of the Earth will lead to forewarning of changes to be managed.
  • We are not speaking here of isolated individuals or groups moving in this direction but populations.
  • First contact with another world, publicly, is a slight possibility, as public human thought and consciousness moves beyond the Earth into larger realities.
  • More and more of humanity’s achievements in enlightened living will be inspired by these achievements with other species of other worlds, but this is a ways off yet.
  • Large differences in social and economic conditions still prevail.
  • The arts will suffer for a while due to a rebellion against change, but eventually flourish as a result of awakening consciousnesses not only to the beauty of life but as a way of life.

Humanity’s future is still larger than its past. In the scope of its destiny, it is just begun. Namaste.

Oct. 27, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Include adventure and discovery in your life

JANU: It can be amazing how much of life there is to explore, not only on the Earth but everywhere and every when, including all that you are.   Society has a tendency to honor and elevate explorers, for they have the courage of adventure and to bring new understanding and enrichment to humanity. The same is true, our brother, for everyone because everyone is an explorer. Discovering how parts of life function. Discovering unknown parts of life. Discovering unexplored capabilities in their own nature. Discovering new perspectives that shed light upon old mysteries. From the smallest part of life to the largest, humanity is explorers. The experience of this keeps wonder alive in the consciousness, invigorates the imagination, and propels the body into greater health to meet the challenge.

Now, part of exploration is the sharing of that gained to enrich everyone’s life who has an interest. Now, as you have said, many unkowns are ‘yet to be revealed.’ But when you discover them, is sharing part of your destiny? And the manner of sharing is as diverse as the people. The point of all of this, our brother, is to be an adventurer, a discoverer, a revealer of the Truth of Life.

The sense of adventure keeps the creative spirit alive in your life. There are no limits to this, for discoveries exist in potential in every reality and there will always be more for the reason that life is still evolving and changing, as do the inhabitants of life. Your explorations are never separate from life, in which we are all one and connected. The nature of oneness compels this. The many and the one are the same.

Listen to your heart. Allow your imagination. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to discover something new to your experience? Find peace in living life as fully as you may. Namaste.

Oct. 30, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross