Shedding light on the nature of mind

JANU:   Assuming an assembly, the criteria for the rite of understanding, let us begin by saying: the discourse* is a reflection of another’s experience in understanding. Perspectives on the truth of this vary.

In our case, for instance, we are awakening to the larger truth of being through the formlessness of light and the love of life. True experience in this direction encompasses, embodies much more. The discourse in the literature can be a small trigger or catalyst to a fuller truth. Experiencing this is a diverse reality occurring in stages, the elements of which occur spontaneously due to life experiences and processes. The answer to your query is “Yes” but a qualified one.

These discourses tend to tie things together with a ribbon that cements the discourse as a complete understanding. It is not, but it has value for it stimulates inquiry. Higher and lower mind is a misrepresentation or, should we say, a limited one of the reality of oneness, of union, of the reality of awakening. In a larger perspective, the entire being is awakening, for the entire being is one but is also many elements of reality. Registering these insights has reference and opportunity.

Continue as we have. Read as you will. Return for clarification, illumination, insight, and application. Namaste.
Feb. 24, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

*The ‘discourses’ under discussion come from C.W. Leadbeater’s book A Textbook of Theosophy


Understanding the Larger Life

JANU:    Living in the moment  is a prerequisite for manifesting the determination to awaken to the Larger Life, for that is the central reality to the journey of life. Past and future are the radiations of the moment. The reality of time tends to encourage past and future and present as unique realities. They are, within their domain, but there is more to this. These are elements of a larger oneness where reality is a more profound understanding.

Cycles of life relate to these. ‘Life’ is a limited expression.*  The word contains perceptions of beginnings and ends. It describes the cycles. Identifying with any of these is limitation, which is useful for exploration of these, but a limitation with a purpose. To be conscious in this larger way removes what might be called borders that describe ‘this and not that.’ Identifying with these is a limitation. But the perception of the elements of these brings wisdom through experience and enriches Life and fulfills it. Wisdom brings peace through balance and harmony to diversity. Let us enrich each other through this process, and this unites us in our perceptions. Patience is a powerful tool to explore all of this. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2023                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 *This concept was introduced in “Understanding the True Nature and the Incarnate Life.”


Life owns you and you own life

JANU:    Life is a jewel with many facets, each of which is unique yet together they are one, rich in their contribution to life and each other. Live life as a jewel, a facet that enriches life and inspires where it may. Each facet is an evolving jewel, constantly changing and in motion, drawing essence and vitality from the richness of life. Not in competition for anything, but filled with evolving opportunities from the same source.

There is Larger Life that includes this larger life. Open the mind to consider reality larger than time and physicality. All that you are evolving, in motion, yet peaceful. In this stillness, find understanding, experience, and wisdom. Life owns you and you own life. Find freedom in the oneness. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2022                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Living in the Now – 3

JANU:   Being in the Now consciously is powerful, for it combines the illusions of separateness into one all-inclusive reality revealing the connection of everything, the presence of everything, of all perceptions, all desires, and all potential. Opening the consciousness to The NOW  is a reality larger than individual identity, of any sense of separation, isolation.

Creativity is thwarted by isolation. Individual identity continues this. An alternative to individualization is the freedom of oneness. Nothing to prove, justify, regret, or make claim to. ‘Isness’ is peaceful and has its own pattern. Engage life more fully in the Now. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2022                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Change and evolution of everything

JANU:   We are experiencing evolution and change. All perceptions, all values, all relationships, all understandings, and all truths are changing, which is the process of evolution. Open perception to include everything about your life and your self-awareness, your identity. It is changing, evolving, expanding, growing. It is gaining wisdom, understanding, compassion, balance, and newness. Limited by none of it, enriched by all of it.

We are life realizing its potential through the process of experience and wisdom gaining. Feel the freedom. Own change, expansion, and expanding identity. Experience the freedom of it to be a growing, enriching life. Oneness and connection and uniqueness coexisting as one. Namaste.
Nov. 8, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Shifting from conscious OF to conscious AS

JANU: We exist in a universal atmosphere of “Life Essence.” We are made out of this and therefore connected with everything. Allow awareness of this and connect with whatever your attention is on. Experience the coexistence of everything including yourself.

JR:   If we are made of this “Life Essence” how can we not be connected to it and to everything else, which is made of it? Thus, you are a unique expression of this oneness. This challenges the duality mind but we are both unique and one, coexisting. I understand how difficult it is to grasp the concept of the coexistence of being unique as well as one with everything. The questions that arise from coexistence are explained through experiencing it directly.
Sept. 10, 2022                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

Note: This journey came as a result of my efforts to understand  identity shifting and conscious union


See the Larger Life in others – Part 1

JANU:    Seeing the Larger Life in others leads to seeing yourself in others, and them in you. Although the range of individual differences is great, also are the similarities, which is the nature of the Larger Life. This also leads to identity expansion and a lifting of the veil. The veil promotes individuality, hiding the oneness reality from most.

A universal consciousness is freedom to be your potential. The source of potential lies with the True Nature, which you are. Oneness is the coexistence of everything and humanity coexists with everything. The veil is only perception. Awaken guided by wisdom with patience, commitment, and peace. Namaste.
May 9, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The reality of life

JANU:   The dynamic of life that appeals most to evolving humanity has to do with understanding and learning its meaning to experience it. The meaning of life hangs in the air as an unknown just beyond the grasp, and is sensed as ambiguous and vague. Yet there is gratitude for it. The meaning of life is being lived in so many ways but not perceived in its simplicity, in its universality, in the scope of its reality.

The veil leaves humanity with a perception of separation, of disconnect, of it being abstract. Awakening to the truth of one’s being is a path of recovery, for the True Nature exists in harmony with the meaning of life. The separation and aloneness of the veiled experience flies in the face of a larger reality, connection and oneness of life in its fullness.

Be the Larger Life that includes all reality. One sojourn is a small part of the Larger Life, yet still rich in opportunity for all is connected and co-exists. Allow true peace to lift the consciousness, to see life as always ongoing. Namaste.
Nov. 22, 2021 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Being more conscious

JANU:    Being more conscious leads to being more involved with the evolution of life, in whatever form it may take. Consciousness is not inert. It is part of the one.

What is the role, then, of consciousness? Being more aware, understanding more deeply, having a greater and more diverse capacity to enrich life. It involves laying a foundation of balance, of wisdom, peaceful in nature, loving, enduring, being a partner with and of creation. An eternal relationship with being. Maturity is part of this, a growing maturity. Understanding, seeing the beauty of life itself, that nothing is insignificant.

Nov. 10, 2021                                                                           Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

Understanding life in motion 

JANU: Salient point to be made: The Now is connected, is at one with all of life. Peace is the joiner of the elements of life. We are the servants of life. We exist to perpetuate life. We are one in the truth of life. We are the moment, the Now. Let us serve.

The climate change of the Earth influences everything. The creatures, nature, humanity, and the Earth: everything in motion through cycles of expression, balancing and re-balancing. The oceans as well. The core of the Earth and the surface weather are inseparable currents of life. The dynamics of these relationships are part of change. Life in motion.

These life cycles and expressions have been in motion since the beginning of Earth’s journey. Even subtle patterns exist throughout the solar system and with other systems as well. Even consciousness evolves, as does the True Nature of humanity. These attunements as well. Live in the moment and all of its potential. Namaste.
Oct. 18, 2021 B                                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross