Choosing to remember all that you are

JANU: We are remembering, then, that which promotes and prolongs hesitation upon the consciousness of elements of the Larger Life, including your own. These changes you see in others awakening are yours as well. Remembering is significant in that it is a catalyst for revisiting, or visitation of, the scenarios of living that recall a much larger reality of experience, that reaffirms and refreshes identity beyond the human experience.

What we reach into here, our brother, are the Records of Life of which you are a part. As they say, nothing is lost, but everything is gained. The genius within belongs to everyone, for each has achieved wisdom through experience in the process of evolving.

Choose to remember. Choose to relive. Choose to employ that you are. Choose to know. Choose to connect. Choose to be your potential. The future, our brother, is now. Your potential is now. This they have in common. Life is now. Your true identity is now. Remember all that you are. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Humanity is a variation on a theme

JANU: We are adapting then to a new lease on life, so to speak, belonging to the tradition of returning home and moving beyond. Let us see at this time that this transition in consciousness fulfills its potential with many explorations and discoveries along the way.

Human identity is a shadow of this larger reality, valid in its own right, but see it as a pattern with relationship to the Larger Life. For many, these journeys would seem nebulous and a bit vague, not realizing that through direct experience these realities have the integrity of the Earth human existence identity. Variations on a theme of life, our brother, are these identities.

Humanity is a variation on a theme of life, with many variations and expressions, but by no means explains everything that is real. Remember, all of life co-exists, meaning there is relationship, crossover patterns, and are knowable. The larger your consciousness of the Larger Life, the more you will encounter these co-existences and understand their relationship and mutual benefits.

The time of isolation, of individuality only, is passing. Life is one and diverse, simultaneously. Namaste.
Nov. 23, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Is life exact?

JANU: Exactitude is an interesting concept, for it denotes on the one hand absolute precision but obscures on the other hand the diversity of life, experimentation, the diversions and corrections and re-directions.             There are those who have this tendency to require precision in everything. Even when you observe their lives, the only thing precise about them is the flow of life, which includes everything.

So, how does one, then, wrap their mind around the diversity of life and its constancy, its inclusiveness, no matter what? Life, through all if its creations, is an experimenter, a researcher, and benefits from everything one way or another. So what does one identify with in the world of precision when it includes so much diversity? What is success, then, but that life continues no matter what?

Peace in the midst of unpredictable diversity goes a long way towards mastering life and achievement. Gain wisdom from all experiences, all experimentation, all of your differences, for they are the one life and they all co-exist and synergism abounds. Be at peace in the midst of this, our brother, and you will understand. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2018 B                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The path to ultimate freedom

JANU:    We are encouraging a growing revelation as to our True Nature, fundamental identity shifting, our brother. A fuller realization of what and who we are, born to serve, to understand, engage, and evolve as Life itself. For that is the ultimate activity as one with everything, even beyond creation. Not separate from it, but one with all of it. As in the singularity experience, the perspective shifts from, the identity shifts from individuality through the singularity to the all-inclusive consciousness.

The reason for the singularity experience, our brother, is this expansion of identity. Universal consciousness includes all individualities coexisting, unique, individual yet one. A minor application of this is from the human identity to the human group consciousness. These thresholds of understanding apply everywhere. Identity doesn’t just shift from one focus to another, but expands to include them all.

Awakening is the theme and this is part of what it includes: inclusive consciousness, the path to ultimate freedom. Namaste.
Oct. 23, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Adapting to and creating change

JANU: Numerous then are the events of the days and the years that lead into the future of humanity. Difficult to interpret as progress for many, but this is the nature of change, letting go of one rung on the ladder to rise to the next. For many, sameness and predictability give a sense of comfort and security, not seeing the nature of the change all around them. This is why change happens slowly, with many reversals. The relationships past, present, and future are life in motion, each influencing the other. So you see, even the past evolves.

So what does one identify with, for comfort and predictability? Part of the consciousness, to flow with change, is to more and more be the cause of it, rather than just be the recipient. Identifying with change makes the flow of life less painful, less disconcerting. But on the contrary, change brings hope for the future, for your True Nature is not in stasis. Adapting to change, and creating it, is more liberating than many realize.

Today is not a predictor for tomorrow. So change, you see, realistically is moment by moment. It is part of the nature of creation, for how can there be creating without change? Namaste.
Oct. 16, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Expanding perspective to all patterns of life

JANU: Significant, our brother, is the realm of joy. It brings peace to the harmony of life. This harmony generates significant ripple effect through life’s creations, subliminally, clearing away more and more the ripples caused from disturbances in the flow of life. All of life is in motion. Not all motions are in harmony with each other. But they are all part of the momentum of life and momentum strengthens direction.

You ask if there is such a thing as fine-tuning the flow of life? Yes, there is, our brother. All of life is self-regulating. Understanding this regulation is beyond the scope of most, yet we all reach to understand it. Peace in the midst of chaos seems a contradiction. It depends upon the scope of one’s view of life.

Self-regulation of life is committed by all of its creations, for they are imbued with primary purpose, whether conscious of it or not. Let us bring into focus then, with clarity, the reach into the background of persistent life and discover perspective from all points of view. Identifying with only one limits the perspective to that.

The vibratory patterns of life are many. These patterns are all linked to each other through the collective of life. Difficult for the human mind to concentrate on and embrace, the micro and macro of reality simultaneously. But this perspective fosters allowing life to be all of these, choosing their way. Peace and joy, our brother, are part of that perspective. Confusing at best, but still reality. Be at peace, our brother. Namaste.
Oct. 5, 2018                                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Understanding creation

JANU: We are assembling then that which is needed to respond to proclamation that all are created equal. The truth of this, our brother, is that creation favors not one over another, for all creations serve the one Life in different ways, adding to its diversity and strength. Now, when awakened creations do not necessarily create equally, this diversity is a condition set by the veil.

The flow of life is not sameness. It is enrichment through diversity. The one life made of many. Everything around you and in you is life, vibrant, eternal and present. The genius you refer to in others is at one with these presets for existence.

You ask, “Are individuals created? Are True Natures created? Is there a beginning to everything?” It depends upon perspective, our brother. To the incarnate perspective, with the veil in place, the answer is ‘Yes.’ You ask if life itself is created. Yes and no, for all creation is life, but ‘all that is’ is to be understood in a different way. True Peace reveals this. The significance of serving life is not diminished without understanding the source of life. But one thing always leads to another.

Individual identities tend to hold their identities as eternal. Difficult to grasp being created as a spiritual being. This comes from the premise of individuality. But life is larger than that. In the larger truth of life, in more profound understanding, your being created itself as a desire of the source of life. Allow your identity to evolve and expand to include more of the life of which you are a part. And confusions will be made clear, one after another. Be at peace and namaste.
Sept. 26, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to other realities

JANU:    Surveying possibilities of reality beyond the limits, beyond the third dimension, physicality if you will, is a quantum shift in perception. The consciousness can explore and experience, to a degree, much of this. But it is a stretch, you see, to be conscious in the physical world or reality and remain connected while exploring consciously other realms. We would have you understand this. The attempt should always be made, but understand the challenges. We of the Brotherhood of Light will always assist and much can be achieved worth the journey, you see.

Integrating the larger life into the conscious third-dimensional life takes identity shifting far beyond common perceptions. It is true, whatever your attention is on, you are connected to. So begin there and allow the natural change in consciousness expansion and appreciate natural reality.

Let us continue with these explorations and your identity perception will transform more closely to that of your True Nature, which is expanding as well. The attunement never ends for that is the desire and the reality of being and awakening. Namaste.
Aug. 21, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Peaceful negotiation

JANU:    We are searching through the archives of the phenomenon called ‘peaceful negotiation.’ These occur randomly throughout the history of humanity but have become a rarity in recent times. The heritage of these, when reviewed, move the consciousness in the direction of the connectedness and the co-existence of the realities of the participants. Let there be then a resurgence in peaceful negotiations on every level. Reactionaries find these, through their perception, a weak relationship, ineffective, for there is nothing to react to. Common benefit, mutual benefit, compromise does not call for reaction but a response, involvement, engagement, finding solutions.

In the past, we have spoken of identity, individual and collective. A worthy and revealing pursuit to explore these identities: their nature, their origins, their limitations and their strengths. Peaceful negotiations are influenced by these and should remain a marker or milestone for the evolution of human consciousness and society. Why not remember, from time to time, engagement in these? Remember when relationships were more cordial, profitable, and self-sustaining. Be at peace in this and find strength, endurance, reciprocation, and the advancement of a human culture and society. Namaste.
July 31, 2018                                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 18 contains prior attunements in this series.


The larger reality of being

JANU: Portraying then the combined reality of being, growing in consciousness of who you are, links your consciousness to the reality of others, contributing to the path of compassion, mutual identification, and understanding. That question alone of ‘Who are you?’ is a doorway into the larger life. What does one base the discovery of this on but expanding one’s identity to include more, letting go of social conditioning from those who are unaware? One might say, “Look how complex the human identity is: thoughts and emotions, experiences, growing understanding.” This is true, our brother, but there is more.

These elements of identity are manifestations of a reality of being much larger. Thinking in terms of one lifetime limits the scope of your being. Identify with existence not limited by time and space or social conditioning, but includes all of that as well. What is the larger reality of your being? It can be known. Look to understand it, all the elements of life, from a deeper and larger perspective. Everything touches everything else. Every ripple in the pool touches every other. Life under the veil leaves only one perspective. Namaste.
May 11, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross