Consciousness as all that you are

JANU: Coexistence, then, means just that. The veil gives the illusion or impression that incarnate life and the Larger Life, the True Nature, are separated in some way. They are not. You exist holistically while an incarnation is an added dimension or element of experience and consciousness. One does not need to leave the body to exist spiritually. One already does. Most are not conscious of this, and this is why awakening serves you.

As the veil dissipates, one’s identity expands to include all that they are. That includes incarnate consciousness as well. The beauty of this journey is the destiny that unfolds. A complete consciousness as all that you are deepens and broadens not just the understanding of existence, but the embrace and experience of relationship with more of life. Awakening is natural, individual, liberating, empowering.

Life ‘as it is’ is life as you are. One does not have to create what one already is. Just become conscious of it and live life in a larger way. When one loves oneself as they are, it is natural to love others as they are, free to enjoy the journey of destiny supported by one’s potential. And even that evolves, you see. Life is rich, and so are you.
Sept. 26, 2019 B                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Access to resources

JANU: The theme is accessing resources. This principle applies in all realities, but the effectiveness, the subtlety, the nuance of access varies greatly. In the Larger Life, the consciousness beyond time/space, the process is more instantaneous, multi-leveled, more subtle in nuance, and is applicable to more levels of reality, including the physical life. No longer perceiving life as one reality separate from another, as does the incarnate perspective, but more a perspective of complex coexistence without barriers or limitation, without secrets.

Protocols, yes, but all achievable. For all that life is infinitely diverse, it is just as equally ordered, protocols of existence and relationships. This is why we stress the power of peace over frustration, anger, any sense of deprivation or lack. More a sense of abundance, accessibility, confidence. This applies in all levels of reality. The deeper truths are revealed in this way, as one becomes compatible with, in their consciousness, their natures of existence. The truths we refer to here are as they exist.

Let us be clear then. The enormity of this perception of reality need not dissuade approach and acquisition. All that is needed is available, but in a manner not to overwhelm. Just as all of life is processing reality, so is growth and understanding and relationship a process. Patience and peace are a strong foundation for evolution in consciousness, expansion of identity, and effective co-creating. True power versus apparent power. Namaste.
Aug. 29, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Research and exploration

JANU:    Research, then, is the theme, exploration. And what is the catalyst for research and exploring? It is a curiosity of wondering: What about? What if? How does this work? What is the connection? Where is life heading? What are the venues of understanding that flourish? What correlations exist between discoveries and realities? How do different parts of life influence each other? What controls are in place that the flows of life are not interfered with but play out? What levels of reality coexist with the physical body with results that communicate relationships, health and well-being, disturbances, and the flow of life force?

Research usually has a theme or focus. What do you wonder about, with commitment? And how open-minded are you, that allows something new into your consciousness, into your experience? What preferences and prejudices are behind the question or interest? What are your motivations? What is the character and nature of your current identity likely to do with new information, new capabilities, new faculties? Do you respect the life flows of others’ inquiries, existence, life journeys, and needs to understand, explore and evolve? How well do you understand and accept the oneness of everything and everyone, that everything is connected, influencing and being influenced?

Many issues arise in the field of research and exploration. One is never truly alone. Many beings hear your requests and monitor your explorations. Life is aware of everything. There are no secrets. So, ask your questions. Do your research. Awaken with concern and a sense of responsibility for the role you play in the flow of life. Namaste.
July 31, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Energy, then, being the theme for this morning’s discussion, is a fundamental principle of life in all creations, every level of reality. For most reality has structure, which are the properties of energy, but there are many forms of structure and energy realities. Yes, we agree. There is life, there is that which lies beyond energy, as we have said, that which creates energy but does not use it. And that which lies beyond that.

But to understand life expression through the energy creations, it is essential to open the consciousness to fundamental reality of the nature of everything. The physical body, which so many identify with, and the physical existence of their environment have a nature of energy.

“What then is energy?” you ask. It is life force with, as we say, parameters of existence, of expression, that creates structure as opportunity for relationships, patterns, cycles of expression. The body and its components one of many.

But, as we have said, life is in motion. Everything changes, whether the physical faculties of perception can detect these rates of change or not. Experiments with visual perception demonstrate that color exists beyond the physical capability of the eyes, which you have seen, so to speak. All of the physical senses have their limits in the presence of life expression that is well beyond their capabilities. Your own identity is part of this.

The consciousness is not limited to physical reality. Exists in it and beyond it. The veil makes this difficult to perceive but it is a temporary limitation. It is a protocol of incarnate life, created by the incarnating entity. It can be uncreated through discipline and the evolution of maturity.

The entire physical body is composed of atoms, particles of energy with their own parameters of existence, science having demonstrated that they come and go, seemingly out of nowhere. Which means that your human identity is not who you are; it is what you are doing. But begs the question “who’s the ‘you’ doing this?” How conscious are you of who you are, in the larger sense?

This is why it is possible to roam the physical universe, move through time and space, yes, even into the potential of the future, gaining insights and understanding and experience. Energy is the vehicle for all of these structures of life. So, in this sense, everything is connected to everything, on one level or another.

Explore energy and its reality, even the energies you’ve yet to understand or observe. Remember, whatever your attention is on, you are connected to. Become more aware of these possibilities. Explore the life that you are and its connection with everything. Namaste.
July 29, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Rebirth and conscious re-union

JANU: Rebirth and reunion, conscious reunion,* is an underlying theme when presenting unalterable truth, when extending identity to live the Larger Life consciously while incarnate. The miraculous benefits of conscious reunion are not limited to life beyond the physical body, but wherever the consciousness resides, the Larger Life coexists.

Experiencing coexistence with more than the physical reality is a major step in expanding your identity to include all that you are. Living under the veil serves its purpose but it’s limiting and confusing. Instinctively, each one seeks wisdom, a guiding hand through confusion and unanswered questions. All of this exists, and much more, in the Larger Life. Separate from you only by the perception of separation, through the veil experience. In truth, you coexist with all of life, whether conscious of it or not. And consciousness is the key.

So conscious reunion is so much more than you understand, fulfills your destiny, your potential, and your ability to enrich life and each other. It is like rebirth. Experiencing unlimited reality, freedom to be whatever, to gain insight into any interest, to experience with integrity. Helping others without interfering is a delicate balance. To have discernment as to usefulness when observing something new, something different, speaks to maturity, wisdom, experience of ownership of what you gain. This understanding is not to escape from the opportunities of incarnate life, but to enrich it. Grow in awareness of beauty and potential of physical life, remembering that it coexists, is integrated with the rest of life. Any sense of separation is an illusion from the veil experience, which is temporary and gives way to enlightened consciousness. Namaste.
July 3, 2019                                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

*Conscious union has been discussed in many past journeys. The use of the word “reunion” is to emphasize the fact that this union has occurred before and will occur again, and, in point of fact, has never ceased except in our physical consciousness.


Who or what am I?

JANU: Identity, then, is a worthy journey in understanding and experience. The question “Who am I? What am I?” originates in the perceptions of physical identity. The words do not capture the reality of the larger existence.

“So, what words would capture this?” you ask. They would be words like ‘essential nature,’ ‘unlimited being,’ ‘peaceful embrace’ of any reality, ‘explorer and lover of life’—all of life. Someone who cherishes the essential nature of another, whether it be creature, sentient being, part of nature, or an entire world and beyond. An identity that cannot be identified but can be understood and experienced and shared.

This is your nature, and ours as well. Namaste.
June 24, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Freedom for dedicated servers

JANU:    Let this service begin as a gesture to encourage freedom to mount an effort by those who reach into the depths of their being for a life of service.

There are those in your world who, by the freedom of choice, have dedicated their lives to service. What we serve this evening is the freedom for them to not be entangled in conventional thinking by those whose lives are based upon collecting property and power. These who serve in this way contribute to the harmonious flow of life and service is their identity and their way of life.

These do exist around your world, an ancient tradition of the keepers of the peace. Not all know of each other, but it matters not, for they have a common theme and life knows them all. These truly understand service, its tradition, its range and depth, and its true meaning. Think well of them, for they do not discriminate or reject the opportunity.

Thank you and namaste.

Feb. 7, 2013 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. 


The fragility of human existence

JANU: Fragility is your inquiry. We of the Brotherhood speak to this issue of the fragility of existence. Why not look at it this way: Is a thought permanent? Its state of existence is not. Its essential nature is. So it moves with the flows and ebbs of life in motion.

Such it is with the physical existence. Its Nature is ongoing. Its manifestations are cyclic, inter-reacting, mutually influencing, modifying, re-creating. The fragility you speak of has to do with the flow of life, change, not its essential nature. Yes, even worlds collide, destroy each other, but the essential nature of existence still remains. Once again, the limited view and the larger view seem to contradict, but only from the smaller point of view.

So, when one tends to identify with physical existence, there enters into the consciousness the fear of the loss of consciousness, the loss of life. Life is not lost. Physical existence changes. Manifestations are not permanent, the ability to manifest is. So choose your identification with care, for the sense of identity becomes the so-called world of experience that you have chosen, with its parameters of existence.

Awakening to a larger identity, embracing the Larger Life, changes perspective about everything. You are not fragile. Your existence physically is. Namaste.
June 6, 2019                                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


An identity of ‘being’

JANU:    We are surveying then your query into purpose of this incarnation and the memories. Recent events tell us that the organization of spiritual reference within the consciousness agrees with the postulate that all life is created equal, but what sense ‘equal,’ our brother? Equal in the sense of opportunity to be, to exist, to evolve in consciousness by way of the composite of life patterns, experiences.

The purpose of life is to be. Out of that comes creation, evolution, realized potential, fulfillment. Isolation due to the veil, different parameters of existence, builds content, diversity, and equilibrium throughout the system of life. Change is creation in motion. Wisdom is the foundation for choices. Life’s capacity to build upon itself seems without limit. There are cycles and orders in life, thresholds of change, parameters of existence, content and depth that go on and on. So one fulfillment is not defined by another. The reality of all of these is a much larger reality.

Now, this perception does not dull or mask each moment, each element of content, each expression. Life is vibrant and is beyond the limitations of entity identification, individualism. Can life know itself with unexpressed potential? Knowing has many forms. The answer to the question is still being fulfilled. An identity of ‘being’ transcends confusion and doubt and brings peace. Namaste, our brother.
May 29, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Merging Larger Life with physical life

JANU: Coalition of attributes might describe the reality of conscious existence, merging the Larger Life with the incarnate life. How is the incarnate life enhanced by a larger perspective?

  • Wisdom in choices affecting health, peace of mind.
  • Insights, wisdom.
  • Understanding love beyond emotions.
  • Smaller decisions in the face of eternal life.
  • Perspective that includes many layers of reality including the physical.
  • Insight into potential, possible futures.
  • Understanding memories, even those not born of this sojourn.
  • Understanding others and yourself.
  • Freedom to use identity as a tool, to pick up or put down.
  • Being in harmony with natural Earth changes.
  • Understanding the coexistence of realities, not limited to the Earth, and
  • their influences.
  • Perceiving humanity globally.
  • Gauging the nature and purpose of change and manifesting it.

These and many other qualities exist as potential through awakening to the Larger Life. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross