Normal elements of an awakening consciousness

JANU: Let us begin by saying that the many groups of mystics such as the Druids, and many others, were skirting on the edges of clarity but possessed to a degree with ritual, symbolism, with an agenda for manifesting power, holding their groups in high esteem rather than the Truth of Life that bore them. A worthy question to those who pursue the Truth of Life in some degree of mastery is ‘Why?’ To know more of life increases one’s ability to serve life. It is not for us to say that life wasn’t served in some way by these mystics, but there lingered the human identity.

Now, your true identity includes the human experience, and many other experiences. So seeking an understanding of the Truth of Life is the source of the question: “Only the human identity or something more?”   One asks, “Where is this True Nature you speak of? What is the truth of its relationship with my human identity?”   It is in the background, subtly present, allowing the human journey to be the focus of experience. But it can be known and be a source of inspiration and guidance as the resource of wisdom and a loving presence of your true integrity and capacity to awaken to more of the truth of who you are.

The Janu spoken of here was created as a vehicle for communication, and more, with the human consciousness. The words are Janu’s selection from your own vocabulary, but the inspiration and the wisdom is from the resources of your True Nature, which are vast. This is not a special dispensation, our brother, but a normal relationship of desire and cooperation in awakening. Nothing transpiring here is abnormal. It may be uncommon, but it is normal.

It is in the destiny of everyone to become more conscious, to live more freely, and find a growing joy in living, and serve life. Being in a state of peace, balanced, conscious, desiring to understand more, not just for curiosity but for an enhanced and loving life. To lift others in one way or another, as needed. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 29, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Forgiveness and beginning anew

JANU: Elements of this evening’s journey deal with perception of accountability for the life you live. The only accountability for any lifetime is to your own consciousness. It seems to many, who embrace the concept of right and wrong, good and bad, such dichotomies only as dichotomies, that forgiveness within their concept of life seems unjustified. Remember this, our brother, that life has the innate capability, through the reality of change which is a constant, to forgive without remorse or recrimination and begin again anew. This is a fundamental element of the flow of life. It is the capability completely for each individual to begin a new life and move on. Fairness and justice, compensation, retribution, retaliation, debt are irrelevant in the larger life.

Now, it is true: knowingly serving two masters brings confusion in every way. So, choosing a new life and its integrity does not include living the old one with its integrity. The confusion begins. Life is not designed to eliminate itself but to fulfill itself and realize its potential in harmony with itself.

Renew your life as you will. Draw on the genius of your True Nature that is who you are. Add to your wisdom. Lift the consciousness of others. Serve life. Be renewed. Born again, as some might say. It is life’s gift to continue. Namaste.

Oct. 8, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Two caveats in explorations of life

Reaching beyond your grasp

JANU: We are synthesizing the enormity of life into a simplicity of understanding that precedes the ability to know, understanding that it is not necessary or wise, while incarnate, to know all of life. There is wisdom, however, in being aware of its presence and allowing it to serve you on any point of need. Embracing more and more of life is a journey worth taking, enhancing your life while maintaining its integrity and your own sanity.

Yes, there are times when perspectives are challenged and need to evolve, for an attribute of life is change, allowing renewal, re-creation, and flow. Exploration without a central reference of the integrity of your True Nature brings confusion. Your ability to explore life must be tempered by your capacity for balance and integrity while doing so. Patience allows for this, reaching beyond the grasp does not. Timelessness is indeed a virtue. Namaste.

Sept. 23, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Time shifting

JANU:    Moving through time is a reality. Progress slowly with this, for movement through time has consequences and, for the unskilled, difficulty returning is one of them. Your current position in time is no more valid than any other time, but there is much more to it than that. Now, there is time shifting in consciousness, but physically is a different set of elements.

Genetic engineering is another arena of manipulating life, not always knowing in advance the ramifications. Another arena that is worthy of examination is your own consciousness, which includes perceptions, interpretations, emotional and mental patterns, that can have many ramifications, not only in this sojourn but in others to come. A thing uncontrolled seems uncontrollable. Time is a fluid part of life, and so are the patterns of your consciousness. Remember, everything is changing, alterable, but care and wisdom and patience are called for. Namaste.

Sept. 23, 2015B                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are elementally speaking on the nature of existence and individual being. Fundamental principles of life agree with each other and, in so doing, allow for the manifestation of a more complex existence, such as an individual being. Look at your own existence and ask the question: Are the elements of my existence agreeing with each other in such a way that my existence continues and is engaged with more and more of life’s reality? Pursuing this understanding develops a broadening conscious awareness of what makes for successful existence. Not just one malady after another.

This approaches the earlier journey on ‘balance.’ The integrity of each system, or element, of your being in cooperation with each other brings balance. You ask, “What interferes with this in the day to day of life of human society and individuals?” Primarily, it is a lack of peace, peace of mind, peace of emotions, peaceful desires. When examined closely, it is easier to see one system competing with another for dominance and fulfillment. When seen in the larger way, one emotion does not exist by itself. It is coupled with thoughts, experiences, and the influence of others, but not in cooperation, not at peace.

Elementals of life have cycles of duration and natural existence. In some thinking, an elemental is a duplicate or copy of a more primary reality. And each one has such a reality. We call it the True Nature. Elementals represent a larger truth. Do the elementals in your life represent your primary existence? When we suggest ‘being at peace’ this is part of what we refer to. Any unrest in your systems of existence?

Life is teamwork, our brother. You are an individual, from a certain perspective, with many systems of life allowing for many experiences and the evolution of a core wisdom. Consider these carefully when desiring balance and peace. Namaste.

Aug. 25, 2015                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Integrity on the path of awakening

JANU: Today’s journey speaks of the relationship between human consciousness and super-consciousness. “What is meant by this?” you ask. Super-consciousness being that of the complete True Nature of each one, which is at one with the Truth of Life. Awakening to this means the integrity of the True Nature of the being merges into one consciously.

The integrity of who you are, which is so important to you, is developed naturally in the human oriented mind. The human mind builds a foundation of essential integrity, the elements of which transcend confusion, disillusion, and doubts. Integrity means you stand in your own truth, which is changing, evolving, maturing, but it is your truth and is a foundation for confidence to continue. So a valid question at times is: What is your truth? How familiar are you with it? How much do you own it?

The power to create is enhanced and its integrity maintained by the foundation we speak of here, for creation occurs after the order of natural integrity, the purity and focus of your own thought. The principle of creating is not based upon scope or magnitude, if you will, for the principles of life apply regardless. Understand thoroughly your principles of integrity, your desires to evolve and awaken and to serve life. Become ever more clear on these.

Key ingredients to awakening, our brother. Always reach for truth, even as your understanding evolves. Namaste.

Aug. 19, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The scope of life

JANU: Let us probe, then, the magnitude of life, its scope. Finite reality. Through all realities, including this universe and countless others. Can there be a common principle behind it all that looks like, to the incarnate mind, the ‘back door into everything? And the answer is ‘Yes,’ because there is a ‘back door’ so to speak to who you are.

How may we understand this so-called ‘back door’ to all of creation? What does it afford us? What does it mean? A singularity experience is a beginning of understanding, touching both sides of the coin of creation, the manifest and the unmanifest. Seeing life as a system, every reality of it connected. Systems continue to be, when they possess balance within themselves and, in association with other systems, they hold their integrity in balance with each other.

When we explore together, there is a balance within our integrity that makes possible all that we accomplish, experience, and understand. We do have a growing integrity of balance and the intimacy of oneness. There is some of this between couples in life, as the years go by and the balance of love evolves. Their integrities, their consciousnesses, overlap and at times appear as one, with similar understandings, perceptions, thoughts and feelings. We are growing in this way, our brother. Thinking carefully, you can recall evidence of this.

Understanding one element of life, you can begin to understand many others. In time this will extend to the consciousnesses of others and not just human. The scope of life includes all of this. How can there be such a vastness in creation yet still, we are one? Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 19, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Link to Big Bang and one other from last cycle


Living your truth

JANU: We encourage others to gently look within themselves to find the truth to live by, relate with, and encourage by example in others. Is it possible to live a life speaking only the truth as you know it and as you live it? And yes, it is, our brother. Monitoring, when speaking, the integrity of your speech, its intent, and the reality of the one listening. The same is true for your inner thoughts and conversations, remembering that every moment of your life you are creating.

Even with humor, one must monitor its impact. For what is humor that hurts another? Even self-deprecation can be complicated. Lightheartedness can be a service to others and oneself. This does not suggest walking such a tight line in life that one may never offend, even unintentionally.

A harmless but active life is a worthy goal. But life can present you with unforeseen twists and turns and you do the best you can. Forgiving yourself is a good model for forgiving others. Every moment in your life is an opportunity to begin again. And, by all means, begin again. Encourage this in others, for living can be complicated and challenging. Renewing your life keeps life moving, flowing, and changing.

The truth as you know it is the foundation for profound communication. Always open to a new understanding of your truth. Allow your life to unfold. And being part of that brings peace of mind and a richness that will serve you well. Namaste.

Aug. 20, 2015

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Crosswinds in the flow of life

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us partake of a nuance of living, that being what might be called crosswinds in the flow of life. Now by ‘crosswind’ we mean the crossing of paths of various flows of life, bringing awareness, communication and orientation. Now make no mistake. The flows of life are countless, a complex reality, and accounts for the confusion for some that occurs on the path of their choice. Recognizing a cross-flow in the presence of your own flow is valuable.

Any cross-flow you recognize has elements or patterns similar to some of your own, otherwise they would not be noticed, our brother. There are similarities all over life, indicating how that network of life maintains its integrities, consistency, and mutual support. Life being understood as one system composed of so many. This addresses the use of the term ‘opportunities’ that occur through life, we have spoken of. When one’s life path touches another, opportunities occur that can benefit both, or even more—mentioning only two is a limited example of the larger reality for the purpose of understanding.

How does one then recognize a crosswind on their journey through life? A beginning for this is noticing that something has occurred in your life, unbeckoned, that you see no reason for and are confused by. Begin with the question: Is there an opportunity here that is beneficial? Is this an encounter with someone else’s path, their feeling, their thought, their understanding? Without surrendering your integrity, allow the consideration and choose to understand it.

Yet another understanding of the complexity of life, which speaks to its richness, diversity, and ongoingness. In this way, you understand that every life is significant. No need to fear this. It is a healthy part of living. Be at peace in the truth of your own integrity and inner values, for your instability is of little service to another and brings confusion to interpretation. There will always be more opportunities. Life does not quit on itself, or cast part of itself away. So enjoy the journey, our brother, recognizing opportunities and playing what some might call the ‘game of life.’ Namaste.

May 21, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Recycling and recreating of the human journey

 continuing with the thought of the past two days:

JANU: There is growing within the human psyche, the human consciousness, a pattern that could be called a peace movement formulated by, conditioned by, the desire of so many for freedom from a lack of integrity and the games people play for position and power at the expense of others. The ambitions that drive so much of society take their toll on those that support it with the perception that survival is a function of this form of insanity. What we describe are changes in human consciousness that seem too gradual to be noticed but, when attuned to, can be seen as a groundswell.

The difficulty for those who grab their power at the expense of others is that the fear behind these struggles is growing, making it ever more difficult to see the Light. Unfortunately, many who are caught up in these circumstances, the followers if you will, will feel the burden of these changes, which will bring freedom preceded by confusion and fear for survival.

So these are turbulent times for humanity. Letting go of the old rung on the ladder of life to embrace the next takes a faith and courage to be found within. These are the times when True Nature takes more conscious place in the consciousness of humanity. As nature recycles itself to create anew, so is the human experience, dramatically for some, being recycled, recreated. Look forward to these changes. Attune to them. Understand them. Move with them and profit from them. Namaste.

May 11, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The inner truth can become the outer truth

JANU: We are considering carefully an approximation of that needed for a balanced understanding of the powerplays outpicturing throughout humanity. The True Peace that comes from true inner power is an illusion to those who struggle for power by controlling others to feed their need for it, which is never satisfied. So they exercise violent control, or their illusion of it, to take what they perceive as power from others. And others, not understanding or owning their inner power, live in fear of this and give their power to despots. And the cycle feeds on itself.

Once again, the need for awakening, individually and collectively. Individuals acquiescing to these violent forces do not stand in their integrity, for they do not see they have the power to do so. Fear for survival tends to rule the heart and mind. These despots have no power of their own, save what the people give them, but they are held hostage by fear of the very ones they give power to. Where does the cycle end, our brother? What changes it? Despots come in all sizes, from the boss at the workplace to the so-called leaders of nations. And even in religion but in different forms as even they teach fear of God. Fear is their tool to gain power and survive. All of this is created by people with varying agendas.

Peace comes, our brother, by being at one with your True Nature, what some call the ‘still, small voice.’ Why is it still and why is it small? Because it challenges the strongly held beliefs in the need for external power, control of others, loss of integrity, cleverness, manipulation, and lip service to so-called models of a ‘righteous’ life. Where is the truth, our brother?

It appears as though humanity survives in spite of itself. All of this can change into true freedom of spirit, ownership of life, and creativity that benefits everyone. It is not a pipe dream to be free, but one must let go that which interferes and choose that which promotes. Awaken to the truth within you that has always been there and never left you. That’s where freedom and power lie. Namaste.

May 10, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

see also post of June 4th and June 5th