The Middle Way brings balance to life

JANU:    Perception, then, does apply to the power struggles in government. And these exist throughout the world, not to mention other venues of power. Relaxing into daily routines perpetuates normalcy for most, but not those in so-called power. Each day is a challenge to maintain and build that power, not from within but through manipulation of external realities and other people. It is as intoxicating to them as compulsive eating, smoking, and drugs. They become addicted to that power, or that sense of it, because it is relatively easy in terms of relative maturity and the evolution of consciousness. There are situations when life allows these scenarios to run their course, so to speak, for inspirational learning begins when the outer expressions of life collapse on themselves, but not before. The challenges and opportunities, then, are for those who choose a different way—the inner life of true power—to avoid these bullets of power struggles.

Walking the Middle Way on the path of life, not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well, brings balance to life’s many experiences and challenges. This applies no matter the scope of your life involvements, whether parochial or global. And what is the Middle Way? How does one recognize its characteristics?

  • Even-mindedness, emotional sensitivity, has a strength that brings clarity to understanding through experience.
  • The overcoming of extremes yet allowing a range of experiences with a foundation of wisdom and integration.
  • A greater ability to perceive the progression of scenarios of life and their likely outcome.
  • A vision for the realization of potential.
  • A life of patience and tolerance for journeys of others.
  • A love of self, of life, all of it.
  • Being joy-filled and happy without needing a reason to be.
  • Confident in the future, as the present reveals it.
  • Being at peace with a growing understanding of its reality.
  • And much more.

May 22, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Re-gifting a clear and peaceful mind

JANU: Service this evening represents what you call “re-gifting” in your Christmas season, only in our case we re-gift the many gifts of life, and service is one of them.

The service we are re-gifting this evening is the gift of well-being, for there is great need for this in humanity. Now, what well-being are we discussing here this evening and re-gifting? It is that of the clear and peaceful mind, for without this social concerns fuel the confusion. We offer, to those who would receive it, the clarity that comes from peace.

And what is clarity but that which allows a mind unattached to that which confuses or distracts. Clarity brings a mind open to possibilities previously thought to be impossible or unlikely. Peace of mind allows for rejuvenation and this heals the body. And a well body is peaceful and responsive. This gift, this re-gifting, is for all humanity without exception. A clear and peaceful mind is so strange to some that they fear it, for they do not understand that this condition is the resolution of confusion and the path of well-being.

Thank you and namaste.
Jan. 7, 2013 B                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The nature of coexistence

JANU:    We are becoming more merged in consciousness and perception of the Larger Life, which includes the incarnate life. They are one. The incarnate life itself is not separate from the Larger Life. Conscious perception may be, through ignorance, the veil, other situations. But the life of each is one. Coexistence speaks to this. And we all coexist in this Larger Life.

So, let us begin to view everything with these eyes, and let the peace experience feel the awareness, there being more that one is for than they are against. This will grow when on this path of coexistence, understanding, and experience. We of the Brotherhood of Light coexist, even though our interests are varied greatly. Our involvements in life are extensive. The wisdom we achieve through these enrich life, and we are enriched by them.

Appreciate coexistence. Be grateful for its reality. Discover its depth. Embrace it, that it may reveal itself through understanding and experience. Part of the process of awakening, you see.

Incarnate life and the Larger Life are not separate worlds. Only in perception. And there are long standing reasons for this, which have their purpose, but they are not permanent. They are part of a process of evolving. Everything coexists, every reality. Namaste.
May 7, 2019 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


An introduction to the Larger Life

JANU: We are reminding you again of the virtue of awakening to the truth of your True Nature with so many divine qualities that are an inspiration to the incarnate life. Let it be known that each one has, at the source of their being, everything needed to understand, engage, and enrich life, including their own. The fundamental power in relating to the larger You is true peace, peace that is in harmony with fundamental reality of life. Returning to loving who you are beyond the limitations of incarnate identity. Individualism and oneness with the Family of Life coexist in peaceful harmony. One Life with many lives as its nature.

Be not owned by the limitations of social consciousness that is not conscious of the Larger Life. People fear for their existence, for their lives, for their sustenance without realizing they have the innate power to create. Create their circumstance and their experience in harmony with their own larger life. People search for answers. Understanding exists for everything. There are no secrets in the Larger Life.

Desire to awaken more fully. Decide to know. Choose to serve life. Be at peaceful harmony with your existence. Be not afraid to love each other and be kind. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


True peace has always been within you

JANU:  This evening, what we add to the clamor of those who build monuments to peace through force is the faint cry of those who reach out for peace, a simple life, without any idea of how to achieve it.

Why does the peace, the quest for peace, seem so powerless in the face of those who use force to achieve peace? What a contradiction this is. True peace is not realized in this way. It is born of the power of peace itself. And this peace, this power, neutralizes forcefulness. So then, to our brothers crying out for peace, find it within and, no matter what is going on around you, you’ve reached your victory. For in this life and the life beyond, true peace has nothing to do with force, and the calm between wars is not true peace. If it were, the wars would not continue.

What we serve this evening is the inspiration within of this message of peace to be achieved individually, for within your nature, your True Nature, peace will always be found, without fear, without force, but with the power that is in harmony with life itself. In true peace, the body finds health and balance, rejuvenation, and revitalization. Disease is not the product of peace. It is the product of fear and force that produce depletion, imbalance, and the decay of the body.

True peace has always been with you. Follow the wise counsel from within when walking in a world of counsel from without by those who claim wisdom, experience, and their own kind of power. So, find the peace that you reach for, that you’ve always had but have forgotten its source. Namaste.
Jan. 17, 2013 B                                        Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


A journey of peace

JANU: We are orchestrating, if you will, the movement of peace throughout the being that plays like a symphony, bringing harmony on all levels. The ripples of which are scattered to mingle with others in the Larger Life.

The significance of peaceful consciousness is its intimate relationship with that of others, fruitful communication, the sharing of understanding. See your being, your consciousness, as a member of a hierarchy, a family that patterns with each other to bring about the evolution of life, with countless destinies creating beauty. So, you see, peace is, in a larger sense, a powerful relationship with the rest of life, which includes the True Nature that you are.

Return to this often and remain as you may. The Larger Life takes getting used to, from the veiled incarnate existence and its limited perceptions. Namaste.
Jan. 1, 2019 B                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Opening to the truth of your Nature

JANU:     We are encouraging the journey into the larger truth of your own Nature. It is true that patterns of life, of perception, have accumulated, filling a repository of limitation from limited perception, not only within one’s own experience but absorbing the experiences of others as normal. They are common, but not normal.

Opening to the larger truth of your Nature opens the consciousness to more unlimited life patterns of experience, memory, perception. One focus dear to many is their own physical, mental, and emotional health. Spiritual health being the least understood of these, but that is where the Light is, the truth of your Nature, the larger view, freedom from limitation.

So let us continue our journeys in this direction, promoting well-being, clarity of insight, and understanding, service through relationships and co-creativity, and serving the discovery of love for oneself and others. Loving oneself unconditionally, no matter what, is the journey worth taking. A phrase difficult for many is that ‘I love myself without reservation or condition.’

Love is the bond that holds life together. It is the vehicle of understanding, intimacy, nurturing, rejuvenation, and ongoingness. It is expansive, liberating, and freedom. Much need for this in the world at this time. Witness human behavior, from the small to the large. Where is love? A word used by many but to what degree is it owned, not as a symbol through a word, but as a reality in the life? Where is the peace and the freedom from anger? It lives within and is your Nature.

Many feel that what they sense with their five senses is what is real, and everything else is a fuzzy possibility, misrepresented by many for their own purposes. Conscious union is the path to awakening into your awesome Nature, a source of wisdom, compassion, and understanding. Let there be no mistake. This is the Larger Life and always has been. Return to what you’ve known before, and what you’ve known is who you are as well as the rest of Life. Namaste.
Dec. 11, 2018 B                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Peace is the great communicator

JANU:    Intriguing, then, is the element of consciousness that prolongs the inevitable, slowing down, so to speak, progress in the evolution of consciousness. That element is persuasive and traditional but becomes problematic in due course, for the True Nature, the inner quest for awakening, brings insights of possibilities yet realized, inspiring another step forward in the quest to understand and realize potential. It is a form of denial to change, for change brings anticipations of uncertainty in letting go of traditional perspective and realizations of uncommon awareness to be challenged by others.

This is where courage is called for, commitment, patience, tolerance, understanding, and love for all life. Every cherished perspective is subject to change, to evolving, to discovering new synergisms with other realities. Nothing stays the same, except change and growth, and maturity. Everyone faces this, our brother, and everyone finds their own way.

No matter how you grow, how deep your understanding becomes, review what you have in common with others so the connection with these is not broken. What do you have in common with others as you increase your experience, always alert to opportunities to share effectively? Give up, so to speak, on no one as your explorations expand. Learn from each other, as you follow your own truth, destiny, and potential. Find peace in all of these. It is a great communicator, and it keeps the mind and the heart open. Namaste.
Nov. 20, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Expanding perspective to all patterns of life

JANU: Significant, our brother, is the realm of joy. It brings peace to the harmony of life. This harmony generates significant ripple effect through life’s creations, subliminally, clearing away more and more the ripples caused from disturbances in the flow of life. All of life is in motion. Not all motions are in harmony with each other. But they are all part of the momentum of life and momentum strengthens direction.

You ask if there is such a thing as fine-tuning the flow of life? Yes, there is, our brother. All of life is self-regulating. Understanding this regulation is beyond the scope of most, yet we all reach to understand it. Peace in the midst of chaos seems a contradiction. It depends upon the scope of one’s view of life.

Self-regulation of life is committed by all of its creations, for they are imbued with primary purpose, whether conscious of it or not. Let us bring into focus then, with clarity, the reach into the background of persistent life and discover perspective from all points of view. Identifying with only one limits the perspective to that.

The vibratory patterns of life are many. These patterns are all linked to each other through the collective of life. Difficult for the human mind to concentrate on and embrace, the micro and macro of reality simultaneously. But this perspective fosters allowing life to be all of these, choosing their way. Peace and joy, our brother, are part of that perspective. Confusing at best, but still reality. Be at peace, our brother. Namaste.
Oct. 5, 2018                                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The joy and peace of revelation

JANU:    Joy is the hallmark of peace. Peace is the DNA, our brother, of true joy. It is the foundation for emerging into the Larger Life. However you exist, however you serve life, exuberance stirs the pot, so to speak, activates the creative forces that bring about manifestation and new direction. Other venues of life have their differences from Earth life, but similarities as well. Peace leaves one’s consciousness free to explore everything without prejudice, without condemnation, without judgement. So the palate of life opens with all the colors, possibilities. In this way, the blendings of potential create realities beyond the limits of one.

The crossroads we spoke of before are the moments when two destinies, two potentials find mutual benefit, leading to new and wondrous adventures. (ie. the network of life) So you see, emerging in consciousness to the Larger Life reveals diversity, unlimited potential, and the joy of revelation. And the peace grows deeper, our brother. It operates in the background, so to speak, of the expressions of life. Namaste, our brother.
Oct. 11, 2018 B                                                                      Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Lifecontains prior attunements in this series.