Mastering the many faces of identity

JANU: The focus, mastering the many faces of identity, a profound treatise on a consuming journey of discovery.

The role of identity, for most, is to establish purpose and to master that purpose, to benefit from it, to display and to compare with others. Identity becomes a central focus for most, not seeing it as a transitory reality, temporary but with purpose. Identity becomes the focus for understanding, skill development, personal relationships and alliances. Identity has the scope that results from exploration, experimentation, and discovery. Identity offers peace of mind, to a degree, identifiable traits and development.

Identity gives recognition to individuals, to each other. It’s similar to accepted names, unique to a degree, different enough to reveal diversity. Some identities are cultural—skills, talents, types of personality, racial, gender, performance. They are a limitation as well, for the common roles of each identity have their limit, their range, their inclusion. Some envy or long to be the so-called identity of another, in terms of many things—profession, language, culture, economic, appearance, even ego—not appreciating their identities as limitations.

There are some who explore alternatives to this, learning new professions, new skills and talents, exploring deeper meaning and revelation of their own True Nature, who they are beyond physicality, social norms, nationalities, and, yes, even gender. This is the journey of awakening, of becoming more realized, gaining access to previously achieved understandings and abilities. The challenge is letting go of one to gain something larger that includes some of previous, becoming more a conscious collective of possibilities, creations, experiences, life journeys, with a growing ability to see this in others, whether physical or not. For they realize there is a larger Life than social humanity. It is all around them, all part of the one Life which is ever-changing, evolving, creating.

Identity is temporary, but with purpose and opportunity to focus on a path of exploration, of wisdom-gaining, and of service to life. Understanding such as this opens the door to patience, tolerance, and contribution. Find peace in this and liberation, freedom to be whatever you choose from the opportunities that come your way. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Being ambulatory in consciousness

JANU: ‘Ambulatory’ comes to mind. Not just in the physical sense, but in consciousness as well. There are correlations in life patterns. All of life is connected. What does ‘ambulatory’ look like in consciousness? It is the freedom to move in any direction, to explore and discover life everywhere. Time and space not an obstacle but an opportunity. Exercising this freedom strengthens it.

Explore your interests with wisdom that the True Nature possesses. Be at peace with the results, and understand them. Explore life’s connections and their contributions. Be sensitive to the ripples and currents of life. What seems like chaos and randomness has purpose, outcomes, consequences, and opportunities. Reach into the fishbowl of life and experience it. Be open to identity that is larger and larger, more inclusive, more ambulatory, more free. Understand challenges and perceived limitations as opportunities.

All of these come into play, and more, when exploring other worlds, other realities, and your own nature. Remember, each one you meet is life in motion. Cherish everyone. Namaste.
June 5, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A world mastering adaptability

JANU: This next world we approach is larger than the Earth. It is younger than the Earth. Its civilizations and nature are going through primitive stages that are quite different than the Earth’s history, for the environmental and natural conditions not only are different but varied. The accommodation for living is part of the growth process, the evolution in consciousness causing the major concentration of adaptive behavior. The storms can be intense and varied, from arid to much geographical upheaval. Physicality of any civilization changes with the tides. As these changes are so prolonged, physical adaptation is required.

The population, the inhabitants, are older than those of Earth’s but the challenges have been greater. As a result, the power to adapt has opened the door to a wider array of experience, wisdom gaining, and adaptive creativity. Earth’s population could learn much from understanding these changes and what it takes, for humanity on the Earth struggles with adaptation. The beings of this other world are mastering it; therefore, their researches, their quests in consciousness more easily adapt to other realities of life. And their adventures of adaptation move more in the flow of life, and they gain ground more rapidly.

In due course, their adaptation will minimize physicality dependency which will lead to new adventures of freedom to explore life. They have already visited other worlds in consciousness, and in their new lives, their new realities, their visits are no longer needed to be physical, the interesting combination of realities being explored in whole new ways. So, understanding the reality of adaptation, and the freedom and ability to do so, is one of the gifts of this observation. At the least, this understanding brings hope to potential, should this element of reality blossom on the human journey on Earth. Namaste.
May 12, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Group of worlds explore their potential

JANU:    This next world we speak of belongs to a group of those that combine their talents, their gifts to explore life’s potential as a group. The scale of their venture is not easy for many to own or relate to. They reach into what, for some, is the void of consciousness, of potential, of reality and expose themselves to themselves as Life itself exploring itself. Realizing potential as a composite of possibilities, they embrace life as if they were that life, for in truth they are.

These worlds have moved through, evolved through a wide variety of paths. They are not similar species. They leave those identities behind and find themselves as themselves uniquely. Their adventure, their quest continues to blossom, remaining a vision toward the unknown but grasping more and more. They experience a freedom that few do, freedom from old ways, limited ways, repetition, confusion. Their potential yet to be realized but free to realize it. We relate to this. It is ours as well. Namaste.
May 14, 2023                                                        Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Peace as a way of life

JANU:   Elaborate plans and desires confine the path of awakening to that complexity. Light and peace are not limited to complexity. They are much larger. Universal reality speaks to all of life. Refinements of application apply only to those applications. Reverse engineering these refinements as a path to universality, unlimited application, and creativity is a liberating experience.  Being free to be the potential of life means not being owned by any one expression or creation, free to know it for what it is and to recognize the freedom that allowed it. So walk the path of freedom and be. Find peace as a way of life, enriched by the Light, the Truth of Life, unlimited identity. Namaste.
Feb. 22, 2023                                                                                    Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Forgiveness and loving bring freedom

JANU:    Enormous, then, are the opportunities to serve life, which you are, which we are. What isn’t life? Even the most outrageous human expression is life. Understanding this brings about a pause in emotional judgement and condemnation. Opening to a consciousness of understanding that realizes this is another step on the path of freedom. Forgiveness with understanding does nothing to perpetuate negative emotions, judgements, frustrations, and persecutions. Regardless of frailties of the body as it endeavors to maintain integrity and support the journey of exploring life, be responsible for any negativity or unwise behavior that impedes its integrity.

Forgiveness and loving is freedom. Love your vehicle of expression, whether physical or not. It is Life manifesting itself as it gains wisdom and the realization of potential. Find joy in the journeying. It is Life in motion. Feel the harmony in association with it. Allow the body its harmony with Life. Namaste.
Feb. 5, 2023                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Rapture is misunderstood in the human vernacular. Rapture is peaceful, liberating, illuminating. It is freedom to be without limitation. Returning to pre-incarnate consciousness is a kind of rapture. It belongs to a series of experiences as one evolves. Life is that vast and that diverse. Rapture has a glow to it that is unmistakable. Not understood always, but amazing. Most people do not realize their heritage, their legacy in life, or remember the raptures they have experienced.

The protocol of the veil treats these as distractions to the limitations of the incarnate life consciousness. Typically, rapture experiences are not noisy. They do not shine negatively upon incarnate life, but bring understanding, revelation, and a joy in knowing the Truth. Yes, ‘freedom through understanding’ is an apt phrase.

You ask, “What leads to rapture?” The answer is: the desire to know, to understand, to awaken, to remember. Also, patience and timelessness in this. A faith in, and love of, Life. Rapture is natural and contagious. Namaste.
Jan. 29, 2023                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Peace, choices, and wisdom

JANU:   We are once more intertwined in harmonious progression into the Light. The ‘richness of life’ has many interpretations, not the least of which is freedom to be, to evolve in harmony with life, mutually beneficial progression, rich in number and diversity and potential. At peace, yet commitment is sustained by discovery. Allow the experience of timelessness, of ongoingness, the discovery and realization of potential—a mystery that unfolds within you. We are one in this.

Life under the veil seems tangled, intertwined with cross purposes, mis-emotions, yet a longing for meaning, the truth, and love. Making choices has the potential for opportunities rich with discovery and the power to create everything that enriches life. Choosing wisely comes through experience, without condemnation or guilt or frustration. Being at peace is powerful and has equilibrium, balance, unencumbered with limited life patterns. Choose wisdom. Namaste.
Jan. 16, 2023                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 This is yet one more expression of the opportunities available. If you have not, you may wish to go back to “Allow opportunities to unfold in a natural way” to read it and the next two journeys.


The ongoing foundation of existence

JANU:   We are assembling, then, that needed to enrich the incarnate experience as to the order of life that brings understanding to the consciousness for the harmonious manipulation of the creative currents of life. These currents exist for the express purpose of creation of the continuation of the flow of life for evolvement and enrichment. Creativity brings creations, which bring more creations, the deployment of which, through the realities of life, create the energy to support manifestation.

This understanding is part of our memories and are archived, for these experiences and expressions are part of the structure of life, the ongoing foundation of existence no matter the reality. Part of awakening is experiencing the truth that consciousness is timeless. A sojourn is a moment in that reality. The path of enrichment transcends such limitations and brings about freedom to be in a much larger way. We are one in this. Be at peace. Namaste.
Dec. 29, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Life owns you and you own life

JANU:    Life is a jewel with many facets, each of which is unique yet together they are one, rich in their contribution to life and each other. Live life as a jewel, a facet that enriches life and inspires where it may. Each facet is an evolving jewel, constantly changing and in motion, drawing essence and vitality from the richness of life. Not in competition for anything, but filled with evolving opportunities from the same source.

There is Larger Life that includes this larger life. Open the mind to consider reality larger than time and physicality. All that you are evolving, in motion, yet peaceful. In this stillness, find understanding, experience, and wisdom. Life owns you and you own life. Find freedom in the oneness. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2022                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross