Living your truth

JANU: We encourage others to gently look within themselves to find the truth to live by, relate with, and encourage by example in others. Is it possible to live a life speaking only the truth as you know it and as you live it? And yes, it is, our brother. Monitoring, when speaking, the integrity of your speech, its intent, and the reality of the one listening. The same is true for your inner thoughts and conversations, remembering that every moment of your life you are creating.

Even with humor, one must monitor its impact. For what is humor that hurts another? Even self-deprecation can be complicated. Lightheartedness can be a service to others and oneself. This does not suggest walking such a tight line in life that one may never offend, even unintentionally.

A harmless but active life is a worthy goal. But life can present you with unforeseen twists and turns and you do the best you can. Forgiving yourself is a good model for forgiving others. Every moment in your life is an opportunity to begin again. And, by all means, begin again. Encourage this in others, for living can be complicated and challenging. Renewing your life keeps life moving, flowing, and changing.

The truth as you know it is the foundation for profound communication. Always open to a new understanding of your truth. Allow your life to unfold. And being part of that brings peace of mind and a richness that will serve you well. Namaste.

Aug. 20, 2015

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to a more conscious connection with life

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us consider, on the path of awakening, the journey of conscious connection with more and more of life. Animal pets, and wild animals, with direct connection that not only reveals their nature to you, but your nature to them. See not so-called intelligence, as interpreted by humans, as a barrier to intimacy. Humanity considers themselves the most intelligent creature on the Earth but do not often demonstrate it.

One need not see the presence of a creature to communicate with it. Learn to sense their presence, their consciousness. Allow the touching of each other according to each one’s capacity. Forget not that the Earth is such a creature, and one can have intimacy in this venue as well. The Earth has countless opportunities to become more aware, with more profound understanding, and the opportunity to serve and uplift life is always there. A plant has a consciousness, as does a tree. Every level of life, every type of life is an opportunity.

It is one thing to observe a creature, or any other life form, and quite another to connect with it. Now, this intimacy is not limited to creatures. Planets and suns have their realities as well. It is all life, our brother. Life is an open book; one only needs select the right page and become one with it.

You ask, ”How long should this process take to be realized?” The time is completely up to you. Your anticipations and perceptions and freedom of response and sensitivity are your choice. There are no secrets and neither are you. The illusion of separation is an illusion by choice, to help you focus on your individuality, your existence, without distraction. But, in time, our brother, that becomes a limitation to a larger life. Life has much to teach and you are part of the curriculum, you see. Be a good student and allow the rest of life to learn about you. You’ll find great peace in this as you partner with life. Namaste.

Aug. 5, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding commitment

JANU: The subject this morning is commitment. Even commitment, our brother, is subject to flexibility, modification, limitations, but it speaks well of character, compassion, vision, and integrity. Now, some commitments are not always the wisest, but are sincere at the time. Therefore, as experience brings clarity to the relationship, at times correction is called for and wisdom dictates this, you see, for even wisdom is changing. However, commitment is a good beginning, and leads to follow through to achieve goals.

Now, the foundation for commitments is varied. They can be selfish in nature, destructive, or loving, uplifting, serving, understanding, and enriching. This is why the declaration of a commitment is not held by others, or by Life, as written in stone. They are an attempt to create, without complete knowledge, with only a belief in outcome, the desire. And yes, a course taken may call for re-commitments as experience is gained. Even the commitment to survive can be overcome by overwhelming circumstance. A commitment is still a wonderful thing and it enriches the life and inspires others. Taking a chance on life takes courage, resolve, and patience. But no matter the outcome, our brother, life continues. New opportunities are presented.

Now, understanding this, a change in the commitment should not be taken as failure with self-recrimination. One may re-commit, with a new understanding. Can you really condemn anyone who commits to improving their life, yet stumbles in the process? Isn’t that what life is all about? Agreeing to incarnate and navigate life does not hold guarantees, but a chance. Engage what you may with the understanding you have and your resources, but the outcomes pale in worth to the willingness to try.

Enrich your satisfaction with this understanding. Be patient with yourself, even as Life is. Namaste.

July 1, 2015                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Crosswinds in the flow of life

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us partake of a nuance of living, that being what might be called crosswinds in the flow of life. Now by ‘crosswind’ we mean the crossing of paths of various flows of life, bringing awareness, communication and orientation. Now make no mistake. The flows of life are countless, a complex reality, and accounts for the confusion for some that occurs on the path of their choice. Recognizing a cross-flow in the presence of your own flow is valuable.

Any cross-flow you recognize has elements or patterns similar to some of your own, otherwise they would not be noticed, our brother. There are similarities all over life, indicating how that network of life maintains its integrities, consistency, and mutual support. Life being understood as one system composed of so many. This addresses the use of the term ‘opportunities’ that occur through life, we have spoken of. When one’s life path touches another, opportunities occur that can benefit both, or even more—mentioning only two is a limited example of the larger reality for the purpose of understanding.

How does one then recognize a crosswind on their journey through life? A beginning for this is noticing that something has occurred in your life, unbeckoned, that you see no reason for and are confused by. Begin with the question: Is there an opportunity here that is beneficial? Is this an encounter with someone else’s path, their feeling, their thought, their understanding? Without surrendering your integrity, allow the consideration and choose to understand it.

Yet another understanding of the complexity of life, which speaks to its richness, diversity, and ongoingness. In this way, you understand that every life is significant. No need to fear this. It is a healthy part of living. Be at peace in the truth of your own integrity and inner values, for your instability is of little service to another and brings confusion to interpretation. There will always be more opportunities. Life does not quit on itself, or cast part of itself away. So enjoy the journey, our brother, recognizing opportunities and playing what some might call the ‘game of life.’ Namaste.

May 21, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


An enhancement of opportunities

JANU: We are assembling the beginnings of a pronounced advancement in the opportunities for the awakening of humanity as determined by its evolution and desire.

You ask what the nature of these opportunities is. They are focused upon introspection with enlightenment, an enhancement of the joy of serving others, the ability to experience healing through the understanding and resolution of behavior and misperceptions. An example of this is the movement of humanity towards a more natural diet, exercise, the requirement of fresh air, and economic stability, bringing peace and a foundation for expressing creativity.

The movement away from, gradually, religious dogma, rituals, and requirements to an inner responsibility in harmony with life and the True Nature. Communication with other worlds for broadening understanding and the challenges and opportunities available. Opportunity of perception that is revealing and clarifies so many other misperceptions. Opportunities to focus attention and desires and abilities for greater and deeper results. Opportunities to communicate with understanding beyond words, leaving ambiguities behind, deception, dishonesty, and manipulation. Allowing each other to find peace with each other and confidence. And opportunities to love themselves, to love life, and to know their True Natures. All of these opportunities are real, our brother, and, as understanding and experience grows, will be more widely accepted and desired.

These are the paths to peace and well-being. It is remarkable, indeed, the longevity of the human body in the presence of these human conditions of ignorance. To experience oneness with the reality of life is liberating, expanding, and a blessing. Namaste.

May 19, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross