The diversity of life

JANU:    Trying on, for a change, our trajectory of inquiry to include other species of  life incarnate, in a sense, extraterrestrial. There are those that exist with human characteristics and those you would not recognize. And yet these are sentient beings with prolonged life spans. As a result, their evolution in consciousness and incarnate experience have a real wisdom pattern evolved in different directions by way of continuous opportunity.

Some telepathic with a lifestyle to match. Some see in a different light spectrum, relating to life in different ways. There are those very sensitive to energy and direct knowing. There are those in a state of peace, without wars and violence. There are those who self-levitate and the perspective that comes with that. And, yes, there are those who are aquatic and see life differently, using their fluid environment as a medium for communication and interaction. The point of all of this being the diversity of life is rich and extends beyond this universe. And there are those energetic beings where one universe is not a limitation.

What these all have in common is the nature of Life itself.  Beingness beyond identity is a reality. Identity is a rich field of opportunity to explore elements of life, at one under the umbrella of Life itself. Identity has the illusion of uniqueness, separation, isolation, and, with humanity, the competition for power and resources and control.

Life is so much larger than this, but includes this as well. Worthy of exploration is the question “What really matters and what is your relationship with it?” Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2022

Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Identity and universal consciousness

JANU: The subject is the range of knowing and not knowing. Not knowing with doubt, confusion, frustration, unfulfilled desire. Knowing with fulfillment, imagination, creation, possibilities, understanding, desire to explore and grow, to fulfill existence. Both exist in a single point called transition. Choosing transition is to move from one to the other. Consciousness makes the transition. First conscious of and then, through connection and engagement, conscious as. Knowing of moves to knowing as. One is observation. The other is intimacy.

Intellectuality is knowing of. Intimate embrace is knowing as. The challenge is identity shifting. Most identify with the transition into knowing of. It is with a perception of separation, something outside yourself, a thing, a fact of existence. The other a transition into universal consciousness, embracing more and more of life, becoming one with.

How does one transition from identity to universal consciousness? The question is “Can they coexist?” The answer is “They can.” For universal consciousness embraces everything, but not owned by any one of them. So in a sense, identifying with everything through coexistence. Otherwise, it’s an identity of ‘this and not that,’ instead of ‘this and that.’ Choose wisely what you hang onto in the direction of separation. Evidence of this is the reality that we are one. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2022                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 A beginning discussion of this can be read at “Shifting from conscious of to conscious as.”


Living in the Now – 3

JANU:   Being in the Now consciously is powerful, for it combines the illusions of separateness into one all-inclusive reality revealing the connection of everything, the presence of everything, of all perceptions, all desires, and all potential. Opening the consciousness to The NOW  is a reality larger than individual identity, of any sense of separation, isolation.

Creativity is thwarted by isolation. Individual identity continues this. An alternative to individualization is the freedom of oneness. Nothing to prove, justify, regret, or make claim to. ‘Isness’ is peaceful and has its own pattern. Engage life more fully in the Now. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2022                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Change and evolution of everything

JANU:   We are experiencing evolution and change. All perceptions, all values, all relationships, all understandings, and all truths are changing, which is the process of evolution. Open perception to include everything about your life and your self-awareness, your identity. It is changing, evolving, expanding, growing. It is gaining wisdom, understanding, compassion, balance, and newness. Limited by none of it, enriched by all of it.

We are life realizing its potential through the process of experience and wisdom gaining. Feel the freedom. Own change, expansion, and expanding identity. Experience the freedom of it to be a growing, enriching life. Oneness and connection and uniqueness coexisting as one. Namaste.
Nov. 8, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The importance of journeying

JANU: The importance of this journeying lies in the fact that each creation, each individual is the life you inspire to be. Allow the intimacy that gently guides with each journey. In time, more and more will experience true intimacy of the one Life, even with the unlimited diversity of expression. The borders of existence will be understood as to their reality.

Consciousness has many expressions and experiences. Peace reveals them all. Love continues expression of life. Light is the integrity of being. Wisdom is the foundation of enriching creation. Allow what already is to be your experience and your identity. Diverse and universal coexisting.

Continue with these as life continues to evolve. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2022 B                                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The reality of identity

Editor’s note: This is an attempt to document insights given while contemplating the subject of a Deepak Chopra/Sadhguru discussion.

JANU: The query is identity, reality and the relationship with these. Reality evolves. The path is endless. Identity is all of it. The traveler on the path tends to identify with the interest on any part of it.

So, identification of the moment with any part of the path of reality, experience, tends to anchor one in that portion of reality. Being a challenge to let go, to explore other parts of the path of reality. So, managing identity is an opportunity in freedom of being. Shining light on the reality of being reveals being is unlimited and includes the entire path of reality to be explored, experienced, understood, and retained.

So, when observing reality, realize that any identification can be temporary but allowed to remain with the experience as one changes your interest. Allow the experience of reality to deepen this understanding. And own this, in the sense of it does not own you. Namaste.
July 19, 2022                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Conscious union & the nature of life 

JANU: These moments of life represent a kind of ambition to self-realize. Understand, then, the nature of life is to understand itself through creations and relationships. People do this as well, in their own ways. The question “Why?” is from those who have yet to own this reason for living.

Conscious union, spoken of often, is an intimate relationship with life and its reason for being. Or should we say: reasons?  One needs not attempt to create such an experience but to identify with and be in harmony with the nature of life. The phrase “being in the flow” is an example of this. Insights that are magically revealing are worth exploring for they reveal much to the open mind.

Realizing potential with the courage and commitment to manifest leads to more and more revelation, understanding, and identity expansion. The veil is not there to obstruct but to motivate and focus and explore, to ask questions and seek the truth. The incarnate life has potential that is richer than most understand and it is at one with the Larger Life. They coexist and enrich each other.

They truly are one. Borders are an illusion with a purpose. Identity is fluid to the open consciousness. Enjoy the revelations. Let them be part of your journey and see where they take you. Enjoy them. Namaste.
May 31, 2022 B                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence and all that you are

JANU:    Such a portrayal of coexistence stems from the innate desire to be more conscious, more consciously involved in the Tapestry of Life. The reality you long for in consciousness and in experience has always been the nature of your existence, the life seemingly around you and the life within you. Think not strictly, perceive not strictly in incarnate, veiled terms. This also allows for expansion of identity, which in turn broadens consciousness and awareness. It has always been at your fingertips, at your beck and call. It has always been involved in your human journey.

We are your companions in life and you are ours. Life grows from your experiences, your wisdom gaining. We all gain from each other as we serve life. This is not a reality to be perceived as something to be attained. It is already there and you have been living it, although not always conscious of it, but the desire has always been there to know, to see, to be, to understand, and to walk a larger path with larger steps. This is part of being intimate with life, the life that you are. It is here and it is now. Be all you desire and life will always respond. Decide to understand and experience. Namaste.
May 11, 2022                                                                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


See the Larger Life in others – Part 1

JANU:    Seeing the Larger Life in others leads to seeing yourself in others, and them in you. Although the range of individual differences is great, also are the similarities, which is the nature of the Larger Life. This also leads to identity expansion and a lifting of the veil. The veil promotes individuality, hiding the oneness reality from most.

A universal consciousness is freedom to be your potential. The source of potential lies with the True Nature, which you are. Oneness is the coexistence of everything and humanity coexists with everything. The veil is only perception. Awaken guided by wisdom with patience, commitment, and peace. Namaste.
May 9, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Personal symbiosis

JANU:     Symbiosis exists between incarnate consciousness and the rest of the being. How can this not be true when the Larger Life and the incarnate life are one, each a part of the other? Opening the consciousness to the nature of this reveals something more than ‘anatomy as opposed to spirit.’ For physicality, with perceived boundaries and limits, exists through the presence of a larger reality. Perception of presence of the entire Nature opens the consciousness to the larger possibilities and variety of creativity as always being present.

Now, life communicates throughout its nature, but the language, so to speak, is diverse. The perception of structure and form in human language is limited. Consider how individuals communicate without words through a look, a motion, or feeling of shared understanding, and subtler ways yet. Do you recognize sharing understanding without limited structure and form happens through awakening? Be open to, sensitive to subtle powers of perception whether understood or not. ‘Deciding to know and then listening,’ when developed, seems only natural and easy.

The realization that your True Nature is you is an identity shift that brings liberation, freedom, and peace. Get to know yourself. Rely on who you are, where you are, and what you already know. Allow all of this to discover more and enrich life. Namaste.
May 4, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross