Listening to life

JANU:    We are Janu speaking, peace being the theme for this journey. The unrest in the lives of so many is self-perpetuating and loud in the experience, drowning out the miracle of peace. The real power in life is peace, not frustration and anger. See, then, awakening as a journey into peace and, on that journey, discover its true meaning. Even in the presence of violence, troubling emotions, peace is a resource to re-establish harmony, cooperation, and collaboration. Remove yourself from concern about deprivation, unfulfilled dreams, longings founded in a sense of lack, and focus more upon life’s abundance. And life is abundant, our brother. Every breath, every heartbeat, progression of thought and understanding, miracles of opportunity, the courage and endurance to engage them, the unending gaining of wisdom, compassion and service. These are the hallmarks of peace, our brother.

The awakening journey is not something separate from incarnate life; it is part of it. The frustrated mind tends to see life as becoming full of challenges and obstacles, unfulfilled ambitions, growing almost daily. This misplaced attention does not see miracles around them, the opportunities within them, and the inherent richness of the resource of life to engage them. Realize, our brother, that each one is an agent of life, a specimen of life, and, yes, a jewel in that tapestry. Awakening brings this to the consciousness to see the truth of this and the magic that comes with it. Be not a magician lacking in anything. Anticipate and relish the next demonstration of the magic within you.

The life that you are is capable of so much more. In the sense of this reality, you already are all you can be. Unmanifest potential is potential nonetheless. Without awareness or consciousness of this, where do your dreams and goals and ambitions come from? What is their source? Achievements begin with a vision, an idea, an impression, a spark of awareness of a possibility and what it affords. You are already these. Become aware of them. Remember: what your attention is on, you are connected to. Put your attention upon who you truly are and all that that means.

One of the markers, the expression of this reality is happiness, at peace, no longer identified as being alone in life but as part of it, at one with it, integrated into the larger family of life, mutually beneficial. These words of encouragement may fall on deaf ears but there are those beginning to listen, for their own True Natures are part of this message. So, listen, our brother, with your mind, your heart, your true being, for life is speaking in so many ways. One need only listen. Life has always been speaking to everyone. Learning to listen and understand is part of awakening. Allow yourself the richness that it brings. And namaste, all.
Aug. 8, 2016                                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


An approach to engagement of opportunities

JANU: The phrase this evening, the theme, is looking directly into the eye of each opportunity. Now, opportunities on these journeys are contact, engagement with many parts of life. When embracing or looking into the eye of an opportunity, whether another life or part of the structure of life, the gaze of your attention is not to penetrate or be forceful in any way, but to be alert and allow the truth of each existence to be as it is. Gentle honesty and patience without fear or forcefulness. What you present is the truth of who you are and life responds in kind. This sets the stage or the atmosphere for the exchange of understanding and experience. Looking opportunity in the eye, so to speak, is a candid and honest point of view. Allow opportunity to reveal what it will. There are no secrets, but there is integrity.

For this evening’s journey, there is an opportunity to experience a Council of Elders as they consider our journeys of association and collaboration. They meet you eye to eye, with their honesty and integrity, and they welcome your participation. Our journeys are not the first they’ve considered, and they are aware of compatibility with others who journey and are considering opportunities of mutual engagement.

Be not concerned whether your peers understand you or not. They have their destiny as well. The most you can do or be is true to your own. Life is aware of all destinies, our brother, and wastes no opportunities. Be alert to these associations. Namaste.
July 6, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The path of service

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        I feel that I should be doing more, that I should be more definitely in service to others, but I don’t know what the “more” is. Should I be offering some kind of service, such as teaching or counseling? Or is my “mission” to be a White Magician?

JANU: We hear your searching, your looking, your longing for a focus of direction to install or invest your energies and that you’ve gained into. Your options are many, dear one, and they are options. Even, as you might put it, the most rewarding choice is an option like the rest.

The best service, the most rewarding, is the consciousness that you put into any endeavor to help another, to advance the cause of human understanding and evolvement in consciousness, you see. The richness, the fulfillment and the rewards are born of your own beingness. The form of the expression matters little compared to this. The beauty of the understanding is that any choice can and will be the best choice. And where is it written that only one choice is the best choice, dear one? The adventures you have specified are not exclusive of each other. Nothing is exclusive.

Many ponder this question in dismay for they seldom find the answer posed by the question or intent of same. For they think the answer lies in the chosen path of service. It does not. It lies within you. You bring the life to, the beauty, the wisdom, the unfoldment, to the path choice, you see. You make it magical and rewarding and a blessing to those you serve. Yes, the challenges and opportunities vary from one choice to another. But these differences aren’t the magic, they are only varied opportunities, options. You will bring life to them all. The full force of the support of life is yours in any of your choices. They are not available more in one than another.

The best choice, dear one, is the one in front of you. The one most immediate and at hand. And if others appear in similar fashion they are your choice as well. Not necessarily one at a time. All service, all paths have beauty and support and blessing and enrich both the server and the one served. Have no preference. The preference is a distraction and an illusion, comparing one over another in this way. Structured service in what you call forms or types can be an illusion and a distraction as well, for your greatest service today may be to serve the understanding of another solely through concern and caring and counsel or just lightening the burden a little. But lightening it with wisdom and insight and the benefits of your life’s understanding and experience. Not that they see your enlightenment, dear one, but find joy in the burden lifting that they see more clearly now.

Every day is filled with opportunities of service that do not require the hanging of a shingle, so to speak, the declaration of “I am this or that qualified servant…this is my service,” you see, to be noticed. ‘Tis not the way of the master, dear one. It is and can be a glamour. You understand this, we know. For you are well trained and well versed in these areas of understanding. as the phrase goes, what you do with the little things is the measure of your character and your vision and your service. Be not concerned whether the larger things will be added; they will be. Life is mindful of all of its elements and its realities.

This we have spoken of today you already know. It is only offered as a reminder and encouragement. You have known these things for eons of time. The time has come to see yourself in a larger way. Unlimited in perception, capacity, and the ability to deliver that needed in any situation or opportunity of service. Perceive yourself and embrace your larger reality. Leave behind this old pattern and shell of limitation. Your spirit is grand indeed. Leave behind the old patterns. They serve you no longer. Step into now the light and the grace of your beauty. This done with dignity, humility centered in peace, yes, and even pure being. Attainable, dear one, for these realities you already are and have been ere so long.

Your service will not be pigeon-holed into one form or another. It will not work for you. It is not your nature. It is not your memory or your historical pattern. You are universal being and your service is universally adaptable to the moment. Be an example of this for others as the time arrives for them to leave their limiting patterns behind, the ones they have outgrown. Show them there is a larger way with greater freedom and joy.

We gently enfold you and support this reality for you. Service, yes, dear one, but with new and larger understanding for that is the service that is needed in this time of change, this movement into new ways. Leave behind self doubt. Define and identify limited thought and perception and deal with it successfully. Your victory in this way speaks well of the movement of human consciousness on the path that lies just ahead for humanity. Humility does not mean minimizing the reality of who you are and your contribution to life. Humility speaks more of being in harmony with the flow.

We are the Brotherhood of Light, saluting you and honoring your inquiry and your journey. You are loved without ever a pause. Namaste, dear one. Janu and the Brotherhood of Light speaking as one once again.
May 18, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements 


Awakening 13: Changes

JANU:    The awakening of humanity serves life in a significant way. It brings about, or triggers, is a catalyst for changes. Patterns of consciousness, living, and behavior of humanity are soon to run their course. Awakening opens the door of opportunities to many changes. The patterns of existence are in motion. The ones subject to time and space are in play. The ones that are not will be discovered, for awakening opens the human consciousness to the subtler and larger life.

As we have said before, awakening is a diverse reality determined by many nuances in the human psyche and motivations. Embracing change is a scary adventure for some who hang on to the seeming security of the status quo. That security is an illusion, our brother. Awakening sensitizes the consciousness to the changes that always continue, whether noticed or not. So embracing change, being open to it and more, is another key to awakening.

The ladder of life has many rungs; each rung representing conditions. Letting go of one to embrace the next calls for changes in consciousness, founded in commitment, desire, and faith in the miracles of life. Changing your identity from being human to being something more, much more, is a natural change that brings greater freedom, peace of mind, happiness, and a larger capacity and understanding of love. The more you are aware of who you truly are, the easier it is to love yourself and be in awe.

So what in your life are you ready to allow to change? Values? Relationships with other people, with materiality, with lifestyle, and the world you live on? Philosophies, points of view, perceptions, belief systems? And truth itself, or at least your perception of it? Awakening, our brother, changes everything. Change becomes your new security, your new constant. Even truth is evolving, expanding. Adapting to and embracing change is part of this.

Enjoy the journey. Marvel at the seeming miracles that life has in store. Be at peace with life in motion. Namaste.

Apr. 25, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Your life path is your choice

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        What is the next step in my spiritual development? Will hands-on healing be involved? Will I teach/share via workshops & seminars?

JANU: This one has a heart center that speaks much of the qualities of the higher orders of life. There are strong patterns of nurturing and compassion. This one would do well, then, to seek after this pattern of beingness that moves with her wherever she goes or journeys in interest or involvement.

A good beginning, dear one, for proceeding in your life quest would be to identify more fully with this living and vibrant heart center within your being. There is your strength, your clarity of right perception of choice and involvement. There is revealed the life at the heart of each choice and each engagement. The workshops and seminars you speak of may be on any subject of interest to you, but the life in them or behind them that will teach or lift or open another is the channeling of life through this center we speak of. Many such opportunities for service have layers or levels of opportunity for those attending, you see. What is advertised on the door is not always the deepest level or the most meaningful.

Discover your layers and levels. The outer interests or interfaces with others, society, circumstance, explorations has behind it the layers and levels of your more core reality, you see. These outer involvements are opportunities or vehicles for the sharing and development of your true being, your core nature. When aligned with or identified with this true reality the wisdom, the vision, the insight for best choices for involvements will become clear.

You speak of laying on of hands, hands-on healing, so to speak. Certainly a grand expression for someone so centered in the heart realities or patterns. Again, dear one, a choice not a requirement. There are no requirements but there are more harmonious opportunities for expression of natural gifts or talents. Identify with that that lives within you, that that is you, and from there perceive opportunities for expression. This is a good way to begin any adventure, you see. What gives you the most joy? What expression sparks a light within you and makes you glow and seems endless in its supply and thrust for expression? Everyone has a core dream, dear one. Some are closer to the surface than others. Live in your dream and express in your world that surrounds you. This is the true marriage of the inner and the outer life, each fulfilling the other.

Approach this not with impatience or frustration but with joy and anticipation for the nature of this assimilation or identification is profound peace, enthusiasm for expression and gratitude for being. You become more complete and steadfast in your knowingness and your resolve and your commitment to carry on that the outer experiences no longer confuse you or dissuade you from your knowingness. They are only challenges and opportunities to continue in your knowingness.

It is time, dear one, for you to embrace you and move into who you are and your opportunities for fullest expression. Remembering always these journeys are never alone and you will find support along the way. For all of life embraces the realization or expansion of the light within each aspect or attribute of life. Enjoy your journey. Allow it to be filled with surprise, delight, adventure, discovery and fulfillment. May your journey always bring these qualities into the lives of others as well. We rejoice in the life that lies before you and encourage your victory. Peace be with you, dear one. Namaste.
July 12, 1996                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

Live in the Now” is another longer personal attunement with a similar message.

More Personal Attunements


May we all journey together

JANU: For this evening’s adventure, let us embark upon a path that retains the essential nature of life with purpose. The range of possibilities is beyond number, for wherever there is life, there is opportunity. And what is purposeful depends upon the conditions. Shall we say that the conditions that these journeys are responsive to is when consciousness calls out for understanding bringing reason to the thought process, to the emotions, and the nature of others. For understand this, our brother, the True Natures of people are in proximity of communication and mutual support. This we attune to this evening. And there is an affinity for the awakening of consciousness.

All over your world, there are those who wish for a better life but do not see a path for achieving this. They only see a tradition of ‘not knowing.’ What we support this evening is the path to awakening. The many insights you have gained are the result of this. And it is a process, our brother, of the quickening, the inflow of insights, of understanding, the application, the assimilation, and the grander freedom to explore not only the creations of life but your true identities.

Reaching then into the flow of life, helping people understand and open to who they truly are. What grander empowerment can there be? Vistas unimagined await humanity and the consciousness of their True Natures. May we all journey together and live the Truth of Life. Namaste, our brother.
Mar. 22, 2016 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Career possibilities

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        What is the very next “money making” or career move in my life?

JANU: Career moves, dear one, serve on many levels. The level, of course, is best suited to your particular level of interest for your life and for your range of desired experiences. The money making aspect, as you describe it, is certainly one level, but not the only one possible, should you allow your desires and your vision for your future and your growth to expand somewhat.

Financial reward has its challenges and its lessons. Envision, for a moment, what benefit you gain by this pursuit, this singular focus. Is your goal merely the possession of money or is there a level of happiness anticipated? Is there a level of service through this prosperity envisioned? Is there true sense of well-being achieved through this single desire? Does your love for yourself and others and life become fulfilled or improved, dear one? Does the money service these broader relationships with life? If your eyes and your heart are set on the financial reward primarily, these other opportunities for engagement in life must tag along behind at a distance commensurate with your appreciation of them, you see. No guarantees, then, that this single focus for reward will bring any of this. Many have chosen this path and amassed great amounts of what you describe, with little or no connection to these other rewards for living, and found themselves wanting for something else, discovering a hollow victory for their efforts.

This does not suggest the pursuit for financial prosperity is right or wrong, but it can contain or not those things of lasting worth as you choose. Look past this statement of desire in terms of “then what?” now that you have this money making career. Money making careers are not that difficult to achieve. They require little of you, in terms of character and depth. The richer and deeper rewards we speak of require everything that you are. You are capable of all of these. The patterns and opportunities for success in your request as stated are all around you. Take your pick. The forms of career matter little for the gaining of financial reward, if that is the only goal. This source would never suggest one form over another. It is your right and your opportunity to choose your course and gain the benefits of the wisdom of the path you choose.

An interesting perspective might be one that suggests that all financial or paper money reward can gain is what others are willing to give you for it and do they have all that you desire for this paper money, you see? For if your only desire is money and financial gain, your benefits are limited to its purchasing power. Some envision personal freedom through great wealth. One might well examine what is true freedom and can another truly give that to you. Are you free, then, if your freedom depends on another’s willingness to give you freedom for your money? Do not they, then, possess or control your realization of freedom?

This is an excellent question, dear one, for examination and exploration of possibilities and results of choices. Career as you describe might be examined on more than one level. The level suggested being one of careers as described or understood in the world of business. One might well examine the understanding of career in terms of the worth of your life journey in this world, its opportunities for growth, fulfillment and service, for consciousness raising. What is a career, then, dear one? Where do you set your sights for victory? Worthy considerations for wise investment of time and energy and consciousness. Is your career the world of illusion or transcendent reality or a merging of all realities? The fullest satisfaction and fulfillment is through the embrace of the career, if you will, agreed upon by you in the larger life in anticipation of this sojourn. One might do well then to listen to this understanding or design for living in this lifetime and look for opportunities for it to manifest and express and yield the reward that fulfills you beyond what others may have to offer.

We suggest these possibilities and perspectives, dear one, to inspire you to your wisest decisions and greatest success. The choices always are yours and this source would never suggest one choice over another. Know with a certainty and own this, dear one, that you do have a larger understanding and design for your life and it is available. It is your truest desire. And choices made in harmony with this understanding will bring you lasting reward. The natural frustrations felt when seeking understanding that seems illusive keeps the understanding at a distance. Decide to be in peace and confidence that the answers you seek lie within you and are available. But they reside not in frustration but in the peaceful union of the totality of your being. Love who you are and the opportunities of life, that this understanding be revealed to you.
August 15, 1996                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements


A new group coming in the Fall

JANU: We are pleased to announce that, coming this Fall, there will be an organization that requires persistence in a demarcation to ascend from darkness into the Light. No longer the affairs of humanity left to the wind.

Now, this organization is made up of humans who have come to realize that there are opportunities coming to humanity that will call upon human potential to take a stand. These thresholds on the human journey arrive from time to time and play a role in making choices. Wisdom indicates that humanity has a destiny and peace is the theme. Not defined by the absence of wars and conflict but by cooperation, mutual support, realization of ideals, and benefit of one kind or another for everyone. It is going to take the combined consciousness of a more enlightened humanity to embrace these opportunities that will enrich their lives.

This does not mean the loss of free will to choose, but a greater clarity of the choices. Be alert to movement in this direction. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 23, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Choosing best relationships

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:   Have I met my best mate yet, best for both of us and for our service to the planet? How could ** and I best be connected? Just friends, or a committed husband/wife relationship. I am 23 years older and we are very close but also some conflicts.

JANU: As we examine the relationships issue with you, please seek to resolve within yourself: intimate relationship with another as an integrated component in the structure of your life, how best does this kind of relationship facilitate your hopes and dreams for life fulfillment? And do these dreams include the hopes and dreams of another? This one of whom you speak in this first part of your question has a channel or course or path in his life stream that is active yet turbulent, not mastered yet by him, making it difficult for him to answer the question we posed to you. We would see much discussion between you, in an open and honest way, of life path dreams and commitments and see if each other’s interests the other, you see.

Even when two seemingly share the same direction of life interest or vision, there are differences significant enough to create conflicts where the understanding and commitment to caring for another’s dream or vision is not strong in the relationship, you see. Even without clear vision on both parties’ part, clear understanding and commitment to these dynamics of relationship will carry you through, so to speak. We see no direct conflicts at this time, but the need for good communication. Test these dynamics before commitments are made of a lifelong intimate relationship. Your service to each other and the world will take care of itself when the foundation is laid that can be built upon. For your service and services can adapt according to your foundation, as the needs for service are varied indeed and developing.

Q:   Any enlightenment on my connection with ***, very close friend over the phone (spiritual friend and co-worker)? What can I do to better prepare myself for a long term relationship that is balanced on all levels (and inspiring and creative)?

JANU: Yes, we have this one of whom you speak, ***. What we see here is one who comes to his ownership, to his presence in the flow of life, through self aggrandizement at times. Seeing opportunities for self fulfillment rather than the fulfillment of the opportunity, you see, including the opportunities of others.             What we would suggest here, dear one, is the benefit of the long distance connection. There will be times when you will be sorely pressed to hold your course of focus on enriching life rather than being enriched in this relationship, and in so doing provide opportunity for him to understand this different perspective and its benefit to the rest of life.

As to your preparation for a balanced, creative life and development of your preparation for long term relationship, we would see it in this manner. Cohabitate with yourself in the sense of good communication, support and comfort, clear understanding, and, yes, even love for yourself within your own heart of your true being. Many look for these things through the presence of another in their life. The best relationship, dear one, is when another encourages you to find these things within yourself, and you the same for them. Connect with and understand these strengths in the nature of your being and this prepares you for encouraging this in another who would share your life path, and you theirs.

As this process begins, life will find another so prepared and you will recognize the crossing of your paths because of this preparation, you see. Know that this is so and proceed in that way. You will not have to endlessly analyze the merits of another when this crossing takes place. You will feel the connection with the strengths of the true being by which you have formed your identity, you see. Have faith in the power of life to fulfill.

May 26, 1997                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For other questions from this individual see Feb. 16th posting and Miscellaneous attunement.

More   Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Navigating life: Choices

JANU: We are encouraging at this time the focus upon navigating life, a fundamental and important subject of exploration. The models employed have everything to do with outcomes, achievement. Study your goals in life. What is important? What do you wish to carry with you from one journey to the next? Challenges and opportunities can be two masks of the same thing. Learn from each model you employ.

Using boxing as an analogy, when life throws you a punch, do you accept it? Do you fight back? Or do you choose to let it pass by? Explore the outcomes of these three and what they produce. Humans as a civilization deal with these: wars of conflict, negotiation, diplomacy, and redirection.

Incarnate life is but a portion of the larger life. What does mastering it look like? For some, it is as a moment. For some, it is an eternity of suffering and struggle. For some, a moment of freedom and peace and personal achievement. And for many more, other venues of life are chosen. We of the Brotherhood of Light choose freedom in the midst of challenges and opportunity. Incarnate life is not the only venue for this.

So weigh the merits of every challenge or opportunity. Choose wisdom, sanity, integrity, and insight to guide you. There is no right or wrong in your choice, only outcome. Always free to choose with the strength to do so. Find peace in your choice and journey on. Namaste.

Jan. 14, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross