Thresholds of Life

JANU: This subject is aptly named for that is the nature of experience for the explorer.

As you have already experienced, new understandings are like the wind coming in an open window, full of possibilities, paving the way to newer thresholds of experience, understanding and service. The energy of the wind is the love that Life has for you, embracing you through and through. Every new understanding is a threshold of life permeated with opportunity. Not discarding thresholds already achieved, but building upon them, for all of these are a foundation for moving through life, embracing it, mastering it, in the sense of reproducing it and enriching it. No one needs to convince you of a threshold’s validity, for the experience does this.

Anticipate these, pregnant with expectancy. These are some of the keys for you and they to find each other. Life is not a stagnant reality. It is dynamic, rich, and ongoing, always ready to absorb change, expansion, and deepening. The thrill of life is its evolution. And you are life, as are we. Be thrilled with the growth of another, as we are with yours.

Life is aware of everything at all times, in all places, in all realities. There are no secrets. How could life evolve if there were? It would be fragmented, divided within itself. Be alert to the next threshold. Explore its meaning, its scope, its understanding, and its opportunities. Expect these and engage them. Life is worth living and always has been, and shall always be. Namaste.

Jan. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Knowing life and allowing life to know you

JANU: You’ve been musing about the co-existence of the manifest and the unmanifest. This approach to understanding is more enlightening than the physicality perceptions of one thing being separate from another, a temporary illusion or perception of the nature of life. We spoke earlier of the creation unable to describe its creator, but when the consciousness extended to the creation begins to become more at one with its creator, the understanding comes, and not from the perspective of the creation but of the creator, by which the creation benefits in understanding.

Now, this process isn’t just ‘one moment and you’re through.’ It’s an ongoing process of realization, of oneness, of co-existence, and evolves into far greater understanding and evolution of the being. Imagine connecting with another species on another world in this way. The misperceptions, interpretations, and confusion of physical first encounter gives way to a deeper, fuller, natural connection and matching understanding for both parties, when so attuned. What would take generations eons of time is accomplished in moments.

Even within your own Earth, the animal and sea life offers vast opportunity for understanding, mutual respect, and mutual service. There is so much life on and in the Earth humanity does not understand. Becoming consciously one with any element of life enriches the observer and that observed. Have you considered allowing a creature of the Earth to know you? They are capable of this and it would greatly change your relationship. Many consider animals a resource, with some moments of companionship here and there, where a resource exists in mutual understanding, cooperation, and service that is unknown.

This evolution in human consciousness is not hidden, when achieved. All of life can know this and participate. Opportunities you could not plan become available. Life is rich beyond your dreams, if you but allow it and engage it. Take this journey in understanding and consciousness development. Encourage this in your children. They are more ready than you know. Help them have a lifetime developing this. The future is rich, full of promise and achievement. Namaste.

Jan. 4, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Exploring life: other worlds

JANU: We are bringing to your consciousness more of the breadth of life, stimulating the greater awakening of the consciousness. Let us reach, then, again into the Archives of Life and see what we find.

At first we find many different worlds, many cultures, technologies, philosophies, relationships, societies, and beings, physical, ethereal, and beyond. Some of these exist within the influence of Earth, but most unknown to humanity.

You ask, “What do we have in common with other worlds?” Survival, of course. Love for progeny. Desire for well-being. And, for many, a common appearance. Great differences in the age of civilizations. Great variations in enlightenment.

Many have chosen spiritual understanding beyond what humans would call ‘religion.’ Many have mastered wellness and balance. Many communicate non-verbally and record their history permanently with universal access. There are many consciousnesses that behave as biological computers with infinite storage capacity that is instantaneous, for the storage is not mechanical but bio-dynamic with structure that regenerates as there is more to be stored. The collective consciousness has immediate access to all of it. There are worlds where individual secrets are of the past and no longer restrict understanding and communication. Worlds where the children do not forget who they are.   Worlds that are genderless, free of the confusion that brings. Androgynous worlds. Worlds where people communicate with color. Their thoughts generate these colors and are perceived by others with direct inner vision. Communication is instantaneous, without deception. There are worlds, our brother, just beginning to awaken and the human societies of Earth would seem advanced. Water worlds, where life is still under the sea but intelligent.

The opportunities of exploration can seem unlimited. So much of life to relate to and learn from and be in harmony with. And yes, the angels are emissaries to assist communication and a co-existence. So, let us embrace the larger life, its meaning and purpose. Namaste.

Dec. 3, 2015 B                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The significance of life

JANU: These journeys, our brother, are for the benefit of humanity, and all who will meet them. May we grasp the fundamental significance of life, for without it where is the power to create, to understand the creation and all of its influence and interactions? How can a life not have any significance? Every person matters, whether incarnate or not, whether human or not, no matter the reality. Mattering in different ways, at times, but always mattering. All of life matters, for it is all interactive, all connected, and the purpose of each one is enhanced by the purpose of the rest.

Life differentials teach us many things. When one is in hunger and one is not, it’s an opportunity. When one is sad and one is not, another. When one is destitute and one is not, an opportunity. And through the opportunity, the gaining of wisdom, and character, and understanding. It takes all of humanity to evolve into its future and its potential. Making a better life for one has its merit. Life is that one, but it’s also everything else. They are all connected. Being connected means the existence of one influences another, whether human or animal, marine life or vegetation, or the air you breathe. Depending upon your consciousness, you may seem totally alone in life or more and more connected, learning from each other. In a way, it takes all to engage and understand and observe all of life.

Your service does not begin with birth, or end with death. It just changes. The opportunities vary, the needs vary, and your perspective changes. Life is diverse enough, and becoming more diverse, that the opportunities will always be there. Hear the call of others, of their lives, by listening, feeling the truth around you and in you.

We are part of this life as well, our brother, not immune from any of it, for it is not a disease. It is the Truth. No matter how outrageous the activity, the thoughts and feelings, they are still part of life and are invested in it. The phrase “cutting your losses” does not apply here, for the losses are miniscule compared to the potential and the destiny.

Yes, life is very significant, our brother. This understanding benefits everyone, in one way or another. There are no limits to where this understanding can be taken, and your life is richer for it, and for those you meet. Value who you are, not above others or in competition, but in cooperation and coordination and sharing. Everyone is worth a great deal. Namaste.

Nov. 5, 2015                                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


You are capable of more than you are aware of

JANU:    We are raising the awareness of humanity to a larger view of life and their own being, their own ability. We have talked of future capabilities of humanity, but the present holds miracles as well. Currently, humanity is capable of more than it is using. Individuals can heal themselves of illnesses by utilizing their own power of choice in lifestyle and attitude and emotions and creativity. When you ask an individual if they love themselves, are happy and at peace with who they are, they seem unsure of what that means. This is the lifestyle of a happy being, of healthy body, desiring to remember or discover a new understanding. The capability exists already. Exercising and developing current capabilities begins by being aware of such, of what possibilities exist.

The discoveries we speak of can come from within or the sensitivity to perceiving the abilities of others. Life around you and within is a grand resource. Life is alive, vibrant, and in motion day and night. Ponder from time to time what you are capable of but unaware of, exploring what you already have. Many see attributes in others they are unaware of in themselves. But what do they know of their own? Your potential to explore more of life and realize these things and develop them is already within you. But individuals limit themselves by patterning their lives after the limitations of others, rather than the potentials that exist everywhere.

Why not be the source of the new idea, a deeper understanding, a string of adventures in life? Today does not have to emulate yesterday. Stimulate your imagination by using it, acting upon it, as it guides decision-making and experiences. Visualize your life as a grand adventure, including this very moment. Consider what you would enjoy achieving.

We are not suggesting only one goal at a time, for life is a co-existence of many opportunities that can expand each other and deepen the experience. Remember, there is always synergism in life. Even repeated contributions to a goal can all have a freshness and a newness about them. Imagination, creativity, commitment, and manifestation, and resulting experiences enrich your life. What occurs tomorrow may be different than today but they are connected. Be the creator you are. Your future lives today. Namaste.

Oct. 13, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Do you know who you are and all you can be?

JANU: We are embracing more and more the notion, the understanding, the reality of the True Nature and the purpose and opportunity of the incarnate life. We spoke earlier of the dichotomies of life being embraced as spectrums, a range of life to explore, not just the extremes; that the freedom exists to explore any part of that range by choice. “What then of fate and destiny?” you ask. Your choice is inspired by the influences of the moment and the wisdom gained by previous journeys. So, you see, fate and destiny and choice are a mixture of life, life seldom being one influence or reality at a time but the co-existence of many.

Conscious mind has a tendency to appreciate and appraise life one element at a time. Co-existence is a broader foundation to relate to life’s diversity. These spectrums we speak of are not linear, and each spectrum has a co-existence of many possibilities. The point here is: choices are not governed in a linear way. The options in life are a fluid co-existence of opportunities to embrace life, guided by your desires and interests and motivations to be. There is the perception by many that they are stuck, if you will, frozen in a particular life scenario. This is not true. Once again, awakening is the path to freedom.

Now then, how does one effectively relate to life non-linearly? By seeing life multi-dimensionally, so to speak, no matter what reality you are experiencing. A limited view of time and space limits you, for they are not linear, either, depending upon how you choose to see them. Opening to the understanding of your True Nature and its relationship to the rest of life, expand your consciousness to perceive life in a larger way.

Being in a reality does not mean it’s your identity. Examples are being identified as male, female, human, plumber, carpenter, scientist. These are what you are doing, not who you are. Allow your identity to expand and not limited to any label. This is also part of awakening, our brother. Patterning your identity to agree with those around you and their perceptions of each other confines you.

You’re always free to choose another point in the spectrum of life. From limited to unlimited identity is one such. When one speaks of freedom, what is the range of that meaning, that reality? A spectrum to be explored, you see. The question remains: Do you know who you are and all that you can be?

Oct. 10, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening is a continuous process

JANU: Let us begin by holding in the Light of reason the seeming chaos of life, with its simultaneous complications and diverse elements. Embrace what you may, but hold to the ideal: these many elements are foundations for wisdom gaining and securing a conscious place in life. Why not, then, take life as it is, not finding fault with it but mastering its opportunities? The greater the challenge, reach deeper within. The answers already exist. The power already exists. The support has always been there.

Much of life exists even though unseen. But what eyes do you see with? The eyes that can only see what they recognize? Your powers of observation and understanding exist in a larger way. The whole of your being perceives life, including your own nature. Resting on your laurels can be complacency with what you think you know. Yes, there are times for pauses to assimilate what has been gained, make sense of it and apply it to the life. But moving forward, expanding your consciousness, perceiving more of life continues.

Awakening does not mean the end of challenges and opportunities. If anything, they are more profound, all encompassing. The theme here, you see, is engaging more and more of life, not in a fanatical way but in a loving way. Service to life is a constant, always to be enhanced through awakening. Even the concept of mastering the universe, understanding it, is an unlimited goal and must be tempered with the reality of other universes as well, countless in number. Enrich your life and enrich Life. And enjoy life. Namaste.

Oct. 8, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Challenges are Life’s keys to awakening

JANU:    Why not consider a clear presence of your True Nature in the ability to penetrate the challenges of life in a discrete and forthright manner? So that any challenge that presents itself triggers an inner awareness to understand and absorb the opportunity it presents on the path of awakening, transforming the fear and trepidation of coming challenges into anticipated and enriching experience. Challenges are not a minefield on the path of life. They are patterns of life created, inspired, and attracted by the steps you take, the emotions you feel, the thoughts you process, as you create every day as a result of living. This includes family, our brother. Many challenges, many opportunities to grow through experience.

Rarely will you meet in life another individual that doesn’t challenge you in one way or another. Challenges bring change, which progresses your life and the lives of others. Always in motion. Needless to say, as challenges are presented, you are free to choose your response. Include sensitivity to the needs of others when choosing for, ultimately, you are connected and so are they. Challenges are opportunities to change, to serve, to grow.

Challenges include not just people but perceptions, nature, survival, and the awakening of your being. Conscious integration and your ability to create. It’s all connected, our brother, interactive, co-dependent. And it is the symphony of life, every note of it. Challenges are life’s keys to awakening. Accept them in this light. Namaste.

Sept. 25, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The wisdom of a touch of lightheartedness

JANU:    Tomfoolery is a theme for parts of some people’s lives. We encourage lightheartedness in people’s lives, but there is a difference. We speak of this for the reason that effectiveness in serving others in their challenges is advanced in the spirit of lightheartedness, not in foolishness. Humor lovingly done brings balance to a serious challenge. Of course, humor in these circumstances requires sensitivity, good judgement, and a loving heart.

Even in your private moments, lift your spirit in this way. When seemingly consumed with serious thoughts and feelings, step back and observe your reactions with a lighter touch instead of continuing a heavy-hearted relationship with challenges in life to convince yourself of commitment and seriousness. Whim is the very perception, energy, consciousness you need to proceed. Foolishness is to ignore the opportunity of a challenge, so-called hurdles in life.

Your resources to overcome are not limited to physicality or the choices of others. Observe life around you as it finds a way to continue with changing relationships that come and go. Employ your innate power to choose your life engagements. There is no requirement to make any situation a part of your life. Understand your motives and your needs and your desires as you choose each one. Take your time to make a choice. A light heart brings wisdom. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 10, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The truth within and the world you live in

JANU:    Many consider the inner life as one that is vague with specifics and terminology, but more as their own private thoughts vaguely associated with a nebulous deity to be understood by what the church teaches. This is useful to a degree, but elements of that dialogue within are sponsored by the True Nature.

Now the desire, here, is for humanity to awaken to more and more possibilities of the truth of their being and the Truth of Life, but not in such a way or pace as to interfere with the wisdom to be gained in the day to day, so to speak. So these changes in humanity, the awakening changes, have a natural pace to them. In due course, human consciousness will perceive the true nature of life in every reality and know that they themselves are so much more than they are aware of, blessing their lives and consciousness.

The identity of the human body allows assumptions of limitation. The boundaries of their experience controlled by shape and size, thoughts and feelings. They are shadows of the larger truth of who you are. Yes, many religions have many rituals, symbols, words, chants, mantras, hymns, but none of these secure the truth within and an understanding of the life you are a part of. They speak to these things, attempt to represent them, but you still don’t own them consciously.

Move beyond these things to a deep connection with your True Nature and the nature of life. Leave behind limitation. It is far simpler than all of these things. Direct knowing is more revealing than any ritual or icon. You are capable of this. Everyone is.

Otherwise, the wars continue, the cruelty and brutality, the poverty, the despair and suffering, while some live well, so to speak. Humanity has created its society, its conditions, but has difficulty seeing beyond these things and how to achieve them. Applying the truth of who you are to the truth of the world you live in as a human changes everything. Namaste.

Sept. 3, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross