How to begin intentional awakening

JANU: Enormous then is the journey ahead, and seemingly so for those to begin their journey. The challenge, recently asked by another, “How do you begin?” A very reasonable request.

You begin by asking yourself “Is there more to life than this?’ and then “Who am I? Is there a purpose?” And then allowing desire and commitment. Understanding the life around you and the life within you go hand in hand. They are one, in the deeper understanding. What would give you joy in your life, if you had the freedom to choose? Which, of course, you do. What is your dream for happiness and fulfillment?

Focus upon this and the understanding will come on how to begin. Life around you will demonstrate opportunity, as will the lives of others, building an inner peace that allows for listening and recognizing the truth within you. Practice this with repetition whenever it occurs to you. The outer life is fulfillment through expression of the truth within you. Make the two one.

The journey is without end, as is Life. It evolves, being ever more challenging and fulfilling. Sharing your lives with each other genuinely, with patience and kindness, builds unity. Many journeys, many beings, one evolving Life, benefiting from each other individually and collectively. The revelations come, new thresholds of being, understanding, and service. Do not forget patience and peace. Namaste.
Mar. 6, 2017                                       Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


There’s always a solution

JANU: We are engaging, if you will, the predominant cause for confusion and dismay in human society. What brings these about triggers procrastination in accepting responsibility for manifesting change and solutions. Every creative flow, instinct, journey requires a core foundation or connection with the core of truth at the heart of anything. When reaching for the wind, continuity of understanding or thought seems nonexistent. A core of understanding that brings peace of mind when searching the unknown is the reality that there is always an answer, a solution, and reason will prevail. What purpose is there in having opportunities, circumstances, and wonderings to resolve without understanding and its connection to core truths? There is always a solution.

Anchor your seeking for answers in this. Much exists whether there is understanding or not, only to be discovered through the persistence of the desire to know. Let not confusion and frustration and depression rule the moment. Attune to the truth at the heart of every concern. Life is vast, our brother, with countless realities and mechanisms of life. Consciousness can connect and reveal solutions. Finding the answers is rooted in the conviction that they are there. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


Build confidence in each other

JANU:    We are beginning this new year celebrating many accomplishments. We encourage humanity to find confidence in these and be the foundation for embracing the next opportunities, of which there will be many. Many lessons to be learned, in society and within. Confidence to engage the present and the future is what we encourage. Confidence comes from within one’s own being, one’s own consciousness that continues to inspire, inform, illumine, and awaken. Encourage each other in this endeavor. Build each other’s confidence and the knowing will come that anything is achievable.

Personally and collectively, humanity has a bright future with many exciting achievements. Be patient with and guide those who are emerging from their darkness. They are your brothers and sisters. The Light is approaching. It has always been there. Namaste.
Jan. 5, 2017 B                                           Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 13 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Realizing potential

JANU: During the beginning of each incarnation, there is an assessment of potential in the environment of opportunity to manifest it. Now, potential is not a single possibility, but can be a broad range of expressions and achievements and services. The question for many is: How do I become aware of this?

As with any true realization, our brother, there is an energetic and illumined response when the attention is placed upon a true possibility. We of the Brotherhood of Light recognize this and encourage it. There are many opportunities, as one walks through their lifetime, to observe that which becomes a catalyst for memory and inner awakening to potential, to desire, to passion for creating and becoming. When your attention is placed upon this, it heightens the sensitivity for discovery.

Now, this does not suggest the comparing of one’s potential to another’s for significance and demonstrative result, ego gratification, if you will. But the gift of potential and its realization brings a deep joy that cannot be measured. And that joy sustains the development of potential that is true.

Humanity mostly includes a wide range of choices in behavior, the conducting of one’s life. And not all these choices bring happiness or peace of mind. They are part of the package, if you will, of growing into the refinement of life through experimentation to discover the results of choices and make changes. The discovery of potential carries some of these qualities. For some it is a long path and for others there is an inner knowing that seems always to have been with them.

All true potentials, our brother, have merit and serve life. Even the choices of experimentation to discover potential serve the evolving consciousness into awakening. Life is filled with opportunities of refinement, the winnowing if you will, of choices into preferred results, bringing clarity and purpose. Encourage each other into self-realization, without condemnation or judgement. In many ways, life is an experiment into evolution, realization, creativity.

Be thoughtful in your choices. Be observant in the results of these. Carefully consider any changes. Learn from each other’s experimentation and continue on. To we who observe over the eons of time, humanity is evolving, awakening, and realizing its potential. As some would say, “Keep the faith” and continue. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2016                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Wisdom in understanding choices

JANU: We are Janu speaking, with attention fixed upon the natural course of human awakening and the recognition of its destiny. Destiny is known by potential, and the potential of humanity far exceeds its current evolution. “But how does one measure this,” you ask, “when not privy to the full range of consciousness of all of humanity?” While this understanding, our brother, exists, not so much by individual humans but the Life they are one with, remember that all is known, ultimately. Awakening is becoming more aware of the reality of knowing, and this we encourage and support, but there is a wisdom to the pace of this and the countless elements of existence as incarnate beings demonstrating your destiny through choices and achievements with each other and their environment.

There is a mixture and a balance in the flow of life that includes what some may call reversals, and achievements, misperceptions, revelation, choices, and engagements being modified and withdrawn and created. This is why one who professes to have the ‘ultimate truth’ at their disposal is deluded, for even that is evolving. Opportunities are not thrust upon you arbitrarily. They are created by the circumstances of existence, the many complexities of life that include choice. The phrase “parameters of existence” speaks to this. Awakening reveals the parameters of your existence and of everything else. Understanding these leads to understanding destiny as a product of potential and choices. Make choices as you perceive any opportunity and examine the results and the opportunities that arise from those choices. Other contributions to this flow of opportunities are your desires, what you value, what you long to experience.

Yes, you are a co-creator, but a creator in a partnership with, in harmony with Life itself, which includes everything. Use your growing wisdom to consider the merits of your choices, your understandings, and your perceptions. Thoughtful consideration instead of impulsive reaction brings you closer to the fulfillment of your desires and your potential. But you stay in motion, our brother, and avoid stagnation. Develop discernment along with inner reflection and then choose. Life holds great promise and reward. Peaceful journeying, our brother, and namaste.
Nov. 3, 2016 B                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The larger life and the human life are merging

JANU: Straightaway, as is said, let us begin by announcing that there will be coming a meeting or council, if you will, to negotiate the release or expansion of human consciousness or, should we say, opportunities for this amidst the seeming mayhem in society of the Earth. This council meets, contributing to these opportunities when there is indication of thresholds about to be met. The opportunities are for everyone, but not everyone is in the same position to take advantage of them. And that is all right. This council’s involvement recognizes and embraces certain patterns of life that exist in and around a world and monitored by those who serve it.

What we see here for humanity in the next thresholds is the appearance of each one’s inner teacher, compelled by the True Nature and the burgeoning desires of individuals and groups. This does not mean that the True Nature of individuals has been dormant in any way, but is intimately involved with the human experience of each life stream. We would have you know at this time that these changes can occur gradually, but are noticeable primarily when looking back a short distance in time, as human society raises its consciousness and cares for each other.

The children in the media recently speaking out for change and mutual respect are part of this movement. They are awakening as well, our brother. Of course, they are more than children. They are spiritual beings, old in ancient wisdom. More and more of these will seem to speak beyond their years. Listen to these.

The larger life and the human experience are merging. Many changes to come. The council is responding to these and their service is a blessing. There are so many that have served humanity for its entire existence, and not just this world, our brother. Miraculous times are in the offing. It is wise to look forward to them in each moment. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 27, 2016 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


What gift are you blessed with?

JANU: We observe this evening the talent show you are watching and the lives of those who participate and those who observe, enjoying in different ways to varying degrees the thrill of achievement and unique gifts. We also observe in society the countless gifts so many achieve by living, working to improve themselves, contribute to society, and form loving families and associations.

In many ways, everyone’s life and accomplishments are on display, observed, valued, recorded, guided, and honored. No one’s life is a secret or insignificant. Even one moment of achievement gives testimony to the beauty of life. Attune to the gifts of others. Observe their achievements and honor them as you may. This inspires each one to discover their gifts and invest in them and share them, enriching life as they do. No contribution is ignored or unknown. A string of pearls of enormous quantity does not render each pearl less significant.

Those you honor in these broadcasts, you are part of, in your way. Even though others do not know of your existence or your contributions, there are those who do. Find peace and joy in your own discoveries of who you are. The awakening process, our brother, is that important. It reveals all of this and much more. Your uniqueness and gift does not measure you compared to another. It adds to the richness of life that is unique.

That you can observe the gift of another and find beauty in it speaks well of who you truly are. This applies also to all parts of life, whether nature or creatures or other worlds. Seeing the beauty and gift in everything transforms you. You become a universal consciousness of cosmic proportion.

You have gifts you are unaware of. Finding even one and giving it opportunity to blossom has rewards you are unaware of. It matters not the gift, our brother, but the beauty and the peace you find in it. Honor each other in this way and humanity will discover its true path, which includes everyone.

So, you see, in large measure, our brother, awakening is not just discovering what is, but being all you can be, embracing life more fully and sharing it. Good day, our brother, and namaste.
Sept. 14, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Profound simplicity

JANU: We are encouraging at this time simplicity in the face of many diverse challenges commanding attention. “What do we mean by ‘simplicity’?” you ask. Simplicity means the essence, the essential nature of any challenge, any circumstance or situation. The question is: ”What is the essential nature of what I’m dealing with?” That’s where the power is, the solutions that are larger than the challenge.

So, what is the core nature of any concern? It is a quickening of opportunity to employ your consciousness, your inner resource to reveal its character, its depth, its commitment, its sustainability. The experience of this is where wisdom comes into the picture, you see. Anticipate this approach of simplicity as being a very powerful one, more powerful than the apparent complexity of challenges. With this understanding, one can perceive each challenge as opportunities to develop the powerful simplicity of your nature.

This is not to say that simplicity is superficial. Quite the opposite. Simplicity is a channel or a doorway, if you will, for vast resources of the nature of Life to outpicture, to involve in the scenarios of life and bring wholeness to any opportunity. As you are applying simplicity to these journeys, they have the opportunity for greater depth, deeper insightfulness, and layers of meaning.

The phrase ‘profoundly simple’ reveals its meaning as reality. The exchange of understanding framed in this way becomes far easier and more complete. In a world or society that seems to thrive on force and so-called power, this understanding seems easy to reject. But these old patterns turn in on themselves. They are not sustainable without great effort. Profound peace is inherently sustainable, for it is in the flow of life. Instead of struggling and fighting for solutions, profound simplicity allows them. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Sept. 12, 2016                                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Allow adventure into your life

JANU: We are pushing on then, so to speak, with our current adventure. And adventure it is, our brother, awakening to the reality of life, and who you are, and what you can be, and all you have been. Appreciate every discovery, every understanding as an adventure full of surprise, wonderment, solution, reasonableness, and the passion to continue.

A valuable question one can ask themselves, “Is living an adventure?” No matter the discovery, what a wonderful way to begin each day, looking forward to the adventure. Even if it is only applying what you’ve already discovered, to reveal new depths to that moment. Sleeping at night, our brother, is one as well. Your interests, your desires, your passions for living influence the adventure, are part of its purpose. Each person you meet can be an adventure, and for them as well.

This brings enthusiasm into the moment and marshals creative energies, activates mental ability, stimulates the mind and emotions, enriches the ego, brings magic into your life. Confusion is replaced with understanding, solution, and new possibilities. This is not a frivolous pursuit, but has real substance and depth, a foundation to embrace life. Part of why many engage in risky pursuits, it is the magic of adventure which energizes everything.

Imagine looking forward, with positive anticipation, to every new day. Every moment of insight, enhancement of faculties, learning how rich you are having nothing to do with money or possessions or so-called powerful friends. The best friend you will ever have is who you truly are. Discovering your nature is the grandest adventure. Awakening within reveals the truth of everything outside of you, so to speak. Allow adventure into your life. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Opportunities through Earth life

JANU: This second phase of the awakening series, titled “Associations and Collaborations,” outlines to a degree that needed not only in understanding but in experience and the transformed consciousness that are in harmony with the larger life that the total you, the complete being, chooses. Make no mistake, our brother. The life and experience of all that you are, guided by the True Nature, is a choice and a wise one that grows and evolves with the experience and understanding that comes with it.

The True Nature that we are is ancient. By comparison, the human journeys are far more recent. Other incarnate experiences led to the human ones by way of the experience of other travelers of more recent association. By way of research based upon desire and interests, it became known that the Earth presents an opportunity for many kinds of service. And many have taken on the mantel of conscious integration of the larger life of each one merging with the Earth life, raising the consciousness of the world and that of the planet as well. By ‘world,’ we mean its population. Now, this service and its result benefits all the creatures of the Earth in many ways. And understand this, our brother, certain species of the Earth have asked for this assistance, in their way, for humanity has the potential to lift the consciousness and serve the evolution of the Earth and all that it includes. Anchored in physical bodies, they are one with the planet and deeply connected.

So, you see, the associations and collaborations of this series are demonstrated through these. Many such opportunities exist in this Earth experience. So, you see, the reality of the larger life and the True Nature are involved and are present. As you commit to and take seriously the awakening, give the same respect to the opportunities it allows.

Physical life and so-called spiritual life are one. Your human reality and so-called identity, and the rest of what and who you are, are one. We are one, our brother, and are on this journey in this way, as are many others. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2016 B                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.